On August 27 2012 08:30 Jockmcplop wrote: And after the church acted with such forgiveness in accordance with Jesus' teachings with regards to Pussy Riot.
Violence hate will always trumph love and forgiveness.
A man holds a gun to your head and is about to pull the trigger. You can try to love and forgive him all you want but at the end of the day your going to die.
The Bible talks just as much about disipline as it does love. The Bible never taught alot of tolerance, that's modern religion.
How is love not tolerant?
It's limited to the people you're not supposed to hate (for being gay for instance).
You wont find a single reference in the new testament about hating gays. Gays are hardly even mentioned throughout the bible as a whole, really. Nor are there any modern day churches that teach that. You basically just pulled it out of your ass.
There is no such thing as a love that physically beats you into submission. Christianity inherently calls for tolerance [not acceptance], and fortunately most Christians now act in accordance to their own teachings.
While I agree with your premesis and conclusion the one statement you made was wrong. The bible tlaks in-depth about homosexuality. Here's a few:
The bible says Homosexuality is wrong: Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6 –10, and 1 Timothy 1:8–11
IIRC Cornithians and timothy both actually say something closer to "fornicators" than homosexuals, though modern translations use homosexual in order to make explicit that it is morally impermissible [due to liberal Christianity etc]. Explicitly you only have about two verses against homosexuality, and then a few which are implied. Which isnt too much. Non Christians always have this perspective that the bible rails on and on against homosexuality wherein in reality its mentioned just as any other sin, not given any particularly great focus, thats all I meant.
Sin is sin. Only man puts value on sin. What is a 'worse' sin. The Bible only mention a few sins that stand out.
So yes your right, Non Christians do have alot of incorrect perseptions on the religion.
I think we are saying the same thing
It is ironic that religion even mentions homosexuality as a bad thing seeing as when Christ was around, Rome was rampid with homosexuality... It was completely normal to be bisexual, gay, straight and no one saw an issue with it. It is rather ironic how religion can really turn around progress. (best episode of family guy is the one where they go to the year 2000 if religion never existed and people are on space ships and shit flying around like Star Wars ^^)
Well, for one, I understand that the Jewish community would want to distance themselves from practices embraced by their successive oppressors (even though the law is older than that). Secondly, Roman and Greek cultures may have had some homosexual tendencies, but with two important caveats :
1) It was reserved for men. Similar attitudes with women were dealt with harshly, due to the fact that
2) Both societies were intensely misogynistic, which puts a dent in their image of sexual tolerance.
Thirdly, people need to grow out of the idea that the Middle Ages were some kind of dark age, where religion was rampant and technologic advances grinded to a halt. Monastic schools were centers of learning since the sixth century and were the direct ancestors of universities.
On the topic at hand, I personally condemn actions of retaliation against religious communities for the actions of others. It's essentially vandalism, rendered easier by the fact that the targets often can't fight back.
On August 27 2012 08:30 Jockmcplop wrote: And after the church acted with such forgiveness in accordance with Jesus' teachings with regards to Pussy Riot.
Violence hate will always trumph love and forgiveness.
A man holds a gun to your head and is about to pull the trigger. You can try to love and forgive him all you want but at the end of the day your going to die.
The Bible talks just as much about disipline as it does love. The Bible never taught alot of tolerance, that's modern religion.
How is love not tolerant?
It's limited to the people you're not supposed to hate (for being gay for instance).
You wont find a single reference in the new testament about hating gays. Gays are hardly even mentioned throughout the bible as a whole, really. Nor are there any modern day churches that teach that. You basically just pulled it out of your ass.
There is no such thing as a love that physically beats you into submission. Christianity inherently calls for tolerance [not acceptance], and fortunately most Christians now act in accordance to their own teachings.
While I agree with your premesis and conclusion the one statement you made was wrong. The bible tlaks in-depth about homosexuality. Here's a few:
The bible says Homosexuality is wrong: Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6 –10, and 1 Timothy 1:8–11
IIRC Cornithians and timothy both actually say something closer to "fornicators" than homosexuals, though modern translations use homosexual in order to make explicit that it is morally impermissible [due to liberal Christianity etc]. Explicitly you only have about two verses against homosexuality, and then a few which are implied. Which isnt too much. Non Christians always have this perspective that the bible rails on and on against homosexuality wherein in reality its mentioned just as any other sin, not given any particularly great focus, thats all I meant.
Sin is sin. Only man puts value on sin. What is a 'worse' sin. The Bible only mention a few sins that stand out.
