I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Sponsors always love to be associated with people that spout racist slurs.
Sadly this, until he starts winning stuff no high end team would even consider him as a player. Does not matter if he does not want to be on a big team, he cant get on one to begin with.
This is pretty ridiculous, there are dozens of "no name" people on pro teams that haven't won anything notable, NASL and IPL were full of them. The problem with Destiny is that he has high expectations and high controversy. On one hand people will be expecting him to perform well on the other they will be waiting for him to perform poorly so they can jump on the opportunity of saying he didn't deserve to be signed. Meanwhile no names will just come and go with few even noticing.
Destiny cannot show up as a no name at a tournament even though his tournament track record deserves that, so he has big shoes to fill while people are anxiously waiting to point out how he sucks.
I can't see Destiny on a regular team due his poor marketability, unless he changes. In most likelihood he will pick up a new sponsor that likes his behavior and continue going independent.
I think that the only reason Destiny is able to get the results and beat the good players that he does is purely due to the fact that infestors are broken, however that being said, I don't think that the results in the GSPA should be counted even if he wasn't just abusing a broken unit comp, both due to the lag, time difference, and lack of reward (destiny was probably trying a lot harder than the koreans)
Since beta I followed destiny's stream now and then. And it was never because he is/was a great person or a great zerg (what i don't want to judge) but because he was always providing the absolut best stream. His quality was always superior to nearly 95% of any other streams. He played music many may like - I really enjoyed the famous ff7 soundtracks back in the days or todays anime ost. His volume / gamesound was always in great balance. Only thing that wasn't great back then was the loud keyboard sound but that was okay. So when there were some average players online or just not the guys who play your race (featured toss anywhere? yes but there are these times you know and zerg/terran may dunno what i am talking about since they have more active streamers ) i would turn in destiny stream. his stream always is the most enjoyable stream when your favorites are not streaming - since beta (back in livestream days).
So I don't care if he plays 1base roach allins like back then all day or if he uses mass infestor against everything all day. As long as he is playing and I hear good music, zerg voices all over the place and i am seeing my beloved game in very great qualitiy that's what i like :>
I don't doubt that if there were more guys so interested in getting perfect stream quality like him other streams would get many more viewers or he may even gets less. Orbs stream for example is very great too and ever was since beta.
I thought he didn't even want to be in a professional team based on the complexity incident. Doubt if most sponsors would be happy if their team recruited a bad publicity magnet either.
And his good results versus Koreans are probably a lot due to them having never seen anything like what Destiny does.
If I was running a North American tourney, then Destiny is one of the lower bracket type of players that I would be willing to stream. He has a loyal fanbase, and I think not realizing that is a mistake.
Anyone who attracts viewers is marketable on some level. It may not be in the traditional sense, but be creative.
For example, let's say I'm running a few streams of a tourney, then I'd be more than willing to show one of Destiny's bigger games on the second stream. Or I'd even be looking to immediately put it out a commentated replay, so you can get views on a highly demanded video before that interest dissipates. Or put together a quick a highlight video of the previous day's non-broadcasted games, featuring some lessor acclaimed, but players of high interest (eg. Destiny, TLO, etc).
Any small up and coming tourney should focus on these players who have a niche, yet loyal following. Forget building a merit based tourney, that's a failed business plan (ie. you don't build your first coffee shop next to Starbucks). Do invitationals, and focus on players of interest, while mixing in a few up and comers, that as a business you believe have a chance of generating future equity to promote.
I like watching Destiny's stream when there are no other high level zerg player. However, I absolutely hate his massive flame/insults/rage. Too often he sounds like a complete dumbass, an absolute cliche of the spoiled 16 years old who thinks he is a king at everything he does. That's a shame, and I think this will hold him back into his projet.
He seems quite professionnal during his coaching sessions, and had an interesting style. A more mature Destiny would be awesome, a Destiny without the crappy badmouth/insults/flame, and more insight about the game like he does sometimes.
On August 22 2011 22:46 lisward wrote: I've always been very critical about Destiny, despite being a regular viewer. I feel that's he's a valuable asset to Starcraft 2. He provides a service to us Starcraft fanboys, entertainment. His stream is among the most entertaining due to his quirkiness and his crude humour, which some may view as uncouth. Regardless, the viewers keep on growing, proving that he is a force to be reckoned with with regards to streamers.
Destiny is a man with a passion for Starcraft 2 who provides a service to the community and because of that he has my support. Kind of like Idra, while his 'childish' antics may gain him much hate throughout the community, his personality has gained him a huge following and in turn, helped spur on the growth of esports. I for one started watching competitive Starcraft 2 because of Idra ( I don't play at all), although I disagree with much of his balance arguments.
