Don't post in this thread to say "gay gamers are like everyone else, why do they have a special thread?" It is something that has been posted numerous times, and this isn't the place for that discussion.
On February 13 2012 18:34 jarrydesque wrote: I haven't plugged my PC in since I got home yesterday - I'm trying to keep it off for as long as possible. While I was house sitting I did not study at all, so I'm rather behind. Though I might have to switch it on sooner than I had hoped because I need to order another book.
So today was supposed to be the big start of study day and I only woke up at 11:30am. I feel so sick out of nowhere. All pukey, headachey and sore body(ey). So I think I'll continue to flop around the house pathetically.
I've got the bedroom laptop, so I'll pop onto gteamliquid every now and then to say hi.
Get well soon, little one. Ate spoiled seafood again, didya?
On February 13 2012 15:52 matjlav wrote: reporting back from page 233 for those curious (god, this thread really grows fast these days): saw the guy again last week. at the end of the night, I couldn't get the guts to make a physical move, so I instead made a verbal move, i.e. telling him upfront that I'm interested but can't figure out what he's looking for. long story short, we ended up kissing and it's looking like I won't be observing singles awareness day this year. (well, at least not in full. I suppose I'm still technically single since it's nothing official yet.) still, huzzah!
I totally missed this post. Isn't kissing awesome?!
Absolutely! Rooting for ya, matjilav. Meet him again quickly and seal the deal on not being "technically single", which it sounds like. Oh and post the obligatory pics of you and him for review here.
On February 13 2012 22:10 Klondikebar wrote: I'd listen to Silver cast.
Haha, thanks. You haven't even heard my voice or anything yet! I could have a horrifying lisp and accent and sound all nasally and you'd still listen to me? That's so sweet. X3
Course, till I figure out how to actually work Xsplit it's not gonna happen anytime soon. X3
On February 13 2012 15:52 matjlav wrote: reporting back from page 233 for those curious (god, this thread really grows fast these days): saw the guy again last week. at the end of the night, I couldn't get the guts to make a physical move, so I instead made a verbal move, i.e. telling him upfront that I'm interested but can't figure out what he's looking for. long story short, we ended up kissing and it's looking like I won't be observing singles awareness day this year. (well, at least not in full. I suppose I'm still technically single since it's nothing official yet.) still, huzzah!
hi all - I have a question. My cousin just came out to my aunt and uncle and they are not supportive at all. I have heard this information from another cousin. So my gay cousin hasn't officially come out to me yet. I wanna reach out to her and let her know that I love and support her and everything. Is this okay to do or should I wait until she tells me herself?
Thanks for any help - just wanna do what will help the most.
On February 14 2012 04:39 pugowar wrote: hi all - I have a question. My cousin just came out to my aunt and uncle and they are not supportive at all. I have heard this information from another cousin. So my gay cousin hasn't officially come out to me yet. I wanna reach out to her and let her know that I love and support her and everything. Is this okay to do or should I wait until she tells me herself?
Thanks for any help - just wanna do what will help the most.
On February 14 2012 04:39 pugowar wrote: hi all - I have a question. My cousin just came out to my aunt and uncle and they are not supportive at all. I have heard this information from another cousin. So my gay cousin hasn't officially come out to me yet. I wanna reach out to her and let her know that I love and support her and everything. Is this okay to do or should I wait until she tells me herself?
Thanks for any help - just wanna do what will help the most.
Crush her with love. She is most likely in a really bad place right now seeing that your aunt and uncle are unsupportive, you don't even have to mention that you heard she came out. The agony of coming out is the worry of lack of acceptance by others, so just tell her next time you see her that you love and support her. I think the sooner the better, you don't and shouldn't need a dramatic event to be able to demonstrate that you love your cousin for what she is.
I think it's a little unfortunate for us to have taken on the convention of "coming out". I think it was someone in IRC who reminded me of the idea of sexual liberation the other day. If that is to be obtained in its truest form, the necessity of coming out should be a non-reality. We'd be living without the assumptions of the old binary sexuality model, reaching a more advanced understanding of human psychology. In short, I hope we can just live it out, without the permission or discretion of others.
