I guess this deserves to be here.
So there I was, prepared to lose all of the Elo, that's right, solo queue ranked play. (I had been on a bit of a hot streak lately, pulling my elo slowly but surely out of the hell that was the 1000 range) Suddenly, I've been matched with teammates and I get to ban. The usual suspects are taken out of consideration and I decide that I want to have fun AND destroy the other team, so I grab Riven as a solo top. Suddenly the flaming begins, our last pick starts shitting all over Riven and thus me for playing her. I, of course, being a reasonable red blooded 'Merican talk a bit of shit back. She eventually grabs Cait and ends up heading bot as Ali. Things are going great, I'm zoning the enemy Renekton hard and...hold on...what's that? Someone died in the jungle! HA! WHAT A BA...shit it was our jungler, wasn't it?
No biggie, just more shit from Cait on both me and WW now. I can handle it, really, I can, my lane is still going swimminGAHRAMMUSGANK. Ok, I probably deserved that one, I was pushed up past the mid point of the lane, oh well, can't survive all the ganks. (Happens 3 more times, they only managed to kill me one of them.) Ok...ok...I'm ok...no problem, two kills and a good chunk of lane exp behind Renekton, maybe WW should come up and help? Oh no, a jungler help their top lane? Unheard of, I would be lothe to ask for some help form a jungler who was behind from failing early. Not even the temptation of some free exp from my lane was enough. Fine, fine, maybe Cait can carry, she's been doing well bot lane, right?
Nope, she's spending so much time typing about how much our team sucks that she's missing out on all of the opportunities to engage, and she's positioning poorly to boot. Well, I guess I deserve this, I did brag about carrying the team as Riven before the match, I also underestimated their jungler and Renekton. Now if they'd just finish the game...Wait, we won a teamfight? MADNESS, PUSH TO WIN! (Push gets shut down at inhib turret)
Well, we lose, gg, it's all my fault, Cait said so, and won't stop saying so and fuck I'm such a piece of shit player I should just uninstall and kill myself right now.
(I played another game after that and took out my rage as Trist, went 14/3 because at the end I tanked the super laser just for fun.)
I don't understand why people can't refrain from raging at their own team during a match, it does nothing to motivate and generally makes everyone have a shitty game.
On November 10 2011 06:28 Befree wrote: Summary: Complaining about teammates makes no sense, lower skilled players benefit you, and players, who whine about teammates, show a fundamental lack of intelligence while players who make mistakes only show a lack of knowledge on a specific subject which is not as applicable to other parts of their life (LoL/DotA).
I was really hoping for this thread to be going in a different direction, but sadly it still seems to be stupidity prevailing. I'll try to explain my viewpoint on this subject:
I can't understand complaining about teammates making mistakes. I don't know what causes people to do it and I certainly don't know what it does for them. In such a casual setting like a free-to-play video game, there's no reason to not expect vast amounts of ignorance and mistakes. How could you imagine it any other way? You'd have to be crazy to even expect the possibility of there not being tons of mistakes. So what sense does it make to complain about them when they happen? Do you complain about a coin flip when you predict heads and it is tails? Perhaps those irrational among us do, but any rational person would understand the significant probability of tails to begin with and would realize there is no reason to complain about it when it happens even if it isn't what you wanted.
And even if you have irrational expectations on how large groups of people should be able to play a game, what difference does it make if they don't live up to them? These other low skilled players are not only on your team but they're on the opponents team. In fact, only 4 are on your team and 5 on the opponents team. How is their low skill relevant when they are on both sides? It is actually only relevant in that it gives YOU an advantage.
Let's view players in a game by their probability to be good as opposed to bad. Lets assume you have a 100% chance to be good. Now if half of the other players out there are bad, each player will have a 50% chance to be good. So the match up will be: 100%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 50% vs. 50%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 50% Clearly your team has a higher probability of winning. And over time, you're going to win more games. That isn't to say that every single game you will win because that would be nonsensical and isn't how probability/the world works. The irrelevance of the skill of a pool of players in a solo matchmaking setting seems obvious enough, but I figured I'd give an explanation anyways.
These are just two of the reasons why it is ridiculous to complain about teammates, but I think they're enough to explain my point.
The irrational, simple-minded players who will so foolishly whine and cry about their teammates like stupid children will always annoy me infinitely more than those players who make mistakes in games. The mistakes of players in the game are not important. Usually they just come down to the player's lack of effort and ignorance on the video game. Not really a problem and it doesn't really say much about them or their intelligence in general.
But the people who will so stupidly and irrationally complain.. Now that says something more about them. Their mistakes of logic and reasoning are much more fundamental mistakes. These kinds of mistakes imply a certain fundamental lack of intelligence and ability to reason. What drives them to irrationally whine will also drive them to other irrational conclusions through life. Honestly, I dont really care if you suck. I do care if you intentionally try to ruin my game, are a stubborn asshole who ignores the team while making glaring mistakes over and over, or go rage/afk. Everyone has bad games and that's fine. But when you're doing terribly but you act as tho you're hot shit, deriding everyone else, and flat out ignoring your team then I get ticked.
