Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions.
On June 08 2013 04:36 Michal wrote: ok, I am getting frustrated with Protoss in TvP and I need some advice regarding how to hold early game Toss builds (plat league).
In WoL I loved the 1Rax gasless FE and it was so simple to figure out how to adjust, e.g. I saw his 2 - gases - bam, ebay + turrets against possible DTs, Void rays, prism...
Now there are so many openings they have I get lost on what to do. I know gasless is no longer an option due to oracles, so I go 14Gas, Factory, CC.
Where I get stuck though is I am torn between building turrets or widow mines. I usually prefer mines because they're not static, but then I get owned by DTs. It's almost like I need to do triple scouting to see what on earth is going on. What I do now is initial SCV scout to check for gas/pylons and then 6' SCV scout to check for expo and determine if it's an early push.
It feels like I either need to scan (big waste) or go reapers - I can no longer blindly place turrets and feel safe - or can I?
What should I do when defending against an early all-in - mines or turrets? If it's turrets, how do I use the factory I built?
anybody? Just got owned by DT again, while having mines in minerals and being screwed by oracles a game before. It really feels like it's a conflip against a Toss now and I'd like to make it not so.
thx for any advice
Scouting is the most important thing in TvP now a days, try and hide and scv at their natural and if you see no nexus at about 5 minutes drop additional bunkers. I personally prefer opening reapers when playing TvP as you can see what they're doing very easily. If you are getting confused with DT's and oracles always go for the turret as it is the safer option and works against both of them while mines are useless vs DT's. Make sure youre dropping an early ebay no matter what as it gives you some safety and you will need it for 1/1 anyway. Also check out this daily if you are looking for a new build It is very very safe vs all kinds of all ins and is just all around a really solid build.
On June 08 2013 04:36 Michal wrote: ok, I am getting frustrated with Protoss in TvP and I need some advice regarding how to hold early game Toss builds (plat league).
In WoL I loved the 1Rax gasless FE and it was so simple to figure out how to adjust, e.g. I saw his 2 - gases - bam, ebay + turrets against possible DTs, Void rays, prism...
Now there are so many openings they have I get lost on what to do. I know gasless is no longer an option due to oracles, so I go 14Gas, Factory, CC.
Where I get stuck though is I am torn between building turrets or widow mines. I usually prefer mines because they're not static, but then I get owned by DTs. It's almost like I need to do triple scouting to see what on earth is going on. What I do now is initial SCV scout to check for gas/pylons and then 6' SCV scout to check for expo and determine if it's an early push.
It feels like I either need to scan (big waste) or go reapers - I can no longer blindly place turrets and feel safe - or can I?
What should I do when defending against an early all-in - mines or turrets? If it's turrets, how do I use the factory I built?
anybody? Just got owned by DT again, while having mines in minerals and being screwed by oracles a game before. It really feels like it's a conflip against a Toss now and I'd like to make it not so.
thx for any advice
Scouting is the most important thing in TvP now a days, try and hide and scv at their natural and if you see no nexus at about 5 minutes drop additional bunkers. I personally prefer opening reapers when playing TvP as you can see what they're doing very easily. If you are getting confused with DT's and oracles always go for the turret as it is the safer option and works against both of them while mines are useless vs DT's. Make sure youre dropping an early ebay no matter what as it gives you some safety and you will need it for 1/1 anyway. Also check out this daily if you are looking for a new build It is very very safe vs all kinds of all ins and is just all around a really solid build.
ok, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll really just throw down turrets from now on as too many times it feels like a coinflip with the mines. I can scout 2gas and expo/no expo at 6' fairly easily but after that I still don't know if it's DTs or some other type of allin and even a scan might not answer anythnig anyway.
I watched that daily, maybe I'll revisit it. It is based around a very specific timing that I'd need to practice, but then again I don't like going into late game against toss and their deathball, so maybe this will work out for me.
On June 09 2013 01:13 LegendaryDreams wrote: I made the switch from BW to SC2 for one month now. Grinding it out in Masters.