Though I do think the exception to this should be made when a person is more reliant/dependent on their family and they are significantly conservative. Some acts(bringing someone home, marrying, kissing, etc...) without warning would be considered more surprising and thus potentially dangerous. At the same time one has to be careful of any hints or nudges towards homosexuality, as the repressed are often incredibly reactionary. It's an art. It reminds me of this video with James Randi:
On February 13 2012 22:34 marvellosity wrote: Nice! Well done for making some sort of move, it didn't have to be directly physical.
Haha, thanks. yeah, it obviously worked out, and what I did was already out-of-character enough for me, haha. It happened mostly because it was late enough that I was essentially drunk with sleepiness. (and because I was armed with the inspiration of the following video)
On February 13 2012 15:52 matjlav wrote: reporting back from page 233 for those curious (god, this thread really grows fast these days): saw the guy again last week. at the end of the night, I couldn't get the guts to make a physical move, so I instead made a verbal move, i.e. telling him upfront that I'm interested but can't figure out what he's looking for. long story short, we ended up kissing and it's looking like I won't be observing singles awareness day this year. (well, at least not in full. I suppose I'm still technically single since it's nothing official yet.) still, huzzah!
I totally missed this post. Isn't kissing awesome?!
haha, yeah, it was pretty nice when with someone I actually like. (I also realized that it was the first time I've kissed without tongue, lawl.)
On February 13 2012 23:41 Proseat wrote: Absolutely! Rooting for ya, matjilav. Meet him again quickly and seal the deal on not being "technically single", which it sounds like. Oh and post the obligatory pics of you and him for review here.
Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't do much of a quick follow-up because I was gone this weekend, but I think I'm seeing him tomorrow (on Valentine's Day no less). so... yeah, we'll see what happens, haha.
Also, no pictures because 1) I don't have any pictures of us together (I think it'd be pretty weird to start taking pictures of us together before we're even official) and 2) I generally don't like posting my own picture on the interwebs, much less someone else's without their permission, haha. I'll just say that he's very good-looking.
On August 27 2010 21:04 Mora wrote: Hi. My name is Mora. I am the local queer Starcraft player, and i write this post with the intentions of allowing other gay Starcraft players to find each other.
At first I was like "no way eww" when I saw that at the sidebar of this site.
Lol but I don't hate gay people. I am a heterosexual man who likes girls. I have to tell you 1 thing for all of you to know and remember. If this is who you are, do whatever you want, don't care about any negativity brought to you by anyone.
People can think whatever they want of you. But you have your own brain and you think of yourself a certain way. Nobody can take that away from you. I live by "Haters can't change me" I'm a rapper I got an attitude nobody can fuck with me. I have a strong mentality and I really want you guys to just chill out and don't be afraid of other people.
Am I grossed out by gay people? If I don't see it I'm fine. I don't care at all lol. People are people. End of story. Fuck haters.
You ask questions like: If i talk, will everyone know that i'm gay? Will my friends still be my friends if they knew? Will my family still love me? Am i less of a man because i like other men? Am i male enough to hang out with heterosexual men?
I want to honestly answer these questions:
If i talk, will everyone know that i'm gay?
Most likely (LOL, misunderstood this question... NO THEY CAN'T TELL IF YOU'RE GAY IF YOU TALK LOLOLOL)
Will my friends still be my friends if they knew? If they are true friends. Yes.
I've had friends who I thought were close friends and they still turned on me. Be yourself. If your friends will switch on you for being gay they have no respect for themselves and others. Just be yourself guys, don't worry. Will my family still love me? They should. I do not personally know your family but you should have an idea of who your parents are. If your parents come from a culture where you might be hurt or beaten for being a homosexual, it might be a better idea to hide it until you are old enough to move out.
However, if you have a loving and understanding family then it should all be okay. Your parents should love you for who you are, not for who they want you to be. The way I see life is there is only 1 way to be, myself. Nobody can change me. I don't even know how to be anyone other than who I am.
Am i less of a man because i like other men? This question is a bit funny in a sense. I can't really answer this to all gay people. It's not going to be true for every gay person. haha.
Depends on your personality!!! If you have a soft attitude or fruity kind of then yes. If you are gay and it makes you feminine then yes as well. If you are feminine, then you are not masculine. Very simple to understand.
Do I have a problem with you? No I do not. Be who you are people! I can't express this enough! I've had so many haters in my life it's toughened me up to the point where I'm seriously not taking anyone's shit anymore. I don't care who you are. And that's the way it is.
