On October 19 2010 06:34 leve15 wrote: Why wasn't Select in on the podcast?
Why was a room full of top protoss players in a "state of the game" podcast completely silent on how they would beat that build instead of "did he build a reaper? lololol did he transition to medivacs? lololo"
This shit was a pow wow of the "in-crowd" which had nothing to do with the state of the game. I normally love listening to this, but I wish I could just unhear that circlejerk bitch-fest.
Alright, not that I think InControl needs to cater his thoughts to my opinions, but I have to say I am also very sick of the SeLeCT bashing after the mini-casts and reading through a number of posts that some of the frequent high-level posters have made. It is y'all's right to say and do whatever you want, but it did come off as excessive and unnecessary how hardline a stance people took against him.
Here is how I see it. He did the same build a ton and won. That is basically IdrA's style. The number 1 criticism of his gameplay has been that he tends to be passive and formulaic, even though he is a total macro monster. I only saw him use the same few BOs, (though not just a single one, I fail to see how it is a whole lot different) and QXC did the stone-cold identical TvZ build in consecutive games vs. IdrA and then got rolled for it.
SeLeCT just proves he is flat out better than 99% of players out there. He isn't strategically superior or more creative. He just beats you by being more active with his units, making the most of his macro, and being damn capable of being 4 places at once. So yes, maybe he would need more than 1 build, except that he is just BETTER than you (you being basically not-IdrA, so far). Why bother mixing it up when he has one 2 consecutive TLOpen's, been first on the ladder for some time, and always puts out a great showing at his tournament? What is his worst finish? 4th place at Raleigh?
You can hate on a guy for being mechanically and executionally better than people so much so that he can play the same BO, everyone knows its coming, and he STILL will beat you, but, at least for me, and for a number of other people, it gets realllllll old, reallllll fast. Once he loses more, my tolerance for criticism of him might go up, but when he's been wrecking face, I don't think he needs to change until he fails to perform.
EDIT: I used InControl as an example, but didn't mean to come off targetting him. This goes for any and everyone involved in the last Mini-cast or posting on the forums about it lately. I am not saying whether or not the criticism is deserved or not, just how I feel about how much everyone's repeated verbal critique of a guy who has outperformed... everyone, basically.
Jesus people are retarded - who cares even if incontrol IS way off the mark sometimes (which he isn't really), he's still a fun guy to listen to anyway. Does anybody really want SotG to become some fruity love-fest where nobody says what they mean for fear of offending their (supposedly) ridiculously thin-skinned colleagues?
I still don't even get how it was considered bashing. It's not like they said he was a terrible player who didn't deserve what he has won. They said he played extremely well and then went on to criticize his play style, they never said it was bad, just that it worked for the time and it won't for much longer as the game adapts and grows.
It's like 5 rax reaper. Really effective for a time, but then zerg players started adapting to it and it became less effective. It's the same point. Incontrol is saying that over time Protoss players will start to adapt and learn to beat Select's build and in order for Select to remain successful he must vary his play.
I don't see how that was bashing at all in the slightest. They did nothing to belittle his accomplishments and just offered some speculative criticism which they are entitled to do.
Can people no longer say anything negative about someone without there being a horrible backlash? It's appalling to me how many people here are "offended" by what Incontrol said. How someone can take something someone says so personally about people they've never met before is something I will never understand.
I like this podcast a lot but some of the guys have been spreading a little misinformation lately. For instance CauthonLuck is NOT retired, he's just been busy with real life lately and has had some computer problems. + Show Spoiler +
I think incontrol is just looking to spread some information to make root seem weak after EG's two straight losses to us in clanwar : P
About the select conversation, he won second place, if it gets results good for him. He will feel the repercussions in the next event if he does not change his build order or strategy. I know incontrol thrives on the competition and gets that adrenaline rush from winning, that is exactly why select does what works for him. He floats on solid fundamentals and does what works.
pretty sure no one has ever, ever, ever said my last name right
its ryan rushia (pronounced roo-shay), at event i talked to the guy witht he mic like 2x to get it said right and he still didnt... then in 10.14 JP mentioned my and say it like "russia"
i understand that my name is easily pronounced like "russia" when you dont know who i am irl or ask... just trying to get it out that its pronounced like Roo-shay
Pretty funny people are freaking out about SelecT 'bashing'(Since when is saying he needs to change up his play bashing?), yet they don't even know he doesn't speak English super well =s
On October 19 2010 06:26 Tjubatjubs wrote: At times like this I want to be the hero and write that super post that will make everyone just understand.
But it is impossible, some people just think so weird or different from me. Some believes in santa or in a bearded guy floating on clouds, while some can just disregard anything you tell them because of how, when or where it was said didn't meet up with the standards of the fairy folk or what ever.
