On June 30 2012 04:19 Defacer wrote: Maybe JP and InControl should just start a production company called Nerdfights. They can throw in condescending interviews with pornstars in as bonus material.
LOL now I want to play magic the gathering . . . I wish I could get that emotional about cards
Its set up, the guy is a massive troll, at least i think he is.
Alright dude, I don't really know you at all except for this State of the Game, and I have no real opinion on you beyond what happened last week and this week. But I am going to address this because you are clearly having trouble here and you are not helping yourself.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
First of all, it has been stated many, many times already that SOTG always puts pictures up of people when they do not have video. Often times this will be Incontrol, but not always. JP took the first picture he found of you and put it up, and they laughed because he stretched it which at first made it seem worse. He didn't stretch it to laugh at you (at least it didn't seem like it from my perspective), but because it looks weird unstretched in that square section where the video image would go.
Also, at another point JP heard a scream on his camera and laughed at that. I can't speak for Incontrol, but Nony and qxc were largely not involved in "laughing" at you.
What the hell is your context for speaking to me in the way you guys did? Because I have made forum posts on balance just like you guys have yourself, and everyone else on this forum? What did I ever do to you personally that justifies how you guys spoke to me and handled yourselves?
How is the community tunnel visioned? I confronted you about how you trash talk me/slander me and put a negative image of me on your show repeatedly, and you completely avoid it, but I let it go and was up for adding my two cents into the discussion.
Really? I "shit on everyone I talk to?" Off of what basis? Have you ever spoken to me? I think not, where the hell is your basis for continually portraying this terrible image of me. Did I kill your dog or something? Seriously...what?
So again, I don't know you so I don't know the history or context of this. But asking these questions are not going to help you. Even if you have done nothing wrong, it is clear that Incontrol and Idra don't like you. If that is so, then just avoid them. Idra doesn't like a lot of people. Incontrol has already made his opinion of you. What you are doing right now is antagonizing him, even if you do not mean to. It is difficult to change other people's impressions in general. Maybe you made a bad first impression. Arguing about it isn't going to help you even if you did nothing wrong, so don't bother.
And when they ask you to come on to talk about TvZ don't start off the discussion with "Incontrol, why do you say bad things about me?" That isn't helping yourself. Just do what they say and be the better person.
I'm not martying anything. I came on the call to add to the discussion. Bring out the worst in people? You guys have always been like this, you've trashed my name (as well as countless others) for over a good year now, because of what - me simply posting my opinion on a forum? Lol? I am asking you now - stop it. I have nothing against you except the fact you incessantly do this. Random people have msg'd me over the months saying, "hey they are trash talking you again on sotg" or whatever and im like "oh great again! how nice"
So please, seriously, stop. I haven't "earned" jack shit in terms of your disrespect and continued an incessant negativity towards me. If you're honestly saying because I have posted my opinion on TL that you don't agree with and that entitles you to continue to belittle me and be just plain disrespectful, and continue this hate bandwagon you started on me ages ago...I don't know what to say to that.
Guess what? HOTS beta is coming around, people are going to have opinions on that as well, I will make mine known to give the best feedback possible to developers. That won't give you the right to insult me or anyone else in this community just for having their opinion that is not the same as yours. You have a position as a "pillar" in this community, and you flat out abuse it. I don't want to be a part of your old gentlemen's club, and if I ever were in such a position I sure as hell wouldn't waste the opportunity belittling other players in the community, insulting them, having no respect and then try to justify it as "it's fine because he balance whined 2 yrs ago in some random post in some random thread - so it's ok to just slander/trash talk this guy!"
Once again, I don't even know you personally nor have I interacted with you yet you keep some personal ego grudge/vendetta going that I have no honest clue about. I'm a "shithead?" Really?
This just backs up what I am saying. He is a pillar in the community, whether he should be or not. He has a platform on which to speak and people listen. Don't antagonize him. Be the better person. You also have to act perfectly, by not making mistakes like interrupting people which you were doing.
