On May 01 2012 15:55 MintBerryCrunch wrote: Can someone explain to me how Soraka+graves, with both of them running heal, get double killed by Ashe+Sona in the first minute of the game? I can't even begin to fathom how that is even possible in this universe, seriously, did they both take their hands off the keyboard and start screaming "JESUS TAKE THE MOUSE?"!
Facecheck vs Ashe, happens all the time. Free crit + volley + sona q + power chord is insta-dead. Lost too many lanes to ashe lvl 1 combo's thanks to retarded AD carries.
On May 01 2012 15:36 Diader wrote: I pick Soraka and go bot with Corki.
He just dives in, doesn't retreat, I heal him and summoner heal him but he still dies, then he starts typing in chat "Literally zero heals from Soraka".
Situations like this continue for literally the entire game. Each time he dies, it's somehow my fault. I ward up the map, but for some reason he then starts typing "Soraka doesn't use heal at all the whole game, and also doesn't ward!"
He kept saying that I don't heal or ward for the entire game. I got massively trolled.
Best response to that would be: "I can heal many things, but I can't heal stupidity"
On May 01 2012 15:59 VirgilSC2 wrote: Just bought Shyvana with RP, because I was bored and wanted a new champion to play.
Go into a Normal Draft, pick Jungle Shyvana against Jungle Shen.
As I expected, I destroy him in Jungle, and I get fed something like 9/0/7
My team is still all under 100 CS when I'm breaking 200, and we've lost every tower. I'm fed to the point where I can't buy anything else, and I'm initiating teamfights and walking away with 3-4 kills every time.
We push their base, get them 3 down, take 2 inhibs and then I start Recalling and I'm repeating for my team to back out.
Ahri and Ashe pace back and forth in front of their Nexus Turrets for the next 20 seconds accomplishing nothing and then their team is back up. Ashe and Ahri start to run but naturally can't escape Shen and Volibear.
They both die and we lose even though Garen and I were literally carrying the entire team.
End of the game? Ashe: "Report Shyvana, first time Shyv noob and trolling all game. 0 ganks, uninstall plz" Ahri: "Shyv so bad, plz report. bg uninstall no0b"
Welcome to jungling, where your skill as a jungler is evaluated solely by how often you gank. As laners know best, the role of a jungler is not to actually be in the jungle, it's to camp all 3 lanes at once and wait 10 minutes at a time until a gank shows up.
If you are actually jungling (which is not the role of a jungler), you are a horrible jungler for jungling instead of ganking and you should just stop playing League of Legends.
I spent all my IP on gold per 10 yellows, armour quints, flat ap blues, mpen blues/quints, a second set of mr reds (yeah i got 18 of these nerfed things now), in anticipation of Varus patch being delayed like the last patch. Now I'm not going to be able to afford Varus, but at least I'll be able to ward bitch for him. Right???
Managed to farm up 6300 ip in a week. I'll be buying him tonight.
I'm AP Soraka mid, and our Ashe gets herself killed a bunch of times. Later on, she's level 10 and picks a fight with a level 14 Teemo. Teemo lives with over half his HP left. "Noob Soraka no heal." At the end of the game she has 92 cs at 32 minutes - "gg bad team."
First picks on our team lock soraka and calls mid and a mummy jungler. They get picked Karthus, I'm like lol we got this. I play Sona with an Ez bot. Our last pick who has been talking about how he's 1800 Elo EU takes VLAD top to face FIZZ. I'm like oh man here we go again. Long story short. Soraka feeds, karthus/mao about 7 kills in lane. Vlad feeds Fizz over and over I'm talking like 1-11-1 in 20 minutes. Bot was good though, even with no ganks we were 5 kills to 0. Amumu was busy trying to help top and mid. Then it happens. The 4 man bot lane dive, I respawn go to defend whats left of our mid lane, when Karthus requiems for over half my health and a triple kill. G-fucking-G. Well Played Fizz and Mao.
Now I understand why people rage so much in this thread. Just got back to NA after 6 months on CN. Too many people has no clue at ban/pick. On CN people that first start ranked know some fundamental thing but its none existance on NA. Real terror playing on NA, at least on CN every people speak Chinese lol, the same can not be said about English on NA.
First game in a week, Mid goes afk, they feed 0-10 then all afk.
I love LoL
On May 02 2012 03:39 Caphe wrote: Now I understand why people rage so much in this thread. Just got back to NA after 6 months on CN. Too many people has no clue at ban/pick. On CN people that first start ranked know some fundamental thing but its none existance on NA. Real terror playing on NA, at least on CN every people speak Chinese lol, the same can not be said about English on NA. I had one game where our top asks after getting into game "anyone speak spanish" in spanish (can't remember how to say it correctly xD) no one responds for like 30 seconds. I start typing muy poco and the person leaves the game. -.-
Duo queue if you're only going to play with spanish speakers.
