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How do I beat protoss late game?
Say they shut down your drops (good obs positioning, blink stalkers, phoenix, or whatever). You go into at least 3 base vs 3 base, and they have colossus and they're teching to charge and storm. How do you win? As an aside, since bio sucks against them, does anyone know how to mech vs Toss? Thanks.
Replay: http://drop.sc/310815
How do you beat the blink mothership core allin?
I need alot of help in TvP. I just have no clue what my opening should be what my overall unit composition should be, If I should incorporate mines. I just feel really confused in that matchup.
On March 17 2013 15:52 scCassius wrote:How do I beat protoss late game? Say they shut down your drops (good obs positioning, blink stalkers, phoenix, or whatever). You go into at least 3 base vs 3 base, and they have colossus and they're teching to charge and storm. How do you win? As an aside, since bio sucks against them, does anyone know how to mech vs Toss? Thanks. Replay: http://drop.sc/310815
First off - your opener seemed like you were going for a widowmine drop.....and then you proceeded to burrow your widowmines at some very random spots BEHIND your bunker and proceeded to drop unupgraded marines into your opponents base. Back home, your rax have only 1 tech lab addon, when idealy you should be going 2 tech 1 reactor or 1 tech 2 reactor.
What Im saying here is that your 12 rax 13 gas opener, supposed to be aggressive, didnt do jack shit at all in your hands. You might as well just open one rax FE and be ahead economically.
Your opener then transitions into third expand + 3 more barracks
Lets just skip the opener aside, Im sure you are sick of all the "macro more talks" Lets talk about your army control.
Not once, from the beginning to middle game, did you scan your enemies army composition. Not once did you attempt to punish the really far away 3rd expo of your opponents. You have ONE SINGLE HOTKEY for your entire army, when idealy you should have vikings on a seperate one. You charged up randomly at the opponents ramp with a shit ton of collosus, and then run all the way back home.
When you do drop, your main army is nowhere to be seen in order to exploit/punish the protoss main armies positioning
For the final battle, you proceeded to fight a protoss concave with a tight ball of bio in a tight corridor, with half your army somewhere else across the map
To anyones eyes - you really have no idea how to play TvP
First off - dropships > If you dont know to do drop play, DONT DO DROP PLAY, you are hurting yourself more than you can imagine. Play GREEDY if you cannot play aggressive. Theres nothing wrong with double expanding off a single bunker and going for double gas fast upgrades on your server - Ive messed around there - If terrans suffered from tunnel vision and only see pros dropping and winning, protosses on your server are suffering from turtling like mad and refusing to move out when you willingly give up map control.
On the map you were playing, his third had a alternative route where you can just run in, snipe his third, and run out. You seem to love charging up his main-nat-third entrance, where his army WILL be.
For the final battle, half your army wasnt even there. This is not about his three aoe, storms etc being too strong, too micro intensive for you to deal with. You army didnt even survive his half of the army.
Learn to retreat dude. Do you see anyone charging up a sieged ramp? Its the same thing with protoss collosi, back off if your army isnt in good positioning.
Scan usage - this is where you fucked up the most. Scanning is to know where+WHAT HIS ARMY IS, and for tech scouting. You scanned to see if your pathway was safe ALL THE TIME. Although where your army was moving was safe, you were basically blind to what your opponent had, and his positioning, forcing you to play too tunneled with your main army.
Regarding mech - YOUR MAIN PROBLEM IS MAP ABUSE+CONTROL, HOW YOU GONNA PLAY MECH? Yeah sure, you'll get a couple free wins against protosses who dont know how to fight mechanical, but when you run into someone who plays aggressively, have fun man.
Either way, for a decent mech opener - 12 rax 15 gas, reactor after 2 marines, expand + bunker, factory on 100 gas, siege tech, add another bunker, scan to see what opponent is doing (Is he rushing? What tech does he have? How much gas did he take? What UNITS does he have currently?) and expand again. Add one gas 2 3 4, double armories, throw down more factories and play as needed (I dont play by BO that far into the game. If opponent is greedy I just marine tank and go kill)
Do NOT use this opener for BIO. Yes you will be safe from almost all rushes (blink stalker is a bitch), you will be able to exploit greediness if you are good with MT, but TvP is about knowing when+where to hit, and knowing when to back off. You cannot back off with tanks that easily, and you force yourself into fighting an unwanted battle or giving away free stuff.
