On June 19 2012 07:01 maartendq wrote: Another problem is that micro-battles between units that die incredibly slowly are a chore to watch. WC3 was a great game, but watching pro-players duking it out was almost sleep inducing. There's nothing exciting happening on-screen because units die so friggin' slowly!
now that's an interesting opinion. personally i still get nostalgic of the glorious wc3 days when battles were actually exciting to both watch and play for the exact reason that it wasn't just two armies running into each other, some spells going off and everything being dead 5 seconds later. i realize i'm oversimplifying a bit here, but to me the war3 style micro is much more interesting.
On June 19 2012 07:06 Nimic wrote: I'm pretty sure we've now reached the point where the finals for at least one of the MLG Arenas started at a better time for Europeans than Dreamhack.
For those who want to see more of Quake Live, here is Rapha (one of the best QL players) commentate on his own game, along with the true god of ESL: Carmac!
On June 19 2012 07:05 Daxter wrote: Past midnight finals start on weekday(even if it is summer) kind of sucks. It screws over any people who have to work the next day. At least it's not overlapping with football anymore.
its fucking 10am here ive been up all night to watch this, stop youre complaining @@
well dreamhack is supposed to be OUR thing, didn't you have like perfect schedule for MLG?
I missed basicly the whole MLG as well...
really? sorry then, I just took an uneducated guess that for someone the MLG schedule should have been great too
On June 19 2012 07:06 Nimic wrote: I'm pretty sure we've now reached the point where the finals for at least one of the MLG Arenas started at a better time for Europeans than Dreamhack.
It's pretty bad.
Yep, MLG finals were sooner, I belive for the spring arena?
That sounds about right. I remember being pleasantly surprised about that. This.. not so much.
On June 19 2012 07:05 Daxter wrote: Past midnight finals start on weekday(even if it is summer) kind of sucks. It screws over any people who have to work the next day. At least it's not overlapping with football anymore.
its fucking 10am here ive been up all night to watch this, stop your complaining @@
His complaint is legitimately. This is a european tournament for once so one could think it's a tournament watchable for europeans, and the time now certainly isn't good...
On June 19 2012 07:04 Candadar wrote: I keep seeing people use the word "random" in relation with DotA.
It's cute, because it allows me to weed out the people who have absolutely not played a single game of DotA and not take their opinions seriously at all. Stop saying that a game sucks because you don't know what's going on. Out of all places, I thought a Starcraft community would be the most accepting of a game with a high skill ceiling.
Anyways, back to the game. Because that's what i'm excited for. :D
theres a huge difference between people saying a game sucks and a game being hard to follow on TV. Most people are arguing the latter.
Thanks, that is what I've been thinking for the last half hour. Vastly more people complaing about others shitting on Dota than people actually shitting on Dota.
On June 19 2012 06:43 GreyKnight wrote: It's always amusing to read the opposing games forums cry in bewilderment how the other game doesn't make sense and they are confused why anyone would watch it
Wouldn't call it bewilderment. SC2 is very clear. A red army fighting a blue army, and the army that gets obliterated, loses. MOBA games like LoL and DOTA2 have heroes attacking seemingly random stuff, critters that randomly walk towards and attack towers. It's a lot less clear to non-insiders what's going on.
To be honest, I never played Brood War multiplayer, but it only took me a game or three on gomtv.net to have a general idea of what's going on, and by the 20th game I had a general grasp of the build orders the players were using.
You have to know what each individual hero does or is at least capable of to have some strategic grasp as well as a basic clue. (e.g. who is on what team?) Imagine watching Starcraft with no idea what the units did, all you can assume is one team shooting or attacking the other.
Give yourself time and a chance, if you learn the basics it will open up to you.
I watched Starcraft without much idea of what does what. I had played the campaign a few times, but I mainly started watching it because I once saw a documentary about Starcraft being a popular competitive video game in South Korea.
I had a great time watching practically all the games on gomtv.net, grew really fond of tasteless as a caster (I still am, even though Artosis drowns him out way too much and Tasteless' passion for Starcraft 2 isn't on the same level as his passion for BW). I found out very quickly how the game functioned. The premise was also very easy: destroy the other player's base.
Like you said, in a MOBA game you have to know each of the heroes, and there tend to be a lot. Next there's also the items, critters that randomly seem to attack towers (what's their function?), gold etc. There's a lot of stuff you cannot know unless you play the game yourself, or do a ton of research. That's not good for a spectator sport. Football, tennis, basketball, hell even american football are all sports that are relatively easy to understand for people who are new to them. The finesse unfolds if you watch it a lot. It's not something I see happening with MOBA games, a genre which I personally find a bastardization of the RTS genre (since you basically only have to control one unit).
Empirically league of legends has had a higher magnitude of livestream viewers than sc2 recently, at many events. So, I wouldn't be too sure about that theorycrafting. If a game is popular to play, and has a good competitive scene, people will watch.
Well, it's a free and relatively casual game, with in-game stream support (hint HINT, blizzard?). It's got a way higher playerbase than SC2 as well, again, because it is free to play. If SC2's multiplayer were suddenly F2P, we'd see SC2 player number surge!
No, we won't. SC 2 started off with a player base of 1 million+ players in the NA. It's a tiny fraction of that - around 10,000-20,000 by my last log in to the NA server - who play online ladder matches. Competitive RTS games aren't that attractive to casual players, and it's the casual players who make up the bulk of MOBA viewers.
I don't even get why they had to do the final in that Dream Arena? They had a stage for sc2, could've just played it there. It's past midnight now in central europe, on a week day. Go figure what that does to your viewer count in an EU focused tournament.
I heard the finals was supposed to start at 23:15. It's 00:10 atm and I don't know what am I doing. Hopefully Dimaga & Mana will deliver high level games.
On June 19 2012 07:07 Frazzlehoon wrote: Before SC2 finals start!
Take a few minutes and learn what Quake is about. This video is perfect. The player goes through whats going on through his head and explains the game, showing the intricacy and strategy needed to play it. Though I never played it before, after watching this video, I have major respect for the players.
On June 19 2012 07:07 Frazzlehoon wrote: Before SC2 finals start!
Take a few minutes and learn what Quake is about. This video is perfect. The player goes through whats going on through his head and explains the game, showing the intricacy and strategy needed to play it. Though I never played it before, after watching this video, I have major respect for the players.
On June 19 2012 07:05 Daxter wrote: Past midnight finals start on weekday(even if it is summer) kind of sucks. It screws over any people who have to work the next day. At least it's not overlapping with football anymore.
its fucking 10am here ive been up all night to watch this, stop youre complaining @@
well dreamhack is supposed to be OUR thing, didn't you have like perfect schedule for MLG?
I missed basicly the whole MLG as well...
really? sorry then, I just took an uneducated guess that for someone the MLG schedule should have been great too
im not actually angry ^^ i guess its really good if i just wanna watch the later games, the final is normally at about 1pm or so which is great, but if i want to watch it all i have to get up pretty early, but since i normally go to bed after midnight its kinda hard to watch all of MLG