We are working on mech TvP this week and we are working a little on Reapers. We feel like mech TvP still isn't where we want it to be and Reapers are now a better early rusher but we would like to see if we can find a way to make it more generally useful.
But TvP mech is the real focus. We are looking at some buffs to mech units but we have to be careful because mech units can be very strong in other matchups (TvT, TvZ).
But TvP mech is the real focus. We are looking at some buffs to mech units but we have to be careful because mech units can be very strong in other matchups (TvT, TvZ).
With many players getting upset over difficulty opening mech or the amount of ways protoss can abuse it with the mothership core and air units. Many players have recently taken to the blizzard forums have been blowing up with complaints regarding the usage of mech against protoss.
One post that blizzard has responded to is this.
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After playing several games on all matchups post patch 10 (and 100+ pre patch), here are my thoughts on the terran side of things.
On Units:
Reapers: Get shutdown pretty easily in TvZ/TvP matchups while becoming much more deadlier in TvT. The player with the reaper who gets hit first loses which seems very frustrating.
I think their damage against light units need to be toned down alittle here to give marines or even hellions some chance. Would be great if there were ways to overcome armoured foes e.g marauders/roaches/stalkers instead of 1~2 of them shutting down all of them unless massed.
Widow Mines: I think they are a nice addition to someone who mechs in the TvZ/TvT matchups (more on this later) and give some useful defense utility. The 1 second burrow time makes them very good offensive units. Seems abit too supply heavy for lots of board control. Itd be nice if hi-sec auto tracking could increase their range or something that makes them alittle more usable late game when detectors are plenty.
Given their build time (from factories that are expensive in early/mid game) and supply cost they can countered far too easily though or microed around. Also why do they trigger on free hallucinations e.g. pheonixes which effectively make all that resources/supply spent on WMs redundant. reason why they are literally useless in TvP.
Medivacs: Love the speed boost as it creates really interesting scenarios (frustration for the enemy) but the ability should have a longer cool down or an energy cost or takes extra damage in return for speed so that it is really for emergency only.
Healing upgrade is far too good. Taking out small drops or small contingent of the MMM bio force is far too difficult e.g. mech vs bio as more damage is required or a presence of a large large force.
Thors: I do like the HEP option and I think the thor in terms of the 3d model/design is "cool" yet reality is that its still too costly/clunky. It still feels too cumbersome. I think the original idea of the warhound being half the thor would fix this with the HEP option. So a warhound with lower cost/size/supply with similiar GtA range attack as the thor (fires 2 rockets instead of 4 in ExpP? and a weaker HEP?).
Hellions/Hellbats/BattleHellions: Ive always liked battle hellions and their ability to transform. Ive never tried Hellbat + MMM but in terms of "mech" and the hellions role, they do well e.g. providing a beefy layer for your mech composition or hold position hellbat drops with medivacs.
However instead of being even moreso effective against light units, I think that they need either an upgrade to either make alittle bit more durable (take less FF? in battle mode?) or be a little more effective against anti light foes (a little higher flat base damage?).
Ravens: I really do think that the seeker missiles need to have some sort of splash back. The current ability seems useful in say sniping tanks or pre-engagement harass but during actual engagements they're becoming quite awkward and less effective to use compared to the old.
Either the old seeker makes its return or a new ability that involves splash (duration or direct etc) is a must. Also some attention to auto turrets would be nice.
General thoughts on other units/upgrades/misc stuff: I think battle cruisers are fine as they are contrary to what others thinks atm even in TvP that doesn't involve tempests. Tanks on the otherhand should be given a buff given all these new threats posed by the other races + maps (no more steppes) + the redundancy of 1/1/1 in TvP. Whether its a damage buff or cost/supply buff Im not sure but it definitely needs one. Tech reactors would be a nice macro buff for T which lacks severely in that department in the late game.
Lastly I feel as if vikings should have a late game upgrade to make them deal or atleast be more durable against all these new air threats that has cropped up in HOTS + durable ground mode.
