On October 19 2010 03:38 EvilTeletubby wrote:Here's a pic I snapped during the middle of the 10-16 podcast. I have to echo Josh's earlier sentiment; being in the same room with all these fantastic players in a very relaxed setting just seeing how they interact was incredible. + Show Spoiler +From left to right; djwheat on the ground, slasher standing, sorry I forget, Huk in hoodie, back of Tyler's head on the ground, JP on the laptop, incontrol, and idra. The microphone is blocked by inc's head but it's right on the chair, that's why Tyler and Inc sound so loud. Edit - might want to right-click -> view image depending on your browser to see the whole pic. I look like I'm holding my crotch which was totally not the case........ Or was it O_o?
On October 19 2010 04:49 {88}iNcontroL wrote:Why the FUCK do I need to accomplish more than Select to say on a podcast that he did 1 build in a bunch of TvP's and it won't carry him forever? It was fucking common sense but obviously it was worth noting that a player who did EXTREMELY WELL did so in a mu where he did the same thing over and over... obviously it is MY JOB to say more than "well he did fantastic. And I am in no position to say anything otherwise because he has done more than I have in terms of results in SC2." Well you all did bash him pretty hard. Sure he did 1 build, but I atleast feel you ignored why his play worked. His multi-tasking was awesome and was what made it work, not so the build. I personally don't think he will have a hard time switching to another build, if this one stops working or another one becomes more effective(like thors are possibly usable in the MU now?). I mean he accomplished pretty much in this tournament, doing the same build over and over in TvP would surely give the toss the advantage of basing his build against that, yet he won superb players, some even pretty convincingly.
But I still love listening to these casts and thank you all for it, you are hilarious iNcontrol and it's awesome to hear from the players.
Dont let the idiots discourage you Incontrol. You are all producing enjoyable content for the community.
incontrol beasting. i 100% agree with everything you said.
the classic line is, you don't need to be a chef to tell if something tastes good.
i think the only thing here is that as a fellow chef people expect you to be gracious towards other chefs, especially those they consider better.
i still think you said nothing to be attacked for, and even if you had really been critical of him... who the fuck cares?
i'm just trying to explain the way those 'idiots' might be looking at it.
On October 19 2010 04:49 {88}iNcontroL wrote:+ Show Spoiler + it infuriates me so thoroughly that people like klamity are common enough to pop up with completely retarded posts like the one above.
Why the FUCK do I need to accomplish more than Select to say on a podcast that he did 1 build in a bunch of TvP's and it won't carry him forever? It was fucking common sense but obviously it was worth noting that a player who did EXTREMELY WELL did so in a mu where he did the same thing over and over... obviously it is MY JOB to say more than "well he did fantastic. And I am in no position to say anything otherwise because he has done more than I have in terms of results in SC2."
It gets REAL OLD being on a podcast I do for fun (no compensation, no obligation etc) and catching shit from people who literally cannot pull their own head from their own ass.
In the future, I might even fucking criticize fruitdealer. I've already teased IdrA. I call NonY a robot and he has "done more than" me as well. Can we fucking PLEASE stop pretending that in order to discuss players on a talk show in a less than glaringly positive fashion we must be better than them? Nobody tells Bob Costas to shut the fuck up even though he has NEVER PLAYED ANY OF THESE SPORTS. Nobody dials into a local radio show when they are bitching about Seahawk management and goes "YOU'VE NEVER MANAGED A NFL TEAM SHUT THE FUCK UP."
So why is it in eSports when I make a pretty god damn obvious remark and criticism like "hey, playing 1 build in a mu won't get you much further.. people will adapt" becomes some giant flame from an inferior player? Here's a hint: It doesn't make sense and some of you need to shut the fuck up or not listen to the podcast. I am going to make jokes with my friends. I am going to criticize players and we are going to discuss it. I am going to PRAISE players and commend them for changing their ways (Huk-> hoodie during interview) and I am going to call a spade a spade (mothership in semifinal). I will do so with or without the comments in this thread but it would make my conscience a little clearer if I knew I wasn't becoming villain.
