![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KbVTS.png)
From Play XP
Winner between
MMA vs. Hyperdub
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GMjqV.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I definitely want to win in my up and down match. Before I went to sleep last night, I was thinking about how much I would enjoy playing in Code S.
- Do you feel good about your chances this season?
At first, I was getting used to the settings, but now, I am pretty used to the booth so I feel like I can show 100% of my skills.
- Were you surprised by the nuke attack in the 1st set?
It’s a strategy that I’ve seen used by Rainbow in the past. I remember that Rainbow said it was a “revolutionary build”, so it made me think of him. When I saw the red dot, I was definitely surprised and immediately pulled my forces back. But I think overall, I won in terms of my build order.
- Who do you want to face in the next round?
I don’t care who it is. I am really confident right now.
- (You’ve made it to the up and down), now what are you aiming for in the rest of these code A matches?
I want to keep going and win the code A tournament.
- What do you think about the possibility that you may meet BoxeR in the round of 4?
If BoxeR wins in the tough match today, he will then need to face Ryung probably. And Ryung is really good at TvT. Ryung has also been asking me to practice with him, but since I will probably need to beat him later, I have not helped him even once recently. He’s also a bit jealous that although we both got 1 win in the GSTL final, I was the one who was in the spotlight.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
I am going to stop thinking about it. If I pay too much attention to it, I don’t think I will play well. I will prepare accordingly when it actually comes out.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Ga-yeon, BoxeR, and the house cook. Also I want to thank Lots, Milz, Special, and GanZI for helping me practice. I just want to thank Ryung even though he didn’t practice with me. And I want to say thanks to fOu’s GuMiho as well.
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▼ 8강에 오른 소감은?
- 승강전에서 꼭 올라가고 싶다. 자기 전에 항상 코드S에서 경기하고 싶단 생각을 한다.
▼ 이번 시즌 예감이 좋은가?
- 처음엔 셋팅에 문제가 있었지만, 이젠 부스 적응을 다 해서 실력이 100% 나오는 것 같다.
▼ 1세트 핵 공격에 당황하지 않았나?
- 예전에 김성제 선수가 한 번 썼던 전략이다. 당시에 성제형이 ‘혁명 빌드’라고 했었는데, 그것 때문에 성제형이 떠올랐다. 빨간 점이 뜨길래 당황해서 병력을 모두 뒤로 뺐다. 빌드 싸움에서 이긴 것 같다.
▼ 다음 상대는 누가 됐으면 좋겠나?
- 누구든 상관없다. 자신감이 붙었다.
▼ 남은 경기에 대한 욕심은?
- 전승으로 코드A 우승을 하고 싶다.
▼ 4강에서 만약 임요환과 만난다면?
- 요환형이 오늘 고비를 넘기고 또 동원이와 붙어야 한다. 동원이가 테테전을 잘한다. 동원이가 도와달라고 하는데 내가 이겨야 하기 때문에 난 동원이를 한 번도 안 도와줬다. GSTL 때 똑같이 1승을 했는데 나만 스포트라이트를 받아서 삐졌다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해서는 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 관심을 끌 생각이다. 신경 쓰면 하던 플레이도 잘 안 된다. 나온 이후에 준비할 것이다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 가연누나와 요환형, 찬모님께 감사드린다. 연습을 도와준 성훈, 상환, 인석, 동주형도 고맙다. 연습 안 도와준 동원이는 그냥 고맙다. fOu의 고병재 선수에게도 고맙단 말을 전하고 싶다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
Nuts vs. Bomber
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/luSC7.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I am really happy I made it. I think I had to win to make it to the Super tournament.
- Did you set your goal to win (code A) from the start?
It has been my goal since I got past the qualifiers. But I am looking forward to the super tournament more so than code A.
- Your opponent was a relatively new player (in the GSL) like you, did you prepare a lot for him?
My teammates helped me a lot with my preparation, and they helped me study my opponent’s style. Because of that, I was able to grasp my opponent’s style for today’s matches.
- So, was the banshee play something you prepared just for your opponent?
Yes. In my practice against IM players, I purposely did not use banshees in my play to save it for today.
- In the 2nd set, you got a huge win in the battle.
