Im done with League. Every single game:
I play jungle. I get atleast one lane super far ahead. Like "if the enemy just steps foot in the lane he will insta die 1v1" ahead. Am pretty farmed as well.
Last game - gave Fiora top 4 minute double kill vs enemy Kayle top and Lee Sin jungle. Fiora then proceeds to die four times in the next six minutes. With double buffs.
Bot lane was stomping hard. It was Ezreal Leona on my side vs Lucian Thresh on their side. Ezreal left lane something like 6-0-3. I got myself a triple down there with a level 6 countergank.
Orianna in mid is doing decently vs Syndra. Died 1-2 times, but is ahead in farm. Whatever.
We push on their mid inhibitor turret at 25 minutes, Fiora decides suddenly it's more important to run back from their inhib turret to top lane to farm golems. I shit you not. We get counterenganged on, die horribly. Now they are pushing on our inhib turret.
The above will repeat itself about six or seven times.
Ezreal has been a real hero so far. He is up to about 20 kills and as many assists. I myself have about 10 kills and a few assists more. Orianna has been a bit shaky with her ults, but not doing too bad.
For whatever reason Ezreal now decides, that it is the best course of action to permanently flash+shift forwards into the whole enemy team, land one autoattack and one Q, then die.
I have really thick skin and it takes a lot for me to get angry on a deeper level - more than just a short FUCK or smth and then its all forgotten, but real hate and loathing on a deep level. But that point is reached. I recently brute forced my promos from silver 4 to 2, and ever since then not won a single game. Straight 8 game losing spree, been demoted back to silver 3.
I'm done with League. I'm going back to World of Warcraft watering my farm or smth.
On June 02 2014 16:55 Amui wrote: Well, been on a losing streak as of late. Just feels like every game stuff just goes wrong, and everybody feeds.
100% with you on this, if you guys want to try an extremely toxic(more than normal) and terribly unskilled version of the game you should switch over to OCE...
I just failed my 10th promo. Have been stuck forever.
Go fuck yourself, PD first Varus Silver II duoing with a plat V. Feeding the fucking Jinx like mad, so that when I build MR first vs an otherwise Amumu-Shyvana-Nidalee-Morgana team, I can't do shit in fights because she just bursts me with her retarded damage (and her ult straight up killing me from more than a third of my health). Playing Zuna, running straight into their Morgana when we ping her, then you to gtfo. Missing every skill but your ult. Dying before you get off more than 1-2 autos.
Fucking piece of trash whined in champ select because he didn't want to support, till our main AD switched to Leona (and played well, but Varus too shit, managed to die 1v2 to Jinx because he dived before Leona could take aggro).
Next game I get a fucking Silver V on my team. In Gold. Fuck the duoQs.
I'm fucking sick of having the worst teams against the teams with brainless but ass-full-of-fucking-luck people.
Fucking shitter teammates making me lose games grumble fucking grumble.
Like i actually had a DuoQ calling me the fuck out when "Im dying first every teamfight" because im at the front ulting a fucking Zed + more and KILLING SAID ZED, THE ENEMY MID, AS SUPPORT, THEN POPPING HEAL, MIKAELS, FLASH AND DRAWING PPL THE FUCK IN WHILE SPAMMING MY SHIT ON THEM.
caps off.
I also lost a game where i went 0/2/18 as leona because kennen went afk at 10 mins and fiddle bitched and moaned the whole game before deciding at 40 mins he'd had enough and suicide baited all of us.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
LomoQ fizzes are fun, whiny bitch complains that "why didn't we stall them" idk fizz you backed, I'm a near death twitch and the only two there were blitz with his hook on CD and lee sin I wonder how those two couldn't stall with all the poke they were putting out. He proceeds to spend the entire match blindly going all-in on people (A highlight is our team backs, he's still in their jungle and decides to 1v1 their aatrox and is surprised when A. He doesn't kill their tank and B. Aatrox's team promptly kills him). To top it all off when both teams call fizz out on it he goes "it's my team's fault for losing the advantage" which I assume are the words of someone who just listened to montecristo and is trying to parrot him to make it sound like he had any idea what he was doing. Should have at least said rotations.
"We lost", "it's my promo", "4v5", "report shaco", "shaco please don't log out" (wtf? He dc'd, it wasn't on purpose). - Shyvana
Who chased the Wukong without his ult or the Morgana with Zhonya rather than defend Caitlyn from Renekton, or dive Lucian? Shyvana. Granted that Cait fucktard was "need 200g" when we just killed Fizz for free and had all our cooldowns and summoners and their mid inhib down ready to push 5v4 for the win, and she ran top. Fucking dumbass also tried to EQ the 50 HP Renekton, which is fine... but not when your landing point is right on top of Wukong and Lucian.
How to throw a 10 minutes 4v5 that could have been won 4 times by a single fight but some fucktard went in another lane, refused to group, etc. Then this retarded Shyvana decides to try and take the nash 2v5 and gives them a free win. Fucking. Goddamn. Moron.
I just had a mental fucking breakdown in a game. I cannot fathom how fucking bad my team is ive just lost the will to play, it doesnt matter what i fucking do
i can hear their bullshit now "ping ping ping ping ping"
fucking kill me
EDIT: Won, promoted, still unhappy as fuck and stressed beyond belief, not even in an angry way, just in a ...i just dont want to live anymore
Trolls are stupid, ranked is stressful beyond belief. Also: every blitzcrank is trash. No exceptions.
this is level 1
zyra/MF (us) vs lucian/zilean
we had to leash, enemy botlane did not
wave is pushed towards us, both botlanes aren't on full HP due to poke
lucian/zilean hit level 2, MF eats a double bomb + lucian combo + ignite, dies while both of us are still level 1
One of the worst products of this game is Yi players who think they're good. lol
Game starts with enemy invading my blue buff, but i see it through a ward. They invade with 3 people @ 1:55, my botlane just gives it for free.
So i start running towards enemy blue buff, i get it and go to my red, at this point i notice
Yasuo: JUNGLE WTF? me: ? Yasuo: I WILL FEED IF U DONT GANK MID SOON Me: mhm, i am just doing my second camp of the game... Yasuo: GANK OR I FEED
What's up with vayne players? Several times in a row I've been picking Nami first, so you'd expect the adc to be Cait or some bully to take advantage of Nami's laning, right? But no, let's choose Vayne to go against a Lucian or a Graves, making Nami totally useless in lane, awesome.
And of course they're not good at Vayne, those guys are never in your team u.u
nasus blames me for losing the game after he gets caught alone. says he asked team to "go mid and win" (which would have been tough, considering we were way behind), but noone showed up, so we suck. the push that ensues after he died results in us losing two inhibs, because he was the only one being a bit of a threat to the enemies, even though he died 8 times to ganks. now, nasus is alive again, the enemy has taken baron. so what nasus naturally assumes is that initiating on the enemy team in our jungle is a great idea. my duolane and mid go down with him, while i hold the two lanes without inhibs and prevent the minions from destroying the nexus turrets. but since we obviously would have won the fight with me i am now an asshole and lost the game. lobby after game looks something like this: Susan: i;m happy now becouse u lose my game Susan: like i try hard Susan: tio win Susan: and someone Susan: fail Susan: all of my time Susan: gj Susan: an Susan: u are pro Susan: the best Susan: who lose this game Susan: thx Susan: thx Susan: so much
he tried so hard. it's tough to get me mad, but people entirely failing to even consider themselves being at fault sometimes manage that.