The other thing is that you are not helping yourself by calling it an "old gentleman's club". There are some people that were bad at BroodWar or didn't play as much as they did Starcraft 2 that came in to the game late and get respect from the hosts by being good today. I believe (and correct me if I am wrong) that qxc and Sheth were not as good at BroodWar as Incontrol, Idra, and Nony were, but by being well spoken and good at SC2, they have made a name for themselves.
If you are not quite at the level of a qxc or Sheth, then you have to be perfect at being respectful and debate well to be respected. It is unfair, but it's always going to be this way in any competitive atmosphere or community.
On June 30 2012 02:26 ohampatu wrote: Dont use 'Avilo is Bad' as an excuse for what happened on that show Incontrol.
just because he isn't liked, doesn't mean you should put him on a show, and then trash the fuck out of him. I dont care if he was speaking fucking spanish.
I could break your whole post down point by point, but im one of those people your saying 'fuck you' too. Which is fine. Cause i dont know you, and from what im reading, honestly dont want to know you.
'Judge a person not by how he treats his equals, buy by how he treats his inferiors'. All of you on that show save NoNy and QXC could benefit from following the above quote
You must have a tough time reading.. I agree, we shouldn't have had him on the show. I also agree, it isn't just because he is horrible at the game.
No shit you don't know me.. you don't know any of the people you are commenting on.. it's evident. Go away now.
Really? Again? "Horrible at the game?" You don't know me either geoff, yet you spew quite a bit of bullshit out about me regularly with no regard to the effects/hate bandwagon it perpetuates against me for no reason. It's just "funny" right?
I agreed to be on the call, I expected some respectful and nice conversation instead of what happened. Obviously my expectations were way too high.
So yeh, I'm pretty sure 99% of the people bitching probably do have a clue. They probably have a lot of decency as well. Ironically, I have no desire to "shit on everyone i talk to," either - that's more your area of expertise.
In the end, myself and other Terrans got what we wanted from this though, which was for a knowledgeable Terran to give his perspective and discuss the TvZ issues/match-up/state of the game right now post queen-buff.
See this is exactly what I mean. You are sinking down to Incontrol's level. There is nothing of value in the sentences in this last part of the quote. You weren't completely respectful either. Idra was being a jerk, like he always is, but you were interrupting him and you weren't hearing him out or trying to understand his points. Does that mean you deserve his anger and insults? No. But you are acting here like you did nothing wrong, which doesn't help your situation.
Just don't respond to the drama. People say this to JP and Incontrol all the time, and the advice should work for you as well. The difference is that even if they do respond to the drama, their positions are largely going to be fine even if they do. You do not have the same position, so you should for as long as possible not respond. Just talk TvZ, don't engage in the trash.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was much younger. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
That's the thing though, I go back all the way, and it says I can only play them with the blip player, then I go on Blip and it says it can't run audio only.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
It's really not that bad of a picture, and it looks exactly like he does now imo. Plus how would JP know that it was an old picture? He didn't even know if it was Avilo (he asked if that was him on the show).
well, sorry to express my opinion this way but... this guys are complete assholes. Amazing how this people are revered by a huge part of this community.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
On June 30 2012 04:19 Defacer wrote: Maybe JP and InControl should just start a production company called Nerdfights. They can throw in condescending interviews with pornstars in as bonus material.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
It doesn't matter whether JP did it intentionally or not, it is what's being percieved. Most people don't know the context behind the photo, but its doesn't take much to see that photo is not correctly portraying someone who's 24
On June 30 2012 03:01 R3DT1D3 wrote: Watching the vod again this is pretty much how it breaks down from an objective perspective:
1) Avilo comes on and immediately tries to call Geoff out and Geoff tries to keep him on track with the TvZ debate. Avilo was trying to use this platform to try and get back at Geoff which is already starting off the wrong way. Whether you agree with Avilo or not, this is not the time to try and argue with Geoff.
2) Avilo and Idra start putting their arguments forth and it's going fairly smoothly.
3) During Idra's first response, Avilo interrupts him without letting him finish and then acts all snide about Luckyfool's blog and how they haven't read it.
4) More arguments are traded more or less with QXC stepping in to clarify a few points.
