On August 13 2012 07:38 AoN.DimSum wrote: well you have to start small to adapt to the training, then you can add in more days.
This is what I am planning to do. Try to do my absolute best of accomplishing each of those tasks in the schedule. If I can't, I'll deduce the amount of say instead of jogging for 5 miles, drop it down a notch to maybe 4. Those pushups, I can substract 10 or 20 reps if necessary. Everything depending on my mood and energy.
I think in about 3 month, I should be able to sustain all that exercise. I mean 3 months is 90 days and that's plenty of time.
On August 13 2012 07:38 AoN.DimSum wrote: well you have to start small to adapt to the training, then you can add in more days.
This is what I am planning to do. Try to do my absolute best of accomplishing each of those tasks in the schedule. If I can't, I'll deduce the amount of say instead of jogging for 5 miles, drop it down a notch to maybe 4. Those pushups, I can substract 10 or 20 reps if necessary. Everything depending on my mood and energy.
I think in about 3 month, I should be able to sustain all that exercise. I mean 3 months is 90 days and that's plenty of time.
What exactly are your goals?
Ultimately this with the support of one arm and more muscular in the legs.
On August 13 2012 07:38 AoN.DimSum wrote: well you have to start small to adapt to the training, then you can add in more days.
This is what I am planning to do. Try to do my absolute best of accomplishing each of those tasks in the schedule. If I can't, I'll deduce the amount of say instead of jogging for 5 miles, drop it down a notch to maybe 4. Those pushups, I can substract 10 or 20 reps if necessary. Everything depending on my mood and energy.
I think in about 3 month, I should be able to sustain all that exercise. I mean 3 months is 90 days and that's plenty of time.
On August 13 2012 08:57 funkie wrote: I seruously can't wait for tomorrow to lift.
It seriously is something that I crave for all the weekend, but since my gym doesn't open on saturyda afternoon and not at all on sunday, it sucks. .
Monday 6pm, get here faster plz. thx.
I am also experiencing that feeling, but since I work all day monday (until after the gym is closed) I'm going to have to go Monday at 7am.
Popped something in my shoulder today while I was putting on a sweatshirt, of all things. Hurts like hell if I try to pronate my arm, or do a chest-fly type motion. Currently icing it, don't have any anti-imflam's, don't think foam rolling will help.
@Xiphos, if you want to do a planche pushup, start posting in the bodyweight thread and take a look at Eshlow's book.
On August 13 2012 07:38 AoN.DimSum wrote: well you have to start small to adapt to the training, then you can add in more days.
This is what I am planning to do. Try to do my absolute best of accomplishing each of those tasks in the schedule. If I can't, I'll deduce the amount of say instead of jogging for 5 miles, drop it down a notch to maybe 4. Those pushups, I can substract 10 or 20 reps if necessary. Everything depending on my mood and energy.
I think in about 3 month, I should be able to sustain all that exercise. I mean 3 months is 90 days and that's plenty of time.
Don't do that terrible routine you posted above then.
Also, that is a HORRENDOUS example of planche pushups. I wouldn't even say that qualifies as planche pushups. He doesn't even hit planche position and mega arch
On August 13 2012 07:38 AoN.DimSum wrote: well you have to start small to adapt to the training, then you can add in more days.
This is what I am planning to do. Try to do my absolute best of accomplishing each of those tasks in the schedule. If I can't, I'll deduce the amount of say instead of jogging for 5 miles, drop it down a notch to maybe 4. Those pushups, I can substract 10 or 20 reps if necessary. Everything depending on my mood and energy.
I think in about 3 month, I should be able to sustain all that exercise. I mean 3 months is 90 days and that's plenty of time.
The projected time frame for this conquest is 4 years. I'm fairly certain that I am able to push my body up one single handily with toes touching ground in a period of 1 year. And then it will take me a whole extra one for the planche. And two years more to do them with only one point of support.
On August 13 2012 08:57 funkie wrote: I seruously can't wait for tomorrow to lift.
It seriously is something that I crave for all the weekend, but since my gym doesn't open on saturyda afternoon and not at all on sunday, it sucks. .
Monday 6pm, get here faster plz. thx.
I am also experiencing that feeling, but since I work all day monday (until after the gym is closed) I'm going to have to go Monday at 7am.
Popped something in my shoulder today while I was putting on a sweatshirt, of all things. Hurts like hell if I try to pronate my arm, or do a chest-fly type motion. Currently icing it, don't have any anti-imflam's, don't think foam rolling will help.
@Xiphos, if you want to do a planche pushup, start posting in the bodyweight thread and take a look at Eshlow's book.
Is it good to eat after the gym? I try to eat simple carbs + protein (potato and tuna, or a chocolate milkshake) after my workouts.
Any tips on what to eat after a good workout session? I'm on leangains type of thing (just the fasting part, trying to eat paleo around here is pretty much impossible).
Anyway, if anybody can shed a light on this, that'd be swell.