I feel that a lot of people in Team Liquid are too judgmental and harsh towards our streamers/pro-gamers some times. As much as Esports is a spectator sport, I get the feeling that many members think that pro-gamers owe something to them; People gave Sheth so much shit for switching teams, I saw so many "If you can't handle Korea you'll always be a failure." comments, there were even personal attacks (ranging from his weight to his character) towards Sheth for leaving (getting released) from his team. It's his choice and his own, and we should respect it.
Moreover, this thread is very unfair to Destiny; I don't think it's fair to make a thread just to throw a community member into the spotlight and judge him unprovoked (in my opinion this is always wrong), and the blatant disrespect that I see in this thread is just shocking and disappointing to me.
Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
Personally I never watched his stream because of his language, although some of his rants about religion or abortion were pretty fun to listen to. He was always good to watch because of his mechanics that always gave him an advantage over most foes, especially during early age of Sc2 when progamer streamers were few and far between. Also he talked a lot during his play.
Then he started doing strange and crazy tactics with mixed results. Then he got into Root and became a much better and solid player. Then he started to play around with infestors (which is in character with his experimentation history) when everyone was doing ling/bling/muta in ZvT and figuring out early harass and allins in ZvP to counter toss lategame deathballs.
He became really good with this and fun to watch (I got really fed up with watching or playing standard zerg play). Then he started streaming from Korea server. This is when his streaming numbers jumped from 2000-3000 to 4000-7000. He is beating people of Korea server regularly. He doesn't get outclassed there. And his style is still more fun then most other Zergs. He has great potential and his time in Root moved him forward a LOT. Another team with good practice partners would make him a really great addition to that team.
On August 22 2011 22:25 Circos wrote: Why the hell would he not deserve to be on a top team? He puts just as much work in as any other pro, and I'm not one for fan-boy-ism but this seems ridiculous to deny that he has potential.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Who swears in his stream and has an abusive personality.
Doesn't matter if you are amazing. No company will pay you money to represent them to then listen to you say racist terms on his stream.
Personally, i think he is skilled but will fall off soon.
Oh really? And I'm sure no company would ever support or endorse a player who tells his opponent to "fuck off" on a live casted game at a major LAN tournament, would they? Hmm?
They would if said player won stuff and placed good.
So you're saying that the only thing that matters with a player is how many tournament placings and wins he has. So then, why should personality even be taken into consideration in the first place?
On August 22 2011 22:25 Circos wrote: Why the hell would he not deserve to be on a top team? He puts just as much work in as any other pro, and I'm not one for fan-boy-ism but this seems ridiculous to deny that he has potential.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Who swears in his stream and has an abusive personality.
Doesn't matter if you are amazing. No company will pay you money to represent them to then listen to you say racist terms on his stream.
Personally, i think he is skilled but will fall off soon.
Oh really? And I'm sure no company would ever support or endorse a player who tells his opponent to "fuck off" on a live casted game at a major LAN tournament, would they? Hmm?
They would if said player won stuff and placed good.
So you're saying that the only thing that matters with a player is how many tournament placings and wins he has. So then, why should personality even be taken into consideration in the first place?
No, im saying preformance plays a huge part, not the only thing that matters obviously.
I think top teams would be stupid not to try and pick him up, if not just for the marketing value he brings, but you're going to have thousands of people waiting on his next big win. The fact is, he's an interesting character, he plays entertaining games and he's far, far more likable than a lot of top players.
Sponsors always love to be associated with people that spout racist slurs.
Sadly this, until he starts winning stuff no high end team would even consider him as a player. Does not matter if he does not want to be on a big team, he cant get on one to begin with.
He was on one and left Complexity. I'm done reading this thread. Just keep your eyes open for blatantly wrong shit TLers.....
I was under the impression he got released. Was that whole contract issue and him not apparently reading it properly or something.
Edit: Yeah he broke his contract and got booted.
Go read what actually happened dude. He signed in order to get the rest of the ROOT guys in before some deadline and regretted it immediately and reached an agreement to be let out of it.
Greetings, To be honest, i am somehow skeptical to this kind of posts regarding Destiny. I say skeptical because this is a great opportunity for the haters to bash him and attempt to flame just based on Destiny's personality making rants about his racial shouts etc.. They are just stupid and ignorant, because if they saw Destiny's stream for a while, they where able to realize what really is his oppinion regarding any matter that they whine about. It makes me sad that people are often driven to a certain type of personality in order to be successful. This is where Destiny stands out, as he represents a unique type of personality, making him genuine. Just to point out, friends of mine that are getting into starcraft 2 are picking zerg because of Destiny. I showed them his stream and they got really addicted to it, both because of his personality and play skill. Considering his current game-play my opinion is that he should keep doing his thing although some versatility could be good, so he can prevent further meta-gaming in tournaments that can hurt him from reaching higher results. The strongest point in his game play is definitely his late game. If he can manage the early stages of a game, he will improve alot, and i am sure he will! Well, going back to the OP, EGIncontrol stated something about exploiting and accusing Destiny to only beat HUK through Infestors, as they are imbalanced broken unit. This is one of the most stupid shit i have ever heard. As someone wise said before, its just clever use of game mechanics. And EGIncontrol doesn't know about it, as his ego is as big as his size.
