On October 18 2010 15:36 Toxiferous wrote:Thanks!! Should be updated in OP Ima go watch now, I love these guys :D woah thanks been lurking the whole time for this
Edit: 100 Pages !!. Well done Sir plz continue and your guests to provide us with such an epic podcast
On October 18 2010 12:31 SiguR wrote: I should start by saying I am not a fan of SelecT at all. I have no vested interest in other people having a positive opinion of him. I felt, with no bias over my impressions, that the majority of the comments were condescending and hostile.
Pretty much all of his accomplishments were being discredited in the podcast. Claiming he didn't beat anyone noteworthy while winning both the TL opens is absolutely ridiculous, never mind insulting to the people that hosted the event (and probably those who played in it, which interestingly enough includes Nony).
It is painfully clear when someone is throwing out insincere compliments to be tactful and when they are sincerely speaking their mind. I find it hard to believe that someone as articulate as Incontrol would fail to realize how much his tone portrayed a lack of respect for SelecT.
I share the exact same sentiment regarding the MLG series of podcasts.
I mean, we listen to this show for their personalities, and opinions as professional gamers. But the last few MLG podcasts felt less like a talk show, and more like a bunch of dudes sharing a laugh and talking smack about people that are outside of 'The Circle'. The discussion about Select and his play would would have really benefited from having someone impartial involved [insert Day9 here] who didn't play in the tournament.
It's not that InControl and rest of the players were wrong. If Select's TvZ was better maybe he could of put up a better fight. But I couldn't help but think of InControl himself calling bullshit on Artosis and Idra last week, for praising players they've beaten but dismissing players they've lost to of having gimmicky play.
Sure, Select's play is one-dimensional ... but even Idra himself joked that you can do the same build over and over and be effective. You could even be considered GOOD, for having disciplined play and knowing your strengths and limitations. Often, Day9 recommends practicing and perfecting a build instead of looking for cheap wins, something Select has obviously done against Protoss.
I'm not writing as a Select fan, or an InControl hater (I actually find InControl to be one of the more diplomatic and perceptive hosts). I'm actually writing as a SPECTATOR and avid fan of Starcraft 2. I follow the sport, the way I follow NBA basketball. You can dismiss my opinion, but at the same time, I'm exactly the kind of audience that you'll need to reach if you ever hope to legitimize the game as a real sport -- the sports fanatic that understands the game, but doesn't have the time to play it seriously.
And I'd rather listen to a panel of experts with diverse opinions debate a play style, than a group of players obsess about how the 2nd place finisher of arguably the most important US tournament sucks at TvZ, or can only really do one build. What does that say about the integrity of the sport, or the other players in the room that lost to him?
I think what us 'whiners' here are complaining about isn't what InControl said, but the lack of any real debate or discussion afterwards.
Let's stop talking about "What InControl said" and actually discuss Select's play. You can say Selected played one build, but it's a build that beat the some of the top players in the North America. It's worth discussing.
Good to know about the qualifier in soccer, but I didn't want to post a US sport since it's an international forum. In the US baseball teams play eachother for many games in a row every time they play eachother it's a series. Can you imagine if in game 4 they said ok Detroit you're up 30-2 on Cleveland. It's just a backwards logic, MLG is saying the winner should have the advantage.. but they already do have one. Do you know how the winner is rewarded? BY MOVING ON IN THE WINNER BRACKET... the reward is simple. The negative effect for losing is also simple, you drop a bracket or lose the tournament. You don't need to double punish or reward players, it does not add a new cool dynamic.. it is a poor system.
On October 18 2010 15:53 TwentyAPM wrote: Good to know about the qualifier in soccer, but I didn't want to post a US sport since it's an international forum. In the US baseball teams play eachother for many games in a row every time they play eachother it's a series. Can you imagine if in game 4 they said ok Detroit you're up 30-2 on Cleveland. It's just a backwards logic, MLG is saying the winner should have the advantage.. but they already do have one. Do you know how the winner is rewarded? BY MOVING ON IN THE WINNER BRACKET... the reward is simple. The negative effect for losing is also simple, you drop a bracket or lose the tournament. You don't need to double punish or reward players, it does not add a new cool dynamic.. it is a poor system. yeah I was in no way saying that the way the series currently works is good I was just pointing out that there are some stupid systems in other professional events. the soccer one isn't really the same either as the teams know there wil be two games from the outset and generally play more attacking in the away game to get the double point goals and turtle up at home to avoid them.
As picky as this sounds and I know its just going to get a scoff. But there is just a way to say things.
