But destiny is an awesome player, but you need to have a professional attitude. Telling someone to fuck off, or not ggin' makes you the bad boy in starcraft. But calling people faggots and the like isn't really something a team can stand behind. We may think it or say it, but it becomes a different beast when sponsors are involved.
I don't think the starcraft world is ready for a Liquid`Destiny.
On August 22 2011 22:25 Circos wrote: Why the hell would he not deserve to be on a top team? He puts just as much work in as any other pro, and I'm not one for fan-boy-ism but this seems ridiculous to deny that he has potential.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Who swears in his stream and has an abusive personality.
Doesn't matter if you are amazing. No company will pay you money to represent them to then listen to you say racist terms on his stream.
Personally, i think he is skilled but will fall off soon.
I cant believe you PMed EGAlex then post his response publicly and then build your entire argument around what he said. Extremely insulting towards EGAlex.
If destiny deserves to be on a professional SC2 team he'd already be on one. If he cant fulfill certain critierias that a team would set up then he doesn't deserve it.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Sponsors always love to be associated with people that spout racist slurs.
It is a shame that Destiny will not ever get on a respectable team because of his attitude. Watching him rise to such stardom, skill, and popularity, only to be held back by his attitude and choice of vocabulary is quite disappointing. Some say that his racy attitude was the reason he became so popular, which is most likely true but a lot of people like him for his interesting styles. I wish him the best, he could really use the practice a team set-up would give him, and he could start to see some really good results. Without good MLG postings, he is going to fade into the background. :/
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Sponsors always love to be associated with people that spout racist slurs.
Sadly this, until he starts winning stuff no high end team would even consider him as a player. Does not matter if he does not want to be on a big team, he cant get on one to begin with.
On August 22 2011 22:31 Detri wrote: I think the point of this thread is lost.
But destiny is an awesome player, but you need to have a professional attitude. Telling someone to fuck off, or not ggin' makes you the bad boy in starcraft. But calling people faggots and the like isn't really something a team can stand behind. We may think it or say it, but it becomes a different beast when sponsors are involved.
I don't think the starcraft world is ready for a Liquid`Destiny.
If you think these are his behaviors than you haven't watched his stream and you're getting 3rd hand misinformation. Destiny is no more BM than the average progamer.
I was generous and rated Destiny at a 5(compared to top foreigners such as White-Ra, Idra, HuK, Select, etc). Destiny's problem is he is a one trick pony, zergling infestor basically every game. If he ever intends on becoming a serious contender in tournaments he is going to have to practice other styles of play. I can't think of a "pro"(such as a successful Korean) that uses the same build game after game. On the other hand, I think it is amazing that he can make a living off of streaming.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Sponsors always love to be associated with people that spout racist slurs.
Sadly this, until he starts winning stuff no high end team would even consider him as a player. Does not matter if he does not want to be on a big team, he cant get on one to begin with.
He was on one and left Complexity. I'm done reading this thread. Just keep your eyes open for blatantly wrong shit TLers.....
I've always been very critical about Destiny, despite being a regular viewer. I feel that's he's a valuable asset to Starcraft 2. He provides a service to us Starcraft fanboys, entertainment. His stream is among the most entertaining due to his quirkiness and his crude humour, which some may view as uncouth. Regardless, the viewers keep on growing, proving that he is a force to be reckoned with with regards to streamers.
Destiny is a man with a passion for Starcraft 2 who provides a service to the community and because of that he has my support. Kind of like Idra, while his 'childish' antics may gain him much hate throughout the community, his personality has gained him a huge following and in turn, helped spur on the growth of esports. I for one started watching competitive Starcraft 2 because of Idra ( I don't play at all), although I disagree with much of his balance arguments.
I feel that a lot of people in Team Liquid are too judgmental and harsh towards our streamers/pro-gamers some times. As much as Esports is a spectator sport, I get the feeling that many members think that pro-gamers owe something to them; People gave Sheth so much shit for switching teams, I saw so many "If you can't handle Korea you'll always be a failure." comments, there were even personal attacks (ranging from his weight to his character) towards Sheth for leaving (getting released) from his team. It's his choice and his own, and we should respect it.
Moreover, this thread is very unfair to Destiny; I don't think it's fair to make a thread just to throw a community member into the spotlight and judge him unprovoked (in my opinion this is always wrong), and the blatant disrespect that I see in this thread is just shocking and disappointing to me.
Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Sponsors always love to be associated with people that spout racist slurs.
Sadly this, until he starts winning stuff no high end team would even consider him as a player. Does not matter if he does not want to be on a big team, he cant get on one to begin with.
He was on one and left Complexity. I'm done reading this thread. Just keep your eyes open for blatantly wrong shit TLers.....
I was under the impression he got released. Was that whole contract issue and him not apparently reading it properly or something.
Big fan of Steven here. But if any of you watched him streaming yesterday, he openly stated how retarded he thinks this thread is. I couldn't agree more. You should not be publicly using EGAlex's name, and quoting him, in a PRIVATE message. That's just idiotic.
