I think it's good to encourage inactive/semi-inactive folks to play again.
I started Season 3 strong -- worked my way from a demotion to plat, to get back to diamond and eventually hitting #1 in my division (had a few matches with Masters players, lost all but one LOL). Then I wasn't able to play the past two weeks due to a busy work and life schedule. After going 1win-5loses, I got pretty discouraged, especially with my last loss coming from a platinum terran seiging my my nat at taldarim.
While I pretty much spent this past weekend trying to get "back in shape", I imagine these kind of situations can really discourage some folks to just quit laddering. A new season will help encourage them to go back to SC2, where the lock at the end of a season can be their "practice".
It's far too short, not liking where Blizzard is going with this War3 seasons durations were spot on, why don't they do the same thing?
Shorter seasons also means that a player returning to the game near the end of a season doesn't have to play quite so many games to exhaust their bonus pool. Seems nice.
Hate the idea of shorter seasons. Fewer games just means that terrible master players and decent master players are harder to distinguish.
I just wish that they would stop locking the ladders for so long. t.t
I'm surprised so many people are for this, personally I hate it especially for 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 teams.
I'd gladly have Season 3 be 2 weeks if that meant we got rid of the shit maps. Maybe they're trying to root out the trash maps like Searing Crater until they got what they wanted. Although, this could fire back and they could remove something like Tal'Darim or any other favorites.
I don't like it means I have to play more team games to pretty up my profile more often
If this means map rotations will occur every two months then this is good news!
the only thing thats interesting for me is the new mappool
This is an excellent change! It will make GM more relevant with shorter seasons. I also think seasons prove to be a good motivation for people improve and feel a sense of progress, and this is a good way of doing it, without hurting the way the ladder works. I think shorter seasons could make the ladder more competitive because of more oppotunities to claim a high rank in GM. Or maybe it just wont really change a thing and its just going to be as it always has been. :D
Excited for season 4 tho! Good news!
SoCal8907 Posts
i mean personally i see why this is the case. honestly my motivation to ladder only really comes back when the seaosn is winding down so i can place top 8. it would definitely make me want to ladder more instead of grinding it out on the last week or two of the season since its just inherently shorter. the last week or 2 is a larger portion of the season.
I think this is great. Allows for more map switches and keeps things fresh
Great change. Too long seasons! I'd like to see them the same length as ICCUP.
Now people actually have a chance to get into Grand Masters without having to wait 4 months.
So I guess I'm one of a very few who feels like laddering LESS with frequent resets, since the results are just gonna get wiped away anyways.
Honestly, when I know a season is gonna end in X number of days, it really kills my motivation to even bother. Also, it forces me to actually play shitty team game placement matches, just so I can get my across the board masters ratings
I'm excited to get to change which terrible new maps I veto more regularly.
Also, more pretty badges on my career page.
2months sounds to short, maybe 3? 4seasons per year :3
Its just nice to know how long a ladder season is if you ask me. I hated trying to figure a new seasons though it usually corresponded with new patch.