So far I've generally been struggling with Terran vs Protoss in general, whether it's unit compositions or engagements/micro. I have a replay that I'd like to show, where I wasn't too sure what I could have improved on. Please take a look and any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
On June 09 2013 01:13 LegendaryDreams wrote: I made the switch from BW to SC2 for one month now. Grinding it out in Masters.
So far I've generally been struggling with Terran vs Protoss in general, whether it's unit compositions or engagements/micro. I have a replay that I'd like to show, where I wasn't too sure what I could have improved on. Please take a look and any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
On June 09 2013 00:57 TRpredator wrote: please comment on this game: And I have general question regarding TvZ how do I identify that my opponent is going for roach/Hydra or muta/ling/bane? When I see 1-1 roach push it's too late to get siedge tanks or a good bio amount so How should I respond?
First of all your macro is not good enough. You cant go 3CC and be at 40 SCVs at 10 min.You can have more tan 50 at this mark and must have landed the 3rd in his place at 9-10 min,thats how this BO works. You need to understand that this BO(the Innovation one) is very greedy and vulnerable to any aggression in early-mid game.The Zergs have learnod to identify it with the scout(3CC) and got time enough to prepare.Thats why many Ts are including 2-3 siege tanks blindly.Do this or change your BO to another one not so greedy.You just lost the game there,were too behind and no matter what units he made, you would lose anyway.
On June 09 2013 01:13 LegendaryDreams wrote: I made the switch from BW to SC2 for one month now. Grinding it out in Masters.
So far I've generally been struggling with Terran vs Protoss in general, whether it's unit compositions or engagements/micro. I have a replay that I'd like to show, where I wasn't too sure what I could have improved on. Please take a look and any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
You got really good macro,but it can be better, hehe. Try to remax as soon as posible. I dont know your style, but usually the T pros go out at 10 min with some goals: 1.Try to deny the Protoss 3rd, 2 MAYBE attack the natural if there are few units(the P teching too much) and if this all fails try to drop main or natural.You must keep an eye on your units in front of his base and try no to lose them.With two medivacs you can pick them and fly away,but your goal is to make him fear a drop,splitting his amry to defend main, natural and the posible 3rd Nexus warping. At 13-14 Min mark you must consider to make Ghost Academy ALWAYS because no Protoss will stay with either Collossus or HT tech, so you need both. Once you lose your contrlo of his natural,dont give up the map control.You are the one with the mobile army. Drop him or at least try, so you will scare him and will keep him home while macroing at home and building your army. At 14 mark he came at your natural and you saw him almost in the last momento.Once again, dont lose map control. I use to send marines in the Xel Naga towers and one marine in their posible 4th and another one in front of their natural.If he diez, you send another one,so you know WHERE is he and IF HE IS MOVING.This is very important for you,because if he moves you know you can prepare to engage OR DROP him. As you can see from your first engagemet your ghost thech was too late.I dont know if you ignore the timing of the storm,but nowadays many Protoss are even skipping Collosi and go directly for Storm even before 10 min. Personally I make the Academy with rax 7,8 and 9 at 12-13 mins and begin with the Moebius research followed be cloak.Ghost are never bad investment but need lot of gas,thats why you need your 3rd fully saturated at 13 min. Dont "amove" and stay there. Scan before engage, try to find good angle for Vikings avoiding Stalkers and Archons and try to EMP HTs or sentries and beginn kiting.Never stay there because you will eat all the storms in the world and will die in 3 secs...You did well engagimg him in front of his base,this allows you to remax while he is home and coming,but try to kite and run if you are losing too much units. The last engagement was not necessary.You lost the game the moment you lost the first battle so bad.If you lose the 3rd to such a huge army dont go and attack frontly,try to drop and make him go home and defend while you are recovering,but never go face to face if you dont got at least 4-5 Ghosts with EMP and cloak maybe. I see only one big macro mistake and its the Barracs 6,7 and 8 were too late,but anyways,they are too few.You need at least 9 and many Pros make till 12. Hope all this helps you improve.
On June 08 2013 04:36 Michal wrote: ok, I am getting frustrated with Protoss in TvP and I need some advice regarding how to hold early game Toss builds (plat league).
In WoL I loved the 1Rax gasless FE and it was so simple to figure out how to adjust, e.g. I saw his 2 - gases - bam, ebay + turrets against possible DTs, Void rays, prism...
