On August 22 2012 11:13 MooMooMugi wrote: Why play ranked games in a public place? Of course their WIFI is going to be shotty even hotels have inconsistent WIFI lol. The first ranked game I played didn't have such large issues QQ
Just a fast normal blind pick mode game with two friends of mine (and another two guys they brought with them onto our team speak server) before I go to sleep. I just need my 1st win of the day. This is what happens:
Darius (one of the two new guys) top goes 3-0 playing the mirror match (the joys of blind pick) thanks to our strong jungle Sion. However, he manages to convert this 3-0 lead into an impressive 3-5 disadvantage while crying for another ton of ganks at the same time and being surprised how much damage the enemy Darius deals.
He proceeds to cry about how his Darius must be broken because he doesn't deal nearly as much damage as the enemy Darius in a true manly face-to-face duel. That he might get outplayed by a much better player never comes to his mind.
After another 5 minutes of crying (his whiny little boy voice made it even worse I tell you) in Team Speak I ask him to shut the fuck up and stop feeding so we can carry him (chances were still pretty even and I was doing well on Corki). As a result, he mutes himself and stands afk near his top turret. When my friend tells him to stop behaving like a little girl he unmutes and proceeds to be afk at his turret to "not feed anymore" just to provoke us. Holy shit, was he offended.
After we carry him and I could enjoy my 150 bonus IP, he left TS without saying a word. I couldn't believe it when the other guy told me that our Darius was 26 years old and had a child already - WTF?! I always pictured people like this as the typical 15 year old rage kid that just can't handle criticism. When I checked his profile, he was just another one of these 1000+ normal win games and 200+ ranked games unranked ELO shitnoobs crying about how they only lose because of bad team mates. Lesson learned.
After this not so enjoyable experience, I threatened my friends with death in case they would bring similar people next time.
^I don't even have 500 normal wins
1250 elo so fun
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5GObi.jpg)
After teemo and then later jax locked in with those summoner spells, i stopped giving a fuck and random locked. Ofc I dodged, i'd rather not waste 20 mins in a pointless game.
Why you no play with Ika-chan?
Uhhg. Carrying too hard.
G1: 3:0:1 Diana at lvl 8 (including 2, 3-man ganks on top after he lost FB at lvl 1), but bot + jungle throws so hard that Graves is 8/0 at the same time (why even gank graves +taric? why?).
G2: 2:0:1 Kog (including FB) after winning a 3 v 2 gank/towerdive at lvl 5. Immediatly followed by top/mid getting solo'd and losing towers.
Back to the jungle for me.
I just played the stupidest game.
Our teamcomp was Malph (me) top, Amumu jungle, Ori (buddy) mid, Varus AD, and Galio support. Literally we had the best teamfighting composition I have ever seen. Literally all we had to do was press R. Game is pretty even, then we just like crush two teamfights in a row with Ori putting ball on Malph->Unstoppableforce->Command: Shockwave->Mumu Ult->Galio ult.
We get baron, start sieging towers hard. Then we catch their team in transition in their jungle 5v4, do the Ori+Malph ult catching all four of them and the rest of our team just runs away because "we can't fight Rengar in the jungle, there are brushes. Our teamfighting isn't good, they can just jump our AD." And then basically we never teamfighted or grouped. again against the team with both Nocturne and TF.
So. Dumb. Yes, our team with 5 AoE stuns can't teamfight.
On August 22 2012 19:47 iCanada wrote: I just played the stupidest game.
Our teamcomp was Malph (me) top, Amumu jungle, Ori (buddy) mid, Varus AD, and Galio support. Literally we had the best teamfighting composition I have ever seen. Literally all we had to do was press R. Game is pretty even, then we just like crush two teamfights in a row with Ori putting ball on Malph->Unstoppableforce->Command: Shockwave->Mumu Ult->Galio ult.
We get baron, start sieging towers hard. Then we catch their team in transition in their jungle 5v4, do the Ori+Malph ult catching all four of them and the rest of our team just runs away because "we can't fight Rengar in the jungle, there are brushes. Our teamfighting isn't good, they can just jump our AD." And then basically we never teamfighted or grouped. again against the team with both Nocturne and TF.
So. Dumb. Yes, our team with 5 AoE stuns can't teamfight.
I wonder whats the best AOE combo. Something along Amumu-->Pantheon-->Galio-->Gragas-->Karthus I guess. Gotta try with my friends
Game 1 We get wrecked, 29-4. No one complains. I'm actually very pleased by this loss and not any bit angry.
Game 2 Complaining starts 1 minute in with our taric being a complete douchebag. Talking shit the entire game and I mute him. The rest of the team seems to not mute him and spends the entire time arguing with him. 1800s ftl. Seriously though, getting really bm people just ruin this game.
Irelia, jungle riven (me), ez + blitz premade, karma mid
wukong, jungle rengar, jayce+shaco bot, malph mid
6/20, 1/5/1 ez 0/5/0 blitz 15:30 into the game
On August 22 2012 20:53 greggy wrote: Irelia, jungle riven (me), ez + blitz premade, karma mid
wukong, jungle rengar, jayce+shaco bot, malph mid
6/20, 1/5/1 ez 0/5/0 blitz 15:30 into the game
Premade bot lanes will always lose to anything ever no matter what. But it´s always the junglers fault.