Everytime I have shaco on my team he is the most useless fucktard on the whole team.
Everytime I have to face a shaco on the enemy team they get completely fed and just split push while you can't send one guy to stop him because shaco turns into 2 people and resets turret agro and ends up taking the tower any way.
Lost bot as sona/cait to soraka/ashe. Cait complained about ashe outranging her aswell as soraka. Holy shit this game sometimes crack me up
I lost 4 straight games last night before finally winning one.
Game 1: We had downy top lane but this is a loss I can take. They had a fed Nasus, we had fed Le Blanc, we lose. No big deal.
Game 2: I'm Udyr, and I ban Sion+Graves. They get Kassadin who finished the game 12-1-4 because he laned against our Akali who rushed...Sunfire Cape. Akali bitched me out for not banning Kass when she was ~ 0-4.
Game 3: I'm Warwick (2nd pick), our first pick Nidalee does not to ban Sion OR Graves (who both rape at my elo), and of course their team gets both. Last pick decides to pick a tank (even though we told him AP carry) and decides to mid lane with...Singed. Proceeds to get raped (I think Sion was ~9-2) and bitches at me for not ganking mid. Oh, and our Sona never bought wards and went triple Doran Ring into Manamune.
Game 4: I'm Udyr, and we get the same shitty nidalee. The guy is decent laner but no freaking clue how to play as a team. We get Graves this time (duo queue with a Sona), who proceeds to wreck bot lane. Annie is mid against Galio, who I gank a couple of times. We have huge advantage (including an inhib), Nidalee gets picked off like a retard near Baron, I immediately ping Graves to head top, and he proceeds to keep running bot to clear minions. By the time he gets there, it was an ace for them + 2 alive with baron (vs we ace them + we get baron if he came when I pinged). We proceed to lose because I can no longer bear stun Galio ult (Banshee) and atmog Nidalee ends every fight at full HP.
The guy trolled me so fucking hard. I call dragon 4v3, tell Nidalee to TP down when they come. 20 seconds later after we commit, "tp is down". Or I see a 5v5, nope Nidalee actually isn't doing anything and it's actually 4v5. The dude literally stands way in the back and chucks spears (as ATMOG NIDALEE) and then runs away at the first sign of trouble.
Lost a game after being 15/0/3, with a team that had taken every dragon and was +10 kills ahead... because no one could focus Nasus, and top didn't try to deny farm at all between ganks T.T
Got to 1799 and then start getting trolled sooooo hard.
1950 elo taric who buys no wards all game and starts feeding intentionally after his first death.
On November 11 2011 02:53 Haemonculus wrote: Got to 1799 and then start getting trolled sooooo hard.
1950 elo taric who buys no wards all game and starts feeding intentionally after his first death.
T_T Not everyone likes playing support, especially supports who think they are the best AD carries in the world...at least according to my own personal experience.
On November 10 2011 06:28 Befree wrote: Summary: Complaining about teammates makes no sense, lower skilled players benefit you, and players, who whine about teammates, show a fundamental lack of intelligence while players who make mistakes only show a lack of knowledge on a specific subject which is not as applicable to other parts of their life (LoL/DotA).
I was really hoping for this thread to be going in a different direction, but sadly it still seems to be stupidity prevailing. I'll try to explain my viewpoint on this subject:
I can't understand complaining about teammates making mistakes. I don't know what causes people to do it and I certainly don't know what it does for them. In such a casual setting like a free-to-play video game, there's no reason to not expect vast amounts of ignorance and mistakes. How could you imagine it any other way? You'd have to be crazy to even expect the possibility of there not being tons of mistakes. So what sense does it make to complain about them when they happen? Do you complain about a coin flip when you predict heads and it is tails? Perhaps those irrational among us do, but any rational person would understand the significant probability of tails to begin with and would realize there is no reason to complain about it when it happens even if it isn't what you wanted.
And even if you have irrational expectations on how large groups of people should be able to play a game, what difference does it make if they don't live up to them? These other low skilled players are not only on your team but they're on the opponents team. In fact, only 4 are on your team and 5 on the opponents team. How is their low skill relevant when they are on both sides? It is actually only relevant in that it gives YOU an advantage.
Let's view players in a game by their probability to be good as opposed to bad. Lets assume you have a 100% chance to be good. Now if half of the other players out there are bad, each player will have a 50% chance to be good. So the match up will be: 100%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 50% vs. 50%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 50% Clearly your team has a higher probability of winning. And over time, you're going to win more games. That isn't to say that every single game you will win because that would be nonsensical and isn't how probability/the world works. The irrelevance of the skill of a pool of players in a solo matchmaking setting seems obvious enough, but I figured I'd give an explanation anyways.
These are just two of the reasons why it is ridiculous to complain about teammates, but I think they're enough to explain my point.
The irrational, simple-minded players who will so foolishly whine and cry about their teammates like stupid children will always annoy me infinitely more than those players who make mistakes in games. The mistakes of players in the game are not important. Usually they just come down to the player's lack of effort and ignorance on the video game. Not really a problem and it doesn't really say much about them or their intelligence in general.
