I have some Rengar curse this season. I main support, but my favorite and somehow best non support champ is Rengar, so whenever I can't play support, usually I end up playing Rengar as top or jungle, And I can't fuckin win a game with Rengar to save my life. Every mid game I am around 10/2, 7/1, 5/0, scores like this, I always manage to secure at least 2 drakes for the team even when I am top, actually I mostly play top not jungle, but I gank bot lane on ulti, take a kill or two, chase them back and take drake, Sometimes I even manage to secure 3 drakes before we are squeezed in our base with no way out and this is what I cannot understand how come every game finishes with my team pushed inside the base in minute 20 or 25 the least. I have games where I finished 16/3, 14/2 (I checked my history) and still I can't win a game. My worst recent performance according to my match history was a game I ended 5/4, in this game our team had 5 kills together. I understand that I make many mistakes and I am bad at the game, but cannot understand what I do so wrong to have such a discrepancy between KDA scores and win rates with Rengar, I am sure that is something that I do very wrong because I don't believe in bad luck, it may happen a game or two but not every single one. I have like 25% win rate with Rengar this season and overall KDA something like 610/230/450, mind that this is KDA in a games with 75% loss ratio.
p,s I roam a lot when I see that our lanes fall, and usually most of my kills mid game are from other lanes, so I feel like I help the team as much as I am capable
On May 26 2014 16:38 krndandaman wrote: player 1 tells team that we need upgraded red trinket for akali player 2 tells player 1 to stfu and that he can't upgrade his trinket cause hes rengar player 1 says he's aware of that and was addressing the team as a whole player 2 calls him a dumbfuck player 1 replies with ??? player 2 says don't even start you fucking retard player 1 states his confusion player 2 says alright ima afk pce
sometimes I wonder how some of these people manage to carry on their lives with such poor communication skills I couldn't help but laugh at player 1. I bet he was so confused when Rengar decided to be a dick
Why do people troll? 3rd pick says nothing, 4th pick hovers over Riven with about 10s to go, 3rd says "mid" and then riven locks. So he decides to go zilean support with tp and feeds. If you wait till 10s left to say your role then it's your own fucking fault you didn't get top lane.
I love to wreck the enemy botlane until their fed mid/jungle decide to come and camp us until we can surrend. I also love when 2 diamonds are smurfing together and destroy basically the entire map. We managed to hold the one that was playing adc, but khazix killed every other player at least 2 times before starting to camp us. What's even better is when you have a shaco jungle that builds madred but doesn't make it a wriggle FOR THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME. EVEN BETTER ? YEAH IT'S POSSIBLE, HE NEVER FUCKING GANKED.
Man I'm tired of playing with retarded motherfuckers in ranked. My KDA with Lucian went from really good to utter shit because of that.
Jesus christ this game. I main jungle/adc/support. When i play botlane, my jungler sucks ass. Doesnt know objective control, doesnt know when to farm and when to gank, doesnt know wtf hes doing. When I play jungler? botlane feeds. Lucian with lux support losing to twitch sona without jungle/mid help is embarassing to say the least. Feeding that hard and blaming it on the team for not helping? Terrible player. Fucking utter shit. jesus fucking christ this game is hard
Last pick is guaranteed loss. So sure, you can say that even if you are stuck with support every time; you are last pick and that you should be able to carry right? What about when 2/3 lanes always lose and you are stuck supporting an all-in team like wu/shyv that are hopelessly behind? It's instalose. I swear to god my road to plat5 is putting me with the bottom of the barrel plats. Maybe that's where I belong too. T_T I JUST WANT TO GET PLAT AND QUIT THIS GAME IN PEACEEEEE
Is this holidays or wat, I've been paired with every retarded players in the fucking world the last few days. Every game, I win lane. Every game, top/mid/jungle have been feeding a hypercarry/assassin/etc. Every game, they were so fed I would disappear in every tf after 0.5s. And when they're not feeding, they flame then they throw the game on purpose.
I'm never going to get plat.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On May 28 2014 08:16 Sakray wrote: Is this holidays or wat, I've been paired with every retarded players in the fucking world the last few days. Every game, I win lane. Every game, top/mid/jungle have been feeding a hypercarry/assassin/etc. Every game, they were so fed I would disappear in every tf after 0.5s. And when they're not feeding, they flame then they throw the game on purpose.
I'm never going to get plat. LOL I know you're feelings bro. I've played 4 ranked games yesterday with premades bot in every single game and a 1st pick guy taht called mid and 3 of them proceeded to feed and fail horribly for the entire game. Even if I've ganked all of the lanes with a jungler, gave them kills, got assists, got decently fed, they still failed to win the lane, died being caught off position dozens of time. Mid didn't call misses, didn't follow their mid, didn't roam, helped nothing and still lost the turret first and fed few kills to their mid laner. God awful games.
In one of the games we even lost 4v5, because our Lux mid fed 6 kills to their Syndra, top lost and bot lost as well, because Syndra roamed a lot, was like 16/1 in 25 minutes mark and they pushed like crazy. Our team was just dying 1 by 1 and declined to group up and destroy them... I wanted to uninstall after that games. You just can't lose 4v5, I mean, COME ON.