Second, until he does anything on LAN, he is a nobody. I fucking love the guy, he's one of my favorite Zerg, but his wins against Bomber and Ace are not even remotely close enough to consider him a progamer. He is a pro-streamer, and that's how he prefers it, as evident with him leaving compLexity.
Third, his hype comes from his fans, meaning that he has high marketability and fame. It may be negative marketability, but marketability is marketability.
This thread is disapproved by Destiny himself, so I am going to go ahead and say that this thread is stupid and pointless. He is a fucking player of Starcraft 2, and a high-revenue generating streamer, with some pretty cool wins against top players. That's it.
Stop trying to feed the poor when they aren't asking for help in the first place. He's a big boy. He can handle himself.
On August 22 2011 22:46 lisward wrote: I've always been very critical about Destiny, despite being a regular viewer. I feel that's he's a valuable asset to Starcraft 2. He provides a service to us Starcraft fanboys, entertainment. His stream is among the most entertaining due to his quirkiness and his crude humour, which some may view as uncouth. Regardless, the viewers keep on growing, proving that he is a force to be reckoned with with regards to streamers.
Destiny is a man with a passion for Starcraft 2 who provides a service to the community and because of that he has my support. Kind of like Idra, while his 'childish' antics may gain him much hate throughout the community, his personality has gained him a huge following and in turn, helped spur on the growth of esports. I for one started watching competitive Starcraft 2 because of Idra ( I don't play at all), although I disagree with much of his balance arguments.
I feel that a lot of people in Team Liquid are too judgmental and harsh towards our streamers/pro-gamers some times. As much as Esports is a spectator sport, I get the feeling that many members think that pro-gamers owe something to them; People gave Sheth so much shit for switching teams, I saw so many "If you can't handle Korea you'll always be a failure." comments, there were even personal attacks (ranging from his weight to his character) towards Sheth for leaving (getting released) from his team. It's his choice and his own, and we should respect it.
Moreover, this thread is very unfair to Destiny; I don't think it's fair to make a thread just to throw a community member into the spotlight and judge him unprovoked (in my opinion this is always wrong), and the blatant disrespect that I see in this thread is just shocking and disappointing to me.
Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
As much as i agree with this the unfortunate fact is that Destiny is someone who i can see making opinions in a thread such as this one. It is not disrespectful to state your opinion of the guy.
I'm not sure where people get off saying that he lives and dies with infestors. He was rolling the micro-intensive muta-ling for quite awhile well before that patch for the infestors, to the point where he was getting meta-gamed.
If anything, that might be one of Destiny's strongest attributes; his ability to completely engulf his experience of a build or play style and stick with it no matter what. It can be extremely beneficial to discover all the nuances of such a thing.
In my opinion, his next step is to add one or two more builds/styles, and consistently switch between them. This will do well for any future tournaments.
On August 22 2011 22:25 Circos wrote: Why the hell would he not deserve to be on a top team? He puts just as much work in as any other pro, and I'm not one for fan-boy-ism but this seems ridiculous to deny that he has potential.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Who swears in his stream and has an abusive personality.
Doesn't matter if you are amazing. No company will pay you money to represent them to then listen to you say racist terms on his stream.
Personally, i think he is skilled but will fall off soon.
Oh really? And I'm sure no company would ever support or endorse a player who tells his opponent to "fuck off" on a live casted game at a major LAN tournament, would they? Hmm?
On August 22 2011 22:31 Detri wrote: I think the point of this thread is lost.
But destiny is an awesome player, but you need to have a professional attitude. Telling someone to fuck off, or not ggin' makes you the bad boy in starcraft. But calling people faggots and the like isn't really something a team can stand behind. We may think it or say it, but it becomes a different beast when sponsors are involved.
I don't think the starcraft world is ready for a Liquid`Destiny.
If you think these are his behaviors than you haven't watched his stream and you're getting 3rd hand misinformation. Destiny is no more BM than the average progamer.
dude.. I don't even want to post this but people need to get real....
On August 22 2011 22:25 Circos wrote: Why the hell would he not deserve to be on a top team? He puts just as much work in as any other pro, and I'm not one for fan-boy-ism but this seems ridiculous to deny that he has potential.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Who swears in his stream and has an abusive personality.
Doesn't matter if you are amazing. No company will pay you money to represent them to then listen to you say racist terms on his stream.
Personally, i think he is skilled but will fall off soon.
Oh really? And I'm sure no company would ever support or endorse a player who tells his opponent to "fuck off" on a live casted game at a major LAN tournament, would they? Hmm?
They would if said player won stuff and placed good.
Well I think he's definitely very good, and he seems to have the will and the potential to get better. I think if he had to be on any of those teams, it would have to be Reign or Mouz. They're the only two teams with players that are similarly skilled.
This is just going to be an endless shit fest in the comments with fanboys vs people who don't care, but jump into the discussion for the fuck of it.
I think the korean dominance will be so massive that serious teams will do whatever they can to get a hold of a Korean and put a hold on recruiting foreigners. I also highly doubt Destiny will show any good results in bigger tournaments but I guess we'll find out.