On August 16 2012 01:26 little fancy wrote:People either a) tunnel vision too much or b) have no overview / map awareness in general. How else can jungle Naut and support Alistar get into small skirmishes all day every day where they hopelessly die for no reason? I just asked everybody to "come top push and end it pls" and somehow they die at the enemy Wraiths 20 seconds after my call. It's not only the randoms, some of my lvl 30 friends are that horrible, too... enemy mid is missing and the enemy jungler has been camping our bot lane from the very beginning on, still they fall for every fucking obvious bait. From time to time I'm even predicting that something is wrong and we will probably get ganked and they still go in because they seem to turn their brain off and just focus on hitting that W->Q combo. They are like "WITH FULL FORRRRRCE HURR DURRRRR!!!11" and the next moment they realize what shit they stepped into they are like "oh noooeees save meeeeeeee" *dies*. friend: "but ashe was so out of position and janna had no ult easy kill" me: "..." + Show Spoiler +In the past I used to argue with them and explained how I anticipated the trap (estimating summoner / R cooldowns for heal and ult baits, experience, 'reading' enemy behaviour etc.), but those disputes always ended with them calling me a fucking nerd and saying that they would never touch this shitty game again so I would be alone with all the other nerds (definition of 'nerd': everything better than them).
You should see my friend's epic tunnel visioning syndrome... The sad thing is, he mains master Yi and split pushes 24/7 while dying constantly. What happens is he ends up being most farmed, builds glass cannon and dies after throwing a single Q.
My last experience was him chasing a enemy near our wolves despite the map showing their whole team around our blue. He chases in with R, I start telling him to back on Skype but he doesn't listen, gets CCed and dies within a second. Few seconds later he asks us why there are so many enemies near our base and he didn't see anything prior.
Then I have to worry about my other buddy... where if his champion has any sort of mobility or assassin type character, he would tower dive no mater what advantage he throws away so long as there is a killing potential. (Right now I estimate a 85% chance I see a tower dive at lvl 6. Half the time its a 1 for 1 trade, the other half is the enemy is alive with 2-3 autos left)
After playing with these guys, I realize there are people who will tunnel whenever they can potentially kill the champion. You don't even need to bait for them and they will step into the trap themselves.
Only difference between us is whenever I anticipate traps, they go in regardless, only to acknowledge the mistake afterwards and repeat the mistake every game.
Play a game of jungle Karthus is blind pick. Get no leash on blue, amazing. Diana mid dies to lee sin gank immediately. At 3 minutes into the game: "omg noob jungler no gank". She then proceeds to push the lane making it ungankable. 2 minutes later I force a flash on top lane, caitlyn obviously comments with "lol so noob fail gank".
The game goes on forever with us winning teamfights which then follows into people going to clear wraiths and wolfs instead of pushing objectives. People get caught 1v5 constantly because they were chasing Janna or some shit. At around 50 minutes in we are pretty even but Caitlyn bought black cleaver and 2 phantom dancers instead of GA or QSS. She gets caught 1v5 and then blames me when we lose the game. The entire game I was flamed by our inbred shit carrys because they couldn´t fucking accept how terrible they were. I didn´t even play very well, but these were the biggest pieces of shit I´ve ever ran into while playing this game.
Never been this mad over a game before.
I like playing chogath and morg but they're my kryptonite when it comes to team mates.
Play morg win lane, gank other lanes, get kills for other lanes, other lanes proceed to tower dive or just go full derp and throw the advantage away.
Play cho win lane, get tower, make sure my lane opponent can't roam or do anything. Look at scoreboard see 8/0/4 enemy lee sin that did his first early gank on me and got nothing out of it. Game ends because team is full rage mode.
My morg and cho stats are sub 50% because I can't get a team that won't feed before laning phase is over, it's fucking mind blowing.
In other news my teemo win rate is >80%
Irelia: I don't know how not to get anally devestated by Garen.
Fuck Everything
People who talk LoL strategy like this. "Dude...I dominated in lane with this item with this champion against this champion, therefore, this champion is good and should be picked in every game." The flaw in my opinion is that they are only using empirical anecdotes is justify their argument which is not always a bad thing because experience is important, but the lack of theory and logic annoys me.
