On May 06 2012 01:27 Simberto wrote:
So, i am playing jungle mundo, and there is this fiora top. I gank her lane at level 3 ...
Stopped reading there. I don't know how it is at your's, but at my ELO solo top Fioras usually fail horribly. They snowballed from 900 to 1300ish ELO with Fiora and think she is OP, no matter what. Even if the team would need something tanky on top lane -> "no need i carry np fiora op".
And then they get crushed. It's devastating.
Preferably they feed the now slightly buffed Irelia (is it just me or does Irelia see a lot more play now after those slight buffs?!) that 2 shots me as an AD carry / support with 13 minute Triforce and lose lane by 50+ CS.
From then on, it's Fiora's team that loses the game. That people at bronze ELO might be 'a tad' better than at 900 ELO and actually know how to play vs. Fiora "CAN NOT BE THE REASON CUZ FIORA OP FUCKER!!!111" ...
Sigh. The past few months, I've been digging myself out of the elo slump. went from 950s all the way to 1512. But now, every day is a net loss. Slowly bleeding out.... 1400 yesterday..1362 today...
Holy balls it's been a rough weekend. Bye bye plat
On May 07 2012 05:09 jcarlsoniv wrote: Holy balls it's been a rough weekend. Bye bye plat
It's okay, if you slip a little further down to 1200 we can duo queue. That thought ought to cheer you up right?
But seriously though, you'll get it back.
So,apparently full glass cannon jarvan does not win games against a late game vayne that has GA.
On May 07 2012 08:21 jcarlsoniv wrote: Why do I keep playing
United States9706 Posts
Weekends are not good for elo. Playing on tilt is worst.
Playing on tilt on weekends = 200 elo lower.
Free week vayne: If on your team - 0/11 If on enemy team - 11/0 -_-
Fuck this, playing rumble for free wins.
Some people... Man I don't normally get upset at people trying weird stuff or whatever, I mean I'm only level 15 playing blind pick here but OH MY GOD:
So everything looks fine during champ select, we have a decent team. Warwick has smite so is jungle, Cho'Gath is good top, I'm playing Vayne with some random bot (Garen I think, some melee champ anyway) and Veigar who will go mid, right? Nope, Veigar (who took Promote, lol) decides he has to be top. Won't budge. So Warwick takes mid, cause we need someone mid and as you can imagine the game just implodes from there. If he'd at least called top in champ select someone else could have taken a decent mid champ, but no. Some people are so bad it just makes me sad.
People in this game are really too fuckin' angry. It's kinda ridiculous.
I'd like to play a ranked game or two without having to /ignore all.
6 straight ranked losses.
I'm tilting so hard right now, but I really want a win :< I have to get one at some point right?
Shouldve taken a break after 3 and got some fresh air, 6 can easily turn to 10 if you're on tilt
Play mid brand vs a talon.
Take armor runes for it.
He gets 16 creeps in the first 12 minutes, i'm at 90. He starts roaming. I report he's missing. Bot has a ward up and sees him coming.
Bot chases janna into river and dies. repeat. Bot chases sivir to her tower, bot gets doublekilled again. Noob mid! Jarvan then does blue being at 500hp while he sees talon coming up through dragon ramp. (blue not for me, obviously, i'm noob mid) Dies. Report brand! Talon 5/0+20 cs, people still not listening, GG.
Next game. Ahri mid vs LB, didnt start with MR runes OR masteries. 30mr. Dies in lane. Irelia top vs nocturne. I have no idea WHAT happened there, but irelia went 0/8 without ganks. I'm 6/1 in lane as ad, go trying to help mid/top (which is pushed to inhib by 20 min lulz.) we get kills on lb and noct, ad kennen pushed my tower in the meantime. GG.
On May 08 2012 00:12 Haemonculus wrote: People in this game are really too fuckin' angry. It's kinda ridiculous.
I'd like to play a ranked game or two without having to /ignore all.
Just had a game where 1/6 Jarvan blames bot lane Janna/Ashe going equal vs. MF/Taric for his failure. But I almost carried his sorry arse. After 10 minutes of us coming back (even got the first baron of the game) he randomly starts arguing again and stands there typing while the enemy towerdives us 5v5 which actually was 4v5 because he was typing.
We lose first inhib and my team surrenders 4/1 out of frustration and then he says "it was over anyway" and that was one of the seldom moments where I was so close to exploding...
United States9706 Posts
bugsplat for no reason T_T
can't reconnect I feel so bad >.<
it was working the 10 games before this why now ;_;
On May 03 2012 22:48 Haasts wrote: Slowly, slowly climbing ELO - above 1400 in ranked, now, with a lot of Maokai play where I'm babysitting lanes early and peeling/initiating like a madman late.
Quoting my post in the anti-QQ thread to ruefully shake my head at my hubris - four days later I've freefalled to below 1300 with the most abysmal series of games I've been in my life, topped off with my final attempt at a ranked game resulting in a leave at the loading screen after receiving an emergency call from my partner.
i got 1798 now bout to drop back to 1600 l0l
Should duo Q with Reginald, like my bro aileenaison