On March 17 2013 16:53 CapTanObviOs wrote: How do you beat the blink mothership core allin?
My personal method If you scout double gas early and you are going for 1 rax FE, add another rax (into 4 rax), that way you have way more units than you normally have on just three rax. Defending the actual push is map dependant. Check where its possible for protosses to blink in and leave the army there. Idealy, you will have one-two bunkers in front of your nat, and the rest of the army above the ramp. One turret on bunker and turret on ramp behind depot just in case he comes with DTs instead. Stim should come relatively soon.
The reasoning for the extra barracks isnt just for more units, its also because he WILL cast that slow spell on your main army, forcing you to fight or lose everything. Having more units allows you to take the fight to him, instead of playing defensively. After you shut it down, you should have so many units left that he'll just leave instead of sticking around thinking he still has a chance.
On March 17 2013 17:11 A Wild Sosd wrote: I need alot of help in TvP. I just have no clue what my opening should be what my overall unit composition should be, If I should incorporate mines. I just feel really confused in that matchup.
The man himself can put it way better. Yeah its WoL, but its not like people know how to abuse the new units that well yet, plus his Q and A are very, very detailed. On widowmines in TvP, currently pros are using it really well aggressively with dropships, but they usually have a transition from that. Widowmines DEFENSIVELY is a completely different issue. Sure, its gonna snipe a MS core or an oracle here and there, but thats nothing a nice amount of marines cannot do either. Against main gateway/robotics army - its shit. Dont use them against that.
Hello, My name is AdmiralNahtanoj!
In the past I played SC2 WoL, I was about to be in Gold League before I stopped playing. I picked up HotS the day it came out. On the First day I beat the campaign! The second day came and I decided to try out Matchmaking after I got my Terran mindset back on bots. Unfortunatly for me, I was placed in Bronze League when I did my placement matches. I can beat the lowest of the low Bronze with no problem aT all (IE: A Protoss that went 6 gate/Robo on ONE base). When I Fight people that aT least have some knowledge aT the Game, I have some troubles.
1. When I Fight Protoss, I open 2 rack FE, then add Another racks and Gas. Usually I can win strait up. If by some Miracle I do not Kill them fast, I have some problems. Usually, the problem is they manage to get Colossus, Immortal, Stalker, Sentry, zealOt and I cannot Kill it. This is where I WanT heLp for TvP. If i do not succeed with my 3 racks Push, What should I do to stop my imminent demise.
2. TvZ is a Bad match-up for me, I know that when I see a spire I should get Thor'S for MuTa'S, so What I like to do is go strait mech (Helion/Hellbat, Thor, Tank). My problem, Roach/MuTa/Ling. Is there a better Way to approach a zerg opponent? It seems like whenever I go Bio against a zerg, they just run through my army with banelings, and call it a day.
3. TvT is my least Favorite match-up, I HATE TvT!!!!!. There has never been a time when I liked it. I just need help with every situation, and how to deal with a little of everything.
Any help would be much appreciated, I am free most days after 5:00 PM EST if someone would like to be a mentor.
IGN: AdmNahtanoj Character#: 243
On March 17 2013 18:08 AdmiralNahtanoj wrote: Hello, My name is AdmiralNahtanoj!
In the past I played SC2 WoL, I was about to be in Gold League before I stopped playing. I picked up HotS the day it came out. On the First day I beat the campaign! The second day came and I decided to try out Matchmaking after I got my Terran mindset back on bots. Unfortunatly for me, I was placed in Bronze League when I did my placement matches. I can beat the lowest of the low Bronze with no problem aT all (IE: A Protoss that went 6 gate/Robo on ONE base). When I Fight people that aT least have some knowledge aT the Game, I have some troubles.
1. When I Fight Protoss, I open 2 rack FE, then add Another racks and Gas. Usually I can win strait up. If by some Miracle I do not Kill them fast, I have some problems. Usually, the problem is they manage to get Colossus, Immortal, Stalker, Sentry, zealOt and I cannot Kill it. This is where I WanT heLp for TvP. If i do not succeed with my 3 racks Push, What should I do to stop my imminent demise.
