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The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 246
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
Canada10567 Posts
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Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
Easily Win lane against Sivir/Sona with Sivir being 40cs behind my 80cs at around 10-12 minutes, Soraka dies to the first gank, i die to the seconds because the otherwise fine soraka support doesn't know the correct ward positions and i messed up and forgot that cleanse was still on CD for 5s when sona ulted me. Still should have been ok, i was still ahead of Sivir in gold... but then the team starts feeding her at the dragon by running in 3 times into a 1v4 before i even respawned. Come back to lane to find a 3/1/2 Sivir with dragon gold waiting there for me as 1/1/0 Graves. Both other lanes already lost before that and the jungler was behind because he had to cover for the Gragas who joined the game 5 minutes too late. We still almost manage a comeback but then get crushed in the worst engagement ever where we all get sona&nunu ulted while we had baron and went down 4 for 0. After that there were lots of 1v5s where people ran into the whole opposing team, feeding their sivir until she is 12/3/10 at which point she easily outdamages me and they clean us up under the nexus towers. Why is it everytime i win the lane, my teammates do something stupid that destroys my whole work and my lane opponent ends up being far ahead of me? Also, WTF is up with Draven? I outplayed one two days ago and was ahead a BF sword and a dblade in a 1v1 fight but he still bursted my Graves down to 30% in half a second before i even finished my Q&E combo. | ||
Germany1846 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
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Germany1846 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
Fast forward 12 minutes into the game, Ryze is 0-5-1 (the only assist was from me coming in and killing Kennen), while Ken is up about 50 farm. Ryze rushes an AA Staff and Sorc boots as well, so, you know, wonderful. Every teamfight, Kennen just demolishes everyone because he's unstoppable, while Ryze tries to initiate by Flash-Rune Prisoning the tank. That's right. Our Ryze thought it was a good idea to initiate as a Ryze with no defensive items (except health on Cata, I guess), by Flashing 1v5 without saying anything or pinging. The skill involved is somewhat astounding. | ||
Finland951 Posts
homercx: omg no ban diana homercx: FUUU homercx: i AFK Welcome to my world. The world of silver elo. edit: Easy win, Diana did nothing, homercx said I AFK 2 times during the game when he fucked up, and was trying to blame others, did not afk. I hate it when people say that, and continue playing, it just does not make any sense. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
also in my last game jungle xin started with no runes and died consecutively to blue, golems and then red. he had tabi and madreds razor like 20mins into the game. we still won, which baffles me. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On August 17 2012 21:08 Broetchenholer wrote: Playying against an ad Kayle and no significant source of magic damage on our team besides him, why would you want to build abyssal? I mean, sure, kayle does some magic damage as well, but i would always try to get armor against him. He was losing the lane, so, maybe another build would have benn more beneficial. Not really. Kayle has ~54+3*9 = 81 physical damage and 60 magic damage at level 9. Kennen has like 30 mr at level 9 and much more armor. This is all without runes so the magic damage is really close to the physical damage for quite a while. Abyssal provides some tankiness while also giving kennen some magic pen. The 40 from sorc boots and abyssal is enough to bring kayle's base MR to near 0 levels while also increasing the damage of things like your ult against enemies in range of the aura. She might have more AD than magic damage due to items but it's not like the enemy jungler, AD carry, or support, or even morde didn't have magic damage. Besides, building defensive is good when you are losing lane since there's a smaller chance you will die. Kayle has a lot of magic damage early on. In fact the damage charts show her as primarily magic damage early on, even at around 20-30 minutes, and then favors AD from there on. Most of the damage early on is vs creeps but later she does a lot of magic damage in a splash radius during teamfights. But this is a rant thread so you can rant. | ||
United States131 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On August 17 2012 11:30 Amui wrote: Well back to draft and ranked for me. I cannot stand the retardation that comes with blind picks. A necessary evil when it comes to learning a champion but seriously? ![]() The best part about that picture is Good Guy Ezreal | ||
Hong Kong4308 Posts
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Sweden690 Posts
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United States5142 Posts
Do I need to say anythng more? [Edit] This game capped a 5 game losing streak. The next game I found a cure for Tilt. | ||
Australia3421 Posts