Now there are so many openings they have I get lost on what to do. I know gasless is no longer an option due to oracles, so I go 14Gas, Factory, CC.
Where I get stuck though is I am torn between building turrets or widow mines. I usually prefer mines because they're not static, but then I get owned by DTs. It's almost like I need to do triple scouting to see what on earth is going on. What I do now is initial SCV scout to check for gas/pylons and then 6' SCV scout to check for expo and determine if it's an early push.
It feels like I either need to scan (big waste) or go reapers - I can no longer blindly place turrets and feel safe - or can I?
What should I do when defending against an early all-in - mines or turrets? If it's turrets, how do I use the factory I built?
anybody? Just got owned by DT again, while having mines in minerals and being screwed by oracles a game before. It really feels like it's a conflip against a Toss now and I'd like to make it not so.
thx for any advice
Scouting is the most important thing in TvP now a days, try and hide and scv at their natural and if you see no nexus at about 5 minutes drop additional bunkers. I personally prefer opening reapers when playing TvP as you can see what they're doing very easily. If you are getting confused with DT's and oracles always go for the turret as it is the safer option and works against both of them while mines are useless vs DT's. Make sure youre dropping an early ebay no matter what as it gives you some safety and you will need it for 1/1 anyway. Also check out this daily if you are looking for a new build It is very very safe vs all kinds of all ins and is just all around a really solid build.
ok, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll really just throw down turrets from now on as too many times it feels like a coinflip with the mines. I can scout 2gas and expo/no expo at 6' fairly easily but after that I still don't know if it's DTs or some other type of allin and even a scan might not answer anythnig anyway.
I watched that daily, maybe I'll revisit it. It is based around a very specific timing that I'd need to practice, but then again I don't like going into late game against toss and their deathball, so maybe this will work out for me.
thx again
I would not build turrets pre emtively before 10 minutes, waste of minerals if u dont know for sure its dt's or oracle etc. I have an alteration for u which works i think better.
1. Build 2nd rax of demu's buildorder against your orbitalcommand in your main (and e.bay behind the mineralline)--> techlab-->stim (stimresearch and +1 will be safe and allways complete, see answers why, below); 2. Save 1 scan/mule around the time u can get harrased by dt's if u dont know whats comming; 3. When dt's are seen, build turret in mineralline of main immediately, move all scv's to main with some marines. When dt's attack main mineralline-->scan and scare them away while the turret is building. The reasoning is: Scan 12.5 seconds, building a turret is 25 seconds. This turret will allways complete and therefore helps save research like stim and +1+1. Some scv's can even surround the turret giving u more time to finish it. The dt's wont be able to snipe your upgradelead. 4. So, in general try to preserve research and save scv's, thats the goal. 5. When the 1st turret is up, clean up the dt-harras in which way u find logical and not 15 turrets plz, could have been alot of rax and an ealier 3rd (weve all been there at sometime, its disgusting to watch these replays of yourself ), allways try to be economical with cleaning them up. 6. Win after that
On June 08 2013 04:36 Michal wrote: ok, I am getting frustrated with Protoss in TvP and I need some advice regarding how to hold early game Toss builds (plat league).
In WoL I loved the 1Rax gasless FE and it was so simple to figure out how to adjust, e.g. I saw his 2 - gases - bam, ebay + turrets against possible DTs, Void rays, prism...
Now there are so many openings they have I get lost on what to do. I know gasless is no longer an option due to oracles, so I go 14Gas, Factory, CC.
Where I get stuck though is I am torn between building turrets or widow mines. I usually prefer mines because they're not static, but then I get owned by DTs. It's almost like I need to do triple scouting to see what on earth is going on. What I do now is initial SCV scout to check for gas/pylons and then 6' SCV scout to check for expo and determine if it's an early push.
It feels like I either need to scan (big waste) or go reapers - I can no longer blindly place turrets and feel safe - or can I?