On Matchups:
TvT: Outside of reaper wars, I think the matchup is generally similiar to WoL with few minor differences like bio drops becoming abit too nasty.
TvZ: In terms of mech, I think they are in a pretty good spot. A combination of WMs/hellbats/thors/tanks with later air support has a very interesting relationship with whats happening over at the zerg camp e.g. roach/hydra, vipers, new ultralisks etc. The widow mines help out against the remaxes and air threats e.g. mutas overpowering thors.
However because of the new raven ability, the air war seems harder than it was to begin with. Need the splash back. Lastly, swarmhost's locusts do far too much damage hence why when they reach a number like 10+, it becomes very difficult to deal with them. I think more locust/less damage would be better option.
TvP: This one in terms of mech has far too many problems. The tempests seem to really kill off the viability all together. MsC/hallucinations makes WM redundant and archons eat through hellbats.
I think hallucinations either aren't free or are similiar to the BW counterparts (so no flying scanner ala phoenix) or ob build time goes back to what it was originally since scouting is essentially all so easy now. Im thinking hallucinations need another look.
The dreaded 1/1/1 seems not so effective anymore due to the MsC and the MsC poses some early game threat (fly straight into T mineral line along with a stalker/zealot poke) that puts T into defensive mode most of the time. The threat of oracles (I didn't know but 2~3 of them can ignore a turret or two and clear out mineral lines or take out key buildings in matter of seconds).
I think instead of looking at Terran balance, the immortal and tempests need to be looked at because if they are toned down in a way that they dont hard counter things, I think mech could be viable. Immortals which also pose problems in PvZ ala immortal sentry all in should be toned down so that tanks can exploit some weakeness instead of relying SO much on ghosts. EMPs should "support" the units not decide their viability. Whether hardened shield is an ability or damage is nerfed or some other rework Im not sure. What im thinking is a nice balance so that immortals aren't so susceptible to burst damage dealers like marines while not being too specialised as an anti-armoured sniper.
With regards to tempests, I think they are a fine unit except that they need some sort of a weakness to compensate for the massive range/hitpoints and dareisay movement speed (same as thor/BCs etC). Dealing with tempests means you really have to commit say your vikings hence why this weakness is required. An interesting concept of a flying space controlling unit that reduces its speed and AOE damage in return for a focused long range attack would be interesting..
Just my thoughts for now.
With blizzards response being,
Thanks for the post. I am NOT endorsing Protoss nerfs by posting on this thread. =) I tend to agree with his comments on the heal beam, the need for changes on the Tank and the Battle Hellion, his concerns on the Raven and the Thor.
I also think he has good comments about TvP Mech. I don't know that nerfing the Protoss units are the answer because of the need for those units to be useful in other match ups but the original poster does (I think) identify the correct threats that are making mech not as viable as we would like.
I also think he has good comments about TvP Mech. I don't know that nerfing the Protoss units are the answer because of the need for those units to be useful in other match ups but the original poster does (I think) identify the correct threats that are making mech not as viable as we would like.
Personally this has me a little pumped, I can't wait for mech to be more viable after playing many games and being demolished to players who I have a winning track record against as bio.
So to I ask all of you, what would be the best buffs to mech units that wouldn't break other matchups?
Please remember that the battlecruiser most likely won't be one of them.
We were discussing this internally today and reminded ourselves that the BC actually received a buff recently via the combining of mech armor upgrades. We're not altogether opposed to looking at this kind of idea again should the Cruiser prove in need of more, but as of right now we do not have it as a top priority.
I know that's not the sexiest news in the world, but we really do appreciate all of your enthusiasm and the activity that has surrounded this post. We love the Cruiser too! (I've got my Megabloks Cruiser at arms reach on my desk - the coolest Christmas gift of 2012!)
Poll: What unit should be buffed?
