P.S., I don't think this changes the tenor of the discussion, but it is news that SC2CON denies involvement in the decision to pull out of NASL and that a statement from the team themselves will be forthcoming. No point in laying blame on anyone! Just hope NASL can figure things out to make a great season 2 and that we'll see more Korean players abroad in the future!
Searched the forum and checked the past 15 pages of the original NASL thread and didn't see this mentioned (although some recent posts read like maybe it has been posted already? So if it has already been brought up you may slap me. :/
[edit: cleaned up translation. made it clear that S2CON is saying that the conference itself was NOT directing the decision to pull out of NASL]
Post on S2CON's website on their perspective of the current NASL dispute/troubles.
The events leading to the recent NASL troubles were not actions taken under the supervision S2CON, but rather were actions taken by the individual teams. We believe the teams are currently preparing a statement to express their thoughts and opinions on the matter.
*We are baffled by NASL constantly referring to S2CON in this matter. The conference has not transmitted nor received any official communication with NASL. (emphasis added )
Addendum 1
reply by NASL.tv (on page2): To clarify: I don't know the exact dynamic that is going on in Korea right now. However, what I do know is that it was (apparently) a collective decision of Korean teams. My first draft had written "SC2 Korean Team Committee." In an effort to not write that every time, I wrote SC2Con upon learning that SC2Con was a committee of the Korean teams.
If, this was just the decision of a few of the teams, then I of course would like to apologize to SC2Con as an organization for mentioning their name.
However, I am particularly puzzled by several things: a) namely that FXO was arguing with SC2Con about sC participating in the NASL, and that the MVP team is currently trying to participate in NASL but being blocked by SC2Con.
So it's hard for me to know what is going on in Korea right now -- but I truly would like to apologize for using SC2Con incorrectly if it is indeed the case that the organization is not responsible!
It appears to have been a (completely understandable) mistake, not a hostile attempt to point fingers at S2CON. So let's not get on that bandwagon, people.. (btw, it appears it is S2CON and not SC2CON -.-;; )
Addendum 2 I fixed the translation a bit to clarify. The post by S2CON does NOT say that they had nothing to do with the decision to withdraw. They just basically say that it didn't not happen under their supervision (i.e., was not an officail S2CON decision, etc.).
It may sound a bit like semantics, but if S2CON has a board separate from the teams themselves or even teams that are a part of S2CON but were not participating in NASL from the beginning, then you can understand why they might want to put a little distance between themselves and this issue.
Of course, it still doesn't answer any questions other than to let us know that the teams that were involved in the withdrawal are indeed preparing a statement.
Original link and Korean text: + Show Spoiler +NASL 관련 협의회 입장입니다.조회 수 476 추천 수 0 2011.08.14 00:44:25 http://s2con.com/xe/8460금번 NASL 관련 분쟁은 스타크래프트 II 협의회 주관하에 진행된 내용이 아닌, 각 게임단 자체적으로 진행된 내용입니다. 이와 관련하여 해당 게임단들이 입장 표명을 준비중인것으로 알고 있습니다. * NASL측에서 왜 계속 협의회를 거론하는지에 대해 의문입니다. 협의회에서는 공식적인 내용을 전달한적도, 전달 받은적도 없습니다.
I think at this point we're all tired and wary of sc2con and their awfully poor attempts in mitigating blames. It's obvious that they are not the proper governing body for korean starcraft 2.
Unfortunately true. Majority of Korean posters have been saying the same on TIG, PlayXP (even the GOMtv forums). Not to mention a member of their advisory board has posted a very long and detailed article ( http://s2con.com/xe/column/8442 ) criticizing the conference.
Makes me wonder, what exactly is the structure and politics of SC2CON and its relationship with the teams, the managers, and most importantly players.
What? I love your work primadog but how is this blame gaming? They're clarifying that this wasn't some sc2con decision and due to mistranslations of the original article this is putting blame on sc2con when this involves only 4 teams. Milkis and antoine posted about it already in the other thread. Also NHY posted this in that thread on page 170.
I'm waiting til I hear the individual teams statement before making any further confusions since thiss whole thing sounds like over sensational posting from both nasl and the original translators and tig forums. Nothing aside from this has been official from sc2con or thr teams and were already jumping to conclusions? Did we learn nothing from the puma and eg scenario?
SC2CON has an hand in about a month's worth of drama at this point. That alone demonstrates that it is not a proper or a professional enough party to represent Korean StarCraft.