Listen to the podcast if you enjoy funny banter mixed with criticism and critical discussion by pro's and amateurs. If you want to start interjecting serious generalizations and huge sweeping judgments from YOUR PERSPECTIVE (which btw, has of yet, been 100% from people that are not involved in any way shape or form save for listening to the podcast) you might want to look elsewhere because that makes about as much sense as heckling a comedian in his comedy club for making a joke about anything that isn't 100% PC.
The above post is not directed to everyone btw. Just the idiots. So if you are an idiot this post was directed to you.
have a nice day
Haters gonna hate. You rule.
Great post iNcontrol. Keep saying what you think. I hope you'll continue doing podcasts even if idiots continue to blame you cause without you, it would be boring
incontrol... live up to your name!
Hey where can i find the Audio from the Live on 3, Weapon of Choice, and State of the Game thing they did not sunday i want to DL it to my iphone so i can listen to it at work??
Also, Incontrol seriously never stop posting, never stop talking, i cannot tell you the amount of times i have just busted out laughing when you talk. That aside your insight is amazing and i love the no BS attitude you take, it is important in this world of Esports politically correct good manner crap, that somebody calls it like they see it.
On October 19 2010 04:57 Zarahtra wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 04:49 {88}iNcontroL wrote:Why the FUCK do I need to accomplish more than Select to say on a podcast that he did 1 build in a bunch of TvP's and it won't carry him forever? It was fucking common sense but obviously it was worth noting that a player who did EXTREMELY WELL did so in a mu where he did the same thing over and over... obviously it is MY JOB to say more than "well he did fantastic. And I am in no position to say anything otherwise because he has done more than I have in terms of results in SC2." Well you all did bash him pretty hard. Sure he did 1 build, but I atleast feel you ignored why his play worked. His multi-tasking was awesome and was what made it work, not so the build. I personally don't think he will have a hard time switching to another build, if this one stops working or another one becomes more effective(like thors are possibly usable in the MU now?). I mean he accomplished pretty much in this tournament, doing the same build over and over in TvP would surely give the toss the advantage of basing his build against that, yet he won superb players, some even pretty convincingly. But I still love listening to these casts and thank you all for it, you are hilarious iNcontrol and it's awesome to hear from the players.
You do realize Incontrol said exactly what you just said right?
Too many people tend to focus in on one minor detail and push everything out of the way just to reinforce their point.
USA29055 Posts
On October 19 2010 04:57 Zarahtra wrote:Show nested quote +On October 19 2010 04:49 {88}iNcontroL wrote:Why the FUCK do I need to accomplish more than Select to say on a podcast that he did 1 build in a bunch of TvP's and it won't carry him forever? It was fucking common sense but obviously it was worth noting that a player who did EXTREMELY WELL did so in a mu where he did the same thing over and over... obviously it is MY JOB to say more than "well he did fantastic. And I am in no position to say anything otherwise because he has done more than I have in terms of results in SC2." Well you all did bash him pretty hard. Sure he did 1 build, but I atleast feel you ignored why his play worked. His multi-tasking was awesome and was what made it work, not so the build. I personally don't think he will have a hard time switching to another build, if this one stops working or another one becomes more effective(like thors are possibly usable in the MU now?). I mean he accomplished pretty much in this tournament, doing the same build over and over in TvP would surely give the toss the advantage of basing his build against that, yet he won superb players, some even pretty convincingly. But I still love listening to these casts and thank you all for it, you are hilarious iNcontrol and it's awesome to hear from the players.
Have you listened to previous podcasts?
Do I strike you as the kind of guy who sees a players do a build in 7 mu's and goes "oh wow it worked so well. I am so glad for his 2nd place finish. Hopefully some day I can find that build and finish in 2nd place!"
Do you think I'd be the kind of guy WHO LITERALLY SAID(says) "He did extremely well and nobody can take that away from him. But if he does the same thing in every game good players will adapt and it will stop working." I go on to explain that Huk/Kiwi are ever evolving and I don't think they simply have no answer for what select did. WHY THE HELL is it so important we stick to simply 100% commending Select for taking 2nd off the back of a single build in TvP? I said it was awesome and then I moved on to discuss a criticism... as it is a talk show.