The way incontrol critiqued Select was negatively. He said he wont win if he doesnt add more build orders, rather then saying, If he could add more build orders he could solidify his spot as a top player. (Btw, I might be remembering wrong, but I mostly remember him talking about his one build and saying huk and kiwi will win if he doesnt change rather then select could be even better if he added more builds to his play, I dont remember because I dont give a shit lol)
Its punishment vs reward, Its easy to say the same thing both positively and negatively.
If a loser is talking about why he lost: He could say "I didnt practice enough" or he could say "I need to practice more" They say the same thing, but one sounds like he plans on practice more to be better, while one sounds like he might practice more just to win the next match.
Now, I only said this, because I think people need to calm down on the people saying they thought it looked like Inc was disrespecting Select. Many people can look at a statement, and just take it for what its worth, but some people read into comments, even if they arent meant.
At the same time, people need to calm down. Who cares whether or not Inc or anybody else thinks select is good or not. Incontrol gave his opinion which is backed up by experience he has had. Speaking the "right way" is boring anyways, bring on the shitstorm and lets see some grudgematches lol
Anyways, I just wanted to give my PoV and Im done with that, cant wait for the next podcast
On October 18 2010 16:49 Chained wrote: As picky as this sounds and I know its just going to get a scoff. But there is just a way to say things.
The way incontrol critiqued Select was negatively. He said he wont win if he doesnt add more build orders, rather then saying, If he could add more build orders he could solidify his spot as a top player. (Btw, I might be remembering wrong, but I mostly remember him talking about his one build and saying huk and kiwi will win if he doesnt change rather then select could be even better if he added more builds to his play, I dont remember because I dont give a shit lol)
It's not picky, it's true. There's a difference between saying, "Ret's very talented, if he put in the games, he could kick some serious ass," and saying "Ret really needs to practice more if he expects to compete in the future."
To be fair, I think InControl made an effort to give Select his due in the Sunday broadcast.
I guess the important thing to remember that one of the keys to being a good critic is to consider how something, or someone, could be better, above how good it, or they, currently is/are. ^^
Either way, back on track, show is always awesome, great laughs every time.
On October 18 2010 15:15 pieman819 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 18 2010 14:56 TwentyAPM wrote: The continuing a series is retarded, can you imagine in soccer (football for the rest of the world and shut up and be happy I mentioned it, the sport blows but more people in the world would understand this post) if the finals of a tourney they said Brazil starts up 3-0 because they already beat their opponent 3-0 earlier? It'd be a game breaker. It's a retarded option, there is a reason it's not done in any competitive sport.
They were hard on select, they bash him for being weak vs Z in a match-up that changed 2 days prior to his final with the best Z player in the tourney by far. Select is good, he is far better than those bashing him minus Idra, huk, and tyler. He did one build, that is dumb... if he faced players who forced him to do otherwise often he'd probably do otherwise but the fact remains that most of you can't stop his one build. He has the APM, thought, and ability to use other strats just fine... probably better than those bashing him.
I still <3 state of the game and I agree on most issues and it's done in an entertaining way probably a bad choice of sports to use this argument for because world cup qualifiers actually work this way for certain regions where they will play two games and the highest aggregete score from both games is used to determine the winner with goals scored away from home being counted as two goals in the event of a tie and if things are still tied after that then there will be a penalty shootout..
That's qualifiers. It certainly doesn't work that way at the finals.
Incontrol I am vahry offended viz ze inzults of ze german race uhnd ze blantant unsterspitzel und ignorance in regahds to selects play at MLG.
Eet is yust dezpicable zat someone viz ze talent und fingahspeedin of vun ovahgrown yerbil vould make suk comments as zeeze.
Please rezign ze honahd position as gyest podcastah, und retiah az a playah immediately.
Zat is all.
Sweden172 Posts
On October 18 2010 14:12 Deeeno wrote: Well Select did go on in game about no practice partners when he had Sen agree to practice with him. On top of opportunity with Machine. If he's gonna use that a s a copout as far as I'mc oncerned he's allowing open season on himself for criticism.
to say "I wish I had someone to practice with" is just a copout for choosing not to come as prepared as he could have. And the fact he used such a copout given he had ample opportunity to get some vZ practice really makes all defending of his 'hard work' kinda questionable.
Either way, he did do well and all, he just should have been more prepared. /shrug
Ye Sen agreed to practice with him, saw Sen play Select on his stream and Select stomped him like 5 times in a row, the truth is that there are very few zergs as good as Idra.
Why do people keep saying anyone who disagrees with what incontrol said is getting upset or offended? You are the guys trying to make a bigger deal out of it than what it is.
