On April 28 2012 06:00 Gaslo wrote: People are funny.
Nashor has 1000hp when i am about to smite, but some weird crap happens, and gets hit like 2 wriggle procs + some big damage spell, and then Galio Q steals it.
I am like "Omg sorry guys, thats seriously my bad, sorry, so bad"
Then the conversation Vayne: FUCK THIS WW, MISSES SMITE, REPORT HIM Cass: Guys, we still have a small change, don't fight! vayne: Small change? We fucking lost this, Fuck u WW
Just so you know, you should combo Q+Smite on WW when doing baron, it lets you smite at about 1.2k. There are similar tricks on a lot of jungles.
On April 28 2012 11:36 Jacobs Ladder wrote:Show nested quote +On April 28 2012 06:00 Gaslo wrote: People are funny.
Nashor has 1000hp when i am about to smite, but some weird crap happens, and gets hit like 2 wriggle procs + some big damage spell, and then Galio Q steals it.
I am like "Omg sorry guys, thats seriously my bad, sorry, so bad"
Then the conversation Vayne: FUCK THIS WW, MISSES SMITE, REPORT HIM Cass: Guys, we still have a small change, don't fight! vayne: Small change? We fucking lost this, Fuck u WW
Just so you know, you should combo Q+Smite on WW when doing baron, it lets you smite at about 1.2k. There are similar tricks on a lot of jungles.
Yeah thanks, ill try it out. I think that was my third jungle WW, first pick picked it up because "WW is op" and no1 wanted to play him so i took him to end the fighting. 
So our annie gives fiddlesticks mid a few kills, then he starts roaming bot and picking up easy kills off the Leona/tristana. If annie had followed her lane, she could have stopped him from snowballing further, but nope this one constantly went and helped the jarvan top who was doing fine alone and left bot to die time after time after time.
After the game they blame me (leona). So much for getting into 1400 -.-
On April 28 2012 14:41 Gaslo wrote:Show nested quote +On April 28 2012 11:36 Jacobs Ladder wrote:On April 28 2012 06:00 Gaslo wrote: People are funny.
Nashor has 1000hp when i am about to smite, but some weird crap happens, and gets hit like 2 wriggle procs + some big damage spell, and then Galio Q steals it.
I am like "Omg sorry guys, thats seriously my bad, sorry, so bad"
Then the conversation Vayne: FUCK THIS WW, MISSES SMITE, REPORT HIM Cass: Guys, we still have a small change, don't fight! vayne: Small change? We fucking lost this, Fuck u WW
Just so you know, you should combo Q+Smite on WW when doing baron, it lets you smite at about 1.2k. There are similar tricks on a lot of jungles. Yeah thanks, ill try it out. I think that was my third jungle WW, first pick picked it up because "WW is op" and no1 wanted to play him so i took him to end the fighting.  Yeah, its a habit you should get into with most jungles. Xin? E+Smite. Nunu? Q+Smite. Shyv? Q+Smite. That little extra damage means that at level 18 vs 18, you have can smite earlier than their jungle if he tries to suicide steal.
Normals, what else could I expect? Not to mention I had to share cs w/ shen. Hate losing games this badly, simply because people don't know how to fucking not FEED. + Show Spoiler +
So I'm a bit dlunk and decide to queue ranked.
We get a solo top Mao, and I'm ad carry Cait with Sora support vs Janna/Ashe, easy lane right?
Sora stars Starcall, runs right up to Ashe eating the first crit and gets taken to 1 bar, I almost die too because I tried to damage them enough for them to lay off her. Lane goes to hell fast, and Ashe ends up hitting like a truck, surrender at 20, Sora fed like mad. If you can't play the game don't ever think about playing ranked.
Janna/ashe lane is pretty good, and ahse is only 50 range behind cait. Double slow from ashe + janna, makes it impossible to retaliate, and impossible to run away.