So yes your right, Non Christians do have alot of incorrect perseptions on the religion.
I think we are saying the same thing
It is ironic that religion even mentions homosexuality as a bad thing seeing as when Christ was around, Rome was rampid with homosexuality... It was completely normal to be bisexual, gay, straight and no one saw an issue with it. It is rather ironic how religion can really turn around progress. (best episode of family guy is the one where they go to the year 2000 if religion never existed and people are on space ships and shit flying around like Star Wars ^^)
Well, for one, I understand that the Jewish community would want to distance themselves from practices embraced by their successive oppressors (even though the law is older than that). Secondly, Roman and Greek cultures may have had some homosexual tendencies, but with two important caveats :
1) It was reserved for men. Similar attitudes with women were dealt with harshly, due to the fact that
2) Both societies were intensely misogynistic, which puts a dent in their image of sexual tolerance.
Thirdly, people need to grow out of the idea that the Middle Ages were some kind of dark age, where religion was rampant and technologic advances grinded to a halt. Monastic schools were centers of learning since the sixth century and were the direct ancestors of universities.
One of the most brilliant people on earth disagrees with that statement.
On August 27 2012 08:30 Jockmcplop wrote: And after the church acted with such forgiveness in accordance with Jesus' teachings with regards to Pussy Riot.
Violence hate will always trumph love and forgiveness.
A man holds a gun to your head and is about to pull the trigger. You can try to love and forgive him all you want but at the end of the day your going to die.
The Bible talks just as much about disipline as it does love. The Bible never taught alot of tolerance, that's modern religion.
How is love not tolerant?
It's limited to the people you're not supposed to hate (for being gay for instance).
You wont find a single reference in the new testament about hating gays. Gays are hardly even mentioned throughout the bible as a whole, really. Nor are there any modern day churches that teach that. You basically just pulled it out of your ass.
There is no such thing as a love that physically beats you into submission. Christianity inherently calls for tolerance [not acceptance], and fortunately most Christians now act in accordance to their own teachings.
While I agree with your premesis and conclusion the one statement you made was wrong. The bible tlaks in-depth about homosexuality. Here's a few:
The bible says Homosexuality is wrong: Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6 –10, and 1 Timothy 1:8–11
IIRC Cornithians and timothy both actually say something closer to "fornicators" than homosexuals, though modern translations use homosexual in order to make explicit that it is morally impermissible [due to liberal Christianity etc]. Explicitly you only have about two verses against homosexuality, and then a few which are implied. Which isnt too much. Non Christians always have this perspective that the bible rails on and on against homosexuality wherein in reality its mentioned just as any other sin, not given any particularly great focus, thats all I meant.
Sin is sin. Only man puts value on sin. What is a 'worse' sin. The Bible only mention a few sins that stand out.
So yes your right, Non Christians do have alot of incorrect perseptions on the religion.
I think we are saying the same thing
It is ironic that religion even mentions homosexuality as a bad thing seeing as when Christ was around, Rome was rampid with homosexuality... It was completely normal to be bisexual, gay, straight and no one saw an issue with it. It is rather ironic how religion can really turn around progress. (best episode of family guy is the one where they go to the year 2000 if religion never existed and people are on space ships and shit flying around like Star Wars ^^)
The old law was Pre Rome. Rome was founded between 753 BC and 728 BC. Please get your facts straight before spewing mindless intolerantism.
What you consider progress isn't the same as me I suppose.
The fact your referenceing a trashy TV show whos idea of comedy is people puking and a fat man fighting a guy in a chicken suit speaks volumes to me.
Violence hate will always trumph love and forgiveness.
A man holds a gun to your head and is about to pull the trigger. You can try to love and forgive him all you want but at the end of the day your going to die.
The Bible talks just as much about disipline as it does love. The Bible never taught alot of tolerance, that's modern religion.
How is love not tolerant?
It's limited to the people you're not supposed to hate (for being gay for instance).
You wont find a single reference in the new testament about hating gays. Gays are hardly even mentioned throughout the bible as a whole, really. Nor are there any modern day churches that teach that. You basically just pulled it out of your ass.
There is no such thing as a love that physically beats you into submission. Christianity inherently calls for tolerance [not acceptance], and fortunately most Christians now act in accordance to their own teachings.
