On October 19 2010 05:35 {88}iNcontroL wrote: When I speak about future events and LITERALLY CLARIFY that I am talking about hypothetical matches with huk/kiwi in the future and how the exact same bo shouldn't continue to work does that equate to me saying he didn't deserve to win or w/e?
The whole "hypothetical matches in future where select doesnt change build order" is so retarded I dont even know where to begin. HE OBVIOUSLY does that build because it works well for him. Its not like he will continue to play extactly same way if someone finds hard counter to that spesific build.
Your whole statement of how he will lose if he doesnt change build can be applyed to alot of the players at MLG. How many different builds in ZvT did we see from idra? How many different builds did we see overall in TvP from terran side.......
Team EG is nothing without idra, maby you guys should focus more on training then bashing people.
User was temp banned for this post.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On October 19 2010 05:51 Bear4188 wrote: Can we get a separate thread for overly sensitive people to attack incontrol in? Keep this one for actual discussion of the show.
Agree with this; the entire thing went from discussing the podcast to something else entirely. Let's keep it on topic guys.
USA29055 Posts
I grow tired of pekkz. ETT check his posting history please I am too involved to do it without bias. He trolls pretty hard.. might be worth a gander.
On October 19 2010 05:30 SiguR wrote: I got the impression that you felt SelecT didn't deserve his success at the tournament. That I got that impression is an indisputable fact. If you get worked up about people misinterpreting what you are saying and you find that people are suspecting hostility when you didn't mean to put any forward, the onus is on you to control your tone of voice and the impression you leave on people.
I got the impression that Incontrol felt his highly aggressive strategy would be less and less effective as time progressed and protoss improved their early game to nullify the harass. I don't think this is a bad observation.
It's not about not deserving his wins, it's the same way in any sport. If a rookie comes in and knocks out loads of big names, people immediatly question if his methods are going to give him consistent success or whether they suffer from 'flavour of the month' syndrome. Day9 said something about HuK during the beta to that affect, but HuK has improved his macro dramatically and looks nothing like the player he was during the beta.
P.S Pedantic Philosophy Major Note: Subjective impressions are not facts. "The cat is on the mat" is a fact, it has criteria for it being true or false. "Incontrol doesn't think SeleCT deserves his wins" has no obvious criteria, you can argue it by using various premises but your 'impressions' of a situation are not 'facts' about that situation.
On October 19 2010 05:55 Pekkz wrote:The whole "hypothetical matches in future where select doesnt change build order" is so retarded I dont even know where to begin. HE OBVIOUSLY does that build because it works well for him. Its not like he will continue to play extactly same way if someone finds hard counter to that spesific build.
Your whole statement of how he will lose if he doesnt change build can be applyed to alot of the players at MLG. How many different builds in ZvT did we see from idra? How many different builds did we see overall in TvP from terran side.......
Team EG is nothing without idra, maby you guys should focus more on training then bashing people.
Big words from a nobody. Ouch. Not that the rest of your post made much sense either... you're saying everything in that first paragraph based on what? You being select's homeboy or something?
Artosis had words of wisdom guys... stick out of ass.
United States7166 Posts
what is wrong with some of you people christ the podcasts are fucking awesome and have such a fun atmosphere to it, inc being a huge part of that. just fucking appreciate the awesomeness that it delivers. i swear to god if you guys end up ruining it for the rest of us and it becomes more PC or toned down..a lot of people will be pretty upset myself included. thankfully that's not likely to happen but it would be really great if people just went back to just doing constructive criticism, which if you read the last pages it has not been at all
On October 19 2010 05:35 {88}iNcontroL wrote: sigur missing the mark somewhere around 30x and all the while claiming I don't read or comprehend what was actually said... in essence: 100% standard internet response to argument "you don't/can't read and if you did/do you don't understand what was said.