On May 01 2012 22:16 Kyo Yuy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 01 2012 15:59 VirgilSC2 wrote: Just bought Shyvana with RP, because I was bored and wanted a new champion to play.
Go into a Normal Draft, pick Jungle Shyvana against Jungle Shen.
As I expected, I destroy him in Jungle, and I get fed something like 9/0/7
My team is still all under 100 CS when I'm breaking 200, and we've lost every tower. I'm fed to the point where I can't buy anything else, and I'm initiating teamfights and walking away with 3-4 kills every time.
We push their base, get them 3 down, take 2 inhibs and then I start Recalling and I'm repeating for my team to back out.
Ahri and Ashe pace back and forth in front of their Nexus Turrets for the next 20 seconds accomplishing nothing and then their team is back up. Ashe and Ahri start to run but naturally can't escape Shen and Volibear.
They both die and we lose even though Garen and I were literally carrying the entire team.
End of the game? Ashe: "Report Shyvana, first time Shyv noob and trolling all game. 0 ganks, uninstall plz" Ahri: "Shyv so bad, plz report. bg uninstall no0b"
Welcome to jungling, where your skill as a jungler is evaluated solely by how often you gank. As laners know best, the role of a jungler is not to actually be in the jungle, it's to camp all 3 lanes at once and wait 10 minutes at a time until a gank shows up. If you are actually jungling (which is not the role of a jungler), you are a horrible jungler for jungling instead of ganking and you should just stop playing League of Legends.
This is so horribly true. My worst experience with this so far was, interestingly enough, also as a Shyvana jungler. I am doing my thing, jungling a bit, doing a gank bot and a gank top on my first clear, but getting no kills. Within the first 5 minutes, talon mid dies two times to jungler and pretty random toplaner ganks. He then blames me for that. "Shyvana so bad, no help, three people mid, noone helps." Well, what was i supposed to do? I can't instantly teleport there from wolves while you die within 2 seconds of the first enemy appearing on the minimap? I tell him that they can't dive him at level 3, so he would have been just fine at the tower.
He decides that since i am such a bad jungler, he will now do the jungling. Note that this is at 5:30. He leaves midlane and randomly clears some creep camps, very slowly. I take over midlane because i don't want to leave it completely empty, and somehow manage to deal with the enemy he fed in a horrible matchup (i don't remember exactly who it was), not dying and getting some farm. He continues to jungle absurdly slow, and reaches level 7 at about the time everyone else in the game is level 12. He does not gank anywhere either, just farming the jungle at the slowest possible pace. Whenever someone spoke to him, no matter what the subject was, his response was "LOL I AM SHYVANA I AM SO BAD I JUNGLE I NEVER GANK NEVER HELP!!!"
I am pretty sure that jungler is the role which gets you raged at the most. At least on other lanes you only get raged at when you fail your lane, or they die to your laner because they are completely unable to look at the map or place wards, and you did not call miss every single time when your enemy went back to buy or is gone from vision for 2 seconds. As a jungler, you get raged at whenever any lane fails.
Noo I just broke my ranked 9 win streak. Now i cant have a page with full wins
Ranked game
Enemy Picks: Ashe Alistar Ryze Rumble Nocturne
So just massive CC stacking...I'm support, what does my team pick for solos
Nid Fizz Shyv
Like the most CC sensitive champs for the role possible and no CC at all, nid in particular jesus christ what terrible pick, needless to say they all were completely worthless in every teamfight and we got stomped.
I think i figured out the key to gaining elo on the NA server, DO NOT PLAY WHEN IT IS NIGHT TIME IN AMERICA. I dont know about you guys, but I find the skill level of players drop as afternoon and evening rolls around
No, the perfect time to play ranked is middle of the afternoon or very early morning on a weekday
not middle of the afternoon, that's when all the kids get home from school before 2 PM EST is your best bet for consistent players
Nobody was asking when you got home from school unichan -_-- and I was being sarcastic
oh its actually true LOL (idk about at lower elos) and maybe not about gaining elo so much as more consistent games
and i get home at 4 because i have an extra hour of school + hour bus ride
On May 02 2012 12:13 unichan wrote:oh its actually true LOL (idk about at lower elos) and maybe not about gaining elo so much as more consistent games and i get home at 4 because i have an extra hour of school + hour bus ride  Maybe you shouldn't go to an asian tryhard shool.
y not now i graduate from asian tryhard school and go to another asian tryhard school
fuk yea
not everyone can be PROGAMER
Yeah but anyone can be a unichan :>
Anyways, queueing late at night has its ups and downs, during "Korean" hour you might get paired up with really good players or just really bad players