While I agree with your premesis and conclusion the one statement you made was wrong. The bible tlaks in-depth about homosexuality. Here's a few:
The bible says Homosexuality is wrong: Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6 –10, and 1 Timothy 1:8–11
IIRC Cornithians and timothy both actually say something closer to "fornicators" than homosexuals, though modern translations use homosexual in order to make explicit that it is morally impermissible [due to liberal Christianity etc]. Explicitly you only have about two verses against homosexuality, and then a few which are implied. Which isnt too much. Non Christians always have this perspective that the bible rails on and on against homosexuality wherein in reality its mentioned just as any other sin, not given any particularly great focus, thats all I meant.
Sin is sin. Only man puts value on sin. What is a 'worse' sin. The Bible only mention a few sins that stand out.
So yes your right, Non Christians do have alot of incorrect perseptions on the religion.
I think we are saying the same thing
It is ironic that religion even mentions homosexuality as a bad thing seeing as when Christ was around, Rome was rampid with homosexuality... It was completely normal to be bisexual, gay, straight and no one saw an issue with it. It is rather ironic how religion can really turn around progress. (best episode of family guy is the one where they go to the year 2000 if religion never existed and people are on space ships and shit flying around like Star Wars ^^)
Well, for one, I understand that the Jewish community would want to distance themselves from practices embraced by their successive oppressors (even though the law is older than that). Secondly, Roman and Greek cultures may have had some homosexual tendencies, but with two important caveats :
1) It was reserved for men. Similar attitudes with women were dealt with harshly, due to the fact that
2) Both societies were intensely misogynistic, which puts a dent in their image of sexual tolerance.
Thirdly, people need to grow out of the idea that the Middle Ages were some kind of dark age, where religion was rampant and technologic advances grinded to a halt. Monastic schools were centers of learning since the sixth century and were the direct ancestors of universities.
One of the most brilliant people on earth disagrees with that statement.
Your criteria of Brilliant may be lacking.... Also there is counter evidence to what he is saying. He is more of a politican pampering to his audience imho.
Religion is a pro science force much more often than it was ever anti science. We only want to remember when the Church was oppressive. We only teach our children the times when the Church was bad. Religion and science go together, we only choose to try and make them contrast.
Violence hate will always trumph love and forgiveness.
A man holds a gun to your head and is about to pull the trigger. You can try to love and forgive him all you want but at the end of the day your going to die.
The Bible talks just as much about disipline as it does love. The Bible never taught alot of tolerance, that's modern religion.
How is love not tolerant?
It's limited to the people you're not supposed to hate (for being gay for instance).
You wont find a single reference in the new testament about hating gays. Gays are hardly even mentioned throughout the bible as a whole, really. Nor are there any modern day churches that teach that. You basically just pulled it out of your ass.
There is no such thing as a love that physically beats you into submission. Christianity inherently calls for tolerance [not acceptance], and fortunately most Christians now act in accordance to their own teachings.
While I agree with your premesis and conclusion the one statement you made was wrong. The bible tlaks in-depth about homosexuality. Here's a few:
The bible says Homosexuality is wrong: Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6 –10, and 1 Timothy 1:8–11
IIRC Cornithians and timothy both actually say something closer to "fornicators" than homosexuals, though modern translations use homosexual in order to make explicit that it is morally impermissible [due to liberal Christianity etc]. Explicitly you only have about two verses against homosexuality, and then a few which are implied. Which isnt too much. Non Christians always have this perspective that the bible rails on and on against homosexuality wherein in reality its mentioned just as any other sin, not given any particularly great focus, thats all I meant.
Sin is sin. Only man puts value on sin. What is a 'worse' sin. The Bible only mention a few sins that stand out.
So yes your right, Non Christians do have alot of incorrect perseptions on the religion.
I think we are saying the same thing
It is ironic that religion even mentions homosexuality as a bad thing seeing as when Christ was around, Rome was rampid with homosexuality... It was completely normal to be bisexual, gay, straight and no one saw an issue with it. It is rather ironic how religion can really turn around progress. (best episode of family guy is the one where they go to the year 2000 if religion never existed and people are on space ships and shit flying around like Star Wars ^^)
Well, for one, I understand that the Jewish community would want to distance themselves from practices embraced by their successive oppressors (even though the law is older than that). Secondly, Roman and Greek cultures may have had some homosexual tendencies, but with two important caveats :
1) It was reserved for men. Similar attitudes with women were dealt with harshly, due to the fact that
2) Both societies were intensely misogynistic, which puts a dent in their image of sexual tolerance.
Thirdly, people need to grow out of the idea that the Middle Ages were some kind of dark age, where religion was rampant and technologic advances grinded to a halt. Monastic schools were centers of learning since the sixth century and were the direct ancestors of universities.