I thought my opponent just had plus 1 to his attack, but he had plus 2 and plus 1 to armor. So I thought I needed to get to 200 population before engaging. I thought that I would not with without good EMP’s from my ghosts.
- Your next opponent is MMA.
He’s an opponent I’ve beaten before, so I am confident. I am looking forward to getting some payback on the SlayerS team.
- What map are you most confident in?
I am confident in my macro so any large map is good for me.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Squirtle, Ace, Parting, and Tiger for helping me practice.
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▼ 8강에 오른 소감은?
- 올라가게 돼서 기분 좋다. 슈퍼토너먼트에 참가하려면 우승해야한다.
▼ 애초에 우승을 목표로 하고 있었나?
- 예선 뚫을 때부터 목표였다. 코드A보다 슈퍼토너먼트를 바라보고 있다.
▼ 상대가 비교적 신인 선수인데, 준비는 많이 했나?
- 팀 선수들이 많이 도와주고 분석해줬다. 덕분에 상대의 스타일을 파악할 수 있었다.
▼ 그렇다면 밴시는 상대에 맞춰서 준비한 것인가?
- 그렇다. IM 선수들과 연습 때는 일부러 밴시를 쓰지 않았다.
▼ 2세트 교전에서 큰 승리를 거뒀는데?
- 상대가 공1업 일줄 알았는데, 공2에 방1업이더라. 인구수를 200까지 채우고 싸워야겠다고 생각했다. 유령 EMP가 아니면 이길 수 없다고 생각했다.
▼ 다음 상대가 문성원인데?
- 이겨봤던 상대라 자신 있다. SlayerS에 빚진 게 많아서 갚아줄 생각이다.
▼ 어떤 맵에 자신이 있나?
- 중후반 운영에 자신이 있어서 큰 맵일수록 좋다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 박현우, 정우서, 원이삭, 김현준 선수에게 고맙다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
Creator vs. Ryung
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Bu0HW.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I am not usually this nervous, but in the first game, I was really nervous. It wasn’t so much that I was nervous about my opponent, but rather his race. I also did not get to practice much because my condition has not been so good.
- How did you feel before the start of the 2nd set?
My coach came into the booth and calmed me down, so I felt a bit better.
- In the 2nd set, your opponent was very aggressive.
We purposely simulated those situations in practice. But my opponent played much better than I thought.
- MMA said that he was conserving (strategies). (Maybe to face Ryung or Bomber)
In the round of 8, we had different race matchups. So if I had helped MMA in his practice against terran, I would have had less time for my practice, so I told him I wouldn’t practice with him.
- It is possible that you may have to face BoxeR in the next round.
BoxeR is really good at the teamhouse. I think it will be fun because it will be the round of 8. Since my goal is to make it to the round of 4, I will definitely win.
- Are you confident in the up and down matches?
As long as I don’t have to face a protoss, I am confident. I think recently terrans are having a tough time against protoss opponents. I think when terrans win; it comes down to more luck than skill. I think that’s why Alicia is doing so well right now.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Kuma, Frozen, and Tiffany. I think our team does well when the players are picked to win, “you will definitely win your next game, Alicia!”
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▼ 8강에 오른 소감은?
- 원래 긴장을 이렇게까지 안하는데 첫 경기 때 긴장이 많이 되더라. 상대보단 상대 종족 때문에 긴장했다. 이번에 몸이 안 좋아서 준비를 많이 못했다.
▼ 2세트 시작 전엔 어땠나?
- 코치님이 들어오시고 나서 긴장이 풀렸다.
▼ 2세트엔 상대가 꽤 공격적이었는데?
- 연습 때 일부러 그런 상황을 만들어서 연습했다. 상대가 생각보다 잘했다.
▼ 문성원이 견제를 하던데?
- 8강에서 서로 상대해야할 종족이 다르다. 성원형의 테란전을 도와주면 내가 연습을 못하기 때문에 과감하게 안한다고 했다.
▼ 다음에 임요환과 붙을 수도 있는데?
- 요환형이 숙소에서 워낙 잘한다. 8강이라 재밌을 것 같다. 목표가 4강이기 때문에 꼭 이기겠다.
▼ 승강전은 자신 있나?