On August 19 2012 20:50 iGrok wrote: 0/8/0 Lulu is level 7 at 22 minutes. Do I need to say anythng more? Was it HotshotGG? ![]() Q_Q Is there a way to play on NA from Asia? | ||
United States10467 Posts
I don't think I've ever been mad in a game before. I'm shaking. Fucking entire team calls positions and I'm first pick. Ban some guys, say I want top, "No don't be a dick". Well perhaps you're being a dick for taking a role I wanted when you're last pick. Nah play soraka as a support bot because I want this win. I'm one point off from that elo I want. Nope fuck you singed feed as expected 0-3 and lose tower. All game he lies to try to piss me off more "first ranked game". Nah I go intentionally feed. This is the first game I've ever intentionally fed. I don't even care about winning anymore. I don't care about the karthus who was playing well and not whining at all. The worst I've ever done in a game of LoL before this was leave a game with 3 friends when we were winning because we had to go to class. Screwed over a pub ally. Singed ends up 3-13. Useless as hell. Wow I'm so pissed. | ||
United States11378 Posts
Case in point: My teammate takes Yorick with first pick. The guy with third pick on my team starts QQing about how Yorick is a terrible first pick since he is so easily countered. The rager then picks jungle Wukong, gets invaded at level 1, then instead of trying to actually recover and win, he just yells at everyone for not guarding his blue (tbh I should have stayed at blue for another few seconds since I was anticipating an invade) and trolls by sitting in mid/top and taking our laners CS and EXP. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
I already expect the worst since he as an unranked ELO player (1097 he said after I asked him to check his profile before we joined the queue) has 3rd pick which means 4th + 5th must be even lower... so it begins with me being 2nd pick: 5th: "top solo or troll ur choice fuckers!!!" 4th: "caitlyn ad carry ONLY" 1st: "shut up lows pick order > role call deal with it" 4th/5th: "FUUUUUUU blabla fucktard go rot in hell blabla troll u to death bla hope u get raped irl" We have last ban and 1st pick bans Caitlyn. Verbal shitstorm incoming and I am SO glad already that this is my fucking smurf. Then it's our turn to pick, 1st picks mid and I try to be polite, maybe we can still make something out of it. me: "sorry dude don't have runes for anything else on this acc i go top" 5th: "FUUUUUUU shittard die together with 1st pick blabla get cancer bastard shit shit blabla" 4th: "omg retard let him play top he called first u suck bastard ZOMG" Now, my all so righteous friend feels the urge to "verbally defend" me and joins the escalating quarrel to complete the worst case scenario. We end up with triple mid and double jungle and a wide variety of various summoner spells while the enemy "lololol noobs u suck rofl so bad GG already SO EASY" us from the beginning of the game. In response to that my friend and 4th+5th go ape shit and get really really mad. They die several times typing while they wish each other a painful and miserable death and 4th pick even promises to pray to satan in a dark ritual right after the game so that he might revive Hitler to gas his team. Godwin's law has proven to be true just another time and from that point of the game, /all chat is like a twitch.tv chat from a big event where a pro player makes a stupid mistake and everyone spams so much shit that no one can really follow each other. Well, at least I didn't have to play another game with my friend. Always look at the bright side of life, right? X) | ||
5286 Posts
-navi est 2012 | ||
Australia3856 Posts
I'm playing Kass mid, he gets me first blood, sick. He kills Shyvana twice in their jungle, OK this is going really well, bot is going even (Taric Ez vs Sona Vayne) and top is also even (Jax vs Jayce). Then it starts going downhill from here. He builds fucking on hit Fizz and rushes Black Cleaver (....), then he actually says to me when I ask for blue 'I'm AP jungle I need blue' (Look at his items, 0 ap...). He then mocks my catalyst/tear build and says 'idiot you only need roa for mana' (keep in mind I still haven't had a blue). Anyway game goes on and they slowly claw their way back, big fight in mid, Sona ults us, I jump onto Vayne and Sona, have got Vayne to like 25%, what does Fizz do? RUNS AWAY THEN RUNS BACK IN WHEN WE ARE ALL DEAD AND ULTS. Anyway we get aced and they do baron, so we backdoor a little to distract them, end up trading inhib for inhib but no-one dies. OK their baron has ran out now and we got bot inhib so when baron is up we should be able to go for it a little easier. They 5 man bot lane to shove it right up, what does Fizz do? Tries to backdoor mid, we get tower dived 5v4 because aside from Taric stun we have no real CC and they just jump on us, meanwhile Fizz has just gone back then. I didn't play a great game, ended up going 2/6/6, but it is pretty hard as Kass when your whole team refuses to jump in when you are 10 kills ahead, maybe going man mode was a bit dumb but lane phase also sucked with no blue -_- . Worst bit is at the end of the game Fizz doesn't understand why we lost... | ||
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