And people who tell me how to play the game by telling me these really stupid builds and when I say otherwise, they accuse me of tryharding. What made me laugh is that one person gets pendent as mundo top without getting a potion because he needs the Warmogs that bad. Of course, the reason why he will not reconsider is because LoL is the type of game where blaming team mates and enemy jungler for doing poorly is a good way to bail.
I just learned that I'd rather have a 1260 duoing with a 2300 on my team than orb Hai and orb Yazuki duoing... sweet merciful jesus, I almost miss the 1900s.
You can take me <3 I will make you miss the 2300 ELO
Feeder's, trolls and fucking throwers abound. Goodbye fucking elo. Lost 6 in a row now. Win lane!= win game. Even as jungler. 5/0/4 at the end of lane phase? NOPE. People get caught and throw the goddamn game.
that team. THAT TEAM. Just did not want to win. Bot with leona (me) graves (bro who played quite well this game) enemy corki due to our efforts goes 0/7/0. Graves was pretty god-mode. Oh the other lanes fed right? No they didn't get raped but they didn't really win, jungle diana was pretty rape face though.Game goes on mid starts to lose a bit more, top claws back a bit corki gets to 1/10/0. Right we have a pretty definite advantage so we should push a tower or something right? Nah. Force baron? Nah. Roam for kills? Nah. Group? Nah. At all? Nah. Feed? Yep. Let them get back in the game? Yep. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't win. although I'm tilted and feeding at this point
Crawl my way back up to 1200, proceed to lose 2 games in a row and fall into the abyss again.
First game i'm Udyr Jungler, end up 4/1 but toplane counterpicked Darius with Yorick, gives first blood and proceeds to go 0/5 in 10 minutes eventhough i gank Darius as often as possible, which usually ends up with Yorick dying because he tries to help with 100hp and Darius just pulls and kills him faster than i can kill Darius. I tell Yorick several times to just hug the tower and survive but i still see him in the middle of the lane. Ryze loses to Katrina mid, Graves loses in bot lane and we surrender after 27 minutes. Isn't Yorick a counterpick to Darius?
Second game i'm caitlyn, win the game early against tristana, end up 4/1... but by then my Nunu support went 1/5. Nunu continues to run into opponents and dies all the time while i always barely escape. Then the enemy jungler starts babysitting botlane and midlane Galio joins him and i die twice under tower (though admittedly i should have just given up on tower instead of trying to defend alone vs 4). I then try to help a teammate in the jungle against the opposing Irelia but my attacks seem to do no damage. I check stats and she's 8/1 while my malphite teammate is 1/8. I die at the mid entrance to our base right on the steps after kiting her all the way from the red with malphite and nunu trying to help and all we manage to do is pop her GA. In the last teamfight i manage to kill her and then we surrender with me being 5/4 and Nunu 1/9, malphite 3/9, Kassadin 5/10 and only the jungle fiddle being 8/4. Why is it every time i win lane, it inspires my support to suicide repeatedly until the lane is lost again?
On August 16 2012 13:33 Shiragaku wrote: People who talk LoL strategy like this. "Dude...I dominated in lane with this item with this champion against this champion, therefore, this champion is good and should be picked in every game." The flaw in my opinion is that they are only using empirical anecdotes is justify their argument which is not always a bad thing because experience is important, but the lack of theory and logic annoys me.
And people who tell me how to play the game by telling me these really stupid builds and when I say otherwise, they accuse me of tryharding. What made me laugh is that one person gets pendent as mundo top without getting a potion because he needs the Warmogs that bad. Of course, the reason why he will not reconsider is because LoL is the type of game where blaming team mates and enemy jungler for doing poorly is a good way to bail.
Ahahaha, exactly this!
Friend of mine starts with Doran's Blade on solo top Olaf. I'm like "wtf dude?! once he damages you you can't do shit and your E will bring you down even further...". Him: "chill bro, 2343 weeks ago I owned a -5023 ELO player with it i got this". Proceeds to lose lane and feed hard because "fuck he zoned me from lvl 1 on so much fucking damage was low HP all the time" - YOU DON'T SAY?! X)
On August 15 2012 00:53 MooMooMugi wrote: 300 farm 35 mins 10/0 Leblanc DFG, Zhonyas, Dcap, Sorcs, G.A, Void Staff Still lose Leblanc falls off in late game. For example: 2/5/10 olaf after 35 min is much better than 10/0 lb.