5) Idra makes the argument about Terran needing to be greedy enough that they have the economy to put down make the tech switch to keep up with zerg and again Avilo clearly interrupts. Avilo gets told to STFU and then he tries to jump back in. This is the 2nd time he's interrupted and he keeps pushing after Idra is clearly being irritated at his interruptions.
6) Avilo tries to twist Idra's words and say that Idra agrees with him when it's obvious that he does not. Idra gets tired of this, calls him out for being bad, and then finishes his point.
7) Avilo jumps back in pretending he's offended that Idra took "cheap shots" at him (while he was intentionally misconstruing Idra's arguments and has interrupted him multiple times) and tries to propose that his argument is what Idra said.
8) Idra tells him that isn't what he said and says he's done discussing this with Avilo.
9) JP cuts Avilo off as Avilo tries to reiterate what he thinks Idra said.
If Avilo wanted to be respected and heard out, he went about it in the wrong way. He knows how Idra is and he was riling him up on purpose. JP cut him off when he realized this wasn't going to go anywhere. That's all there is to this.
lol, the bias! There's nothing wrong with avilo asking iNcontroL a question before getting into the TvZ discussion. You skip all the parts of avilo being interrupted. You take IdrA's insults against avilo as a fault of avilo for "pretending" to be offended by it. And you think it's just fine JP cut him off because it wasn't going anywhere except avilo wasn't given the chance to take it anywhere. qxc and IdrA went 27 minutes. The avilo segment was 7 minutes from him starting on TvZ to IdrA's STFU.
And a note to everyone complaining that avilo "twisted IdrA's words" - Please don't think that is even remotely convincing to anyone. I'm confident that rhetorical trick is taught at least the first week of debate, if not the first day. IdrA admits Terrans cannot effectively punish greedy Zergs. He admits that in Korea his offered solution of matching greed has already resulted in Terran loses to two base (not actual) all-ins.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
It doesn't matter whether JP did it intentionally or not, it is what's being percieved. Most people don't know the context behind the photo, but its doesn't take much to see that photo is not correctly portraying someone who's 24
No, its what YOU are perceiving. If I was avilo, got brought on, and they used an older picture of me and even asked "Hey is this you?" I certainly wouldn't be offended because I'm an ADULT.
Are you honestly saying that if you got brought on, they said "hey we couldnt find a photo of you and just googled it and got this one, is it even you?" as they show a younger picture of you, are you honestly going to be offended? Are you fucking serious right now? Do you also punch someone in the face if they dont say thank you when you hold the door for them? Or how about write an email to someone because they didn't say hello to you on the street? What the hell man, you're blowing me away.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
It doesn't matter whether JP did it intentionally or not, it is what's being percieved. Most people don't know the context behind the photo, but its doesn't take much to see that photo is not correctly portraying someone who's 24
Jesus christ. Most people obviously don't know anything about avilo, including what he looks like or his age. Before grabbing that picture, JP kept telling him to turn on his webcam, anways.
Also, the "snickering" that the other guys were doing seemed like it was just them laughing at the fact that JP opened up the screamer link.
On June 30 2012 03:01 R3DT1D3 wrote: Watching the vod again this is pretty much how it breaks down from an objective perspective:
1) Avilo comes on and immediately tries to call Geoff out and Geoff tries to keep him on track with the TvZ debate. Avilo was trying to use this platform to try and get back at Geoff which is already starting off the wrong way. Whether you agree with Avilo or not, this is not the time to try and argue with Geoff.
2) Avilo and Idra start putting their arguments forth and it's going fairly smoothly.
3) During Idra's first response, Avilo interrupts him without letting him finish and then acts all snide about Luckyfool's blog and how they haven't read it.
4) More arguments are traded more or less with QXC stepping in to clarify a few points.
5) Idra makes the argument about Terran needing to be greedy enough that they have the economy to put down make the tech switch to keep up with zerg and again Avilo clearly interrupts. Avilo gets told to STFU and then he tries to jump back in. This is the 2nd time he's interrupted and he keeps pushing after Idra is clearly being irritated at his interruptions.