I flamed back at another person who was flaming me last night. I thought I would remain cool headed and just press ignore, so dissapointed in myself. I just felt so empty afterward, flaming just made me feel more shitty.
fuck it lee sin loses super hard to fiddlesticks in lane, 54 farm by 20 min... our jungler kept going top and so did our mid, but all he did was b when we ganked
this was the lee sin who locked top at 1 second when I was going top...
Aaaaaah I was on such a good streak of controlling my QQ. Lately its just been about people's attitude rather than bad players.
But how do you win when people DECIDE not to win. Every game I point that we can kill nexus now, we aced them with 2 inhibs down. Team wants to pad scores though so they don't kill nexus and proceed to get counter-aced and lose. Once is frustrating but THREE FUCKING TIMES MY TEAM CHOSE NOT TO WIN A WON GAME THEN LOST.
OMFG - 10 win ip boost inc., obv. losing streak starts. I am just not able to win a single fucking game if I am not with a full premade. Wtf ist wrong with me / that game?!
quitting League for a couple of weeks if I lose this next game.
I'll be back with updates.
edit: Naughty lust too strong, I won :/
On April 30 2012 15:37 HazMat wrote: quitting League for a couple of weeks if I lose this next game.
I'll be back with updates.
Rumble your way to victory.
"I'm really good at support"
picks janna spams shield randomly used tornado twice in lane - both missed never used slow in lane never hit an ult to save someone bought 3 wards to start, never bought any more
wtf is with people hoping to get carried on support
On May 01 2012 04:02 Kaneh wrote: "I'm really good at support"
picks janna spams shield randomly used tornado twice in lane - both missed never used slow in lane never hit an ult to save someone bought 3 wards to start, never bought any more
wtf is with people hoping to get carried on support
This is why I've started supporting, with Janna actually. Been playing vayne carry a lot too and winning most of my ranks. Feel bad for my friend he solo queue'd a bit and went under 1k elo, have to drag him back up (about 1.3k myself)
I just got the SAME FUCKING LEAVER twice in a row. WHAT THE FUCK.
First game he gets mad and ragequits about 10 minutes in after losing his lane.
Second game he gets firstblooded and ragequits before the two minute mark. I even waited like 5 minutes after the first game. How the fuck do I get the SAME GUY. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Lol poor Rhav, matchmaking must hate you Q___Q
I pick Soraka and go bot with Corki.
He just dives in, doesn't retreat, I heal him and summoner heal him but he still dies, then he starts typing in chat "Literally zero heals from Soraka".
Situations like this continue for literally the entire game. Each time he dies, it's somehow my fault. I ward up the map, but for some reason he then starts typing "Soraka doesn't use heal at all the whole game, and also doesn't ward!"
He kept saying that I don't heal or ward for the entire game. I got massively trolled.
Can someone explain to me how Soraka+graves, with both of them running heal, get double killed by Ashe+Sona in the first minute of the game? I can't even begin to fathom how that is even possible in this universe, seriously, did they both take their hands off the keyboard and start screaming "JESUS TAKE THE MOUSE?"!
Just bought Shyvana with RP, because I was bored and wanted a new champion to play.
Go into a Normal Draft, pick Jungle Shyvana against Jungle Shen.
As I expected, I destroy him in Jungle, and I get fed something like 9/0/7
My team is still all under 100 CS when I'm breaking 200, and we've lost every tower. I'm fed to the point where I can't buy anything else, and I'm initiating teamfights and walking away with 3-4 kills every time.
We push their base, get them 3 down, take 2 inhibs and then I start Recalling and I'm repeating for my team to back out.
Ahri and Ashe pace back and forth in front of their Nexus Turrets for the next 20 seconds accomplishing nothing and then their team is back up. Ashe and Ahri start to run but naturally can't escape Shen and Volibear.
They both die and we lose even though Garen and I were literally carrying the entire team.
End of the game? Ashe: "Report Shyvana, first time Shyv noob and trolling all game. 0 ganks, uninstall plz" Ahri: "Shyv so bad, plz report. bg uninstall no0b"