On April 14 2011 13:25 naslcrickets wrote: Do people enjoy having their money stolen? I dont even have an justin.tv account and have watch 1080p (Best) quality for free.
Why do they switch casters so often. iNcontrol Khaldor Diggity
Whens Husky, kellyMILKIES and TotalBiscuit going to make their appearances?
iNcontroL isn't casting because he's playing today, so they have a guest commentator. Diggity probably was slotted for more casts but the WhiteRa/July thing made it so he could only do one.
I don't understand how this makes sense. The matches are pre-recorded. The casting supposedly is live. What does any delay have to do with his casting games? If anything, not having to cast those matches should have freed up more time for him.
On April 14 2011 13:23 Mczeppo wrote: So much trolling in this thread. It's getting ridiculous O.o
This thread has gone very low indeed. Poor mods having to clean that mess
Agreed if only the report button could be used by the mature people in the thread to help out :/ too bad some of us havent been here long enough to have one yet >.<
Wot, not everyone have "Report" button?
P.S. Doesn't seem mods care about NASL thread as much as they cared for GSL, MLG, DH etc. Maybe because NASL is giving shoutouts to WPorg. :D
On April 14 2011 13:21 Thor-axe the Impaler wrote:
On April 14 2011 13:19 eluv wrote:
On April 14 2011 13:18 Deathmanbob wrote: Why in gods name do they use this HORRIBLE map? this is one of the worst maps ever and its in the NASL? booo!
Disagree strongly. I really don't understand on what basis people hate this map. There is huge potential to go to very dynamic late-game situations with action all over the map as players try to secure their 3rd+ base.
Please provide facts and reasoning to this theory.
Search for 30+ minute games on sc2replayed, there are plenty of them. Additionally, it is very difficult to maintain half map control here because of the design of the center. There will always be avenues of attack, and each additional expansion has multiple entrances, allowing both defenders and attackers to be coming in from different sides. The multiple levels of high ground also lead to some very interesting positional play.
Enough facts and reasoning for you?
What part of the Zerg arsenal has positional units that can use that advantageously?
Whoever watched Gretorp's stream knows he used to be much worse with words. Honestly it would work if instead of two halves of play-by-play, we had pbp and color, ie. Day[J]