All the "flaming" bullshit and "incontrol isn't as good he has no right to talk about him blah blah" is such utter trash I will literally sit here for 5 minutes and thor smash any idiot that even suggests otherwise. If this was a news cast then 1000000000000000000000% YES it would be completely wrong of me to say anything of that level. But this is a personality generated podcast about opinionated SC2 players IN THE KNOW talking about other SC2 players/events etc. I am sick and tired of doing 100% what I am supposed to be doing ON THE SIDE (8-10 hours of training/coaching a day) to do a podcast and hear people complain that incontrol was less than positive about X.
btw he will change up his play and he will do fantastically well as he is a fantastic player. I merely made conversation on something that nony/idra agreed with and any other player worth a fucking grain of salt would identify about as fast as they'd blink.
I'm an idiot inControll hates me. I'll be in the blog forum writing a hate post /joke.
You're the galapeños on an otherwise sweet burger. I wouldn't want to listen to SotG without you participating.
I can't wait for the big podcast to be uploaded :D. Eagerly awaiting it.
I still can't stop laughing at incontrol doing the impression of the halo players watching idra.
"That's IdrA, he's like, really good. But he's really a jerk, when he loses he calls his opponents bitches. He's playing zerg, that's one of the three races."
Incontrol I don't understand why you let these people get to you.
You should know that the few people that do complain are a vocal minority, you should also know that a vast majority likes you and what you're doing for this community. You can never please 100% of the listeners, there will always be someone bitching usually just for the sake of bitching. They're not interested in arguing, they just wanna nitpick at your every sentence and interpret in a way that'll support their complaining.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: Ignore the haters, because they are going to hate, no matter what you say.
There was a podcast coming today, right? .
Looking forward to it!
It gets REAL OLD being on a podcast I do for fun (no compensation, no obligation etc) and catching shit from people who literally cannot pull their own head from their own ass.
It honestly just comes with the territory, and it's nothing to get upset about. Sports writers/broadcasters get the same kind of shit. You're getting to that level of popularity so of course there's always going to be a bunch of idiots who will criticize. It's best just to ignore them, though.
On October 19 2010 05:13 Qzy wrote:There was a podcast coming today, right?  . Looking forward to it!
Yeah but its recorded late in the evening so usually tuesday for us europeans.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On October 19 2010 04:49 {88}iNcontroL wrote: it infuriates me so thoroughly that people like klamity are common enough to pop up with completely retarded posts like the one above.
Agreed 100%. Ironically, check out this earlier post from Klamity:
On October 19 2010 02:59 Klamity wrote: i love people that play the "opinion" card like it's some sort of sacred entity that's immune to criticism. opinions are worthless without support in something that is arguable. you don't even know the guy and yet you're entitled to form an opinion of him? what a joke.
But seriously, for Klamity, did you even read, say, the last 20 pages before you replied? Seriously?
On October 19 2010 05:13 Qzy wrote:There was a podcast coming today, right?  . Looking forward to it!
JP said he wanted to wait until the players of blizzcon were announced.
Incontrol, you are awesome! Haters gonna hate, but you'll always be an amazing part of this podcast. I laugh so hard whenever you do one of your hilarious rants against Blizzard or Artosis or whatever. I think the vast majority of people who listen to this podcast absolutely love you, and it's just a bunch of people who take things WAAAAAAAAAY too seriously who are complaining. Certain parts of the community need to calm down and just repeat to themselves, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." Keep doing what you're doing and don't let the sheer amount of stupid on the internet get you down!
And seriously, he called Artosis the descendant of a jewy grasshopper and a whiney toad and no one complained. He criticizes Select for being a little one dimensional in his play and the forums go crazy. It's like Bizzaro world around here.
USA29055 Posts
yeah thanks guys.. for the most part I know these things. Tired from travel (just got in the door) and weak emotionally from a tough loss at MLG. I don't know how many people can truly appreciate training 8-10 hours a day going to a lan and losing to arguably the best NA zerg and then catching shit for it. I know it comes with the territory but I guess I will have my weak moments and feed the trolls.
The show will go on. I am always seeking to improve and I don't "try too hard" or "play a part." The incontrol you see on there is literally who I am. Take it or leave it pretty much hah