I will continue to stay away from Playhem TV
Playhem NA $75 Daily Tournament // Caster: Katu + Bonk
(later in the vod)
They deserve to be criticised badly, so maybe they will improve or change careers.
Ok , Dragon starts his games around 3 hours and 30 minutes
but the real disrespecting and bias casting is done around 4 hours and 1 minute(even implying stream cheating)
No perspective
- Dragon was also streaming at the time with over 3000+ viewers. He was just trying to play the game to his best ability.
PS - Im only able to write this because of the high standards E-sports are in this day and age!
PlayhemTV first response"
Hi everyone,
I'm Ryan, one of the founders of Playhem. I'm sorry if the following is sloppy and disorganized -- It's after 3am and was just woken up to my phone pinging with all of the complaint emails we've received due to this incident. However, I think its imperative that I address this immediately.
First and foremost, I must express my sincerest apologies to Dragon, his fans, and our stream viewers that were subject to the distaste apparent in our broadcast tonight. There are no excuses for such behavior, intentions included. However, being a strong believer in the adage, "actions speak louder than words," I'd like to extend an offer to Dragon, and indirectly to his fans, in an attempt to make amends. If his schedule permits, it would be our pleasure to sponsor Dragon at IPL 4 in Vegas -- player pass, hotel, and flight included. We would love for him to represent Playhem at the event, but understand if his preference is otherwise. The offer stands regardless. I can't read or write Korean, so if someone who does would be kind enough to help me contact and communicate with him, please email me at rdesanto@playhem.com.
Over the past year we have found our home in the Starcraft 2 community, for which we are proud and grateful. Without the daily support our players and fans, we would cease to exist. I will admit, this situation was handled improperly, and my apology probably too late. And so, I understand if you ignore my appeal, but please do not let the actions of an individual be representative of Playhem as a whole. All-in-all there are nearly 30 of us who wake up every morning and work into the hours of night with the singular goal of making Playhem something special. If everyone can take a step back from what transpired tonight, I think our true intentions are clear. We are committed to providing quality entertainment to the e-sports community, players of all skills and spectators alike. We <3 e-sports and all those involved, wanting nothing more than to continue showing our support in any way we can.
That said, I do not know what the fair punishment is, yet. I will ask, if a reformed player previously fallen from grace deserves redemption, should a caster not as well? I suppose Katu holds the answer to this question, but ultimately you, the community, will be the judge.
Unfortunately, my role in Playhem distances me from our day to day operations and an active involvement in the e-sports community. Between leading a team of 20 developers, heading up business development, fundraising, and everything else that comes with running a start-up, I'm left with little time to engage in a passion that was the catalyst for founding this company. What's even more unfortunate, is that an event of this nature is what brings me back. I'm truly sorry that any of this happened."
On February 28 2012 23:20 KatuStarcraft wrote:
This was posted in the reddit thread, though it will likely get buried so I re-post here.
Hello SC2 community,
First and foremost I'd like to apologize once again, and clarify in lieu of some of the comments here, that I did apologize last night not only on stream but I also approached a translator who communicated for me to Dragon my apologies and reasoning.
First I would like to say that trolling is not a professional way to act, though, it can be fun and in person I do it constantly, on air more rarely, but in both cases, I always do it for a laugh and never to tear anyone down.
Last night I had a lapse in judgement, thinking at the time that it would be funny to make comments which were inappropriate. I sincerely apologize for making these comments, and any negative impact it had on Dragon.
At the time, I unfortunately did not realize the kind of outrage I was creating. As I'm casting I glance quickly at the chat to look for any audio or video/overlay problems and then get back to the cast. Through these glances I did not appreciate the impact of my comments and thought it to be the usual minority of people who are either trying to stir things up or trolling right back. Bonk who was co-casting tried to warn me as he had his eye on the chat a lot more than I did, however, I did not understand.
So instead of clarifying immediately I just kept it going, unbeknownst to me, simply fueling the fire I had no intention of starting.
Finally, during a game I saw some comments made by co-casters which made no sense, considering the way I thought this was going and then I took a more than 2 second glance at the chat and started to realize what was happening. I was incredulous at first, truly stunned, I couldn't believe the way this had actually gone and I tried to apologize but it was too late. If you watched the video, you'll notice that I am rather calm about what I'm saying and nonchalant about the comments from chat. I really did not understand how South everything had gone.
I hope this clarifies things a bit, though I likely hope in vain. I do want to state that the things I said were from me, and my own mistakes, and that playhem has the best casters I've ever had the privilege to work with, who shouldn't all be painted with this brush.
To all those of you who tried to explain and continued to support I sincerely thank you for your efforts though I was in the wrong for ever even trying to make such jokes.
This was posted in the reddit thread, though it will likely get buried so I re-post here.
Hello SC2 community,
First and foremost I'd like to apologize once again, and clarify in lieu of some of the comments here, that I did apologize last night not only on stream but I also approached a translator who communicated for me to Dragon my apologies and reasoning.
First I would like to say that trolling is not a professional way to act, though, it can be fun and in person I do it constantly, on air more rarely, but in both cases, I always do it for a laugh and never to tear anyone down.
Last night I had a lapse in judgement, thinking at the time that it would be funny to make comments which were inappropriate. I sincerely apologize for making these comments, and any negative impact it had on Dragon.
At the time, I unfortunately did not realize the kind of outrage I was creating. As I'm casting I glance quickly at the chat to look for any audio or video/overlay problems and then get back to the cast. Through these glances I did not appreciate the impact of my comments and thought it to be the usual minority of people who are either trying to stir things up or trolling right back. Bonk who was co-casting tried to warn me as he had his eye on the chat a lot more than I did, however, I did not understand.
So instead of clarifying immediately I just kept it going, unbeknownst to me, simply fueling the fire I had no intention of starting.
Finally, during a game I saw some comments made by co-casters which made no sense, considering the way I thought this was going and then I took a more than 2 second glance at the chat and started to realize what was happening. I was incredulous at first, truly stunned, I couldn't believe the way this had actually gone and I tried to apologize but it was too late. If you watched the video, you'll notice that I am rather calm about what I'm saying and nonchalant about the comments from chat. I really did not understand how South everything had gone.
I hope this clarifies things a bit, though I likely hope in vain. I do want to state that the things I said were from me, and my own mistakes, and that playhem has the best casters I've ever had the privilege to work with, who shouldn't all be painted with this brush.
To all those of you who tried to explain and continued to support I sincerely thank you for your efforts though I was in the wrong for ever even trying to make such jokes.
Further MOD EDIT
On February 28 2012 22:27 RyanDeSanto wrote:
I understand your sentiment, though actions outside of this incident are also a factor in my decision. Playhem does not tolerate any bigotry, homophobia, or general disrespect of any kind -- no matter how vernacular or seemingly accepted the terms are.
Maybe this is a good opportunity for the community to come together and draft guidelines for caster ethics and behavior.
I understand your sentiment, though actions outside of this incident are also a factor in my decision. Playhem does not tolerate any bigotry, homophobia, or general disrespect of any kind -- no matter how vernacular or seemingly accepted the terms are.
Maybe this is a good opportunity for the community to come together and draft guidelines for caster ethics and behavior.