What should I do when defending against an early all-in - mines or turrets? If it's turrets, how do I use the factory I built?
anybody? Just got owned by DT again, while having mines in minerals and being screwed by oracles a game before. It really feels like it's a conflip against a Toss now and I'd like to make it not so.
thx for any advice
Scouting is the most important thing in TvP now a days, try and hide and scv at their natural and if you see no nexus at about 5 minutes drop additional bunkers. I personally prefer opening reapers when playing TvP as you can see what they're doing very easily. If you are getting confused with DT's and oracles always go for the turret as it is the safer option and works against both of them while mines are useless vs DT's. Make sure youre dropping an early ebay no matter what as it gives you some safety and you will need it for 1/1 anyway. Also check out this daily if you are looking for a new build It is very very safe vs all kinds of all ins and is just all around a really solid build.
ok, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll really just throw down turrets from now on as too many times it feels like a coinflip with the mines. I can scout 2gas and expo/no expo at 6' fairly easily but after that I still don't know if it's DTs or some other type of allin and even a scan might not answer anythnig anyway.
I watched that daily, maybe I'll revisit it. It is based around a very specific timing that I'd need to practice, but then again I don't like going into late game against toss and their deathball, so maybe this will work out for me.
thx again
I would not build turrets pre emtively before 10 minutes, waste of minerals if u dont know for sure its dt's or oracle etc. I have an alteration for u which works i think better.
1. Build 2nd rax of demu's buildorder against your orbitalcommand in your main (and e.bay behind the mineralline)--> techlab-->stim (stimresearch and +1 will be safe and allways complete, see answers why, below); 2. Save 1 scan/mule around the time u can get harrased by dt's if u dont know whats comming; 3. When dt's are seen, build turret in mineralline of main immediately, move all scv's to main with some marines. When dt's attack main mineralline-->scan and scare them away while the turret is building. The reasoning is: Scan 12.5 seconds, building a turret is 25 seconds. This turret will allways complete and therefore helps save research like stim and +1+1. Some scv's can even surround the turret giving u more time to finish it. The dt's wont be able to snipe your upgradelead. 4. So, in general try to preserve research and save scv's, thats the goal. 5. When the 1st turret is up, clean up the dt-harras in which way u find logical and not 15 turrets plz, could have been alot of rax and an ealier 3rd (weve all been there at sometime, its disgusting to watch these replays of yourself ), allways try to be economical with cleaning them up. 6. Win after that
What if the dts get dropped into your main. I think while you don't necessarily have to have 2 turrets completed I think you always need 1 otherwise even what you suggest is not going to let you stay even since DT builds have gotten a lot greedier and safer and cheaper.
On June 08 2013 04:36 Michal wrote: ok, I am getting frustrated with Protoss in TvP and I need some advice regarding how to hold early game Toss builds (plat league).
In WoL I loved the 1Rax gasless FE and it was so simple to figure out how to adjust, e.g. I saw his 2 - gases - bam, ebay + turrets against possible DTs, Void rays, prism...
Now there are so many openings they have I get lost on what to do. I know gasless is no longer an option due to oracles, so I go 14Gas, Factory, CC.
Where I get stuck though is I am torn between building turrets or widow mines. I usually prefer mines because they're not static, but then I get owned by DTs. It's almost like I need to do triple scouting to see what on earth is going on. What I do now is initial SCV scout to check for gas/pylons and then 6' SCV scout to check for expo and determine if it's an early push.
It feels like I either need to scan (big waste) or go reapers - I can no longer blindly place turrets and feel safe - or can I?
What should I do when defending against an early all-in - mines or turrets? If it's turrets, how do I use the factory I built?
anybody? Just got owned by DT again, while having mines in minerals and being screwed by oracles a game before. It really feels like it's a conflip against a Toss now and I'd like to make it not so.
thx for any advice
Scouting is the most important thing in TvP now a days, try and hide and scv at their natural and if you see no nexus at about 5 minutes drop additional bunkers. I personally prefer opening reapers when playing TvP as you can see what they're doing very easily. If you are getting confused with DT's and oracles always go for the turret as it is the safer option and works against both of them while mines are useless vs DT's. Make sure youre dropping an early ebay no matter what as it gives you some safety and you will need it for 1/1 anyway. Also check out this daily if you are looking for a new build It is very very safe vs all kinds of all ins and is just all around a really solid build.
ok, thanks. Yeah, I think I'll really just throw down turrets from now on as too many times it feels like a coinflip with the mines. I can scout 2gas and expo/no expo at 6' fairly easily but after that I still don't know if it's DTs or some other type of allin and even a scan might not answer anythnig anyway.