Sorry sigur. I actually tease everyone on the show. name 1 person I have discussed in 100% serious mode with 0 jokes involved. Gotcha. Now tell me how you got the impression that I said select didn't deserve his success when I can LITERALLY QUOTE MYSELF (lol) as saying "he won TL Open1/2 and took 2nd at MLG nobody can take that away from him." When I speak about future events and LITERALLY CLARIFY that I am talking about hypothetical matches with huk/kiwi in the future and how the exact same bo shouldn't continue to work does that equate to me saying he didn't deserve to win or w/e?
It baffles me how you can make a giant ass post about nothing sensible.
Okay, I missed your mark, and you missed my mark. We're either arguing the exact same thing or arguing about completely different things. I'm saying that when compliments are interpreted as insincere, they are meaningless. "Oh he's great and nobody can take those successes away from him" doesn't mean you're actually being supportive of him when it's followed by "here's ten reasons why his play is intrinsically weak, and by the way, he didn't really beat anyone notable in the TL opens".
As well, i believe there is a vast difference between teasing artosis about being a grass eating frog creature, and (as i interpreted it) discrediting SelecT's success the day after the tournament.
That's exactly what it's for. That's why most people are listening to it.
And SiguR - You want to talk about tone, your post alone is the perfect example of someone holding a snide and shitty opinion and letting it come through in a subtle-yet-obvious fashion. Tell me that was for the irony, right? -_-
I actually came back to edit that part out of my post because I realized it would be interpreted differently than I had intended.
I meant that I felt that the podcast was made to benefit the uninvolved masses who want to get professional insight into what's going on, along with some humour. I felt that the podcast, though it may rely on the expression of opinions of the pros, is not being made to give the pros an outlet for expression. The idea i'm getting at is kind of hard for me to articulate, so i'm sure I'll be misunderstood. For example, day9 typically gives a lot of really insightful opinions during the podcast, but manages to do it without stepping on people's toes. Puffing out your chest and saying "this podcast is so people get to hear my opinions so I can say whatever the fuck I want" seems silly to me.
In regards to the tone of my post: I think you're forgetting a key point. I was trying to say that despite incontrol's 'compliments' of select during the podcast, the tone felt hostile and contradictory to those compliments. My post is supposed to have a tone of negativity because I am criticizing what I heard in the podcast.
Edit: P.S Pedantic Philosophy Major Note: Subjective impressions are not facts. "The cat is on the mat" is a fact, it has criteria for it being true or false. "Incontrol doesn't think SeleCT deserves his wins" has no obvious criteria, you can argue it by using various premises but your 'impressions' of a situation are not 'facts' about that situation. Hmm, I don't have a degree in philosophy, but could it be possible that it is a fact that my subjective impression is in one direction, rather than the other? That is what I was trying to say.
Edit: I wrote and posted this post before the one above me saying to keep it on topic existed.
But yeah, incontrol should really stop talking shit about Select. It comes off as sour grapes.
On October 19 2010 05:55 Pekkz wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 05:35 {88}iNcontroL wrote: When I speak about future events and LITERALLY CLARIFY that I am talking about hypothetical matches with huk/kiwi in the future and how the exact same bo shouldn't continue to work does that equate to me saying he didn't deserve to win or w/e?
Team EG is nothing without idra, maby you guys should focus more on training then bashing people.
this will be treu if all the team EG members don't do well for the next 2 mlg seasons bar idra so not yet!
but the pressure on them is increasing same with fnactic big teams have to win BIG.
Have I been dreaming or can you catch this podcast live? Or do you have to wait for it to be uploaded?
Also I'd like to give huge props to All the pillars, iNcontroL in particular. I really love your stuff. You really stand out from the other faces in the SC2 community. Carry on with what you are doing.
Best of luck to you all. Hope I see you at dreamhack this winter
From the previous cast with Idra, it sounded like the consensus on SelecT was that he stayed in his base not dying until he came out and killed you (paraphrasing Idra iirc). Sounds like the aggressive harass builds he used in his TvP's at MLG was him changing up his play. Maybe he's the smart one for adapting a style he knew would work against all the best foreign Protoss.
