Viking press 350/400 Farmers walk 350 per hand Bus pull Keg carry and load Car deadlift
Yesterday's bench sesh:
Bench press: 135-10, 225-10, 315-8, 365-3 (no rest pyramid set) 225-50 over 4 mins 135-100 over 4 mins Poundstone curls: 150, 110 Db rows: 180-20-20-20 Tri pushdowns: red mini band - 15-15-15 (Superset with empty barbell overhead extension)
Tons of volume, was awfully tight the next day. Added in allergy medication and sleep aid. Sleep is on a whole nother level now :D
On June 06 2015 12:56 Ehzera wrote: Just squatted my old 1rm of 150kg for a fairly easy triple!!
Nice dude! Glad to hear you're doing well!
For the dampening if the rowing machine, between 3-5 is the general consensus that best stimulates water. Going above that is considered unnecessary. I'm assuming you're using a concept 2 if course.
Monday - Worked up to 100kg snatch 130kg clean and jerk Wednesday - Worked up to 80kg in sn and cj Thursday - Up to 105kg sn
Some squats mixed in there too. Also managed to do a normal looking 3x5 pull ups, i think my pinched nerves are starting to get back to normal so i'm not super lopsided. About 4 weeks out from competition.
On June 08 2015 22:37 mordek wrote: Rowed for 3k for the first time this morning. How do you guys decide on your damper setting? I haven't spent enough time to figure out exactly what it means, it seems to be less intuitive than just a resistance setting.
Also planning to get bigger soon, thanks :D Hit my lowest weight in a while last week.
I set it at 6 or 7 because someone told me to do that. Who knows if that's a good setting. I guess I could try 3-5.
On June 08 2015 22:37 mordek wrote: Rowed for 3k for the first time this morning. How do you guys decide on your damper setting? I haven't spent enough time to figure out exactly what it means, it seems to be less intuitive than just a resistance setting.
Also planning to get bigger soon, thanks :D Hit my lowest weight in a while last week.
Go to "more", "Options", "Display drag factor". You should move the damper so that the resistance is approx 115. US heavyweights like to have their dampers all the way up to 135~, but lower back injuries are also much more common. I personally have the damper on 120~. The relationship between the damper & the drag factor depends per machine and changes over time, the only way you will know before your row that you are on the right drag factor is to go through this process. Takes like 20 secs though.
Meh, been down with bronchitis for a week now, really sucks. Coughing my lungs out and just walking two flights of stairs leaves me out of breath. I was so excited to get back into lifting after a diet of ungodly amounts of vodka, beer, and barbecue last week. Of course, that might have had something to do with getting sick ...
On June 08 2015 22:37 mordek wrote: Rowed for 3k for the first time this morning. How do you guys decide on your damper setting? I haven't spent enough time to figure out exactly what it means, it seems to be less intuitive than just a resistance setting.
Also planning to get bigger soon, thanks :D Hit my lowest weight in a while last week.
Go to "more", "Options", "Display drag factor". You should move the damper so that the resistance is approx 115. US heavyweights like to have their dampers all the way up to 135~, but lower back injuries are also much more common. I personally have the damper on 120~. The relationship between the damper & the drag factor depends per machine and changes over time, the only way you will know before your row that you are on the right drag factor is to go through this process. Takes like 20 secs though.
I injured myself like a dumbass last week by playing basketball barefoot, so I had to basically take last week off. Back to lifting this week though. Even though I was basically fine by the end of last week, I had graduation and family stuff to do so I just had no time to lift over the weekend.
Everything felt pretty good today. I think I'm just going to stick with the higher volume on everything and take some time to work on my lower back pain. If it's mostly cleared up in a few weeks I might go back to some lower rep work, but I think I can still build enough strength with sets of 8 so it's not too big of a deal.
He could have been stepped on / landed on by someone wearing shoes. Stubbed his toe on pavement. Kicked the basketball pole. It's a mystery until mtl returns
On June 08 2015 22:37 mordek wrote: Rowed for 3k for the first time this morning. How do you guys decide on your damper setting? I haven't spent enough time to figure out exactly what it means, it seems to be less intuitive than just a resistance setting.
Also planning to get bigger soon, thanks :D Hit my lowest weight in a while last week.
Go to "more", "Options", "Display drag factor". You should move the damper so that the resistance is approx 115. US heavyweights like to have their dampers all the way up to 135~, but lower back injuries are also much more common. I personally have the damper on 120~. The relationship between the damper & the drag factor depends per machine and changes over time, the only way you will know before your row that you are on the right drag factor is to go through this process. Takes like 20 secs though.
Dude this is awesome thanks. Set the damper to 125 today and rowed 2k in 6:48.8.
The actual injury isn't very interesting. I had some minor scrapes/cuts on my foot, but the major issue was a gigantic blood blister on my foot. It's starting to shrink, but it was pretty massive when I first got it. I couldn't really walk on my foot for one day because my foot was pretty sensitive and I didn't want the blood blister to burst, and I figured that since most lifting requires me to be on my feet it would probably be best just to wait a little bit.
Sorry for the anticlimactic story. I probably could've pushed it if I really wanted to, but given that I had to walk for graduation I just didn't feel like risking anything.
Squats up to: 615-3 Down set to fatigue legs: 325-20 5 second pause squats: 425-5 Front squats paused to 16" box: 385-5-5-5 Hanging leg raises 3 sets to failure Leg curls: 125-15-15-15
On June 10 2015 11:35 Strongmang wrote: Squats up to: 615-3 Down set to fatigue legs: 325-20 5 second pause squats: 425-5 Front squats paused to 16" box: 385-5-5-5 Hanging leg raises 3 sets to failure Leg curls: 125-15-15-15
On June 10 2015 11:05 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: The actual injury isn't very interesting. I had some minor scrapes/cuts on my foot, but the major issue was a gigantic blood blister on my foot. It's starting to shrink, but it was pretty massive when I first got it. I couldn't really walk on my foot for one day because my foot was pretty sensitive and I didn't want the blood blister to burst, and I figured that since most lifting requires me to be on my feet it would probably be best just to wait a little bit.
Sorry for the anticlimactic story. I probably could've pushed it if I really wanted to, but given that I had to walk for graduation I just didn't feel like risking anything.
Ha nice. I walked three days after ACL reconstruction, you probably would have made it
On June 08 2015 22:37 mordek wrote: Rowed for 3k for the first time this morning. How do you guys decide on your damper setting? I haven't spent enough time to figure out exactly what it means, it seems to be less intuitive than just a resistance setting.
Also planning to get bigger soon, thanks :D Hit my lowest weight in a while last week.
Go to "more", "Options", "Display drag factor". You should move the damper so that the resistance is approx 115. US heavyweights like to have their dampers all the way up to 135~, but lower back injuries are also much more common. I personally have the damper on 120~. The relationship between the damper & the drag factor depends per machine and changes over time, the only way you will know before your row that you are on the right drag factor is to go through this process. Takes like 20 secs though.
Dude this is awesome thanks. Set the damper to 125 today and rowed 2k in 6:48.8.
Glad it helps! 125 sounds right for someone your size. A 2k is quite long, and a higher drag factor really doesn't necessarily lead to lower times. Protip: if you are doing 100m sprints or something silly, then you should aim for a higher drag factor (150 or so). I don't know why on earth you 2k so often though, they are zero fun haha.