i don't have pagle but i should craft him probs
thanks! gonna give it a spin
not playing any druids of the claw, NOR starfire or naturalize, feels weird to me
Naturalize sucks so much idk why you run 2 lol
the league player atlanta, who is literally legendary in this game, told me to put 2 in my deck
Naturalize is "good" in the Mirror/Ctrl. It fills much of the same role that TInkmaster does. However really dicks you if you aren't already ahead in Card Advantage. Its only real saving grace is that it's 1 mana. Which for killing target guy at the end of the game is pretty damn premium.
The lack of taunt dudes is made up by your new "Midrange" shell. Yeti and FON + SR make up ALOT of damage you'd be missing, not to mention give you insane reach. You have enough removal in this list that the board should be clear when you drop a yeti, or even Innervate into one which is really hard for a lot of decks to deal with. FON + SR and Leeroy + SR are really the cards you want to hold to finish people off. Other than that get your chip in and keep the board clear. You're dudes are generally going to be bigger than his so you don't have to worry too much.
Pro Tip Level Shit: THIS DECK CAN GET FUCKED ON CARD ADVANTAGE. You have to trade smart, or you're going to find yourself REALLY behind. Find ways to eat a guy and heal it, or take some damage on your hero to kill those 3/1s 2/1s so you don't have to heal your yeti/keeper/harvest.
terms that i will need help understanding:
"midrange shell" "insane reach" "get your chip in"
sorry i kinda suck
i am really bad, i had lethal and attacked his ragnaros instead
Midrange Shell: Referring to Defender of Argus/Yeti/Azure Drake (not in this list but could be)/Keeper of the Grove. Some people refer to them as 4 drops but they generally are some where in the mid game in terms of mana that have very powerful impacts on the board.
Insane Reach: Reach in generally refers to the range in which you can kill someone from. With FON + SR you can kill someone from 14. Leeroy + SR = 10 damage. It's pretty hard to find a deck that does similar things without having insane advantage alread.
Get your chip in: I'm referring to knowing when and where to deal damage to his face. There are some situations where if you have a taunted yeti, you would and probably should hit his face instead of killing or trading your guy for his. If you can find situations where he has to trade either in your favor or poorly and you did damage, you're in much better shape than you would be other wise. Think combat steps ahead of the one you are currently on. Questions you should be asking yourself are:
"When does this card kill me?" "How many turns can I let this card live?" "What cards could he blow me out with here?"
If you can answer all 3 of those questions for the current board, it becomes much easier to choose when and where to attack.
after my disappointing suicide when i had lethal, i have won 3 games in a row. i'll count my loss as a win since i should have if i wasn't terrible.
cixah confirmed god of HS, gives me 4 free wins with cards i already have
this deck is really strong i actually love it. my last druid deck which got me to 10 was really spell heavy and large drop heavy, this is a nice change, sets the pace early and controls it late
just kidding, i just lost to a rogue, WORST DECK NA
Make a tribal deck that isn't an official tribe, like "Elves."
On February 16 2014 15:29 gtrsrs wrote: just kidding, i just lost to a rogue, WORST DECK NA
Rogue will most likely be harder than with your end game strat, simply because rogue has much more tempo oriented cards (Sap, Backstab, SI Agent) than you do. If there is one weakness it's going to be those kinds of decks. Don't be surprised to lose to those decks when basically you're playing rogue with more reach as druid.
zug zug
Also, frost mage deck? All the ice cards, no fire cards.
On February 16 2014 16:40 red_ wrote: So much Hearthstone...
That's what you get for not playing league OR hearthstone =( fknoob
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Void Terror deck Cixah! :3
Also, completed my 2nd 12-2 arena run. This time it was a paladin with 2 peacekeepers, argent protectors and sea giants (!!!) no weapons, but who cares, minions op.
Everytime I go to play hearthstone I convince myself to just play more League because I know I am far too lazy to actually get the cards I'd need for a decent constructed deck.