The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 183
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Australia966 Posts
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India1783 Posts
On May 05 2012 14:19 ishboh wrote: I just lost a domination game vs ez comps that I was only playing for the 150 ip daily bonus >< Story of my life | ||
United States4423 Posts
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Canada6208 Posts
On May 03 2012 20:14 Lmui wrote: Spent 10 minutes arguing with my friend who's ~1300s, probably deserves to be lower about why he lost lane so hard to graves/lulu. His rune setup: swiftness quints, AD marks, attack speed yellows, cdr blues for vayne. He blames me for supporting so badly since graves walks up, buckshots the creep wave and my friend loses 1/3 of his health bar. The moment they hit level 2, graves dashes and buckshots my friend and lulu does her help pix/glitterlance and my friend gets 100-0'd. Blames me for not supporting correctly saying he plays against graves all the fucking time in ranked and does fine. It's a normal but still, next time i'll take double AD bottom over having to support him. It might hurt him badly that my normal ELO back when you could find it was ~1700 so our opponents are more difficult but he still got 100-0'd just by being in lane before they even got their ultimates. Edit:: Just took another look, his masteries for AD are 21/1/8. 21 is standard, the 1 is summoner's resolve, he has the mana mastery, recall and flash and then 4 points in movespeed @___@, no wonder he's so squishy. Mainly a followup for the lulz. I messaged my friend with the math You honestly need to take a step back and fucking realize your AD carry runes and masteries are completely wrong. Since math doesn't lie, Vayne has 442 (+83)hp and 9.3 (+3.4) armour and 30 MR as base stats. Graves' buckshot does ~108 damage at level 1 against no armour. It did 100 damage to you at level 1. Lulu's glitterlance does 80 base damage. With MR, you're taking 61 damage from that. Come level 2, lulu gets another 80 damage with help, pix. At that point, you take 230 damage from one combo, ~43% of your health assuming you're level 2 as well with 525 health, with 0 autoattacks factored in. There's a fucking reason there's a standard AD carry setup. Movement speed is nice and all but it doesn't help at all if they just roll through you. The reason for the cookie cutter runes/masteries on an ad carry is so you don't get blown up. As of now, he's removed me from his LoL friends list, facebook, msn and skype. Also his profile has a proper AD carry page now and he's removed the retarded attackspeed movespeed cdr page. Oh well, he was a troll in normals anyways. Not sure it was worth telling it to him like that since it seems like he got offended but he'll see the light. | ||
Finland951 Posts
On May 05 2012 16:02 SnK-Arcbound wrote: 5 hours later I'm still trying to get my first win of the day. I can't get a single game where I have more than one lane atleast go even with the enemy. And then I get shitty 1600 players who pick viktor, die immediately and do no damage. Viktor sucks incase anyone is wondering. His cd's are too high, his spell ranges are too low, and his ult doesn't do real damage compared to any other ap. If you can win with viktor, it's because you're already winning the game, not because viktor is good. What? You are so wrong. Victor is so awesome. I love his level 6 burst, and i never feel weak with him, not in lane, not in team fights. Prolly my second favorite AP atm. | ||
China26351 Posts
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Germany2073 Posts
Taric starts with 3 wards but doesn't ward bushes or river. 5:30 into the game, he randomly decides its time to ward. Walks all the way to tribush, jarvans waiting in there with red, dies. 10 min into game, lanes pushed close to our tower, tell him to please finally put a ward into the side bush alistars camping... walks through creeps to tribush, dies to lane following him while i get jumped by jarvan who was waiting in the side bush -_- i kill j4, but die trying to save my heal till corkis ignite runs out. Lane lost. Our jungler doesnt come botlane the whole game and blames me somehow. Slowly and painfully proceed to lose game, as annie lost mid to ahri as well and ahris now roaming after mid towers down in 12 min. Although udyrs claiming hes been mid all the time. | ||
United States4423 Posts
On May 05 2012 17:48 Gaslo wrote: What? You are so wrong. Victor is so awesome. I love his level 6 burst, and i never feel weak with him, not in lane, not in team fights. Prolly my second favorite AP atm. And you're probably really low elo, where anything is good. | ||
United States7572 Posts
On May 05 2012 19:11 SnK-Arcbound wrote: And you're probably really low elo, where anything is good. Say what you want about Viktor's overall strength, but his lazer has over 1000 range and his ult does over a thousand AOE damage with a 2.3 AP ratio. | ||
Finland951 Posts
On May 05 2012 19:11 SnK-Arcbound wrote: And you're probably really low elo, where anything is good. Well yes, i am pretty low. 1500~. You should really check the Viktor thread here. There are some vods from soniv (2k~) who has 65% winrate with Viktor, maybe those will show you the light. | ||
Canada4122 Posts
On May 05 2012 19:36 Gaslo wrote: Well yes, i am pretty low. 1500~. You should really check the Viktor thread here. There are some vods from soniv (2k~) who has 65% winrate with Viktor, maybe those will show you the light. Don't forget the Viktors who can use the double ult glitch consistently - those vik's are just scary. Also recently I have been seeing vik's with invisible E lasers, anyone else getting that problem? | ||
Australia966 Posts
On May 05 2012 21:36 Abenson wrote: Don't forget the Viktors who can use the double ult glitch consistently - those vik's are just scary. Also recently I have been seeing vik's with invisible E lasers, anyone else getting that problem? Yeah I think it came in during the Hec patch I haven't midded against a victor since then so I thought it got patched out during the bugfix patch. It's REALLY fucking annoying isn't it? | ||
