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Whoa, didn't realize I could do it for $500. Thanks much!
-Matlab can use 4 cores if you are good at coding for that, but I'm going pretty light on the Matlab department (if it gets serious I would remote into the office server). Does the i5 3450 offer a significant jump vs the i3 3220, either in SC2, daily tasks, or RTS games in the pipeline?
-Would I regret recycling a 2.5'' laptop hdd (5400 RPM)?
-Are the non gpu/cpu components (mobo / case / psu / hdd etc) being recommended for any particular reason, or just cost-effectiveness? I am taking a licensing exam on Dec.1 and am planning to build this afterward, so I might delay buying till Black Friday - just want to know if I should look for these things specifically or if similar components substitute.
Thanks again!
5930 Posts
1) Very likely, especially if it can harness multiple cores properly. Even if you can't harness all cores, the i5 has turbo boost while the i3 doesn't. 2) As a boot drive it'll be slow but it won't be the end of the world. If money is very tight, there isn't anything wrong with using a laptop HDD. 3) Those parts are being recommended because they're decent enough and cheap. If you aren't able to put the system together now, then wait till Black Friday where you're probably find better hardware for cheaper. Of course provided the hardware isn't sold out.
Okay. Thanks to both of you for your help.
I could buy it all now, but due to schedule issues I probably wont be able to put it together for a few weeks, so I might as well wait till Black Friday.
I think I will go with the i5 3570k - apparently if I buy the 3570k from microcenter ($30 more over i5 3450) and then just buy a B75 mobo (-$40 off) it is a wash cost wise, and I end up with 300 mhz more base clock. I can ponder stepping up to the z77 chipset in between now and then.
One more question - the B75 apparently supports overclocking the "base clock" - what exactly does that translate to in terms of performance gain, and should I get a stock cooler if I did that?
Long story short, for all practical purposes the B75 motherboards cannot overclock (no significant performance gain/somewhat difficult). You need a z75/z77 motherboard for overclocking.
You don't use baseclock to overclock sandy/ivybridge. That's just them being obscure.
Ah kk. Thanks for the info!
Alright so here’s my situation. I’m Finnish but I’m currently in China doing an internship until the end of the year. Right now I’m using a shitty laptop that barely runs SC2. My desktop back in Finland is very old as well.
I might stay in China for another year after the internship in which case I’ll build the PC here and figure out some way to get the whole thing or at least the main parts back to Finland when I return. If I end up not staying I’m probably still gonna look around here and try to find cheap parts to bring back and build the PC back in Finland.
What is your budget? 800-900 EUR give or take. Can go a bit higher if needed especially if I find a good SSD.
What is your resolution? 1920x1080
What are you using it for? Gaming and streaming. I don’t care too much about totally maxing out the latest games, as long as they run nicely on high (not ultra) that’s fine for me.
I want to be able to stream SC2 and possibly LoL at a very high quality (Ultra settings, 1080p 30 fps or 720p 60 fps) without hurting performance even in lategame. For this I have 2 scenarios that I would like advice on.
Scenario 1) If I stay in China, I won’t be streaming during 2013 but I will want to stream when I return to Finland in 2014. In this case would it make more sense/be cheaper to buy a mid-range CPU now for just playing and no streaming and then upgrade to a CPU capable of high quality streaming at the end of 2013? Or should I just go ahead and buy a powerful enough CPU now? I have no idea what kind of new models and price cuts are expected for 2013.
Scenario 2) I return to Finland and buy a high-end CPU for streaming right away.
What is your upgrade cycle? Long. 3+ years.
When do you plan on building it? In the next month or two.
Do you plan on overclocking? If you can recommend a setup for relatively easy and cost efficient overclocking, then yes. But in any case nothing hardcore.
Do you need an Operating System? No.
Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? No.
Where are you buying your parts from? China or Finland. If anyone can recommend a Chinese company/website specialized in computer stuff, that would be totally awesome.
Edit: Mistake in resolution.