If you just look at the skill of Destiny and compare it to the lower tier of EG (for example)
HE is better then strifecro HE is better then LZgamer HE is on pair with Machine.
So if you only look at it like that then it is a good pickup by EG. He is also someone who can do well vs anyone in a teamleague. Mainly due to his unique playstyle.
EG is somewhat known as the dark side and by recruiting Destiny that would fade a bit. It would also increase the publicity of EG.
The only thing I can see EG do is to wait out the contracts with the dead-weight in the team (Axlav, Strifecro, LZ) and then not re-sign with the mentioned players.
On August 22 2011 23:25 ArhK wrote: I like watching Destiny's stream when there are no other high level zerg player. However, I absolutely hate his massive flame/insults/rage. Too often he sounds like a complete dumbass, an absolute cliche of the spoiled 16 years old who thinks he is a king at everything he does. That's a shame, and I think this will hold him back into his projet.
He seems quite professionnal during his coaching sessions, and had an interesting style. A more mature Destiny would be awesome, a Destiny without the crappy badmouth/insults/flame, and more insight about the game like he does sometimes.
Alot of those things that you don't like about him (nor do I), is what makes him popular for his subset of fans. I'm not sure he should give those things up, at this point in his career. I'm thinking it's advantageous in a business sense to continue being true to himself. Although he may be thinking vice versa; in that he believes he should be true to himself, and has realized an opportunity to sustain himself has come with that.
On August 22 2011 23:44 LostFaction wrote: Greetings, To be honest, i am somehow skeptical to this kind of posts regarding Destiny. I say skeptical because this is a great opportunity for the haters to bash him and attempt to flame just based on Destiny's personality making rants about his racial shouts etc.. They are just stupid and ignorant, because if they saw Destiny's stream for a while, they where able to realize what really is his oppinion regarding any matter that they whine about. It makes me sad that people are often driven to a certain type of personality in order to be successful. This is where Destiny stands out, as he represents a unique type of personality, making him genuine. Just to point out, friends of mine that are getting into starcraft 2 are picking zerg because of Destiny. I showed them his stream and they got really addicted to it, both because of his personality and play skill. Considering his current game-play my opinion is that he should keep doing his thing although some versatility could be good, so he can prevent further meta-gaming in tournaments that can hurt him from reaching higher results. The strongest point in his game play is definitely his late game. If he can manage the early stages of a game, he will improve alot, and i am sure he will! Well, going back to the OP, EGIncontrol stated something about exploiting and accusing Destiny to only beat HUK through Infestors, as they are imbalanced broken unit. This is one of the most stupid shit i have ever heard. As someone wise said before, its just clever use of game mechanics. And EGIncontrol doesn't know about it, as his ego is as big as his size.
This post is the epitome of the type of fans that Destiny has. Isn't there a business opportunity here for someone to capitalize on?
On August 22 2011 23:44 LostFaction wrote: Greetings, To be honest, i am somehow skeptical to this kind of posts regarding Destiny. I say skeptical because this is a great opportunity for the haters to bash him and attempt to flame just based on Destiny's personality making rants about his racial shouts etc.. They are just stupid and ignorant, because if they saw Destiny's stream for a while, they where able to realize what really is his oppinion regarding any matter that they whine about. It makes me sad that people are often driven to a certain type of personality in order to be successful. This is where Destiny stands out, as he represents a unique type of personality, making him genuine. Just to point out, friends of mine that are getting into starcraft 2 are picking zerg because of Destiny. I showed them his stream and they got really addicted to it, both because of his personality and play skill. Considering his current game-play my opinion is that he should keep doing his thing although some versatility could be good, so he can prevent further meta-gaming in tournaments that can hurt him from reaching higher results. The strongest point in his game play is definitely his late game. If he can manage the early stages of a game, he will improve alot, and i am sure he will! Well, going back to the OP, EGIncontrol stated something about exploiting and accusing Destiny to only beat HUK through Infestors, as they are imbalanced broken unit. This is one of the most stupid shit i have ever heard. As someone wise said before, its just clever use of game mechanics. And EGIncontrol doesn't know about it, as his ego is as big as his size.
This post is the epitome of the type of fans that Destiny has. Isn't there a business opportunity here for someone to capitalize on?
Yes, and that post shows a civil, smart person that brings across good arguments unlike couple of flamers I saw in this topic.