Just a reminder to everyone that the clocks go back one hour this weekend!
Overlays just got finished and the name of the tournament is Bring Your Own Ally 2v2 Cup
Name could change for next one. Big thanks to Han for making the graphics and helping with the name.
Registration http://binarybeast.com/xHotS1410124
When: One day tournament, to be held on November 2nd ( Sunday) Tournament will start at 10 AM EST time. Please show up 15 minutes early.
Where: All tournament games will take place on the NA server. If by chance two EU teams are matched together, they may play on the EU server.
Format: This will be an open tournament. Please sign up at http://binarybeast.com/xHotS1410124
Join Channel TT2v2 on Battle.net. Please remain in channel for the whole tournament. No barcodes or smurf accounts please Single Elimination BO3 until semi finals BO5 semi finals and finals Map Pool: Avalanche, Old Country, Crystal Pools, Katherine Square, Isle of Slaughter, Preservation, Resupply Tanker.
Veto System: Each team veto's until one map left, that is starting map. Losers pick.
Casting: Nickyboy http://www.twitch.tv/nickyboy909 Lore RootChosen http://www.twitch.tv/chosensc2 Sarnox www.twitch.tv/sarnox French Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/teambloodluststream
Dara abd I may do some observing/casting if needed Baz twitch.tv/baz_33 Dara twitch.tv/2x2actionfox
[/b] Prize Pool: 1st: 200$ 2nd: 80$ 3rd/4th: 40$ These are Canadian currencies. Prize pool is coming completely from donations received on my stream. 80% of all donations since I started streaming ( September ) are going into the prize pool. Any extra costs ( casters etc ) will come from the other 20%.
Rules: -NO stream cheating or hacking.
-Replays must be uploaded to the match page immediately after the match. Bracket will not advance without.
-If you cannot contact your opponent for more than 10mins, contact an admin.
-Breaks between games in a series may not be more than 5mins.
- If a player drops from a game, the game must be recovered from replay to 10 seconds before the drop.
- If a player pauses a game they must state the reason for the interruption and how long it will approximately take. The game can only be resumed by the player that paused the game after they asks their opponent if they are ready.
Donate: Thank you to all donators for helping make this happen If you would like to donate Paypal: johnbednis@gmail.com
All donators names will be listed at the end of the tournament.
Hope to see alot of the top 2v2 teams sign up. My contact info is below.
Reddit Thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/2ipj83/top_team_2v2_tournament/
Bnet ID: Baz 1451
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/baz_33
Email: johnbednis@gmail.com
Great initiative, and I wish you luck! Please save vods/replays and post links here after the tournament. I want to see some high level 2on2, but not likely to be able to catch the tournament live.
Looks like I'll have to get a team to come and win this. Haven't played 2v2 for a while! ps: there is only 1 EU team I can think of and they're probably the best active 2v2 team hueh.
edit: what wait? Why would u have the event in the middle of the week? Why not a friday-saturday?
I'm not sure about the timing, considering its on the middle of the day for EU, anyone with school/a job would not be able to participate.
Maybe is time to play some sc2, free money is always welcome.
great idea, 2v2 tourneys is what community needs.
Take a closer look to the mappool and the actual date, so eu and na both will be involved comfortably.
On October 07 2014 18:26 IeZaeL77 wrote: Maybe is time to play some sc2, free money is always welcome. look at the rules duh... no hacking allowed..
hehe, you should probably add some evidence or you might get warned, though there should be plenty arround
On October 07 2014 18:24 Meavis wrote: I'm not sure about the timing, considering its on the middle of the day for EU, anyone with school/a job would not be able to participate.
Yes maybe I should rethink the time. I picked those days because they worked best for me. Maybe I could move the time farther into the afternoon which would be more like 5-7 PM EU time or just change the day completely. Something to think about.
2v2 tournament yay!!
finally our voices have been heared :D
btw: i wouldn't just blindly pick top of the ladder teams or rt players which forming teams. that would be like just picking the most active players. i would also take winrates, fame, history etc. into consideration. i also wouldnt mind any known 1v1 pros participating. (at least if they know how to play 2v2 and add a bit to the fame factor; and obviously not some "im 1v1 pro bow down to me" imps)
basically a mixture of top of the ladder AT/RT, medium active but known top 2v2 players, known oldschool 2v2 players forming a team again (only takes a lil practice to revive skill imo), active and known 1v1 pros (if they are interested)
so we have a little of everything and we could see which division is falling apart or wreckin shit up 
(oh and myb a few spots for an open qualifier so some forgotten sc2 heroes have the chance to be revived? o_O well, in general i would say no nick-faking / smurf accounts tho due to transparency of whom is actually participating should be obligatory!)
wouldnt a date on a weekend be better to ensure a higher viewership and to make sure everyone can play and doesnt have to work?
am sure it will be a great tournament, gl
I have been wanting to see something like this since PTSL2!
SC2 needs more 2v2 tournaments so badly imo, so many people moving on from 2v2 because no tournaments/incentive
Looking for a team mate! ^
On October 08 2014 08:56 Beastyqt wrote: Looking for a team mate! ^
Please find one :p, I don't even play 1v1 Terran and I watch your stream lol
On October 08 2014 08:56 Beastyqt wrote: Looking for a team mate! ^
Would love to have you 
I may be changing the format, I've been getting some feedback from stream viewers maybe its better to have an open tournament. That way its free for anyone to join and hopefully it can attract 2v2 players and top 1v1 players.
On October 08 2014 09:04 paddyz wrote:Please find one :p, I don't even play 1v1 Terran and I watch your stream lol
Haha I'll do my best! <3
Sweet, this should be a lot of fun, I hate how 2v2 has been so neglected in sc2.
Can we pair up beasty with someone from the top of the rt ladder 
Also, much love to beasty for the interest!!
I like Odem's idea to not just focus on skill or ranking and maybe add history, people who help 2v2 community,... and its not only because I could have a chance to play then :D More to avoid people like Ravenz 
I think for the 1st event, invitations only is nice.
I think people only interested by 1v1 and money should not be invited, there are tons of opportunities for them.(not talking of beastyqt here, even if imo forming a 2v2 AT team is more work than a random post on a public forum :D)
Unless it is a NA tournament, if its a global one, I think you could change the gateway rule to looser pick.
About the schedule, it seems the best for NA+EU is going something sat/sun 1PM NA time, and so 6-8PM for EU. Anything else would be extremely late or early for EU.
It is your tournament, but I would definitely advise against inviting a bunch of random "known" 1v1ers who will just grab a random teammate to hopefully win some money in your tournament. There have been quite a few tournaments like this in the past and usually it ends up with people doing incredibly silly stuff. Sounds like you want some actual competition between 2v2ers who "know what they're doing". CatZ and Drewbie are probably one of the few(only?) 2v2ers who would fit a helpful description and are known for 2v2ing (ofc, the eu team i referenced before as well ).
Will players in top RT rank be considered at all or only AT? I'm currently wondering if I should only play 2v2 with partner or what so that I can get into this since I assume I won't be given an invite. @_@;;