2. TvZ is a Bad match-up for me, I know that when I see a spire I should get Thor'S for MuTa'S, so What I like to do is go strait mech (Helion/Hellbat, Thor, Tank). My problem, Roach/MuTa/Ling. Is there a better Way to approach a zerg opponent? It seems like whenever I go Bio against a zerg, they just run through my army with banelings, and call it a day.
3. TvT is my least Favorite match-up, I HATE TvT!!!!!. There has never been a time when I liked it. I just need help with every situation, and how to deal with a little of everything.
Any help would be much appreciated, I am free most days after 5:00 PM EST if someone would like to be a mentor.
IGN: AdmNahtanoj Character#: 243
have fun dude
In TvP I use a 1/1/1 opener into expo ( 12 rax, 13 gas, when 100 gas (usually after second depot) I get my fac and then when my fac finnishes I get my starport)
pumpin marine/widow mines and medivacs and expands out of it. works like a charm so far.
Replay http://drop.sc/310850
this BO is something I tested out of random vs low level players (no idea what level) but first time I did it vs a master toss. Anyone got any tips n trick on how I can easier transition out of it/abuse my opening more or just tell my why it sucks and why I should change it. because as of now I simply endore it, it works like a charm transitioning into TvP mech and TvP bio
Also, anyone has experimented on getting TvP mech workin? I've done a few experiments but no success so far.
Northern Ireland461 Posts
I have seen two major builds TvZ now that HotS is out. First is the Reaper FE into 2-3 reapers --> 4-6 hellions --> mines. Second is Flash's CC first --> 15 Rax, 16 Gas --> Reactor hellion opening into a 3rd, early stim and double ups. Was wondering what dwf thinks about the viability of these builds currently, and will these become standard? What are they weak to?
Now that HOTS gives me more scouting opportunities with the Reaper I'm suddenly aware I don't really know what to scout for and what to prepare against.
For the most part what configuaration of Protoss structures would indicate they are going to attempt to bust me? Do the structures not really tell the story and it is the army placement? I was playing with my friend, who is better than me but generally I'm competitive, and he beat me -- 3 times in a row -- with Nexus after Core w/ 2 gas, Robo, 4 gates and push with 4 Sentries, 7-8 Stalkers and an Immortal. Warp in Zealots to reinforce the push.
Now the issue, after reviewing the replay, is if I saw these buildings I wouldn't really be scared. I wouldn't make additional bunkers or anything. The push generally arrives right around my first round of Medivacs are halfway done. So if I see a Protoss on 5 unit producing structures do I need to be nervous about a bust? Do I just need to try and keep tabs on his army with a Reaper and if they're pushing across the field I need to get nervous?
He is a Master player and I'm Diamond so I know I could play better but I'm trying to understand why, during the game, I should see a Protoss building configuration and realize I need to start additional bunkers. I could have stopped the push if I added 2-3 more Bunkers instead of just the one at my ramp but during the games I never felt like the push was going to be so powerful.
On March 18 2013 00:17 Tenks wrote: Now that HOTS gives me more scouting opportunities with the Reaper I'm suddenly aware I don't really know what to scout for and what to prepare against.
For the most part what configuaration of Protoss structures would indicate they are going to attempt to bust me? Do the structures not really tell the story and it is the army placement? I was playing with my friend, who is better than me but generally I'm competitive, and he beat me -- 3 times in a row -- with Nexus after Core w/ 2 gas, Robo, 4 gates and push with 4 Sentries, 7-8 Stalkers and an Immortal. Warp in Zealots to reinforce the push.
Now the issue, after reviewing the replay, is if I saw these buildings I wouldn't really be scared. I wouldn't make additional bunkers or anything. The push generally arrives right around my first round of Medivacs are halfway done. So if I see a Protoss on 5 unit producing structures do I need to be nervous about a bust? Do I just need to try and keep tabs on his army with a Reaper and if they're pushing across the field I need to get nervous?
He is a Master player and I'm Diamond so I know I could play better but I'm trying to understand why, during the game, I should see a Protoss building configuration and realize I need to start additional bunkers. I could have stopped the push if I added 2-3 more Bunkers instead of just the one at my ramp but during the games I never felt like the push was going to be so powerful.
