[WCS KR] Ro4 Preview / Code A&S Recap - Page 5
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United States328 Posts
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80 Posts
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Germany7967 Posts
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On May 23 2013 06:39 Fionn wrote: If Symbol wins, we riot. And by riot, I mean post angrily on a message board that ZvZ is stupid and that we're not going to watch it, but watch it anyways because we have nothing better to do. oh by riot I thought you meant play LoL... | ||
Bulgaria22 Posts
On May 23 2013 13:36 BoxingKangaroo wrote: Symbol craziest winning scenario: Cheeses 4 games straight, wins in 15 minutes or less each game, Artosis flips the casters desk in disgust. This made me LOL so much I think I just woke up several dead men.. :D Symbol must die! (ingame) go go Terran! | ||
United States7722 Posts
It's the first thing you think of when you see Fionn nowadays. | ||
Germany488 Posts
On May 23 2013 06:39 Fionn wrote: If Symbol wins, we riot. And by riot, I mean post angrily on a message board that ZvZ is stupid and that we're not going to watch it, but watch it anyways because we have nothing better to do. Damn, this sums it up. :D No, I really hope INnoVation wins. A man with that multitasking has to win! | ||
Australia54784 Posts
good spot | ||
United States740 Posts
Denmark3804 Posts
He must disrupt the plan, strike when Innovation’s guard is down, get ahead in the mental game. If not, then he will have to take a page out of Parting’s back. Should be book. | ||
Vietnam789 Posts
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France276 Posts
Can't believe you guys haven't understood the true ampleur of his TvZ madness yet. | ||
Germany31 Posts
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Pakistan77 Posts
...and though Mvp was the last and most valiant defender of the Terran Kingdom, his era was coming to an end. Though already long past broken, he kept his vigil for one year longer than anyone thought possible, but the foul Zerg youth named Life finally cut him down and ended the glorious Terran Kingdom. The Terran was vanquished, Zerg had triumphed. The Zerg era had begun. But from the ashes of defeat would rise a new champion. Reborn under the waters of Yongsan and anointed upun the Korean ladder, Innovation would rise to retake the GSL.” - MajOr 3:16 LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! I never thought anybody's TvZ could be better than LIFE's ZvT. A man of Mvp's experience saw a little window trying blue flame hellions and even that was in vain eventually... Last game Innovation built proxy rax that got scouted by Roro before the first marine came out, and still was able to put pressure. He went for hellbat drops against a roach bane all in which is one of the best counters known to man vs hellbat drops... And after losing 80% of his workers still made it work... Who the hell is this guy?? and how is he soooo fuckin good ![]() | ||
United States131 Posts
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Austria11528 Posts
On May 23 2013 12:42 slowbacontron wrote: I still don't understand this HPM measurement. How can the numbers be so high? Say you take HPM to mean hellbats per minute. Then a reasonable value would be maybe 1, for 15 hellbats made over 15 minutes. If you use it to mean Hellbats per Mineral, it gets even more confusing. Given that a player mines tens of thousands of minerals in a game and makes less than a hundred hellbats, I don't get how HPM values aren't like .0001 or something. are you by any chance Romanian? | ||
Big J
Austria16289 Posts
Then TL would implode ![]() | ||
Australia54784 Posts
On May 23 2013 15:55 chisuri wrote: Symbol was so lucky that he had to face only 1 KESPA player on his way to this match. Both of his 2 groups in the group stage had only one KESPA player each. Symbol had to play (and won, I will grant him that) against Soo only once. He should have been eliminated out of this tournament right in the first group stage if that group had had 2 KESPA players. Oh well unforunately for him there are so much ESF players left in the tournament to face him until now. The Ro4 has 3 KESPA so he inevitably has to play one. And his road will end here. Next season the GSL will have more than around 70% KESPA (so far). He will, hopefully, be put into his place along side with his lucky (not anymore) ESF friends. If the groups don't put too much KESPA players together I predict a full KESPA Ro16 (2nd group stage) next season. At least this time ESF will have 2 candidates out of 6 going to WCS, so lucky for them. I am still bitter that Roro had to play Parting. At least they should have done the double-elimination group style to decide the 5-6th placement. In that case, there would be 5 KESPA in top 6 without a doubt. someone's a bit sore | ||
United States7722 Posts
I just get disoriented when people bring up HPM and then say values like 300 or 600, the joke doesn't work if it makes no sense. | ||
United States477 Posts
Yes, Terran players are stubborn, that's why they're the FotM race. Zergs are the stubborn ones. The game doesn't go their way, QQ until the game breaks in their favor. Still not winning 100% of their matches outside of ZvZ, QQ some more about non-existent OPs. You go into a BoX with a plan of what you're going to do. It's unlikely that you'll deviate greatly from that because that ruins your chances of winning just the same as doing a build order you and your opponent thoroughly know, if not more. On May 23 2013 06:43 Sogetsu wrote: This GSL must be won by Innovation, I simply can't see anything different. The worst would be if he loses and then the "best Terran player in the world" tittle won't be backed like a lot of users say (comparing it to MVP) For the current best Terran player in the world, it's no real doubt it's either INnoVation or Flash. Flash died to INnoVation and INnoVation is making "top Zergs" look like a joke. Advantage: INnoVation (for now). You don't really need a title to prove it if no other Terran wins a title. Being the best Terran/Zerg/Protoss player in the world doesn't guarantee titles if the race is underpowered or the players of that race constantly go up against their worst matchups early and frequently everytime (which was *vZ for everyone back in WoL). On May 23 2013 06:47 Zenbrez wrote: Last GSL Symbol beat Innovation 3-2, actually. Still hoping for 4-0, I don't want this to be close. Save me the stress and disappointment! Last GSL was also played on WoL. If Symbol barely beat INnoVation on WoL when the game was BLATANTLY imbalanced, imagine how thoroughly Symbol will get stomped in a relatively balanced game like HotS. And while the game it still young (before the Zergs 100% figure out the timings and most efficient defense for everything), the matchup is slightly Terran favored. NOW is the time for Terrans to take back the game and start winning TvZs. 3-4 months from now it'll either be the return of the Zerg Empire or the creation of a Protoss Kingdom. The time of Terrans is not long (at least in pro level play). The Terrans are but rebels in this war, fighting for the last, limited hours of life they have left. If INnoVation doesn't get revenge and doesn't stomp Symbol 4-0, the game is clearly imbalanced (speaking as your average Zerg player would). In reality, if INnoVation doesn't actually win 4-0, then Symbol did a really good job preparing for the match. All ins or not, all of them have a fairly reasonable response from the Terran if they scout it (pray for lucky scans) and depending on the timing. Zerg rushes have sort of devolved into those stupid timings that Terran used to do back in the day. Though I would say the comparison of situations favors the Zerg since scouting with well-position Overlords is more effective and consistent than praying for a good scan. | ||
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