On August 20 2012 08:53 little fancy wrote: They die several times typing while they wish each other a painful and miserable death and 4th pick even promises to pray to satan in a dark ritual right after the game so that he might revive Hitler to gas his team.
haha that's so hilarious
People rage at you if you don't follow normal meta _in bot matches_ They also whine that you don't give them SS or MIA and then complain (if there is one) that jungler doesn't gank for them
the horrors of getting a fast daily win bonus...
I got 3 times to 1298 this weekend. Then the last time a friend shows up and asks for duo queuing. I have to accept. Now, he isnt actually bad, he supports mostly and as i like ad carry, it's okay. We tend to win lanes, the only problem i have is, with him, the rest of the players tend to be sooooooo bad. It's just hilarious.
We win first game and suddenly, i am 1311. OH MY GAWD. The next two games, we destroy bot lane and then get raped as the other lanes lost really really hard. I really want to playy with him, but after such games, i am mad at everyone
dat feeling when bot lane loses horribly four games in a row
Why on God's green earth do people with 400+ wins STILL have no clue on how to play AD carry?
Tristana - Goes BT (ok) then gets a Phage + Wits end. Add in a bit of HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FEED 10 KILLS TO ASHE???? and you get me crying a river of tears. 4-4 goes to 5-7 into a slow painful GG
Ezreal - loves to walk into them buckshots.
Quoth one Ezreal player, "holy shit I didn't know I was that low" (offensive E'd into Lulu/Graves)
Excuse me as I pick up my jaw from the ground.
zzzz ggwp -25 elo
I really hate long games where one mistake costs you the game.
Malphite checks baron for wards, gets pulled through the wall and barely escapes. Soraka goes in a few minutes later, gets pulled and costs us the game. Losing solo q at 4am sucks
Bot lane master yi and urgot...just fed kill after kill after kill to enemy tri-lane shaco, ez, and soraka. I really don't even understand how that's possible. 10 min into the game and they were both LOWER level than the enemy three.
I guess everyone has this one friend who only plays carry and sucks balls. And when he plays solo queue it's ALWAYS his team's fault that he loses.
Lux forgets to cover blue when they have a blitz, i tell her to. She moves in too late and gets killed, then olaf dies to the invade, too, and my lane opponent garen is 2/0 vs my irelia. The game was lost in the first 2 minutes. I couldn't win lane against a garen that started with boots and chainmail who easily killed me under tower, mid lost, bot lost, jungle lost and gg.
Seriously, when they have a Blitz, be f****ing prepared for an invade or it's gg right from the start.
On August 21 2012 05:09 little fancy wrote: I guess everyone has this one friend who only plays carry and sucks balls. And when he plays solo queue it's ALWAYS his team's fault that he loses.
Then they want you to gank all the fucking time because if you don´t they won´t win lane. Then when they get fed they pretend they are fucking god just because you babysat bot long enough.
How the fuck does this shit happen. The enemy team has an afk ad carry, it's a 5v4 for my team. Bottom lane, we have nunu+trist against a soraka. They lose lane. They are collectively 2/17 at the end of the fucking game. I don't even know how.
How the hell do people lose a lane that hard, especially when it's a 2v1 against soraka when you have the heal debuff from trist and snowball AND BB.
Fuck this game.
God, so annoying. Enemy team placed a ton of wards so all my ganks got denied, my team never warded so their fizz jungler got a kill or two every time he appeared in a lane. I bought 4 oracles and about 50 wards trying to help the team but the only thing it achieved was that i became more and more useless because i spent too much gold on that -.-
I went back above 1200 ELO, now - after 3 such games with me in various roles - i'm back at 1150. How are you supposed to carry when your team does everything in it's power to make the enemy team win?
This ELO is so luck based, at some points you just kill everyone because the enemy team got the bad players and you have some decent teammates and then you get games where you just can't do anything because your teammates lose every lane while the enemy team has 2-3 decent players.
Original post updated with a few more entries of my favorite QQ. Don't forget to cry harder and maybe you can make the QQ hall of infamy as well.
should format it better imo but otherwise good idea
On August 21 2012 09:19 zulu_nation8 wrote: should format it better imo but otherwise good idea
Indeed. A long time ago where there wasn't much written it wasn't a problem. But there is a lot of QQ these days. I'll just spoiler each entry.
A Warwick on my team skipped a teamfight to try and solo baron. After winning the battle, the enemy team goes to baron, the Warwick flashes over the wall and leaves them a 1k HP baron.
This has got to be one of the stupidest plays I've ever seen in my time playing this game...
Every time I play 5v4 (me on the 5 side), I lose. How is it even possible to go 3-18 on the bottom lane? Sigh.
I was playing Morde and I was doing good. Even if you were somewhat behind I can work it out for you. But 3-18 is NOT workable for me. God.
just had a rengar on my team who fed vlad and proceeded to build philo stone. god i wish new champs were banned from ranked for the first week qqqq
Starbucks wifi cost me 2 ranked games, dc'd as top nunu at early levels and died while standing still T.T
Why play ranked games in a public place? Of course their WIFI is going to be shotty even hotels have inconsistent WIFI lol.