I haven't seen your game, but there are many dangerous timing pushes that are not obvious in terms of structures. This is one of the things that makes them very dangerous. A good example is 3 gate pressure, or the various mothership core pushes. The same scouting principles apply as in WOL, you need to have control of your xelnaga - if he denies you with more than 1 stalker then that's a tell and you may want to add a bunker and be careful. Also have a marine patrolling around ur 3rd (depending on map), checking for a proxy pylon going down there or if he's trying to circumvent the xelnaga. If you don't have any vision on the map, even if you have no other indication of a push you should be extra careful.
" Do I just need to try and keep tabs on his army with a Reaper and if they're pushing across the field I need to get nervous?" - Absolutely, if a protoss is out on the map with more than a stalker or two before your medivac timing then he's either pushing or faking a push. Either way you should be careful. If you decide to scan him, or you manage to sneak an scv or reaper and see his composition/base watch out for things like saved chronoboost/ chronoboost on gates and robo, and no gasses at natural.
Anytime you think a push is gonna come, you should probably add a bunker even if you don't think the push is going to be "powerful". Especially when playing a player whom you know to be a higher league than you. You should assume his micro is a bit better than yours and make up for it with that extra defense.
Thanks for the response.
In general how do you confidently move around the map prior to stim and medivacs? Do you immediately get a Marauder when you make your initial tech lab and then patrol the map? I'm always nervous of encountering a few Stalkers and a Sentry and getting most of my army sniped away very cost effectively for the Protoss prior to Stim.
As T going Mech, how do I deal with SkyToss? I tried Thors and Vikings but the Tempest range made it not much useful.
On March 18 2013 01:52 Bleak wrote: As T going Mech, how do I deal with SkyToss? I tried Thors and Vikings but the Tempest range made it not much useful.
Welcome to the true problem of meching vs protoss. I suspect the zergs may be closer to the answer of dealing with skytoss than we terrans are.
HINT: Yup its fucking strong as hell..
So I'm a Gold Level player. Now I have this fear of changing strategies, but I want to escape this fear, or at least find out if it's alright. Once I find a build that works Most of the time, I stick with it. I might add a few changes, but it remains relatively the same. My build is a 1 rax FE into Marines Marauders Hellbats Medivacs and widow mines or siege tanks depending on the enemy's race and build. Is it alright that I do this? If not, how do I get out of this fear. And also, how does everyone feel about the hellbats vs protoss? I find that the hellbats work well against most things, especially if the protoss player has lots of zealots and/or stalkers.
anyone opening 14cc is being super cheesy tvt since its autoloss vs that common 8 rax reaper rush!
sorry just venting (
On March 17 2013 18:07 padfoota wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 15:52 scCassius wrote:How do I beat protoss late game? Say they shut down your drops (good obs positioning, blink stalkers, phoenix, or whatever). You go into at least 3 base vs 3 base, and they have colossus and they're teching to charge and storm. How do you win? As an aside, since bio sucks against them, does anyone know how to mech vs Toss? Thanks. Replay: http://drop.sc/310815 First off - your opener seemed like you were going for a widowmine drop.....and then you proceeded to burrow your widowmines at some very random spots BEHIND your bunker and proceeded to drop unupgraded marines into your opponents base. Back home, your rax have only 1 tech lab addon, when idealy you should be going 2 tech 1 reactor or 1 tech 2 reactor. What Im saying here is that your 12 rax 13 gas opener, supposed to be aggressive, didnt do jack shit at all in your hands. You might as well just open one rax FE and be ahead economically. Your opener then transitions into third expand + 3 more barracks Lets just skip the opener aside, Im sure you are sick of all the "macro more talks" Lets talk about your army control. Not once, from the beginning to middle game, did you scan your enemies army composition. Not once did you attempt to punish the really far away 3rd expo of your opponents. You have ONE SINGLE HOTKEY for your entire army, when idealy you should have vikings on a seperate one. You charged up randomly at the opponents ramp with a shit ton of collosus, and then run all the way back home. When you do drop, your main army is nowhere to be seen in order to exploit/punish the protoss main armies positioning For the final battle, you proceeded to fight a protoss concave with a tight ball of bio in a tight corridor, with half your army somewhere else across the map To anyones eyes - you really have no idea how to play TvP First off - dropships > If you dont know to do drop play, DONT DO DROP PLAY, you are hurting yourself more than you can imagine. Play GREEDY if you cannot play aggressive. Theres