The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 181
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Sexico5880 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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335 Posts
Still went 5-0 in placements but I can see how its pretty frustrating for a new player. Everyones so angry and so convinced that they are good despite them all being in the 1300s or whatever. I hadn't had to play this since rating start of S1 so it was pretty interesting for me. There are trolls in every rating but its amazing how every player in the 12-1400s thinks they are amazing and would be 2k if not just for X on their team. | ||
Finland951 Posts
1min later i take my 6cs, and decide to b, Yi runs behind kennen with 20% hp, and starts taking cs. Kennen just QW:s him and he dies. "i thought i could farm" he says. 2minutes later we are both pretty low, but he makes a bold move, and flash stuns me, he kills me just as the stun gets off, and survives with maybe 100hp, My bad, but 0.1s and it would of been 1 for 1. Our top 0/5 Olaf "LOL LOSING TO KENNEN AS VLAD, ROFLLOL" Fast forward 15 minutes, they get 2 DC, and we win the game. Never felt so dirty for winning a game in my life. :I Oh, and even 3v5 their support taric managed to steal nashor from us. ![]() --- And funny renekton in my next game. I took my Gravedigger against him, and pretty much zoned him from the start. At some point creep score was 120 for me, and 50 for him. Then he starts to /all Renekton: Fuck Malzahar so fed! Renekton: I always play well, but my team loses Renekton: Stuck in this elo hell! Fuck you feeders! Renekton: i was 0/0 @ 20min! Yeah, you stayed alive until 20 minutes, but you were lower then our support, and you had 100+cs less then me when the game ended in 26-27min... Maybe your mid was the reason the game ended there, but people really should only worry about their lane... If i lost my lane by over 100cs, and gave couple of kills in the process, i doubt i would have the nerve to blame others for it. :I | ||
Canada6208 Posts
His rune setup: swiftness quints, AD marks, attack speed yellows, cdr blues for vayne. He blames me for supporting so badly since graves walks up, buckshots the creep wave and my friend loses 1/3 of his health bar. The moment they hit level 2, graves dashes and buckshots my friend and lulu does her help pix/glitterlance and my friend gets 100-0'd. Blames me for not supporting correctly saying he plays against graves all the fucking time in ranked and does fine. It's a normal but still, next time i'll take double AD bottom over having to support him. It might hurt him badly that my normal ELO back when you could find it was ~1700 so our opponents are more difficult but he still got 100-0'd just by being in lane before they even got their ultimates. Edit:: Just took another look, his masteries for AD are 21/1/8. 21 is standard, the 1 is summoner's resolve, he has the mana mastery, recall and flash and then 4 points in movespeed @___@, no wonder he's so squishy. | ||
Vietnam10817 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On May 03 2012 19:57 Gaslo wrote: And funny renekton in my next game. I took my Gravedigger against him, and pretty much zoned him from the start. At some point creep score was 120 for me, and 50 for him. Then he starts to /all Renekton: Fuck Malzahar so fed! Renekton: I always play well, but my team loses Renekton: Stuck in this elo hell! Fuck you feeders! Renekton: i was 0/0 @ 20min! Yeah, you stayed alive until 20 minutes, but you were lower then our support, and you had 100+cs less then me when the game ended in 26-27min... Maybe your mid was the reason the game ended there, but people really should only worry about their lane... If i lost my lane by over 100cs, and gave couple of kills in the process, i doubt i would have the nerve to blame others for it. :I Yet you have the nerve to play Yorick... <_< | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Couldn't play much past few days, but those that I had were almost all pretty horrible... except for 2 co-op, 1 4v5 and an ARAB I lost everything. The most annoying bastards are whiny naysayers and nerd ragers that autolose games for their teams by literally giving up the game once something bad happens. Team gets first blooded? -> "GGWP" Jungler fail smites? -> "OMG NOOB CAN'T CARRY" Tell them to stfu? -> "TALKING TO ME? K I AFK GL HF MOTHERFUCKER" I mean, wtf is this shit? Nobody likes things going wrong and setting you back, but they're only making it worse and their attitude is what seals the game, not the mistake by the teammate in the first place... | ||
Germany11335 Posts
On May 04 2012 07:22 little fancy wrote: Still need 6 more wins to trigger my IP boosts that were given out 3 or 4 (?) days ago... Couldn't play much past few days, but those that I had were almost all pretty horrible... except for 2 co-op, 1 4v5 and an ARAB I lost everything. The most annoying bastards are whiny naysayers and nerd ragers that autolose games for their teams by literally giving up the game once something bad happens. Team gets first blooded? -> "GGWP" Jungler fail smites? -> "OMG NOOB CAN'T CARRY" Tell them to stfu? -> "TALKING TO ME? K I AFK GL HF MOTHERFUCKER" I mean, wtf is this shit? Nobody likes things going wrong and setting you back, but they're only making it worse and their attitude is what seals the game, not the mistake by the teammate in the first place... And they don't even understand it. I had a rather lengthy discussion with someone who kept repeating that he lost all of his games because of other people, and that there is no reason for him to try at all because someone else on the team is so bad. Literally always those two things directly after another. I tried to explain to him how stupid that is, to which he always responded "Well look at shens build, why should i do anything useful if he is so bad". After about two or three rounds of that, i myself was of course added to the list of people in the game who are "just bad" and thus justify him not doing anything useful at all. After the game he further explained that he would now report me, and that he does not even need a reason to do so because the tribunal system is corrupt. I don't even know how to deal with that amount of retardedness, while still being absolutely convinced that everything he says and does make sense. It is like some people lack any ability to critically think about what they are doing. And the worst part is that it often is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If after the first bad thing, they start raging, and pull the whole team into discussions, of course the team then loses. Which to them proves that the game was already lost when the first bad thing happened, so they were right all along. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Sure thing, dude. That 8-1 LS was because I didn't ban Morg. Those dives further than the enemy inner turret were because I didn't ban Morg. Me not coming to help your 4v3 (as their AD carry dc'd several times) because Kennen is a bitch to lane against and pushes as soon as I leave lane is the reason why you lose all those fights, nothing to do with your own greediness, trying to fight a LS when low HP, w/o vision against skillshots, and when you're already down 7 kills. Sigh. Yeah, Morg OP. Because people are too full with themselves not to use her being picked as an excuse not to look at their play. Edit: 0K, new one. Jax top gets a gank at level 2, WW burns flash, Jax gets fb by himself a bit later. Cool. He'll win his lane eventually, despite never buying wards and getting ganked sometimes, as he always pushes to the turret. WW loses his tower and goes on to roam the rest of the map. Jax stays there and just pushes to the inner turret. Xerath... well, he got "counterpicked" by Akali. Xerath got camped by WW when he started roaming, so I can't say much, he never bought wards either, except maybe twice, and very late. Still, his reflex when enemy team got near was always to stop and siege, offering them a perfect target to just jump on and kill. Well, he rushed rylai too. No damage build indeed. Vayne... whatever. Vayne-Sona against Kog-Nunu. Vayne has 37 cs to Kog 80. Then Sona dcs. Sure, the dcs screwed him over until Sona came back. But damn, 50cs at 13 minutes? When Kog had 60 more? Obviously they never call the misses, and only Sona buys wards. After top falls, WW roams, Jax doesn't, they gank the shit out of the lanes, try to steal our blue, camp the drake, and generally get kills on helpless Xerath. As we're purple side and I'm handing over blue, as Mundo I have no exp nor farm at all, not even mentioning the fact that after dying Jax went and took our 2nd red because why not? Mundo would like it, needs it, but he's not there because he's only on the way after having to babysit fucking bad Vayne bot, surely his lack of cs isn't a problem, Mundo doesn't need farm anyway. When Jax comes mid, it's after Xerath does, and he leaps in a 1v4 to die immediatly. Oh, and then he goes back to top right away, pushes alone, WW kills mid, then go top, Jax w/o wards kills him then gets gutted by Kog "Oh I didn't saw him". Yeah, moron, you never warded and they've been roaming for ~8 minutes now. Now I'm level 10 when they're 12-13. I'd like to farm a bit. Jax takes golems. And I can never take our top jungle farm because I'm always needed bot because the team doesn't know to ward and play safe against roaming. As I'm underleveled and underfarmed, the only thing I can do is throw cleavers hoping to slow somebody enough for my teammates to escape. Well at least they don't bitch that I can't tank—they better don't, it's their friggin' fault. End of the game? Vayne and Xerath are 15, Jax 18, I'm 13. Most of the enemy team is 18. But Mundo es farmy jungler. Whatever. Couldn't ignore bot, Vayne would have struggled too much against Kog later. Well perhaps I should have. Not like you can salvage a baddie getting 50 cs in 13 minutes. Mundo 110 cs by 35:17, -12 Elo. Why can't people turn their brains on instead of thinking they can carry 1v5 when they let their opponent feed from roaming? Sigh. | ||
United States10531 Posts
Despite countless pings they would just sit there and of course when the invade finally came, we get a good chunk on their team with TF, Nocturne, Udyr damage, but of course our bot lane comes too late and fails to clean up their team, getting baited by 5 very low members of their team. It's so hard to lane after that when your opposing lane is 1/0/4 or 2/0/3, 20 minute GG soon after. And this happened TWICE today, 2 level 1 Aces that decided the game from the first 2 minutes of the game Feels like when I get cheesed in starcraft, a strategy that is very easy to counter but due to lack of coordination you still lose to it | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
Player1: premade with Player2 bot (picked jenna and graves) Me: top (picked olaf) Player3: random trollolol Player4: ok Me: ... Player3 & 4 didn't pick a hero until time ran out and ended up with teemo and akali, didn't even play those very well at all. Unneccessary to say that we lost because akali died all the time in mid, bot lane overextended all the time and their jungler had free reign over both jungles. At least the teemo was ok-ish and didn't die too often. Surrender at 20,25,30,35 failed and then they killed our nexus. My final score: 7/3/4 | ||
United States405 Posts
Tonight's theme is Scumbag FP. Game 1 I'm top Wukong vs Riven, mid fails hard, forces our jungle to camp mid, Riven pushes me under tower and towerdives me for kills about 3 times while mid Veig just keeps feeding LB. Veig acts like being fp at top elo means he's the best player in LoL, he fp'd Veig. LB roams everywhere, game over. Game two I'm mid Fizz vs Morg becaus dumbass FP didn't ban her. I outtrade the bitch in damage, but she literally sits outside of exp range and goes in to drop her soil every wave. Because of that the one oppertunity I have to trade with her doesn't matter because of her spell vamp and even though I'm two levels ahead of her into teamfight time she still wrecks shit with her ulti. Morg OP shit gg. Final game, dear god I want to win, I tell my team in chat that as long as they promise not to play like shit I'll do any role. I'm jungle, team wants to invade enemy WW, yes, SCUMBAG FP DIDN'T BAN WW. I say we should just take his red, we do but Vayne gives it away by popping out of bush, WW takes my red, ganks top, top dies, Ken top feeds J4 with a score of 1/5 in lane. Our Vayne/Ali lane is getting beat to hell by Ez/Leona, Vayne at 1/7 in lane. Our mid Fizz is constantly pinging for ganks on Brand, I can't be all the map at once. It's my fault we lost because I couldn't gank all the lanes all the time forever because that's what a jungler does. God forbid I farm a camp. Ali quit after the first surrender vote failed, and the enemy team proceded to gloat in allchat and took about 20 minutes more than they should have to finish us off because scumbag Vayne and Ken wouldn't accept the vote. Why does this shit happen? I just wanted one win tonight, I didn't get to play with my friends so one solo queue win was all I wanted, now I'm getting two hours less sleep than I should be for work tomorrow and all I have to show for it is 39 missing elo points. | ||
Japan416 Posts
Germany2073 Posts
On May 04 2012 17:28 Ezkaton wrote: So im trying to level to 30 right. And my whole match history page and then some is all losses. Last night I played 8 games and every single one of them had an AFK or a DC on my team. im now 65 wins 80 losses. Today has just been horrible. I just played for the first time ever as soraka support and i fucking go 8/3/10 while the rest of my team feeds. And the cait im supposed to be supporting is on like 50 cs by 20 mins. WHAT CAN I DO FOR FUCK SAKE I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF LOSING FUCK Try not to be angry. At lower lvls people generally won't have any clue what they're doing, what with the incredible increase of playerbase in the last months/influx of new players. Grind it out to 30, try out many champions, ignore all the bad players and flame/rage... just focus on doing well yourself. Like, really. Hard. I'm playing with newbie friends on ventrilo to talk, they'll still ignore my advice/react late/make bad plays and happily die half the time. Joys of a team game;P | ||
Germany11335 Posts
On May 04 2012 16:18 ninjakingcola wrote: The tale of the guy that should have just gone to bed but queue'd LoL and regretted it. Tonight's theme is Scumbag FP. Game 1 I'm top Wukong vs Riven, mid fails hard, forces our jungle to camp mid, Riven pushes me under tower and towerdives me for kills about 3 times while mid Veig just keeps feeding LB. Veig acts like being fp at top elo means he's the best player in LoL, he fp'd Veig. LB roams everywhere, game over. Game two I'm mid Fizz vs Morg becaus dumbass FP didn't ban her. I outtrade the bitch in damage, but she literally sits outside of exp range and goes in to drop her soil every wave. Because of that the one oppertunity I have to trade with her doesn't matter because of her spell vamp and even though I'm two levels ahead of her into teamfight time she still wrecks shit with her ulti. Morg OP shit gg. Final game, dear god I want to win, I tell my team in chat that as long as they promise not to play like shit I'll do any role. I'm jungle, team wants to invade enemy WW, yes, SCUMBAG FP DIDN'T BAN WW. I say we should just take his red, we do but Vayne gives it away by popping out of bush, WW takes my red, ganks top, top dies, Ken top feeds J4 with a score of 1/5 in lane. Our Vayne/Ali lane is getting beat to hell by Ez/Leona, Vayne at 1/7 in lane. Our mid Fizz is constantly pinging for ganks on Brand, I can't be all the map at once. It's my fault we lost because I couldn't gank all the lanes all the time forever because that's what a jungler does. God forbid I farm a camp. Ali quit after the first surrender vote failed, and the enemy team proceded to gloat in allchat and took about 20 minutes more than they should have to finish us off because scumbag Vayne and Ken wouldn't accept the vote. Why does this shit happen? I just wanted one win tonight, I didn't get to play with my friends so one solo queue win was all I wanted, now I'm getting two hours less sleep than I should be for work tomorrow and all I have to show for it is 39 missing elo points. Sadly, the amount of champs where people complain when you did not ban them is far larger then the amount of champs you can ban. | ||
United States6151 Posts
On May 04 2012 22:04 Simberto wrote: Sadly, the amount of champs where people complain when you did not ban them is far larger then the amount of champs you can ban. This. I can't tell you how many times I get FP, and I have my team going: "BAN X!!!" "Ban Y, so OP" "Ban X, good call" "Yeah, X Y both good bans Z too." "Yeah ban Z!" "Mhmm ban Z too" *Ban X Y and Z Champions" "OMG WTF YOU DIDNT BAN A" "OMG NOOB CAPTAIN DIDNT BAN A. GG AFK" "REPORT CAPTAIN, TROLL DIDNT BAN A OR B" | ||
England194 Posts
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Finland951 Posts
On May 05 2012 00:05 VirgilSC2 wrote: This. I can't tell you how many times I get FP, and I have my team going: "BAN X!!!" "Ban Y, so OP" "Ban X, good call" "Yeah, X Y both good bans Z too." "Yeah ban Z!" "Mhmm ban Z too" *Ban X Y and Z Champions" "OMG WTF YOU DIDNT BAN A" "OMG NOOB CAPTAIN DIDNT BAN A. GG AFK" "REPORT CAPTAIN, TROLL DIDNT BAN A OR B" This times 100. In my elorange there is prolly 7-8 champions that need to be banned, or there will be some1 screaming "WE WILL LOSE, CHAMPION X IS SO OP SO THERE IS NO POINT IN ME TRYING" It's kinda sad that you have to use your bans just to please some idiots who think what ever fotm champ there is is op. Oh, and because this is a QQ thread, here is mine: Picked Victor against Ryze, our premade bot started crying instantly, Victor is shit champ, we cant win the game etc. 18 minutes in the game i am up like 40cs and 1 assist i got when their jungle tried to counterjungle. Bot lane is 0/7 and 1/8 and crying constantly. They do 2 4 man ganks mid (with panth top) and i react badly and die both times. Our bot duo: See, 0/2/1 Victor, i told u he was shit champ. AAAAARgh. | ||
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