Siege tank (252)
Add a new mech unit to factory (107)
battlecruiser (14)
raven (6)
Thor (5)
Add a new mech unit to starport (5)
Viking (5)
banshee (3)
Hellion (2)
399 total votes
Add a new mech unit to factory (107)
battlecruiser (14)
raven (6)
Thor (5)
Add a new mech unit to starport (5)
Viking (5)
banshee (3)
Hellion (2)
399 total votes
Your vote: What unit should be buffed?
(Vote): Hellion
(Vote): Siege tank
(Vote): Thor
(Vote): Add a new mech unit to factory
(Vote): Add a new mech unit to starport
(Vote): Viking
(Vote): banshee
(Vote): raven
(Vote): battlecruiser
Edit: Blizzard with more information.
I want to be very clear about what are goals for using Factory units in Terran vs. Protoss.
We are not trying to create a "Factory Only" option for Terrans in this match up that works in every game on every map all the time. We want all Factory to be useful sometimes and all Barracks to be useful sometimes and a mix to also have a place. We are looking to unlock options, not remove Barracks play as a choice for Terran players against Protoss.
We think that Air units or Barracks units (or both) will often be necessary to support the Factory units. Ghosts alone will mean that the Barracks units always have some use, and Tempests will (probably) often pull the Terrans towards some air.
There are many times where a Terran player in Wings will build a Factory and use it only as a scout or will use it just a tech structure on their way to multiple Starports. We want the Factory to not be that useless. We want it to unlock some of those units for our Terran players when fighting Protoss.
At least that's our current thinking. If we get that to work but it's not that fun to play then we may not continue in this direction. Or if we simply can't make it work and remain balanced we may abandon this goal.
We are not trying to create a "Factory Only" option for Terrans in this match up that works in every game on every map all the time. We want all Factory to be useful sometimes and all Barracks to be useful sometimes and a mix to also have a place. We are looking to unlock options, not remove Barracks play as a choice for Terran players against Protoss.
We think that Air units or Barracks units (or both) will often be necessary to support the Factory units. Ghosts alone will mean that the Barracks units always have some use, and Tempests will (probably) often pull the Terrans towards some air.
There are many times where a Terran player in Wings will build a Factory and use it only as a scout or will use it just a tech structure on their way to multiple Starports. We want the Factory to not be that useless. We want it to unlock some of those units for our Terran players when fighting Protoss.
At least that's our current thinking. If we get that to work but it's not that fun to play then we may not continue in this direction. Or if we simply can't make it work and remain balanced we may abandon this goal.
Train Reaper no longer requires a Tech Lab Addon.
Attack speed changed from 1.9 to 2.The Infernal Pre-Igniter upgrade no longer increases Hellbat weapon damage.Napalm Spray weapon damage increased from 10 +9 vs. light to 18 +12 vs. light.Splash damage radius decreased from 110 to 45.
Caduceus ReactorNo longer improves the healing rate of Medivacs.Upgrade cost decreased from 150/150 and 110 seconds to 100/100 and 80 seconds.Emergency Thrusters ability renamed Ignite Afterburners
Seeker missile Energy cost decreased from 125 to 75.Primary target damage reverted from 300 to 100.Seeker Missile once again deals splash damage.The delay time prior to firing has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
The Battlefield Awareness passive ability has been removed from the game.Movement speed increased from 3.38 to 3.75.The Nitro Packs upgrade has been removed from the game.P-45 Gauss Pistol weapon damage decreased from 4 +5 vs. Light to 4.
Siege Tank
Siege Tanks no longer require an upgrade in order to enter Siege Mode.
The Vortex ability has been removed from the game.
Mothership Core
The Envision ability has been moved to Oracle.
The Time Warp ability has been moved to the Mothership Core and the Mothership.
Fungal Growth damage decreased from 30 +10 vs. Armored to 30.
Mutalisk Regeneration passive ability renamed Tissue Regeneration and its tooltip has been updated to improve clarity.