I watched that daily, maybe I'll revisit it. It is based around a very specific timing that I'd need to practice, but then again I don't like going into late game against toss and their deathball, so maybe this will work out for me.
thx again
I would not build turrets pre emtively before 10 minutes, waste of minerals if u dont know for sure its dt's or oracle etc. I have an alteration for u which works i think better.
1. Build 2nd rax of demu's buildorder against your orbitalcommand in your main (and e.bay behind the mineralline)--> techlab-->stim (stimresearch and +1 will be safe and allways complete, see answers why, below); 2. Save 1 scan/mule around the time u can get harrased by dt's if u dont know whats comming; 3. When dt's are seen, build turret in mineralline of main immediately, move all scv's to main with some marines. When dt's attack main mineralline-->scan and scare them away while the turret is building. The reasoning is: Scan 12.5 seconds, building a turret is 25 seconds. This turret will allways complete and therefore helps save research like stim and +1+1. Some scv's can even surround the turret giving u more time to finish it. The dt's wont be able to snipe your upgradelead. 4. So, in general try to preserve research and save scv's, thats the goal. 5. When the 1st turret is up, clean up the dt-harras in which way u find logical and not 15 turrets plz, could have been alot of rax and an ealier 3rd (weve all been there at sometime, its disgusting to watch these replays of yourself ), allways try to be economical with cleaning them up. 6. Win after that
What if the dts get dropped into your main. I think while you don't necessarily have to have 2 turrets completed I think you always need 1 otherwise even what you suggest is not going to let you stay even since DT builds have gotten a lot greedier and safer and cheaper.
Best way to shutdown an early prism is with an early viking, but marines do well ofcourse. My point is it doesnt matter really. If your eco and research is protected and can produce units u will be ahead. I still believe that 1 turret in each mineralline should be enough until 15 minutemark (thats about when your 4th cc is building). Rest of the resources in troops. 1 turret is almost 1 rax in mineralcost... that rax can produce units that can kill ground and air and are mobile. U need those more then imobile anti air turrets when only on two base.
U could even better opt for 1 raven after 12 minutes (mobile detection) of your that scared u wont have enough scans, because u will find some spare gas for that on 3 bases. The problem is the mineralcost of turrets which delays everything in tvp and therefore u need to minimize that as much as possible. Just watch bens stream (demuslim), he doesnt build 10 turrets early, only 1 per mineralline when he moves out and thinks he needs it. forgg in tvt does the same. He doesnt build a turret until he gets dropped or suspects hellbatdrops, else the resources go in army or eco related stuff.
I made the switch from BW to SC2 for one month now. Grinding it out in Masters.
So far I've generally been struggling with Terran vs Protoss in general, whether it's unit compositions or engagements/micro. I have a replay that I'd like to show, where I wasn't too sure what I could have improved on. Please take a look and any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
You got really good macro,but it can be better, hehe. Try to remax as soon as posible. I dont know your style, but usually the T pros go out at 10 min with some goals: 1.Try to deny the Protoss 3rd, 2 MAYBE attack the natural if there are few units(the P teching too much) and if this all fails try to drop main or natural.You must keep an eye on your units in front of his base and try no to lose them.With two medivacs you can pick them and fly away,but your goal is to make him fear a drop,splitting his amry to defend main, natural and the posible 3rd Nexus warping. At 13-14 Min mark you must consider to make Ghost Academy ALWAYS because no Protoss will stay with either Collossus or HT tech, so you need both. Once you lose your contrlo of his natural,dont give up the map control.You are the one with the mobile army. Drop him or at least try, so you will scare him and will keep him home while macroing at home and building your army. At 14 mark he came at your natural and you saw him almost in the last momento.Once again, dont lose map control. I use to send marines in the Xel Naga towers and one marine in their posible 4th and another one in front of their natural.If he diez, you send another one,so you know WHERE is he and IF HE IS MOVING.This is very important for you,because if he moves you know you can prepare to engage OR DROP him. As you can see from your first engagemet your ghost thech was too late.I dont know if you ignore the timing of the storm,but nowadays many Protoss are even skipping Collosi and go directly for Storm even before 10 min. Personally I make the Academy with rax 7,8 and 9 at 12-13 mins and begin with the Moebius research followed be cloak.Ghost are never bad investment but