I have an intel i7 3820
I know it is a locked cpu and you can only change the multiplier to 43 (it comes set at 36). I know you can do other things like changing the bus speed or something to get it higher but i can i just change the multiplier to 43 as a lazy mans overclock if you know what i mean. Dont want to fiddle with the setting to much.
added a pic
Can someone give me systematic instructions on formatting my current 500gb hdd w/ win7, so I can use that as just extra storage to complement my new ssd with win8? I backed up my old hard drive, but is there more that I should do? Probably a really basic question, but I tend to be paranoid when messing with hard drives in general.
Disk Management, right click desired drive, click Format.
On October 28 2012 21:41 skyR wrote: Disk Management, right click desired drive, click Format.
Thanks. I feel silly, but at least I know for certain now 
thanks for the build ordered the ram gpu dvd psu and case last Sunday they shipped everything but the case so far
Hey looking to build new computer, hoping you guys can give me a build :D What is your budget? Looking to stay under $1000
What is your resolution? My monitor is 1920x1080 but I am getting new one soon probably and I think most are 1920x1080. What are you using it for? Mostly gaming, going for being able to play sc2/hots on ultra and stream 720 or 1080p w/e my bandwidth would allow.
What is your upgrade cycle? Probably won't build another computer for 2 or 3 years depending how fast it gets outdated but I don't care about playing the latest and greatest games.
When do you plan on building it? Before December.
Do you plan on overclocking? Not sure, if overclocking would help then sure.
Do you need an Operating System? Looking to get windows 8.
Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? No, unless it's really worth it?
Where are you buying your parts from? I live in toronto so I can buy from any stores around here, or any online stores like newegg.
Hey guys... just like to post something that I don't think I've seen shown on TL. I've seen a lot of people buying/recommending microcenter if you have one nearby; is anybody aware that NCIX (us) will pricematch Microcenter's CPUs? That way you can get free shipping from NCIX @ Microcenter's prices.
It seems like something obvious to me, so sorry if it's common knowledge, but I don't -believe- that I've seen anybody ever mention it, and I have definitely seen a lot of CPUs recommended off of Newegg. Just thought I'd share 
(For the record, I've price matched a friend's 2500K, and my i3-3220)
NCIX doesn't price match special in-store prices.
Yes they do >.< I've done it.
It's been approved. Just showing it again... I know that they -say- they don't (at least in the terms I think) but I do know that they definitely let me pay microcenter's prices 
For some reason it won't show the whole picture. I think it's because of the resolution/width. Anyways, link:
Picture... Pricematch approved
That's not pricematch approved, that's just your shopping cart.
They've approved in the past when they first launched in the US but that's probably only due to the fact of inadequately trained employees. Chances these days of getting it pricematched is very slim...
Here: I doubt the checkout summary is going to change after I fill out my debit card info 
If I need to pull up the invoice after I buy it (granted without the pentium) and post that I can
I know they shouldn't do it (I think), but it's always worked for me.
Edit: fwiw, if the price match isn't approved, I believe that the blue text in the picture of "your total" is normally red.
Did you just place this order today?
Going through the checkout process does not equate to getting a pricematch approved. You get an email whether the price match was approved or denied before an invoice is generated and your card is charged.
Pricematch approvals aren't done in real time.
On October 29 2012 11:33 skyR wrote: Did you just place this order today?
Going through the checkout process does not equate to getting a pricematch approved. You get an email whether the price match was approved or denied before an invoice is generated and your card is charged.
I haven't placed *this* order but I have had a 2500k approved at Microcenter's prices, and a friend bought another i5 a while ago, but I do admit I don't remember when that was. The 2500K was like... six months ago? Probably just a bit before ivy bridge came out.
I should be placing it in a couple of days if not tonight/tomorrow though. I can get back to y'all whether or not it actually works now. I guess I can't testify to whether it works -now- but I do know that it's worked in 2012. I'll get back on whether this one works.
(Oh, I placed the pricematch last monday, not today).