On August 11 2012 14:12 GoTuNk! wrote: I got with my gf again for a last time, and she told she felt during our 5 months together I didn't care about her. Can't believe that happened, given how much I care(d) for her. In pain and sorrow, I'll get more shit done than ever before. I know what she felt; that I took her for granted. I did that with everything. Don't fucking procastinate, always work on getting shit done better. I rationally know she wasn't emotionally stable and prolly a bad girlfriend, but still, she was the first girl I ever cared about. I'll do lots of booze and whores, but it'll prolly felt empty for a long time.
FS 100kgx3x10 Medium Grip BP 112.5kgx3x3, 110kgx3x7
Girls suck. +1 for booze and whores.
In between booze and whores is a good time to throw yourself into training though. When i broke up with my first gf is when i started really getting after it, thats when i got my deadlift from 425 -> 485 and squat from 405-445 while dropping from 215 to a ripped 200. Life was all uphill from there.
It is those times that you destroy yourself the most, that you're are able to rebuild from the ground.
You heard it first here kids, learn from papa funkie. I've done this shit three times already. This is my third time, and From my first break up (Squat 100kg) to my third (Squat 170kg) I've improved a bit no? :D?
edit: +2 on Whores and Booze. I do Booze, never do whores, I can't seem to even get those interested in me. Oh well. fuck them too. Best of luck Gotunk!
Life teaching's always find you first: Just fucking do it.
On August 13 2012 07:38 AoN.DimSum wrote: well you have to start small to adapt to the training, then you can add in more days.
This is what I am planning to do. Try to do my absolute best of accomplishing each of those tasks in the schedule. If I can't, I'll deduce the amount of say instead of jogging for 5 miles, drop it down a notch to maybe 4. Those pushups, I can substract 10 or 20 reps if necessary. Everything depending on my mood and energy.
I think in about 3 month, I should be able to sustain all that exercise. I mean 3 months is 90 days and that's plenty of time.
Don't do that terrible routine you posted above then.
Also, that is a HORRENDOUS example of planche pushups. I wouldn't even say that qualifies as planche pushups. He doesn't even hit planche position and mega arch
re-iterating this. xiphos, listen to eshlow if you're actually serious about doing planche push up. check out the bodyweight strength thread
Pulled something in my arm on Friday, throwing a nerf ball at a co-worker. Still hurts, and today is deadlift/chinup monday. What do? Would I risk serious injury if I did it anyway or is it just pain?
Myeah that's pretty much how I feel about it, downside would be if me trying would make it worse. But I've stayed off chest exercises for two weeks and that shit still hurts so I dunno.
I'm very seriously considering finishing my cut a couple of weeks early. Realistically these next 2 weeks won't really get me to 10%, and I'm feeling extremely burned out at the moment. I've dropped from somewhere around 85-86kg and around 25% bf last year to 66.5kg and about 12% bf right now. I was really hoping to get to around 10%, but it's getting really hard to deny myself food after eating at a 1400 calorie diet for the past 5 months.
Just finished my bottle of Orange flavoured fish oil, and cracked open my first bottle of non-flavoured, and it tastes absolutely awful. I never knew the difference would be so big.
Uni gym opens up next week. Ultimate and softball finish this week. Time to start reaching weightlifting goals! Can't wait. Also, tough mudder in less than a month. Need to focus on my endurance first
I hope I can do something about my body. After going through some rough times that involved me leading to depression (and thus getting through that by excessive eating and staying at home), i finally decided that my health is getting way out of hand. I used to clock 9mins 30secs running 1.5miles but now i can barely hit 15mins. Doesnt help that im suffering from petalla tendinitis with some weird defect in my knees that has forced me to undergo steroid injection therapy and physiotherapy. The condition has gotten better over the months so i started running again. My knees still hurt but its much better than before. Anyway, here are some info for me lol. ID: konadora Weight: 65kg Height: 176cm By BMI my weight should be fine but thing is, i feel and i know that most of the weight comes from fats and not muscle mass. My goal is to lose all that fats (mostly in abdominal area + thigh area) and gain muscle mass in return. About the diet, it is kinda hard since im stuck with my army camp's cookhouse food, but i have been selectively choosing which food to eat. I've also been doing exercises such as jogging, cycling and swimming three times a week. I've already lost 7kg over 3months, and i plan to lose a couple more of fats over the next two months. I've also been hitting the gym twice a week to do work out for my chest and arms, which are very thin as compared to my legs.
Is there anything i am doing good/bad and any area i can improve on? Thanks in advance guys
On August 13 2012 20:41 Luxae wrote: I'm very seriously considering finishing my cut a couple of weeks early. Realistically these next 2 weeks won't really get me to 10%, and I'm feeling extremely burned out at the moment. I've dropped from somewhere around 85-86kg and around 25% bf last year to 66.5kg and about 12% bf right now. I was really hoping to get to around 10%, but it's getting really hard to deny myself food after eating at a 1400 calorie diet for the past 5 months.