Germany2073 Posts
need qq therapy 7 losses in a row not a single lane won by anyone on my team or a jungler getting fed. Lost 1 lane, went even in other games, lose to global gold advantage just snowballing and simply getting dunked by fed other lanes. What do. Saturday is too strong for me? ![]() edit: 8 now. Get fed mid off lb as cassio. while i get fb, bot gets doublekilled. a minute later olaf gets killed. a minute later olaf gets killed again. Then i'm 6. I harass lb out of lane, roam top. olaf 500 hp vs renekton with like 1200. I'm coming thru river, he runs into renekton, renekton combos him with stun first. Olaf ults... AND RUNS TO TOWER instead of to me. Miss ult completly, olaf gets cleaned up, i kill renekton. olaf now 0/3/1. He would end the game at 0/8/4. Bot keeps dieing, i roam bot the next time ults up, kill it. Go top, kill it... then they start running like mad when i get close. We group up, push some towers, i kill 3 and 2 guys by myself in 2 teamfights mid, hitting 3+ people each. We can win this! In come the throws people randomly start splitting up again, getting caught everywhere solo or 2 vs 4/5. There goes the 8th game. Impossible to win game. Even literally 5v4, with lb completly worthless. i end 12/4/3 after people refuse to group and enemies get 13 kills in a row, baron, inhibs, and then catch some more i just sit at fountain and /surrender Rest ends 1/7/6, 0/8/whatever support and 5/5/whatever mf. Mf who threw the final straw of the game at 1st baron, by running into renekton, amumu and janna in the river bush, which was warded. as in, with full vision on them. THIS DAY. -130 elo. Last time this lasted from 1485 all the way to mid 1100s, lets see where we're going. edit2: 11 losses. Now at 1290 elo from 1440 2 kennen mids, 1 builds 1st item voidstaff, the next buys dorans rings. not like others did good, but those 2 really stood out with their lvl of trollage. | ||
Germany11334 Posts
Sometimes i hate being the jungler. You always get blamed, for everything. Especially by people who never notice anything but their own lane. Somehow this annoys me far more then losing games. So, i am playing jungle mundo, and there is this fiora top. I gank her lane at level 3 after stealing the enemy red, without success, but forcing flash. Then i gank again about 1-2 minutes later, this time getting kayle down to 5% hp, but she is in her tower. I don't follow her there, because towerdiving at level 5 is in my opinion just retarded and the easiest way to lose games. Especially against someone who has both a speedbuff, a heal, and a slow. Fiora does not think so and is so hot for the kills that she follows kayle, and dies to the tower (without killing kayle, of course). She then decides that that was my fault, and that i am the worst jungler ever, and continues to push this idea in chat for the rest of the game. Nevermind that i am at 3/0/4, constantly stealing stuff from the enemy hecarim jungler, and having about double his creeps. So she is top, and then the enemy jungler arrives there. Meanwhile, we take midtower, 3-4 kills, and a dragon, and she decides that that action was not worth it, and she will not play with the team for the rest of the game because we did not come to help her at top while there were two enemies there. Also i am the worst mundo ever because of this. Luckily the rest of our lanes won so hard that the enemy surrendered at 20 minutes, and we could easily win 4v5s before that. But still, why do people have to be this retarded? It was not even the typical flames where i did something wrong, fed, or something like that. I played good, everything was working wonderfully, we were winning hard, and still you have to flame your own team because you died once to a gank in toplane? | ||
6170 Posts
i give ahri our first blue: better ahri loses lane to karma anyways: best i gank top cho for a first blood for udyr: good i give this udyr a red: better udyr dies 3 times in lane and loses tower in 15 min: best | ||
694 Posts
jadoth: what is your problem Mhayumi: ? Saroshion: lol ? I Love ur Smile: noobshit jadoth: see I Love ur Smile: first time graves op jadoth: why do you hate so much jadoth: i made mistakes jadoth: you made mistake Mhayumi: ryze died 3 times jadoth: why you hat Mhayumi: to mid Mhayumi: ![]() jadoth: hate I Love ur Smile: ignored I Love ur Smile: and reported this is what is wrong with solo que | ||
United States5635 Posts
My one loss in over 700 comp games came from dominion ez mode. You just can't carry when the 4 other players do nothing but suicide into the bots. If you do play dominion always play intermediate. Or be like me and never play dominion because on SR you can carry 1v5 with the power of tiamat and PDs no matter how stupid your team is or what champ you're playing. | ||
United States27922 Posts
That is all | ||
United States486 Posts
The last 5 games I just wrote stuff like G1: plpbblbpblbplb G2: WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? G3: This game is out to get me G4: Win lane. Lose game. New Mantra. G5: I quit this game. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On May 06 2012 13:51 phyvo wrote: My one loss in over 700 comp games came from dominion ez mode. You just can't carry when the 4 other players do nothing but suicide into the bots. If you do play dominion always play intermediate. Or be like me and never play dominion because on SR you can carry 1v5 with the power of tiamat and PDs no matter how stupid your team is or what champ you're playing. Yeah, don't know why you'd ever play Dominion with bots for first win of the day. Gotta remember that like 95% of people who play co-op vs AI are either people who are super casual or who are just terrible at this game. You can end an SR game in 20 minutes, sometimes sooner, by yourself as nearly any champion. Dominion can't ever be won by just one person. Maybe if you played Rammus and the bots are dumb or something, idk, I've literally never played co-op vs AI on Dominion. | ||
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