Long time listener / forum lurker here but i just couldnt help but post after reading what the retards had to say. I just want to show support to incontrol for doing an awesome job in just being honest with his opinions and speaking his mind. It's what makes this podcast so enjoyable to listen to so keep up the good work and dont let the trolls bring u down.
I also wanna show some love to the rest of the SotG guys as well the awesome guests <3.
On October 19 2010 06:08 NoXious90 wrote: But yeah, incontrol should really stop talking shit about Select. It comes off as sour grapes.
Welcome to 50 pages (of whiny garbage) ago .
Honestly, is it too much to ask for people to actually read before posting in a message board?
I'm going to pose a simple question:Do people really want to sit and listen to a cast where all of them just talk about how good every player is? Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I enjoy hearing top level starcraft 2 players admit that a player does perform the same build endlessly or that a player doesn't have very good macro. Let's face it, there were a lot of people that were thinking the exact same thing that Incontrol admitted. It was obvious to everyone that Select used the same build over and over and over.
I think the number fans the podcast receives because of the honesty will vastly outnumber the listeners are off put by it. Keep up the good work. Love the show.
iNcontroL is AWESOME. I don't care if he isn't the best of the best, but his personality shines in shows like these. Geoff is very well spoken man and I just wish more gamers are as funny and intelligent as he is.
On October 19 2010 05:55 Pekkz wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 05:35 {88}iNcontroL wrote: When I speak about future events and LITERALLY CLARIFY that I am talking about hypothetical matches with huk/kiwi in the future and how the exact same bo shouldn't continue to work does that equate to me saying he didn't deserve to win or w/e?
The whole "hypothetical matches in future where select doesnt change build order" is so retarded I dont even know where to begin. HE OBVIOUSLY does that build because it works well for him. Its not like he will continue to play extactly same way if someone finds hard counter to that spesific build. Your whole statement of how he will lose if he doesnt change build can be applyed to alot of the players at MLG. How many different builds in ZvT did we see from idra? How many different builds did we see overall in TvP from terran side....... Team EG is nothing without idra, maby you guys should focus more on training then bashing people.
Yeah being excellent at one build makes you an excellent player, but constantly doing the same thing can get you losses too considering that people will try to abuse your build. Its obviously nice to have a reliable build but that does not mean that it will work on all maps or against every player. The whole EG is bad thing was uncalled for
Keep doing what you're doing iNcontroL, you're entertaining as hell.
I don't think a new thread is needed, discussing what was said on-cast is pretty on topic in my opinion, but this thread should be cleaned up to address any obvious trolling and/or personal attacks.
On topic, I loved the series of mini-podcasts from MLG and hope more things like that (players talking from events) occur as it gives players that aren't at the events or active themselves in the competitive scene a look into the minds and times of those that are, which is the number one reason I listen to the cast.
I also think more and more players should make guest appearances on the cast, together with the 4 pillars of course, and that Select in particular should be invited on for discussion. In fact, it might be interesting to see some casual player personalities/opinions show up on the show to contrast and shed light on the difference between what pro-players are thinking/doing and what the 'want to eventually be pro-players, but for now play for fun when time permits, i.e. the majority of esports viewers' are thinking/doing.
The more perspectives we get on the show the better. That said, if the podcast stays with a select few (no puns intended) I would still listen avidly: great personalities, great information, and always good for some laughs ^^
- dut
On October 19 2010 05:37 Dental Floss wrote: I think day9 once said that the biggest step forward he took as a caster and "community personality" was not responding directly to criticism that was posted on the Internet. Just throwing that out there...
^true that.
reasons why I listen to SotG podcast:
#1 is its the best podcast ever imho.
#2 iNcontroL
Man I'm going to rage harder than Idra after the roach supply nerf if all this negative energy changes the show or the attitudes of the people on it. I'm starting to think some of these people are created by the same grass eating vulture ancestors as Artosis. Really the complainers have less actual complaints than SeleCT has build orders. As TLO might say, "shut zee hell up."