nothing wrong with double expanding off a single bunker and going for double gas fast upgrades on your server - Ive messed around there - If terrans suffered from tunnel vision and only see pros dropping and winning, protosses on your server are suffering from turtling like mad and refusing to move out when you willingly give up map control. On the map you were playing, his third had a alternative route where you can just run in, snipe his third, and run out. You seem to love charging up his main-nat-third entrance, where his army WILL be. For the final battle, half your army wasnt even there. This is not about his three aoe, storms etc being too strong, too micro intensive for you to deal with. You army didnt even survive his half of the army. Learn to retreat dude. Do you see anyone charging up a sieged ramp? Its the same thing with protoss collosi, back off if your army isnt in good positioning. Scan usage - this is where you fucked up the most. Scanning is to know where+WHAT HIS ARMY IS, and for tech scouting. You scanned to see if your pathway was safe ALL THE TIME. Although where your army was moving was safe, you were basically blind to what your opponent had, and his positioning, forcing you to play too tunneled with your main army. Regarding mech - YOUR MAIN PROBLEM IS MAP ABUSE+CONTROL, HOW YOU GONNA PLAY MECH? Yeah sure, you'll get a couple free wins against protosses who dont know how to fight mechanical, but when you run into someone who plays aggressively, have fun man. Either way, for a decent mech opener - 12 rax 15 gas, reactor after 2 marines, expand + bunker, factory on 100 gas, siege tech, add another bunker, scan to see what opponent is doing (Is he rushing? What tech does he have? How much gas did he take? What UNITS does he have currently?) and expand again. Add one gas 2 3 4, double armories, throw down more factories and play as needed (I dont play by BO that far into the game. If opponent is greedy I just marine tank and go kill) Do NOT use this opener for BIO. Yes you will be safe from almost all rushes (blink stalker is a bitch), you will be able to exploit greediness if you are good with MT, but TvP is about knowing when+where to hit, and knowing when to back off. You cannot back off with tanks that easily, and you force yourself into fighting an unwanted battle or giving away free stuff. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 16:53 CapTanObviOs wrote: How do you beat the blink mothership core allin? My personal method If you scout double gas early and you are going for 1 rax FE, add another rax (into 4 rax), that way you have way more units than you normally have on just three rax. Defending the actual push is map dependant. Check where its possible for protosses to blink in and leave the army there. Idealy, you will have one-two bunkers in front of your nat, and the rest of the army above the ramp. One turret on bunker and turret on ramp behind depot just in case he comes with DTs instead. Stim should come relatively soon. The reasoning for the extra barracks isnt just for more units, its also because he WILL cast that slow spell on your main army, forcing you to fight or lose everything. Having more units allows you to take the fight to him, instead of playing defensively. After you shut it down, you should have so many units left that he'll just leave instead of sticking around thinking he still has a chance. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 17:11 A Wild Sosd wrote: I need alot of help in TvP. I just have no clue what my opening should be what my overall unit composition should be, If I should incorporate mines. I just feel really confused in that matchup. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=251694The man himself can put it way better. Yeah its WoL, but its not like people know how to abuse the new units that well yet, plus his Q and A are very, very detailed. On widowmines in TvP, currently pros are using it really well aggressively with dropships, but they usually have a transition from that. Widowmines DEFENSIVELY is a completely different issue. Sure, its gonna snipe a MS core or an oracle here and there, but thats nothing a nice amount of marines cannot do either. Against main gateway/robotics army - its shit. Dont use them against that.
Wow man, for someone "trying to help" someone. You sure are kinda a dick about it.
How does a 2rax reactor first fare against a stargate opener from protoss?
Does anyone have a solid 1base all-in for each matchup? I used to play these following builds and I am looking for something similar in execution, or whether these builds are still viable: TvT - gas first cloakshee into 1/1/1 allin TvP - 2rax into 1/1/1 allin TvZ - proxy 11/11 rax (looking to change this one the most)
I don't get much time to play so I'd rather learn a 1base build that I can have some finesse with rather than playing dragged out macro games.
Cheers guys appreciate it
Any high level Terrans uploading replay packs of their games on drop.sc yet?
I just got the game yesterday. I didn't follow any HotS or watch anything. I dropped 5 placements to play strictly with new units and learn them...
All I can say is...christ I love this game.