6) Avilo tries to twist Idra's words and say that Idra agrees with him when it's obvious that he does not. Idra gets tired of this, calls him out for being bad, and then finishes his point.
7) Avilo jumps back in pretending he's offended that Idra took "cheap shots" at him (while he was intentionally misconstruing Idra's arguments and has interrupted him multiple times) and tries to propose that his argument is what Idra said.
8) Idra tells him that isn't what he said and says he's done discussing this with Avilo.
9) JP cuts Avilo off as Avilo tries to reiterate what he thinks Idra said.
If Avilo wanted to be respected and heard out, he went about it in the wrong way. He knows how Idra is and he was riling him up on purpose. JP cut him off when he realized this wasn't going to go anywhere. That's all there is to this.
lol, the bias! There's nothing wrong with avilo asking iNcontroL a question before getting into the TvZ discussion. You skip all the parts of avilo being interrupted. You take IdrA's insults against avilo as a fault of avilo for "pretending" to be offended by it. And you think it's just fine JP cut him off because it wasn't going anywhere except avilo wasn't given the chance to take it anywhere. qxc and IdrA went 27 minutes. The avilo segment was 7 minutes from him starting on TvZ to IdrA's STFU.
And a note to everyone complaining that avilo "twisted IdrA's words" - Please don't think that is even remotely convincing to anyone. I'm confident that rhetorical trick is taught at least the first week of debate, if not the first day. IdrA admits Terrans cannot effectively punish greedy Zergs. He admits that in Korea his offered solution of matching greed has already resulted in Terran loses to two base (not actual) all-ins.
For the love of god, that is not what Idra said or admitted to. Just because you want to twist his words just like Avilo did does not make either of you correct.
On June 30 2012 04:08 xParadoxi wrote: Just watched the whole video a few minutes ago. Like other people have been saying, I enjoyed the QXC/Idra discussion about TvZ. However, the way that Avilo was treated, while not being "disgusting" like some others are claiming, it was unwarranted. I realize that both sides were at fault (Avilo interrupting, JP/Incontrol instigating). But to just completely shit on the guy... Seems like they took it a step too far.
My response to Incontrol would be that, while I can respect you as a player. It does seem to me that you are/were belittling people. Making fun of his lisp, telling people to fuck themselves. You seem to be acting like all it was just some playful joking around, but it seemed like there was nothing "playful" about it. You were snide, and disrespectful. Critique his play if you want, but it seems to me, if you are going to invite the guy to the show, at least have a little class about it.
On June 30 2012 04:32 Jarree wrote: There's a saying in Finland (mostly used in the obligatory military service): "paska valuu alaspäin", which could be translated roughly as "shit pours downwards". Incontrol gets a lot of shit from his play, so he kindly pours it downwards. If someone like Beastyqt (some would argue he whines almost as much as Avilo) was on the show, there is no fucking way Incontrol would have tried to demean him. Idra would have still said shut the fuck up no doubt, but Geoff would never do that to a guy who could 100-0 him. In that sense Incontrol's statements about "mocking everyone" is pretty lol.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
It doesn't matter whether JP did it intentionally or not, it is what's being percieved. Most people don't know the context behind the photo, but its doesn't take much to see that photo is not correctly portraying someone who's 24
No, its what YOU are perceiving. If I was avilo, got brought on, and they used an older picture of me and even asked "Hey is this you?" I certainly wouldn't be offended because I'm an ADULT.
Are you honestly saying that if you got brought on, they said "hey we couldnt find a photo of you and just googled it and got this one, is it even you?" as they show a younger picture of you, are you honestly going to be offended? Are you fucking serious?
I don't see how being an adult has anything to do with your scenario or not being offended. I am quite sure most of us would not feel too comfortable that situation. I wouldn't appreciate anyone that I don't know (or if I don't know they are joking or not) to use a younger photo of me to represent who I am now.
Personally i probably won't be offened, but I easily see how some people would
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
It doesn't matter whether JP did it intentionally or not, it is what's being percieved. Most people don't know the context behind the photo, but its doesn't take much to see that photo is not correctly portraying someone who's 24
No, its what YOU are perceiving. If I was avilo, got brought on, and they used an older picture of me and even asked "Hey is this you?" I certainly wouldn't be offended because I'm an ADULT.