Completely agree with what Incontrol was saying about select. Not only do I think his play will eventually be detrimental if he doesn't change it, it's EXTREMELY boring to watch. Maybe that's just my opinion but then again I'm one of those guys who would much rather watch a BW TvT over a ZvZ.
Also I want to say I appreciate Geoff you mentioning Counter-Strike every once in awhile. I myself was a counter-strike player far more than an RTS player and even though I fully understand SotG is a Starcraft podcast I find it sometimes displeasing how some of the older high skill ceiling games (other than BW) like Quake and Counter-strike are not mentioned very often. You're the only one who seems to use them in any analogies, which may be because you're a more old school, I don't know for sure.
Can I just say *thank you* for adding the metadata genre "Podcast" to the 12 Oct mp3, my phone actually recognised it and put it in the right section instead of me having to find it under "Music -> Artist -> JP McDaniel" lol.
p.s. What's with 'dissing Select on the cast? I didn't really follow him before MLG, but seeing him play game after game after game against quality players (and steamrolling them) is worthy of respect. He doesn't deserve an "if he wants to stay competitive....", it honestly just sounded like sour grapes from someone who placed lower in the same tournament.
I'm a big fan of iNcontrol, and about the Select thing I'd just like to say that criticizing is very, very good for the sport. We really do need the casters, commentators, analyzers to have opinions. Do you guys ever watch professional sports? There's plenty of people spouting their opinion, they may be wrong but it's okay, it's only a discussion.
Professional players shouldn't worry too much about opinions of the media, just like in any other sport, there'll be people criticizing you, and there'll be people praising you. Your responsibility as a player is to deliver good results consistently, and ignore the speculations of onlookers.
iNcontrol has a bright future as a commentator or analyst if he wishes to pursue that career.
As for criticism, I'd like to point out three things iNcontrol does when faced with a situation where people disagree with him, take for example his argument against Idra, after Idra claimed the Koreans would always be better than Foreigners.
1. iNcontrol disagrees with Idra. This is good, this makes for an interesting discussion.
2. iNcontrol explains his opinion, this is iNcontrols best moment, he's a funny guy with strong opinions.
3. IdrA withdraws and further explains his position, claiming his whole argument is that foreigners can't, won't, don't practice as hard.
the 4th step is completely useless. You need to learn to agree to disagree bro.
Anyway, don't take this negatively, sotg would be so much worse if it wasn't for incontrol.
The minicasts really helped pass the time. New cast out later today, yay~
Select is mechanically speaking, incredibly good and on par with the top Koreans. His TvZ was obviously not good, but it is good enough to beat nearly every foreigner zerg, which goes to show how sad the zerg scene is outside of Korea.
real talk: can SotG ~officially~ decide whether SeleCT is considered a foreigner or a Korean? thanks
Is greck gonna be on this one? :D
On October 18 2010 18:00 Butigroove wrote: Incontrol I am vahry offended viz ze inzults of ze german race uhnd ze blantant unsterspitzel und ignorance in regahds to selects play at MLG.
Eet is yust dezpicable zat someone viz ze talent und fingahspeedin of vun ovahgrown yerbil vould make suk comments as zeeze.
Please rezign ze honahd position as gyest podcastah, und retiah az a playah immediately.
Zat is all.
This made me laugh, well put!
I loved the minicasts, can't wait for todays (I hope) and the bliz con ones. It looks like there is a partial list, I know you wanted the full one but at least there is some information.
Remember Inc is also a trainer. I think what he was saying in the cast is the same advice he would give select if they were in person. He really does need more diversity if he wants to maintain his position in tournaments.
Greg is surprisingly articulate, I am glad he is such a frequent Guest.
JP remain's stellar, great job on moderating. Oh and I like your transitions, especially when you make it awkward for one of the players. Great Times and Congratulation on 100 pages. I always DL the cast from feed but I installed Itunes and 5 stared the cast since it deserves it though I will probably never DL it from there.
PS. did you delete your Twitter because of the podcast? I am sad to see it go, are you looking to make an official SOTG one instead?
Where can I find the pictures djWheat uploaded?
On October 19 2010 00:41 CruelZeratul wrote: Where can I find the pictures djWheat uploaded?
They should be on his twitter (@djwheat), they're the yfrog links.
Edit: actually, i'll just post links to the pictures here...+ Show Spoiler +
On October 18 2010 23:46 rastaban wrote:
PS. did you delete your Twitter because of the podcast? I am sad to see it go, are you looking to make an official SOTG one instead?
Yay, JP made a new twitter, and one for SOTG (@itmejp and @stateofthegame, respectively)