need lot of gas,thats why you need your 3rd fully saturated at 13 min. Dont "amove" and stay there. Scan before engage, try to find good angle for Vikings avoiding Stalkers and Archons and try to EMP HTs or sentries and beginn kiting.Never stay there because you will eat all the storms in the world and will die in 3 secs...You did well engagimg him in front of his base,this allows you to remax while he is home and coming,but try to kite and run if you are losing too much units. The last engagement was not necessary.You lost the game the moment you lost the first battle so bad.If you lose the 3rd to such a huge army dont go and attack frontly,try to drop and make him go home and defend while you are recovering,but never go face to face if you dont got at least 4-5 Ghosts with EMP and cloak maybe. I see only one big macro mistake and its the Barracs 6,7 and 8 were too late,but anyways,they are too few.You need at least 9 and many Pros make till 12. Hope all this helps you improve.
Thanks for the analysis, will consider looking for better fights and drops. But it's never easy, trying to balance having enough at home and dropping sometimes.
Should my composition have been more marauder / hellbat heavy? I feel I make too many marines sometimes.
I open for fast cloakshee into my normal 1/1/1 allin, normally I get 2 cloakshees but after my scan I spot the hellbats and reactor on starport so I cancel my 2nd banshee and begin to get vikings out. I thought I had enough army to deal with his drop, 2 vikings, a tank (or two?) and about 8-10 marines.
Aside from my army being a bit poorly positioned for the incoming drop I don't really know what else I could've done aside from building a bunker near mineral line as stated in OP (only just read that now that I have finally played vs fast hellbat drops). I think I should've just ran my SCVs away instead of using them to repair my tanks as I lost a lot this way ><
Any other big errors that I made or tips that could help me deal with this better in future?
I made the switch from BW to SC2 for one month now. Grinding it out in Masters.
So far I've generally been struggling with Terran vs Protoss in general, whether it's unit compositions or engagements/micro. I have a replay that I'd like to show, where I wasn't too sure what I could have improved on. Please take a look and any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
You got really good macro,but it can be better, hehe. Try to remax as soon as posible. I dont know your style, but usually the T pros go out at 10 min with some goals: 1.Try to deny the Protoss 3rd, 2 MAYBE attack the natural if there are few units(the P teching too much) and if this all fails try to drop main or natural.You must keep an eye on your units in front of his base and try no to lose them.With two medivacs you can pick them and fly away,but your goal is to make him fear a drop,splitting his amry to defend main, natural and the posible 3rd Nexus warping. At 13-14 Min mark you must consider to make Ghost Academy ALWAYS because no Protoss will stay with either Collossus or HT tech, so you need both. Once you lose your contrlo of his natural,dont give up the map control.You are the one with the mobile army. Drop him or at least try, so you will scare him and will keep him home while macroing at home and building your army. At 14 mark he came at your natural and you saw him almost in the last momento.Once again, dont lose map control. I use to send marines in the Xel Naga towers and one marine in their posible 4th and another one in front of their natural.If he diez, you send another one,so you know WHERE is he and IF HE IS MOVING.This is very important for you,because if he moves you know you can prepare to engage OR DROP him. As you can see from your first engagemet your ghost thech was too late.I dont know if you ignore the timing of the storm,but nowadays many Protoss are even skipping Collosi and go directly for Storm even before 10 min. Personally I make the Academy with rax 7,8 and 9 at 12-13 mins and begin with the Moebius research followed be cloak.Ghost are never bad investment but need lot of gas,thats why you need your 3rd fully saturated at 13 min. Dont "amove" and stay there. Scan before engage, try to find good angle for Vikings avoiding Stalkers and Archons and try to EMP HTs or sentries and beginn kiting.Never stay there because you will eat all the storms in the world and will die in 3 secs...You did well engagimg him in front of his base,this allows you to remax while he is home and coming,but try to kite and run if you are losing too much units. The last engagement was not necessary.You lost the game the moment you lost the first battle so bad.If you lose the 3rd to such a huge army dont go and attack frontly,try to drop and make him go home and defend while you are recovering,but never go face to face if you dont got at least 4-5 Ghosts with EMP and cloak maybe. I see only one big macro mistake and its the Barracs 6,7 and 8 were too late,but anyways,they are too few.You need at least 9 and many Pros make till 12. Hope all this helps you improve.
