was on a huge win streak. Riots hands out the IP boost. Have only won two games since.
like I lost games where I played my mains (warwick, udyr, pantheon, ryze etc) and went like 15/3 by 30 minutes just by allies walking out 1 by 1 into their base and gifting them free kills. Or buying shit like frozen mallet on ashe or AA staff rush on morgana or afking after giving first blood.
The only two games I won was cuz I got pissed off and played stupid champions like Yorick and rumble.
I just wanted to farm up IP for irelia with the boost QQ.
Korea (South)11232 Posts
^ lol
just because they buff dfg doesn't mean you get it every game
Bllahhh... So I stopped playing for like 2-3 months and decayed like 200 elo. Now I just cannot break out of this 1600-1700 mess. Everyone's SO ANGRY EVERY GAME. Just turns into ragefest the second someone dies. Bllahhh
On May 03 2012 00:29 Haemonculus wrote: Bllahhh... So I stopped playing for like 2-3 months and decayed like 200 elo. Now I just cannot break out of this 1600-1700 mess. Everyone's SO ANGRY EVERY GAME. Just turns into ragefest the second someone dies. Bllahhh /ignore all at 0:01 game time proceed to carry ??? profit
IRL obligations deter me from taking lessons from Shake and playing in general. FML.
On May 03 2012 01:56 Shiv. wrote:Show nested quote +On May 03 2012 00:29 Haemonculus wrote: Bllahhh... So I stopped playing for like 2-3 months and decayed like 200 elo. Now I just cannot break out of this 1600-1700 mess. Everyone's SO ANGRY EVERY GAME. Just turns into ragefest the second someone dies. Bllahhh /ignore all at 0:01 game time proceed to carry ??? profit IRL obligations deter me from taking lessons from Shake and playing in general. FML.
why take lessons from shake?!?! He only 1700 nao.
But poor shake, even he rages at his teammates and relies on duo Q.
Yeah shake isn't 2k like soniv and gandhi. You should take lessons from them instead huehuehue.
So I played a normal game as Malphite top against a Tryndamere, and our LB mid kept feeding and blaming me for not roaming, saying my equal farm with Trynd was useless! If I roamed Tryndamere would've free pushed top turrets and eventually got to the inhibitor.
Ranked games make me so mad :/
When I started ranked for like a month ago everything was fine, I won like 70-80% of my 20 first games without any trolls and climbed to 1400 (still terrible I know).
But ever since it´s just been downhill, I lose pretty much every game now despite winning my lane and having great stats. Lost 300 ELO. I don´t claim ELO hell exists and I know that I´m not a good player, but I´m just really fed up with the LoL community (and how fucking awful players there are).
On May 03 2012 00:29 Haemonculus wrote: Bllahhh... So I stopped playing for like 2-3 months and decayed like 200 elo. Now I just cannot break out of this 1600-1700 mess. Everyone's SO ANGRY EVERY GAME. Just turns into ragefest the second someone dies. Bllahhh I've notice this too. NA is just full of raging people, no more NA for me after trying to make a comeback.
I am so angry that they made cross team chat non-standard. Now I have to go check a box so I can call them noobs, inform them that they are playing Yi or Tryndamere therefore their opinions are invalid, accuse them of cheating or let them know that my team is full of retards.
And on top of that, even if I do do that, they may not receive my wisdom because they don't have it enabled. Why is Riot trying to take out the social aspect of LoL? Don't they know that berating people anonymously on the internet is half the fun of this game?
zzz. Have a kennen leave in the middle of a game because "his grandmother died"
zz. vayne in the same game goes 1-8 and says "its not entirely my fault"
z. Warwick complains "dont take my fucking jungle" when I play Ziggs and clear wraiths when he's half across the map ganking top waiting in a brush. ..
On May 03 2012 01:58 Soloside wrote:Show nested quote +On May 03 2012 01:56 Shiv. wrote:On May 03 2012 00:29 Haemonculus wrote: Bllahhh... So I stopped playing for like 2-3 months and decayed like 200 elo. Now I just cannot break out of this 1600-1700 mess. Everyone's SO ANGRY EVERY GAME. Just turns into ragefest the second someone dies. Bllahhh /ignore all at 0:01 game time proceed to carry ??? profit IRL obligations deter me from taking lessons from Shake and playing in general. FML. why take lessons from shake?!?! He only 1700 nao. huehuehue. But poor shake, even he rages at his teammates and relies on duo Q. I rely on duo queue? My only recent losses have been because of DCs. You're still only 1900 lol.
loooool soloside why are you so bm!!!
You should see when I log on to league.
"lolol im so much higer than you lolol." "lol ur 1800" "lol ur 1700"
It's like, at least get a respetable Elo before bragging.
wait but i thought bragging was a requirement for sg
finally lost my 100% anivia spree to a leaver. Pantheon jungle ragequit after trying to towerdive a full hp brand at lvl4 --; Then my duoqueue almost made me lose a cassio game too, by flaming the jarvan top who was dc'ed the first 3 min and fell behind hard vs udyr.
And why is it so hard to win games with my friends xD ARGGG lose 11/3 ezreal game to them getting caught for doing dragon after baron >_<
And them botlanes in general. Get flamed by mf, tell her i'll go roam if she keeps it up, finally leave her alone after 12 minutes. Get 2 kills with toplane who was behind, and get flamed by rest of team for "trolling", whereupon 2 people afk at fountain and 1 feeds -_- /ignore all /hopetribunallikesme
Shake can easily get back to his ELO...everyone drops up and down +/-200 all the time
fucking hell shaco that wont jungle and feeds first blood after spending 4 min boxing up enemy jungle's red nidalee that refuses to top lane because she was "support" and we all thought shaco was going to go top if he wasnt going to jungle tristana with 100 farm in a 35 min game
our malz was decent... i guess
enemy katarina starts out 0-5, by 25 min i die to her and got WTF 11-5... tristana 2-8 nidalee 1-10
Ya contrary to how I tease him, Shake actually is a really good player in general. So many clutch plays it's ridiculous. Haters gonna hate, bro.