- 프로토스만 안 만나면 자신 있다. 요즘 테란이 프로토스를 상대로 힘들어 한다. 테란이 이겨도 실력보다 운이 좋아서 이기는 것 같다. 요즘 (양)준식이 형이 잘 나가는 이유다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 배장훈, 장강욱, 전천후에게 고맙다. 우리팀은 다음 선수를 지명해줘야 이긴다. “준식이형 다음은 형이랑께!”
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
BoxeR vs. aLive
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Fjrgo.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I thought it would be amazing if I won, but I don’t feel that great. I think it’s because if I become too complacent in my victory, I will not strive to achive more. But as a progamer, I am happy that I was able to beat a legend like BoxeR.
- Did you not know about the 6-o-clock hidden tech in the 1st set?
The first banshee timing was pretty close so I didn’t really suspect anything, but the second banshee was pretty fast, so I assumed that there was a proxy starport. But I don’t think he did enough damage to me with them, so I was able to win.
- What do you think were you able to do well today?
Because of my gas first build, I was able to get my banshees quicker, and I thought my build was more refined. When I was able to get to the front of his base, I was able to secure a favorable position.
- You said yourself that you were not confident in the TvT matchup.
I haven’t practiced for that matchup too much. But instead of practice, I focused on builds on specific maps and studied up on build orders. I had a build prepared for the 3rd set, but I am glad it didn’t go to that.
- Did you feel nervous facing BoxeR in a match?
I wasn’t that pressured. Before I came to the stage, I thought I would be more nervous since I was facing BoxeR, but rather, I was more calm today.
- Your goal in the up and down match?
I want to make it to code S. I want to face the top players in a match. It doesn’t have much meaning when I face them on ladder.
- Do you have the desire to win code A?
Of course I want to win, but my original goal was to get to the up and down matches so I don’t necessarily feel like I need to win the whole thing. I think my win or loss will all depend on my day to day skill/condition.
- Any last comments?
I think I was able to win today due to my teammates Revival and JYP’s preparing for me rice with eggs and them buying me a smoothie…they told me to say this. I also want to thank everyone who helped me practice. And for the fans, please continue to watch my games.
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▼ 8강에 오른 소감은?
- 이기면 엄청 좋을 것 같았는데, 그렇게 좋지도 않다. 좋아하면 여기서 만족하는 것 같기 때문이다. 프로게이머 대선배이신 요환형을 이긴 것은 기쁘다.
▼ 1세트에 6시 몰래 기지는 전혀 몰랐나?
- 첫 번째 밴시는 타이밍이 비슷해서 은폐 밴시인가 했는데, 두 번째 밴시도 빠르길래 전진 우주공항이라고 생각했다. 은폐했는데 피해를 못줘서 내가 이길 것 같았다.
▼ 어떤 면에서 잘한 것 같았나?
- 선가스로 밴시가 빨랐고, 빌드에서도 더 좋았던 것 같다. 앞마당을 덮쳤을 때 많이 유리했던 것 같다.
▼ 스스로 테테전에 자신이 없다고 했었는데?
- 연습 많이 못했다. 연습보다 빌드를 중요시해서 빌드 연구를 많이 했다. 3세트 빌드도 준비했는데 3세트까지 가지 않아서 다행이다.
▼ 임요환과의 경기가 부담스럽진 않았나?
- 그렇게 부담되진 않았다. 경기장 오기 전에는 상대가 임요환이라 긴장할 것 같았는데, 오히려 편하게 했다.
▼ 승강전 목표는?
- 코드S 올라가고 싶다. 상위권 선수들과 게임해보고 싶다. 래더에서 하는 것은 의미가 없다.
▼ 코드A 우승 욕심은 없는가?
- 당연히 하고 싶지만, 원래 목표는 승강전이었고 목표를 이뤘기 때문에 큰 욕심은 없다. 그날그날 경기력에 따라 승패가 갈릴 것 같다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 같은 팀 (김)동현, (박)진영이형이 계란밥을 해주고 스무디를 사줘서 이길 수 있었다… 고 써달라고 했다. 연습 도와준 선수들에게 감사하고, 많은 관심 부탁드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
In case you missed it,
Code S
Ro 32
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Code A
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Thanks for reading guys. PM me, if there are mistranslations or some errors.