So instead of wasting my time I sometimes watch this video to remind myself:
So in short, Incontrol, I think you humour sucks but please don't care about that, you are great on the show. I listen to this podcast every week because it is hilarious and informative. Get Artosis on as often as possible. Thanks.
that was a good video and i think we should all take his "advice"...
SOTG rocks! Keep it up! Piss everyone people, its what makes it good. No one wants you guys PC as fuck.
Anyone else find it hypocritical of Inc to bash on SeleCt who is at a higher level than him when he mods the forums banning bronze leaguers talking as if they knew the game? Yeah bronze league noobies might not have played as much but they can still see a flaw in someones play and when they do the mods suggest they stfu and listen. I think iNcontroL should take his own advice instead of stating 'if he plays bad in the future he will lose'. And for the record the people he beat should be marked as unadaptive or one-dimensional because they saw exactly how he played many times and still failed.
On October 19 2010 07:10 RyanRushia wrote: pretty sure no one has ever, ever, ever said my last name right
its ryan rushia (pronounced roo-shay), at event i talked to the guy witht he mic like 2x to get it said right and he still didnt... then in 10.14 JP mentioned my and say it like "russia"
i understand that my name is easily pronounced like "russia" when you dont know who i am irl or ask... just trying to get it out that its pronounced like Roo-shay
mr awsome voidray control what does this post have to do with anything really confused
Listen people... Stop complaining about what is said in the podcast. Real SC fans love this podcast because it gives us the opportunity to get a glimpse into what is going on in the SC community and hear what important people within the community think about it without any of the political bull shit. Just straight up honest opinions about important issues/events having to do with the game we love.
The people on here that are bashing iNcontroL or any of the other people on State of the Game are ruining this for the people who really do care. Sure iNcontroL puts things bluntly and brutally honest most of the times but that is who he is and that's fine. He has never gone over the line with anything he has said on SotG and that is all that matters.
I don't know about the rest of you but I get sick and tired of not hearing what people really think and being basically lied to (not just about SC2 but in every day life in general) because people need to be so careful about hurting people's fragile feelings. I love listening to SotG because it is their real opinions and it's good to hear what some of the veteran's of the StarCraft community think.
Anyways, as many other people have said on this thread, try to ignore the people who complain iNcontroL. It would be a shame if the podcast changed simply because people are so overly sensitive... Not just you, but everyone one SotG should just keep doing what you are doing because generally the people who really care about SC do enjoy it just the way it is. I can go anywhere to hear all the latest politically correct news, but there is only one SotG.
On October 19 2010 07:10 RyanRushia wrote: pretty sure no one has ever, ever, ever said my last name right
its ryan rushia (pronounced roo-shay), at event i talked to the guy witht he mic like 2x to get it said right and he still didnt... then in 10.14 JP mentioned my and say it like "russia"
i understand that my name is easily pronounced like "russia" when you dont know who i am irl or ask... just trying to get it out that its pronounced like Roo-shay
mr awsome voidray control what does this post have to do with anything really confused
just cause at the MLG event the whole time people kept saying "russia" and on the 10.14.10 podcast incontrol/JP mention me and both say "russia" just tryingt o changet hat
On October 19 2010 07:10 RyanRushia wrote: pretty sure no one has ever, ever, ever said my last name right
its ryan rushia (pronounced roo-shay), at event i talked to the guy witht he mic like 2x to get it said right and he still didnt... then in 10.14 JP mentioned my and say it like "russia"
i understand that my name is easily pronounced like "russia" when you dont know who i am irl or ask... just trying to get it out that its pronounced like Roo-shay
mr awsome voidray control what does this post have to do with anything really confused
Well this is the "Official State of the Game Podcast" thread, so I'm pretty sure his post is completely relevant.
Hey if you guys wanna check out SeleCT when he isn't being interviewed or in a game check out Xeris's youtube vids of the MLG afterparty with all the fnatic players, he was going over some of his games with Gretorp and stuff. He seems like a cool guy.
I believe there are 2 camps for sc2 tournament players: old school (brood war tournament players) and new school (broodwar iccup players and transfers from other RTS games). There is sure to be some disconnect between the two (EG vs Root) and that will cause flare ups in the general perception of players from the fans, when they give opinions.
I personally love all the time and effort that goes into producing these casts, and I really hope nothing anyone says here will impact the format or tone of the show in any manner. I would hate to see such freedom of expression and opinion stifled thanks to a bunch of people slinging crap from behind a pc screen.
inControl and Idra are my favorite people to hear on SotG. Artosis is an OK replacement for Grack Pieldsu when he isn't available, tho
BTW: You should try and get a TERRAN player on the cast who ISN'T afraid to speak up and join in on some debate with the King Protoss that are Tyler and inControl.