Are you honestly saying that if you got brought on, they said "hey we couldnt find a photo of you and just googled it and got this one, is it even you?" as they show a younger picture of you, are you honestly going to be offended? Are you fucking serious?
I don't see how being an adult has anything to do with your scenario or not being offended. I am quite sure most of us would've been offended in that situation. I wouldn't appreciate anyone that I don't know (or if I don't know they are joking or not) to use a younger photo of me to represent who I am now.
So you'd be offended of people using a photo of you because the photo is old? Grow the hell up, theres nothing else I can tell you. If you want to be one of those people that are offended by everything in life and angry all the time, then so be it.
By the way how the hell are you not getting this fact through your head?
"or if I don't know they are joking or not"
JP asked if its him! JP asked him to use his webcam! There was no malicious intent here buddy.
On June 30 2012 04:32 Jarree wrote: There's a saying in Finland (mostly used in the obligatory military service): "paska valuu alaspäin", which could be translated roughly as "shit pours downwards". Incontrol gets a lot of shit from his play, so he kindly pours it downwards. If someone like Beastyqt (some would argue he whines almost as much as Avilo) was on the show, there is no fucking way Incontrol would have tried to demean him. Idra would have still said shut the fuck up no doubt, but Geoff would never do that to a guy who could 100-0 him. In that sense Incontrol's statements about "mocking everyone" is pretty lol.
Beasty and I are 1-1
what, on the laddeR? I sincerely hope you are not trying to say you are on beasty's level, especially when it comes to legit tourny play. Realistically, hed prob 80-20 you if you are lucky.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Wait wtf?
After that call last night, and the disrespect from you i continually put up with...you are going on and on to slander me more?? @_@
You guys were being immature to be completely blunt, try and justify it however you want. I was taken aback myself a bit when I got on the call and you're snickering in the background and JP is putting up an "interesting picture" of me to try to have a good ol laugh and make me look worse - and that was before I even really said anything.
And it has already been said many times that the picture JP put up is the first one that comes up in google. You are just doing your best to look for ammunition.
It's actually the ONLY picture of him within the first few pages of google. Not much JP could've done there...
If I were JP, I wouldn't have posted someone the show belittles when he was 13 years old. That's quite disrespectful, especially to someone he doesn't know.
Better idea would be to not post any picture at all, or grab one from the LgN site or his fanclub
He didn't even know it was him, and you're not really that bright if you think JP did it intentionally to hurt someones feelings.
It doesn't matter whether JP did it intentionally or not, it is what's being percieved. Most people don't know the context behind the photo, but its doesn't take much to see that photo is not correctly portraying someone who's 24
No, its what YOU are perceiving. If I was avilo, got brought on, and they used an older picture of me and even asked "Hey is this you?" I certainly wouldn't be offended because I'm an ADULT.
Are you honestly saying that if you got brought on, they said "hey we couldnt find a photo of you and just googled it and got this one, is it even you?" as they show a younger picture of you, are you honestly going to be offended? Are you fucking serious?
I don't see how being an adult has anything to do with your scenario or not being offended. I am quite sure most of us would've been offended in that situation. I wouldn't appreciate anyone that I don't know (or if I don't know they are joking or not) to use a younger photo of me to represent who I am now.
So you'd be offended of people using a photo of you because the photo is old? Grow the hell up, theres nothing else I can tell you. If you want to be one of those people that are offended by everything in life and angry all the time, then so be it.
Yes? how do you not see some people could easily get offended by this? Not everyone is proud of who they were when they are younger compare to what they are now and what they have achieved.
If I go to my work place tomorrow and see a bunch of my coworkers laughing holding a picture of me when I was a kid (also depends on the context of the photo itself), and asked if this was me, would I have been offended? quite possibly, depending on how well I know those peers. If they were my friends, I'd laugh with them. If they were jackasses who constantly make jokes at someone expenses, i'd be furious