Am i male enough to hang out with heterosexual men? One of my friends, she is a girl, brought her bisexual guy friend with her. He knew how to hang out with straight guys. In all seriousness, I asked him about being bi and he was like.. "I found out when I looked at a guy and got a boner" At that point I didn't want to ask him any more questions about it I felt a little sick in my stomach (But that is because I am not gay myself.)
LOL... It's okay though we hung out and had fun your sexual preference is your own thing do what you want it's your own business other people have no say in it.
I want to end this post by saying this:
Be yourself. Love yourself. Don't be afraid of "society rejecting you" or of other people hating. I am not gay and I get hate. We all get hate. People that hate will find any reason to hate. People like me, who think with reason, logic, and compassion, know that we are not better than anybody else.
The only time I would think I'm better then someone else is if he's trying to put me or other people down. Then I know I'm better cause I don't need to do that because I'm happy myself.
Out of all seriousness, I have a heart. And from human to human, straight or gay, please live your life the way you are. Never let others fear you, stand up for yourself and refuse to give in to their horseshit! Have a good day guys.
Most people can't tell sexual orientation from vocals, mate. Certain things are programmed genetically then things like accent and cadence you learn from those around you. I know brothers who were raised in the same house. One has a heavy southern accent because of the friends he made when school started and the other has no trace of a southern accent because of the friends he made when school started.
To be honest, it is hard to tell, for the most part, someone's sexual preference just based on physical attributes. I mean, some times I can touch a person and know right away but 70% of the time, I won't know unless they tell me.
I do like the overall message of your post, though Bacon. If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Wise person said that.
On February 14 2012 10:14 Josketh wrote: Most people can't tell sexual orientation from vocals, mate. Certain things are programmed genetically then things like accent and cadence you learn from those around you. I know brothers who were raised in the same house. One has a heavy southern accent because of the friends he made when school started and the other has no trace of a southern accent because of the friends he made when school started.
To be honest, it is hard to tell, for the most part, someone's sexual preference just based on physical attributes. I mean, some times I can touch a person and know right away but 70% of the time, I won't know unless they tell me.
I do like the overall message of your post, though Bacon. If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? Wise person said that.
I must have completely misunderstood the question "If I talk will they know I'm gay?"
ROFL IS THIS SERIOUS??? I thought that they meant if they talk in this thread looking for gay players. LOL....
dude obviously.. wtf... tell by the voice hahaha talk all u want fuck haters.
I do not understand the gay mannerisms at all...but it seems so freaking contagious
Go watch this video clip: It Gets Better from Google. Look for what all these guys have in common.
GODDAMN they bat their eyes a lot. WTF. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. There's also a lot of head wiggling...yea wiggling...when they talk. Eyebrows shrugs a lot.
LOL sorry, I just notice these mannerism things...they're so excessive and serve no purpose. I can understand if some people do it, because that's just how they are... but when a large majority of a genetically unrelated group does's definitely a learned habit.
GODDAMN they bat their eyes a lot. WTF. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. There's also a lot of head wiggling...yea wiggling...when they talk. Eyebrows shrugs a lot.
LOL sorry, I just notice these mannerism things...they're so excessive and serve no purpose. I can understand if some people do it, because that's just how they are... but when a large majority of a genetically unrelated group does's definitely a learned habit.
If you want my experience... personally, I don't do the stereotypical gay mannerisms too much, but I definitely do them a lot more than most straight guys. I think that for me, it's not so much that I do them because I'm gay, but because I'm less wary than most straight guys of being perceived as feminine, so if I feel like doing a gesture that's seen as feminine, then I just do it because I don't give a fuck. I feel like many straight guys censor their behavior in a lot of ways for fear of compromising their perceived masculinity.
But yeah, for a lot of gay guys it's definitely an (at least partially) intentional behavior to sort of "broadcast" that they're gay, so that you don't have to tell everyone for them to know. Other guys might just act that way naturally. It's hard to say. It's definitely not 100% at all, though.
Yeah I notice a lot of gay people have the mannerisms (slight lisps, gestures, style) but not the flamboyance -- but there's also a lot of straight guys that are like this too, I find.
On February 14 2012 11:41 Josketh wrote: Most people can't tell with me. Nor with another Josh I know. Most people just think I was a puppy in a past life or something. o_o;
Does that mean that they think you're cute or that you pee all over the place? :O