On May 28 2014 18:01 krndandaman wrote: lol
playing casual ranked 5s with irl friends/1 mutual friend
guy is so serious about it and tries to shotcall and whines whenever we don't listen
bro, i'm playing fucking veigar adc and wrecking them. can't you tell we're just messing around? dude kind of rage quit the skype because we were having fun.
sure I could do a perfect rotation into baron after inhib but what's the fun in that when playing with friends? stick around and go for kills and test the limits of your troll build/champ. if you wanna tryhard go create an actual ranked 5s team or go soloq.
I would probably hate playing with you. When i play, i play to win. Sure, sometimes i may set some handicap like playing AD veigar or whatever when i am playing with people of a lower skilllevel then me. But once that is out of the way, i do my best to win the game. I really, really hate it when people dick around and do silly shit when they could grab an advantage or win. Doing something that i know is the worse decision in a game situation is incredibly annoying to me.
Dear MF players,
your job in a teamfight is wait on the side or in the back for a good opportunity, ER, then pick off whatevers left with W auto Q auto. you do not: -"poke" by trying to bounce a Q onto thresh -"initiate" by running in front of our renekton and hitting R -burn R on the overextended thresh while hitting no one else
in addition, if you leave the splitpushing to TP renekton, you won't end up with the most deaths and less gold than anyone including your support
thanks, your support
Can I just mass QQ all ADC's ever? Babysitting them as a support is a damn pain. I mean, really, stay in minions against a Thresh. Is that so hard?
Or how about complaining when I ward the dragon pit instead of warding the river bush. Because, you know, warding the river bush gives us SOOOO much more heads up on ganks than dragon pit (I lie, it doesn't at all).
Or how about when your jungler goes in for a gank, the adc needs to come too and do some damage. A 2v2 with an ADC running to catch up is not advantageous. Damn ADC's and their lack of game sense.
On May 29 2014 00:00 SirVandeKamp wrote: Can I just mass QQ all ADC's ever? Babysitting them as a support is a damn pain. I mean, really, stay in minions against a Thresh. Is that so hard?
Or how about complaining when I ward the dragon pit instead of warding the river bush. Because, you know, warding the river bush gives us SOOOO much more heads up on ganks than dragon pit (I lie, it doesn't at all).
Or how about when your jungler goes in for a gank, the adc needs to come too and do some damage. A 2v2 with an ADC running to catch up is not advantageous. Damn ADC's and their lack of game sense.
Against some junglers, notably those who can jump over walls like Lee or J4, river bush is strictly needed or you sometimes just die if they jump into the bush and wait for their skill to come back up, then murder you.
what is up with people that lane extremely bad, get carried by ganks from you in the jungle and then bitch sometime later in the game that you took the kills? Like, you made them able to atleast farm on their lane and they bitch at you cause you didnt throw all the kills at them. Just had a game where i was able to make quite a few kills on elise which werent necessarily killsteals and i got bitched on by some guy cause i had so many kills, that i should have given the kills to teammates cause elise is crap in the late game. Do people seriously believe Elise is that terrible in the late game?!?!?!?(at lower elos)
Also damn what is up with those rengars that want to lane for 20-30 mins. Seriously, you are supposed to roam, not lane. You will sooner or later lose your lane anyway
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Demoted to plat V because a Leona doesn't know what her ult does and a riven playing like she's as tanky as a shyvana. Yaaay for dealing double the damage of a six item vayne time to kill myself. 6 item vayne that had her damage doubled by the losing ADC "my back hurts"
i did not know it was possible to feed a veigar so hard he gets a full stack mejais and 900 something AP by 20 minutes
Started playing a good bit recently to try and get some of my skills back. I know I'm not up to where I was before my 6 month hiatus but I know I'm playing well enough. I'm trying to work on support a lot and I don't think I've been more frustrated. If I'm mid/top/jungle and do well but not well enough to carry I'm fine with that. I should've done better. When I'm supporting and my ad just runs up, trades, get's cc'd and dies despite my best effort it's just getting frustrating. Not like I'm raging in/out of game, but losing a shit ton of matches in a row is beginning to make me want to head back to a different lane just to avoid the headache.
I just don't get it, my jung tries to counterjung alone at lvl2 and feeds opposing adc a kill and blue buff at like 3 minutes (opposing ad is lucian so thx), no matter I still get 2 good trades and pick up 2 kills and 2 assists in the next 6 minutes (leading in cs by about 30 at 10 minutes) at the same time my first pick vlad gets absolutely raped by brand (0/5 in 10 minutes) and my second pick top teemo gives 3 kills to renekton in the same time span... then jungle starts camping and although i ask my supp to play safe he goes with my jung on anothe "invade" at 12 minutes and ends up giving 2 kills to lucian and i get dove at the turret by 4 and give away another...at the same time vlad starts to rage how shit his team is (he is about 0/8 at the time) and my team keeps on trying to run into their team 3v5, when keep on asking them to def under turrets i dunno how the game lasted 45 minutes... I'm starting to believe the legends about elo hell :/
Edit: also after flaming for the better part of 20 minutes i point out to our vlad that not only is he 0/8 but has 97 cs AT 37 MINUTES, to which he promptly replied "the team is Sh** so why should i cs" plz RITO have ppl take IQ tests before being able to play... nothing against retarded people, but i feel like they make up most of the community