Thanks for the analysis, will consider looking for better fights and drops. But it's never easy, trying to balance having enough at home and dropping sometimes.
Should my composition have been more marauder / hellbat heavy? I feel I make too many marines sometimes.
Personally dont like hellbats mixed with BIO, but they are very good vs enemy going for lot of Zealots .They can be healed,but cant move fast enough to kite and cant stim to avoid storms.Maybe you want to put them into medivacs and drop? You need lot of marines to kite and kill Chargelots,because of their DPS, but if the enemy got lot of Stalkers, then your composition need for sure more Marauders. Try to engage with cloaked Ghosts: EMPs or Snipe the HTs,Focus Collossi with Vikings,stim and begin kiting,WHILE making more units home and maybe you are able to drop at same time in any of the Ps expansions..As you see TvP at high level is very APM and multitasking heavy.Hellbat will allow you to "amove" into the Ps army if you see there are not many HTs and they can handle 1 storm without die..
My goal for next season is to keep my average unspent resources below 900. Right now I hover around the 1100-1200 mark. Some games I do well by having it under 500 while other games it goes up to 2-3000. It's mostly my tvz that it goes up to 2-3000 but ironically it's my highest winning matchup. I just max out with 3-3 so quickly with mmm and I just don't lose that many units when fighting lol. I suppose I could make 30 or so raxes but that seems extremely inefficient and there is never enough room inside my base anyways. Making 10+ orbitals wouldn't be that bad I guess but again they will have to be outside my base and I don't want to do something like that just for the sake of doing it to keep my resources down. I usually stop making SCVs when I have my 3rd up and roughly 60-70 SCVs.
Any tips on keeping average unspent resources down? I watch pros do it and I am so jealous.
It takes some getting used to but if you suspect oracle/DT you can partially build a turret or two to around 90-95% @ main & expo, and then cancel them if the window where they will most likely come doesn't show or finish them up when you see an incoming oracle or dt. It's subtle but it might be a good compromise for some games. Even if it finishes building it's not going to make or break you, but if you hault construction successfully you'll save some extra minerals when you don't need it after the cancellation.
I'm screwing around with the ZvT roach/ling/bane bust timings and I've noticed that third timings for such busts/roach pressure openings are much earlier than the same for standard 2base muta timings. How many scans do you guys drop on the main/natural before 8:30 (if any) and when do you guys do it?
On June 10 2013 15:16 ymir233 wrote: I'm screwing around with the ZvT roach/ling/bane bust timings and I've noticed that third timings for such busts/roach pressure openings are much earlier than the same for standard 2base muta timings. How many scans do you guys drop on the main/natural before 8:30 (if any) and when do you guys do it?
Roach/Ling/Bane is what every Terran is looking forward to face with a fast expansion, because even if its not easy to hold off, it will straight out win you the game. So.. if that is your preference is allin, your call. I will not drop a scan, reason is I got hellions on the map. I can see the saturation on the 3rd or if you take a 3rd at all. I will see roaches moving over the map. It can only be a roach/bane or 1-1 roach timing (or nydus).
Hi guys, i sit here with a sad 38 % win ratio TvP, while my vZ&T are excellent I really need to get serious with the TvP.
I would like to get a nice hots build for TvP, what is Innovation's go to build TvP? Anyone watched the games vs sOs? Will there be vods made available? I'm open to anything whether it is abuse or anything! Just need a solid build order then I'm fine.
On June 10 2013 08:44 S7EFEN wrote: TvT If I go for a reactor hellion expand into mech and scout a banshee, is it better to go for a ebay + turret + viking or raven + viking?