But the people who will so stupidly and irrationally complain.. Now that says something more about them. Their mistakes of logic and reasoning are much more fundamental mistakes. These kinds of mistakes imply a certain fundamental lack of intelligence and ability to reason. What drives them to irrationally whine will also drive them to other irrational conclusions through life.
This is the QQ thread, so complain or get out... actually you are qqing about qqers, and you were actually more whiny than most of them.
On second thought you captured the essence of this thread perfectly. Carry on.
Updated the OP for those who enjoy my musing.
Oh yeah, 15 game win streak. :D I love ELO Welfare
United States37500 Posts
No gloating in QQ thread!
On November 11 2011 12:30 NeoIllusions wrote: No gloating in QQ thread! I was praising the fellow members of TL for breaking their backs for me so I can gloat like a little bitch :D
I have now lost 6 Dominion games in a row. Fucking 6. I said to myself "Oh, let's get a quick win of the day, but instead of bot games, why don't you just play a Dominion, you'll get more IP that way." And here we are. I have vowed not to go to bed until I win a game.
It's now 4 AM.
I fucking hate dominion.
Now it's 7 losses. "It's not over yet n00b" as our Nocturne disconnects for 5 minutes allowing them to 4cap. I've tried everything. Tanky DPS. Rammus. Jax. Nothing is fucking working. You can't carry a game of Dominion, and if you can, I have no clue how. Gonna be up allllllll nighit.
Loss 8. Another 4v5. Thank god these aren't ranked games or I might quit LoL altogether.
Loss 9. Servers explode, our whole team disconnects. I get back, we're 5 capped because apparently it was only our team. This is hilarious.
I.....I don't even. 10 games. We had them down to 7, then we lost. From over 200. We had a roleplaying Olaf who was hilarious, and a triple stealth team.....I was congratulating our team for winning and finally carrying me to victory....and then.....we lost.
oh my god i just need to QQ about riot servers atm 99% of the time they're fine now, but for some reason they are fucked right now whole enemy team disconnects, including enemy casseopiea for 5+ minutes OUR GRAGAS SOMEHOW GOES 1-3 DURING THIS TIME PERIOD. WHILE HIS LANE OPPONENT WAS DISCONNECTED, AS WELL AS 3 OTHER OPPONENTS
we won but the fact that i can't report this moron is absolutely enraging to me at one point i was dpsing blue for him to take and he missed it with his barrel
On November 11 2011 19:12 gtrsrs wrote: oh my god i just need to QQ about riot servers atm 99% of the time they're fine now, but for some reason they are fucked right now whole enemy team disconnects, including enemy casseopiea for 5+ minutes OUR GRAGAS SOMEHOW GOES 1-3 DURING THIS TIME PERIOD. WHILE HIS LANE OPPONENT WAS DISCONNECTED, AS WELL AS 3 OTHER OPPONENTS
we won but the fact that i can't report this moron is absolutely enraging to me at one point i was dpsing blue for him to take and he missed it with his barrel
Best rage until now :-D
Update: I just won. Finally. My match history is pathetic. I'm never playing Dominion again. Thank goodness I'm already going to be out of town for that TL tourney 'cause I would have just withdrawn my name anyway.
On November 11 2011 19:12 gtrsrs wrote: oh my god i just need to QQ about riot servers atm 99% of the time they're fine now, but for some reason they are fucked right now whole enemy team disconnects, including enemy casseopiea for 5+ minutes OUR GRAGAS SOMEHOW GOES 1-3 DURING THIS TIME PERIOD. WHILE HIS LANE OPPONENT WAS DISCONNECTED, AS WELL AS 3 OTHER OPPONENTS
we won but the fact that i can't report this moron is absolutely enraging to me at one point i was dpsing blue for him to take and he missed it with his barrel
THE FUCK Missing blue with your barrel LOL, brightened my day. Maybe he was lagging alot but ROFL.
Teammate goes afk for me carrying him as Sona.
I thought I've seen it all. But then Riot pulls an even bigger retard out of their sleeves.
Ranked last night, I'm second pick, enemy team has first pick:
During bans: 4th pick says: "I only play mid." 1st pick says: "GTFO ranked." 4th pick says: "I only play mid." 1st pick says: "WARGLE WARGLE WARGLE RAGE RAGE RAGE GTFO RANKED!" Repeat x3.
1st pick Kassadin and says: "What now bitch?" 4th pick says: "I play top." 1st pick says: "FUCK THAT SHIT!!! GTFO RANKED. Cuddle, pick top." I pick Irelia top as second pick. Mostly out of spite, I confess. 1st pick says: "What now bitch!!"
3rd pick Udyr: "I jungle." 4th pick says: "I mid." 4th pick Anivia, then changes to Sion. 1st pick: "RAAAAGE!!!" 4th pick says: "I was only kidding, I play AD carry." and locks Ashe.
Me and 1st pick says: "LOL, bastard!" 4th pick says: "TROLOLOL!"
5th pick instalocks Garen and says: "I only play top." 4th pick dodge without saying another word.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry.