Im going to let rip on my first proper LoL rant right now :D
Since my first ~30 games, i was floating ~1500, good games bad games etc, i started as a jungler and found my home in support, In other roles im not very good, I play AD ok, as im used to bot lane, i play mid ok too, because its ranged like AD, but i suck at solotop, and i always inform my teams of this. I also inform them its best to let me support / jungle because my CS is not great, although acceptable.
Well, it all started one lovely day. By now ive played 100~ ranked games, im used to idiots, trolls blah dee blah, This day i go 8-0, 8 wins in a row, now im thinking yippie!! Personal best of 1611, nice Cappy nice! Oh how wrong i was. The harder the climb, the harder they fall is a very accurate expression of what followed. The next day i logged on, lost. Lost again, over and over untill i was at 0-8 for the day. Wtf i think to myself, I do my best not to critique my teammates and look at my own play, but i always came across to myself well, not making huge blunders, not feeding like fuck etc, just the rest of the team were feeding, raging and just not playing well or wanting to win in the slightest. This day, i remember this one vayne where as leona i spun in and we got both AD and support to ~5% HP, shes about 40%, instead of tumbling forward and picking up 1, or a double kill She turns around and walks off. I was fucking astounded.
After those eventful days of happiness and sorrow (LoL-wise here XD) It stayed the same, i tend to now win 1 out of 3-5 games, and im just not seeing how i can be causing these losses, maybe i can contribute more because i am by no means pro, but im not doing badly in these games. Top will feed, or Mid will feed or my AD will just act like a wet tissue. (This one instance, we saw Noct coming for dive, then spotted Ryze from mid too, i signal back 3-4 times about 10 seconds before it happened, he proceeds to die and "oh thanks Leona, couldnt ult and save me there?" Uhm, 4v2 under tower is suicide mate, possible in a 3v2, not 4v2 at 15 mins sry!) Im getting frustrated as the drop has been a sudden 1600 to 1400, ive just dropped under 1400 for the first time, and people are just not willing to co-operate, work or are just downright bad. Ive seen some real derps, and when i suggest things its "stfu, wheres ur wards! well, we are pushed to inhib towers, would u like me to suicide run for wards? or, they've literally just expired and they call me on it when im pushed to tower or back, or even walking to ward again" or bullshit after bullshit.
Im getting really fed up with these immature people who just want to argue instead of win, or players who just do stupid things...im not seeing how all these games are my fault, as i always come out in a better position then my rival support, ive dropped so much Elo im managing to complete zone an ashe / blitz lane with Leona -_-, Ive also been forced into solotop twice. The first time i went 3-4-1 with Shyvanna, the rest of the team are something like 1-6 and they all blame me because in champ select i said i cant play solotop, clearly im playing better then you are? Im not the one feeding the carries? olaf only has 2 kills yo??
I know i come across as a jumped up prick who's blaming the team and saying the sun shines out my arse, no it doesnt, ive made fuck-ups, but ive never cost my team the game and my teams are truely terrible. Attitude and gameplay-wise.
Save meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
lets pick nasus into renekton and go leona VAYNE vs soraka graves lane.
Better build the nocturne jungle ad vs fed graves + renekton. Not to mention he refused to gank anything till lvl6. Then ganked bot once. And never anything again. Bot and Top lost so hard -_-, and jungle underfarmed for lack of doing anything. Outfarming mid karthus, but can't fight him 1v1 b/c he brought exhaust. Try to roam, kill bot 2 times... karthus just pushes and hits R, as he should. IMPOSSIBRUUUUUUUUU
Korea (South)11232 Posts
just started rank on korean server 4 games 1 won 3 lost
with players who did not have over 100 cs after 29 min mark. Was everytime the only one who was on par with the enemy. This sucks -.-
On May 05 2012 02:27 snow2.0 wrote: lets pick nasus into renekton and go leona VAYNE vs soraka graves lane.
Better build the nocturne jungle ad vs fed graves + renekton. Not to mention he refused to gank anything till lvl6. Then ganked bot once. And never anything again. Bot and Top lost so hard -_-, and jungle underfarmed for lack of doing anything. Outfarming mid karthus, but can't fight him 1v1 b/c he brought exhaust. Try to roam, kill bot 2 times... karthus just pushes and hits R, as he should. IMPOSSIBRUUUUUUUUU
Leona vayne can realistically beat soraka graves. Vayne usually will win any engagement if she gets 2 silver bolt procs off which Leona can set up for her easily. Soraka is kind of weak early on and her silence does absolutely nothing against Leona since her W and Q can be primed before going in with her E.
But most vaynes will play like a pansy, eat a bunch of free damage trying to cs and not really think about how to avoid grave's Q. They wait for their own alistar/leona to engage a trade which is dumb because you won't be able to get 1 silver bolt off if you were scared to trade and most likely further back than you need to be. If vaynes just man up and start trading as soon as the enemy AD attempts to harass her and then let their support follow it up with some cc to give vayne more free hits, she wins the trade via getting 2 silver bolts easily.
Soraka graves is really tough to beat after level 5~ish but that's about the time nocturne should be able to gank bottom if they push, which they will because it's graves.
Renekton is also one of the easier lanes for Nasus to freefarm in because it's easy to just stack armor and free-farm off Renekton's inability to freeze any lane he wants to win.
On May 05 2012 02:43 Juicyfruit wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2012 02:27 snow2.0 wrote: lets pick nasus into renekton and go leona VAYNE vs soraka graves lane.
Better build the nocturne jungle ad vs fed graves + renekton. Not to mention he refused to gank anything till lvl6. Then ganked bot once. And never anything again. Bot and Top lost so hard -_-, and jungle underfarmed for lack of doing anything. Outfarming mid karthus, but can't fight him 1v1 b/c he brought exhaust. Try to roam, kill bot 2 times... karthus just pushes and hits R, as he should. IMPOSSIBRUUUUUUUUU Leona vayne can realistically beat soraka graves. Vayne usually will win any engagement if she gets 2 silver bolt procs off which Leona can set up for her easily. Soraka is kind of weak early on and her silence does absolutely nothing against Leona since her W and Q can be primed before going in with her E. But most vaynes will play like a pansy, eat a bunch of free damage trying to cs and not really think about how to avoid grave's Q. They wait for their own alistar/leona to engage a trade which is dumb because you won't be able to get 1 silver bolt off if you were scared to trade and most likely further back than you need to be. If vaynes just man up and start trading as soon as the enemy AD attempts to harass her and then let their support follow it up with some cc to give vayne more free hits, she wins the trade via getting 2 silver bolts easily. Soraka graves is really tough to beat after level 5~ish but that's about the time nocturne should be able to gank bottom if they push, which they will because it's graves. Renekton is also one of the easier lanes for Nasus to freefarm in because it's easy to just stack armor and free-farm off Renekton's inability to freeze any lane he wants to win.
Whenever i play that lane as Leona, i focus soraka. You can E-Q combo her and catch both of them with W, you exhaust graves during the EQ combo and he'll usually sink his skills along with it and do no damage, during this soraka was stunned and not able to heal / silence (prep QW right before E) and graves panic popped his summoners heal, then they're both forced to flash escape or die :3, then come 6 its just 10x easier as you can chain stun soraka untill she's dead. Of course, this is all down to how well you play... Ive had a vayne push players out of my leona ult before now, ive also left the gap too much and had them flash out of it. Either way they usually shit it and run.
If the graves is wise and doesnt pop his heal, and manages to save his skills during the exhaust it can be trickier, especially after 6 as if soraka gets out of the stun lock she can easily heal 70% of her HP back with ult + W. The trick is getting a good exhaust really, before he pops the Q-R rampage that makes him so deadly, catch even one of those skills and the fights alot easier
And basically any good engage on soraka should be directly after she's healed through harass.
On May 05 2012 01:55 Capped wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Im going to let rip on my first proper LoL rant right now :D
Since my first ~30 games, i was floating ~1500, good games bad games etc, i started as a jungler and found my home in support, In other roles im not very good, I play AD ok, as im used to bot lane, i play mid ok too, because its ranged like AD, but i suck at solotop, and i always inform my teams of this. I also inform them its best to let me support / jungle because my CS is not great, although acceptable.
Well, it all started one lovely day. By now ive played 100~ ranked games, im used to idiots, trolls blah dee blah, This day i go 8-0, 8 wins in a row, now im thinking yippie!! Personal best of 1611, nice Cappy nice! Oh how wrong i was. The harder the climb, the harder they fall is a very accurate expression of what followed. The next day i logged on, lost. Lost again, over and over untill i was at 0-8 for the day. Wtf i think to myself, I do my best not to critique my teammates and look at my own play, but i always came across to myself well, not making huge blunders, not feeding like fuck etc, just the rest of the team were feeding, raging and just not playing well or wanting to win in the slightest. This day, i remember this one vayne where as leona i spun in and we got both AD and support to ~5% HP, shes about 40%, instead of tumbling forward and picking up 1, or a double kill She turns around and walks off. I was fucking astounded.
After those eventful days of happiness and sorrow (LoL-wise here XD) It stayed the same, i tend to now win 1 out of 3-5 games, and im just not seeing how i can be causing these losses, maybe i can contribute more because i am by no means pro, but im not doing badly in these games. Top will feed, or Mid will feed or my AD will just act like a wet tissue. (This one instance, we saw Noct coming for dive, then spotted Ryze from mid too, i signal back 3-4 times about 10 seconds before it happened, he proceeds to die and "oh thanks Leona, couldnt ult and save me there?" Uhm, 4v2 under tower is suicide mate, possible in a 3v2, not 4v2 at 15 mins sry!) Im getting frustrated as the drop has been a sudden 1600 to 1400, ive just dropped under 1400 for the first time, and people are just not willing to co-operate, work or are just downright bad. Ive seen some real derps, and when i suggest things its "stfu, wheres ur wards! well, we are pushed to inhib towers, would u like me to suicide run for wards? or, they've literally just expired and they call me on it when im pushed to tower or back, or even walking to ward again" or bullshit after bullshit.
Im getting really fed up with these immature people who just want to argue instead of win, or players who just do stupid things...im not seeing how all these games are my fault, as i always come out in a better position then my rival support, ive dropped so much Elo im managing to complete zone an ashe / blitz lane with Leona -_-, Ive also been forced into solotop twice. The first time i went 3-4-1 with Shyvanna, the rest of the team are something like 1-6 and they all blame me because in champ select i said i cant play solotop, clearly im playing better then you are? Im not the one feeding the carries? olaf only has 2 kills yo??
I know i come across as a jumped up prick who's blaming the team and saying the sun shines out my arse, no it doesnt, ive made fuck-ups, but ive never cost my team the game and my teams are truely terrible. Attitude and gameplay-wise.
Save meeeeeeeeeeeeeee I feel you bro, thats just the way it is. When you have a big win streak, expect some disastrous games to follow. I was on a 6 games streak yesterday. Today lost all 6 games, I stop after that, dont have enough elo to make a -200 elo dive
On May 05 2012 02:43 Juicyfruit wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2012 02:27 snow2.0 wrote: lets pick nasus into renekton and go leona VAYNE vs soraka graves lane.
Better build the nocturne jungle ad vs fed graves + renekton. Not to mention he refused to gank anything till lvl6. Then ganked bot once. And never anything again. Bot and Top lost so hard -_-, and jungle underfarmed for lack of doing anything. Outfarming mid karthus, but can't fight him 1v1 b/c he brought exhaust. Try to roam, kill bot 2 times... karthus just pushes and hits R, as he should. IMPOSSIBRUUUUUUUUU Leona vayne can realistically beat soraka graves. Vayne usually will win any engagement if she gets 2 silver bolt procs off which Leona can set up for her easily. Soraka is kind of weak early on and her silence does absolutely nothing against Leona since her W and Q can be primed before going in with her E. But most vaynes will play like a pansy, eat a bunch of free damage trying to cs and not really think about how to avoid grave's Q. They wait for their own alistar/leona to engage a trade which is dumb because you won't be able to get 1 silver bolt off if you were scared to trade and most likely further back than you need to be. If vaynes just man up and start trading as soon as the enemy AD attempts to harass her and then let their support follow it up with some cc to give vayne more free hits, she wins the trade via getting 2 silver bolts easily. Soraka graves is really tough to beat after level 5~ish but that's about the time nocturne should be able to gank bottom if they push, which they will because it's graves. Renekton is also one of the easier lanes for Nasus to freefarm in because it's easy to just stack armor and free-farm off Renekton's inability to freeze any lane he wants to win.
Dunno. i always feel like leona lanes are do or die. They get one chance to engage, especially vs a soraka lane. They win and stomp after, or the others get away / dont even get hit and then just outsustain you forever while you stand there at half hp waiting to suffer. Nasus just played it wrong. went 0/3 1v1 starting with a death lv3ish, with a cloth armor start. Still, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ As this threads topic was
Fuck Yorick and his stupid Ghouls too.
FML, I don't care what anyone else thinks, IMO Ahri is still borderline OP, still too strong at least.
She snowballs so incredibly hard vs. noobs while I can only run in fear as the little unicorn heal bitch I'm forced to play as 5th pick... and she fucking gets you even if you are a full screen away. Just ridiculous.
On May 05 2012 05:16 little fancy wrote: FML, I don't care what anyone else thinks, IMO Ahri is still borderline OP, still too strong at least.
She snowballs so incredibly hard vs. noobs while I can only run in fear as the little unicorn heal bitch I'm forced to play as 5th pick... and she fucking gets you even if you are a full screen away. Just ridiculous. the only thing i find disturbing about ahris is that i regularly see them kill their mid opponent at equal farm, equal level... just with foxfire, ult and ignite. Missing Orb and Taunt. From full to zero.
Like, LB or annie cant do that, and they actually have to move the mouse over opponents to hit spells.
On May 05 2012 06:07 snow2.0 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2012 05:16 little fancy wrote: FML, I don't care what anyone else thinks, IMO Ahri is still borderline OP, still too strong at least.
She snowballs so incredibly hard vs. noobs while I can only run in fear as the little unicorn heal bitch I'm forced to play as 5th pick... and she fucking gets you even if you are a full screen away. Just ridiculous. the only thing i find disturbing about ahris is that i regularly see them kill their mid opponent at equal farm, equal level... just with foxfire, ult and ignite. Missing Orb and Taunt. From full to zero. Like, LB or annie cant do that, and they actually have to move the mouse over opponents to hit spells. Kinda exaggerating lol. Landing Orb is most of the dps of an Ahri combo, WRx3 and ignite would only take 60-80% of HP of the opposite laner
Leblanc can 1 shot people with a single QR with sorc boots and some AP early levels -_-
Was winning pretty handily and thought I was going to get my 4th win in a row but of course a snide comment
from WW: "You could've saved me there, Riven." causes the Riven to go butthurt x100 ragemode and she replies:
"ROFL okay kid, then i AFK. enjoy losing ELO."
Really. Real.
On May 05 2012 00:05 VirgilSC2 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 04 2012 22:04 Simberto wrote:On May 04 2012 16:18 ninjakingcola wrote: The tale of the guy that should have just gone to bed but queue'd LoL and regretted it.
Tonight's theme is Scumbag FP.
Game 1 I'm top Wukong vs Riven, mid fails hard, forces our jungle to camp mid, Riven pushes me under tower and towerdives me for kills about 3 times while mid Veig just keeps feeding LB. Veig acts like being fp at top elo means he's the best player in LoL, he fp'd Veig. LB roams everywhere, game over.
Game two I'm mid Fizz vs Morg becaus dumbass FP didn't ban her. I outtrade the bitch in damage, but she literally sits outside of exp range and goes in to drop her soil every wave. Because of that the one oppertunity I have to trade with her doesn't matter because of her spell vamp and even though I'm two levels ahead of her into teamfight time she still wrecks shit with her ulti. Morg OP shit gg.
Final game, dear god I want to win, I tell my team in chat that as long as they promise not to play like shit I'll do any role. I'm jungle, team wants to invade enemy WW, yes, SCUMBAG FP DIDN'T BAN WW. I say we should just take his red, we do but Vayne gives it away by popping out of bush, WW takes my red, ganks top, top dies, Ken top feeds J4 with a score of 1/5 in lane. Our Vayne/Ali lane is getting beat to hell by Ez/Leona, Vayne at 1/7 in lane. Our mid Fizz is constantly pinging for ganks on Brand, I can't be all the map at once. It's my fault we lost because I couldn't gank all the lanes all the time forever because that's what a jungler does. God forbid I farm a camp. Ali quit after the first surrender vote failed, and the enemy team proceded to gloat in allchat and took about 20 minutes more than they should have to finish us off because scumbag Vayne and Ken wouldn't accept the vote.
Why does this shit happen? I just wanted one win tonight, I didn't get to play with my friends so one solo queue win was all I wanted, now I'm getting two hours less sleep than I should be for work tomorrow and all I have to show for it is 39 missing elo points.
Sadly, the amount of champs where people complain when you did not ban them is far larger then the amount of champs you can ban. This. I can't tell you how many times I get FP, and I have my team going: "BAN X!!!" "Ban Y, so OP" "Ban X, good call" "Yeah, X Y both good bans Z too." "Yeah ban Z!" "Mhmm ban Z too" *Ban X Y and Z Champions" "OMG WTF YOU DIDNT BAN A" "OMG NOOB CAPTAIN DIDNT BAN A. GG AFK" "REPORT CAPTAIN, TROLL DIDNT BAN A OR B"
Ugh, tell me about it, I love how many champs are completely faceroll at my elo because people can't play vs certain champs. There is only so much you can do if you're not fp and your fp doesn't know how to ban or use fp at all. I see two solutions really, either Riot tones down faceroll champs or gives us some serious extra bannage during champ select, maybe even give each summoner a ban.
All seems well. Then Fiddle says bottom lane are retards (MF was stupidly bad, admittedly), Soraka doesn't like it, responds (after refusing to help for a moment because "I'm bad, fiddle says it"), and Fiddle goes afk because omg, he got flamed back. When he comes back he pushes lanes where we aren't. Rushes bot when the enemy starts baron. All the early advantage gone. Admittedly we'd probably have lost as Annie lost to Morde and botlane fed Nocturne pretty nicely, so bad MF couldn't 4v4 and I needed to stop Tryndamere's splitpushing (he had TP) even tho I beat him in lane.
Sigh, why do my friends that always want to play have to be the ones that only play two champions, are sore losers and whiny little bitches.
Ok, one rule I've learned in soloQ. All elo that you earn on weekdays is gonna be spent if you keep playing on weekends. Just like how salary works. -_-
on a 10 game losing streak. just the most unbelievable trolls and noobs. been down 0-3 after 3 minutes 3 of those games. had first pick trist go 2-10 in the game i just played. had one guy who had his niece over and was semi-afk. ugh. so frustrating.
On May 05 2012 11:06 Caphe wrote: Ok, one rule I've learned in soloQ. All elo that you earn on weekdays is gonna be spent if you keep playing on weekends. Just like how salary works. -_- ya this too.
On May 05 2012 08:11 MooMooMugi wrote: Was winning pretty handily and thought I was going to get my 4th win in a row but of course a snide comment
from WW: "You could've saved me there, Riven." causes the Riven to go butthurt x100 ragemode and she replies:
"ROFL okay kid, then i AFK. enjoy losing ELO."
Really. Real.
Wow wtf.
I just lost a domination game vs ez comps that I was only playing for the 150 ip daily bonus ><