On August 22 2012 21:27 Hakanfrog wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 20:53 greggy wrote: Irelia, jungle riven (me), ez + blitz premade, karma mid
wukong, jungle rengar, jayce+shaco bot, malph mid
6/20, 1/5/1 ez 0/5/0 blitz 15:30 into the game
HOW DOES A PREMADE LOSE TO JAYCE SHACO BOT, I DON'T FUCKING EVEN Premade bot lanes will always lose to anything ever no matter what. But it´s always the junglers fault.
And when you complain they always say "Look at my match history. Last games 17/1, 19/5" I haven't seen a premade bot lane win since maybe a month.
I've had a bunch of good games with an AD carry and we decide to duo for a while. Always an instant run of losses no matter what. Duo bot is just cursed.
dumbshit swine10 feeds first blood by going afk in blue brush to enemy mid.
doesn't come mid/takes blue from my swain.
cries about losing game.
Decide to play a ranked game, computer crashes at minute 8. When I reconnect, it's minute 12 and I see that I died in the meantime. I proceed to lose lane. Team decides to spend the rest of the game trashtalking me. Every other lane loses, and we lose the game. NP.
Second game, we have Galio. Galio never fights with us, he just runs into the whole enemy team by himself -.-;;
I just wanted to play a fucking game. But noooooo last pick called AD carry and he is obviously entitled to it, revive promote huehehueuehebe. Fuck I hate this community. Fucking piece of shit game attracts all the immature inbed retards.
Sigh, i always get fucked in champion select because I refuse to call out lanes.
Also, fuck this elo bracket.
I always call a lane in a friendly manner and I usually get it 90% of the time.
I've just started seriously playing normals after getting to level 22 in bot games (Yes, i'm incredibly casual. I know it's not a good way to learn, but it's easier with friends of different skill levels.
1st game: + Show Spoiler +Malzahar Mid against Annie. Go 6-0 before the 15 minute mark including a couple of 1v2's against annie and their jungle warwick. At that point the team is now losing 7-14 with each other lane losing badly, so i roam a bit for ganks and pick up a couple. Their ashe and irelia keep getting stronger and we end up losing the game, with me finishing 16/6/8. I didn't feel like I could influence team fights as much as needed.
2nd game: + Show Spoiler +Ashe bot with a friend on Janna support. The Janna was fantastic, and we dominated the lane, ending in a quick 20min surrender for the other team. no more to really be said. 11/2/4.
3rd game: + Show Spoiler +Ashe mid after our Ahri insisted going bot with Lulu. Laning against Diana, I manage to force her to go back to base at around level 5, then she (for some reason) comes back and tries to solo tower dive me whilst I'm at half health and level 6. I end up ulting her and bringing her down and escaping with ~30hp.
Diana: Dude, did you see that lag? Me: ? Diana: I was under your tower and couldn't attack you Me: I used my ultimate? Diana: Yeah but I couldn't attack for like 2 seconds Me: ..
Our volibear then decides that he's had enough of toplane and comes down to steal all my cs, and hiding in nearby bushes whilst enemy Nasus gets farmed up top. At this point Ahri/Lulu bot have fed quite a bit, and start blaming me for not calling the enemy's jungle shaco missing. Ok then. They then feed until 20 mins all the while blaming me for not calling ss on shaco and now the top lane nasus. Lulu naturally hadn't bought any wards.
On August 23 2012 03:59 Valenius wrote:I've just started seriously playing normals after getting to level 22 in bot games (Yes, i'm incredibly casual. I know it's not a good way to learn, but it's easier with friends of different skill levels. 1st game: + Show Spoiler +Malzahar Mid against Annie. Go 6-0 before the 15 minute mark including a couple of 1v2's against annie and their jungle warwick. At that point the team is now losing 7-14 with each other lane losing badly, so i roam a bit for ganks and pick up a couple. Their ashe and irelia keep getting stronger and we end up losing the game, with me finishing 16/6/8. I didn't feel like I could influence team fights as much as needed. 2nd game: + Show Spoiler +Ashe bot with a friend on Janna support. The Janna was fantastic, and we dominated the lane, ending in a quick 20min surrender for the other team. no more to really be said. 11/2/4. 3rd game: + Show Spoiler +Ashe mid after our Ahri insisted going bot with Lulu. Laning against Diana, I manage to force her to go back to base at around level 5, then she (for some reason) comes back and tries to solo tower dive me whilst I'm at half health and level 6. I end up ulting her and bringing her down and escaping with ~30hp.
Diana: Dude, did you see that lag? Me: ? Diana: I was under your tower and couldn't attack you Me: I used my ultimate? Diana: Yeah but I couldn't attack for like 2 seconds Me: ..
Our volibear then decides that he's had enough of toplane and comes down to steal all my cs, and hiding in nearby bushes whilst enemy Nasus gets farmed up top. At this point Ahri/Lulu bot have fed quite a bit, and start blaming me for not calling the enemy's jungle shaco missing. Ok then. They then feed until 20 mins all the while blaming me for not calling ss on shaco and now the top lane nasus. Lulu naturally hadn't bought any wards. I didn't think it did, but it gets better. I tried some games on my smurf and even against bots people tended to be more ragey than you can imagine. Low elo ranked believe it or not has the least ragers for me. Very few leavers these days too. Haven't had an intentional feed in months. A few trolls who try to get you to dodge or who will pick a role that's already taken and go 2 mid and not do anything with the 2v1.