Think before you post. This should go without saying, there are so many people making absolutely idiotic comments in this thread. If you have nothing constructive to say, please don't say anything.
On August 31 2012 03:30 Merany wrote: In France, you can literally snap your fingers and get into medical school. Hard part is staying there. The first year is insanely hard (did a quick search, seems like about 20% manage to pass it). Next years are easier though but still require a ton of work...
This is insane, that's the same fail rate as navy seals.
doesnt mean anything. if anyone can get in to a course, an 80% fail rate could simply mean its not as 'fun' as it sounds. special forces training only recruit from people who already have shown the desire and ability to do the job.
On August 31 2012 03:30 Merany wrote: In France, you can literally snap your fingers and get into medical school. Hard part is staying there. The first year is insanely hard (did a quick search, seems like about 20% manage to pass it). Next years are easier though but still require a ton of work...
This is insane, that's the same fail rate as navy seals.
Try it in Germany - we probably have a 95%-failrate. We all know (especially Usain Bolt, Kobe Bryant, B.Roy...) that Germany has BY FAR the best Doctors on the Planet.
Wtf is this post? Making up random numbers?
German doctors strong!111
Medical school is difficult in every country imho. and even my IT school only has 40% people passing first year. %of people passing != difficulty.
indeed. remedial classes often have very low pass rates in schools because even though they are easier for the age group concerned, the kind of person who needs a remedial class isnt a hard working or talented individual.
I heard from a French friend that medical school is tough in the first year because it's a viscous cycle of failure. There's about an 80% chance of repeating the 1st year because the students who are repeating the first year shout, steal textbooks and disrupt the class so that the incoming 1st years can't learn. This keeps repeating itself until you finally pass. Unfortunately, only the super motivated people who take extra prep courses can pass in one shot. Quite stupid if you ask me, but hey, that's France for you.
On August 31 2012 12:04 kakaman wrote: I heard from a French friend that medical school is tough in the first year because it's a viscous cycle of failure. There's about an 80% chance of repeating the 1st year because the students who are repeating the first year shout, steal textbooks and disrupt the class so that the incoming 1st years can't learn. This keeps repeating itself until you finally pass. Unfortunately, only the super motivated people who take extra prep courses can pass in one shot. Quite stupid if you ask me, but hey, that's France for you.
That's 100% true. Some even have fake lesson notes to hand you if you ask them because you missed a lecture. The only real 1st year who pass through are the gifted and the REALLY hard working ones ; and they all take extra prep class.
On August 31 2012 15:46 Hadassah wrote: And in french, kakaman means shitman ! funny, huh?
On August 31 2012 12:04 kakaman wrote: I heard from a French friend that medical school is tough in the first year because it's a viscous cycle of failure. There's about an 80% chance of repeating the 1st year because the students who are repeating the first year shout, steal textbooks and disrupt the class so that the incoming 1st years can't learn. This keeps repeating itself until you finally pass. Unfortunately, only the super motivated people who take extra prep courses can pass in one shot. Quite stupid if you ask me, but hey, that's France for you.
Zzzz that's absolutely not true maybe it was 10 years ago but not now. Besides every lesson is filmed and put on internet and you can buy hand out (didn't know the word). Concerning the difficulty when I was in first year we were 1500, 230 were allowed in 2nd year in medicine +30 in dentistry and 40 in physical therapy and midwife. I'm now in 6th year and I often hear people saying "only 1st year is difficult" which is annoying since each year is harder and harder except that you don't have the insane selection of the first one. In the end when you finish the 6th year you have a competitive examination between all the 6th year of France and depending on your rank you can chose your speciality and your city. I wish Stephano good luck for his studies you really need motivation in order to succeed !