Shouldn't a fully build LB still be able to do what she does, even lategame? You can still explode their carries if you reach them, you just can't kill their tanks anymore. Still, of course that can be constituted as "falling of" from her midgame where she can just kill anyone if she is fed enough, but she should still be able to be kind of useful if she plays carefully and somehow assassinates their carries.
FML someone help me how can people be worse than bots and i mean for real.
game starts bot lane both go bot dont guard blue i scout an invade and tell my team but fiddles and mao stay there alone still try to get blue then die, even though i warned them this was apparently my fault(maybe i should be there to feed them a 3rd kill). Then my lvl3 EZ dies farming creeps to creeps even though i had noticed and pinged him to back and typed dont tank creeps, his response when he dies to creeps why didnt u ult me (im shen but lvl5 he is lvl3) ok so we get to ten minutes my first pick that took mid even though someone else wanted it feeds and is like 0-7, still i think np im 6-1 (2 man tower dove) but my mao has been sitting in my lane with me farming since 5 minutes so im now getting underlevelled underfarmed. The score at like 11 mins is 10-7 to the other team and i have 7 kills yet my mao says im doing nothing even though he isnt jungling ganking or anything just sat in my lane hindering me. anyway i somehow mangage to drag my team with a shit ton of assits to get the game to like 28-36 to them and we took inhib tower but i get killed so they go baron, instead of contesting my team sit farming my ez ults a creep wave instead of trying to steal baron and then imiditaly after they baron he knows where they are he gets caught and dies, few teamfight later of me vs'ing 5 people they win.
i mean how bad can people actually be and then blame there best player i swear that team woulda lost to beg bots and this was ranked.
On August 16 2012 21:03 Simberto wrote: Shouldn't a fully build LB still be able to do what she does, even lategame? You can still explode their carries if you reach them, you just can't kill their tanks anymore. Still, of course that can be constituted as "falling of" from her midgame where she can just kill anyone if she is fed enough, but she should still be able to be kind of useful if she plays carefully and somehow assassinates their carries. She has issues because at that point she gets bursted down pretty ridiculously fast herself. It becomes pretty tricky to assassinate a carry when the whole enemy team is trying to protect them. But you're right, she doesn't drop off THAT hard.
On August 16 2012 13:48 Mogwai wrote: I just learned that I'd rather have a 1260 duoing with a 2300 on my team than orb Hai and orb Yazuki duoing... sweet merciful jesus, I almost miss the 1900s.
Lol no you don't
Solo q have to jungle, okay~ amumu! Get pushed out of jungle from invade no leash on blue after everyone backs to lane, they warded blue so after i come back to blue, darius push me away from blue again and i get no help from fid or yi top. Before i get level 4, top feeds first blood vs darius/sion top lane and expects me to gank after i've been pushed out of the jungle twice. I finally get fed up and just go to their blue and take it only to see yi died again AT THEIR TURRET @__@ bottom cant cs for shit and is losing and mid fiddle has to roam and gank bot and top for team to stay relevant. I finally hit level 6 and top tower dies and sion and darius are roaming around. NO ONE EXCEPT ME IS BUYING ANY WARDS and I have barely just finished getting my philo stone. The rest of the game my team complains that I didn't do anything the whole game. ihatejunglinglowlevels =_____=
lowest damage ashe angry
i tell her she did not dmg
"play ranked if you want good players god" -> = ashe knows shes not a good player?
On August 16 2012 17:13 Amui wrote: Can't win. although I'm tilted and feeding at this point
I know the feel bro. Playing ranked teams, we're 7/0 and around 1400. Two days later, we're 9/17. I say we need to take a break, play some normal drafts for practice. Good idea right?
I was +30 in normals a week ago, I'm +5 now.
Totally on tilt, I think its kind of because my attitude is bad. I'm treating lol like a thing to waste time till I get back to school way too much. I mean that's what it is, but I'm just chugging out games without thinking as much as I usually do.