Remember that SC2CON has representatives from every single korean team (except Slayer, which is associated in some sort), this is an opportunity for it to represent an united front to address the koreans' grievances properly, rather than saying this got nothing to do with us.
The correct way to handle this situation would have been for SC2CON to take the "blame" for this and take the heat off the players and teams in their organization instead of laying it squarely on their shoulders. At least, that's my perception of what the organization is supposed to be; I'm not clear on what exactly SC2CON's purpose is in the Korean eSports landscape.
so sc2con had no involvement and NASL keps saying they do when it was auctally the teams themselves pulling out?
so NASL is bascially putting blame on a gorup who isn't to blame. Korean sc2 netizens know this but NASL is still putting the blame on sc2con
Kenya1085 Posts
Color me not surprised that the NASL's self-serving statements are more than a little inaccurate.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
So wait, all the teams collectively decided against participating in the 2nd season, but the entity which represents that collective wasn't involved? How does that work? And I though Mr Chae was working as a liason between the two parties?
More drama. So what was it? NASL seems to think they were negotiating with korean teams as a whole and the korean teams seem to think that despite them all making the same demands and dealing collectively they were all working individually. Obviously something got lost in translation or there is more to this story.
Doesn't SC2con consist of the teams?
Honestly I don't see a major difference if it's SC2con or the teams all participating together stating this since they consist of the same major people right?
It's not like KeSPA where KeSPA consists of players not on any teams for the most part.
Wait I'm a little confused about OP.
Is SC2Con saying they were not involved?
Didn't Mr.Chae say they were, when he was acting as mediator?
On August 14 2011 08:57 Telcontar wrote: So wait, all the teams collectively decided against participating in the 2nd season, but the entity which represents that collective wasn't involved? How does that work? And I though Mr Chae was working as a liason between the two parties?
yeah it makes no sense since the entity which represents that collective (SC2CON) is made up of managers/coaches from each of those teams. the translation seems kind of messed up.
On August 14 2011 08:57 Lord_J wrote: Color me not surprised that the NASL's self-serving statements are more than a little inaccurate.
I would hold that judgment until this is clarified, because more than one party singled out SC2Con as being a part of the negotiations.
So basically a group of teams decided to act collectively when negotiating with NASL. The small group of teams, although part of SC2CON, does not represent SC2CON. NASL doesn't understand the difference and makes accusations against SC2CON.
On August 14 2011 08:59 whateverpeeps wrote: Wait I'm a little confused about OP.
Is SC2Con saying they were not involved?
Didn't Mr.Chae say they were, when he was acting as mediator? Well, SC2Con is just saying that the decision to not participate is each team's decision and that SC2Con doesn't have control over that in any way. I was confused by the NASL thread why NASL kept referring to SC2Con when it seemed like it was the individual team's decision not to participate.
It says that each team seems to be preparing their own statement on the matter. We'll see each team's reasons why they're not participating. I don't really think the teams really need to make a statement on the matter... They don't like the way NASL wants to do things and the team and NASL couldn't reach an agreement. The end. Why so much drama?
Edit: SC2Con doesn't understand why NASL keeps referring to SC2Con when there were no official statements passed between NASL and SC2Con.
This is getting pretty convoluted.
So it was that other collective of Korean Starcraft 2 teams? Either SC2Con is inept for making questionable decisions or inept for not having any control on the scene they claim to represent.
Hmmmm very interesting as FXOBoss, who is a part of sc2con, said he had to talk to sc2con to see if he could allow sC to play. Why would a member need to talk to sc2con if they didn't have anything to do with this?
And why was Mr Chae even involved if sc2con isn't? He has a role on sc2con I thought and thats why he was mediating, especially since the teams never responded to NASL.
And the TIG article states sc2con is involved and prohibits Korean teams other than FXOKorea do not participate in NASL.
On August 14 2011 09:02 nitdkim wrote:Show nested quote +On August 14 2011 08:59 whateverpeeps wrote: Wait I'm a little confused about OP.
Is SC2Con saying they were not involved?
Didn't Mr.Chae say they were, when he was acting as mediator? Well, SC2Con is just saying that the decision to not participate is each team's decision and that SC2Con doesn't have control over that in any way. I was confused by the NASL thread why NASL kept referring to SC2Con when it seemed like it was the individual team's decision not to participate.
I want to see NASL's response to this, because both Mr.Chae and NASL said it was SC2Con's decision.
This almost seems like a deflection of blame.
I will also be waiting to see the teams' response, if one ever comes.