[G] TheCore - Advanced Keyboard Layout - Page 303
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United States2787 Posts
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Lithuania26 Posts
On November 21 2013 06:03 JaKaTaK wrote: First Video in the OP is going to explain the major benefits of TheCore over conventional layouts. It would take a significant amount of time to type out all of the advantages that TheCore has over Chameleon so maybe someone will pick up where the video leaves off. For now, here's the basics: + Show Spoiler + Yeah, I red the post and saw the videos, just thought that chameleon is not a conventional layout per se. Anyway, if core is much better I'll put my bias aside and try and learn it, coming of hiatus since wol as well as changing from laptop to desktop and normal keyboard is gonna be so much change that different layout or standard layout, it's still learning all the same. Thanks! | ||
United States2787 Posts
![]() IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Work as begun on TheCore Lite. This will replace Chameleon. Download will continue to be available for Chameleon in the Skydrive, however, the Chameleon thread will be re-titled TheCore Lite and there will be some major changes incoming to bring Chameleon up to speed with all of the things we've learned about Hotkeys in the past year and a half of work on TheCore. I'll be updating "TheCore Lite" thread with ideas we're working on and give a download link to the current file as it develops. EDIT: if you all could head over to what will become TheCore Lite thread and put in your ideas for the layout I made a starter post that goes through the basic decisions that we'll need to make starting out. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=333891¤tpage=32#626 | ||
United States30 Posts
It's perfect in Guild Wars 2, but in WoW there's a lot more things to have hotkeys for, so I'm not sure how it's gonna work out. Right now I have 7 skills bound around the movement keys, with 2 modifiers for 14 more skills. I can easily have more than 7 per set, but I'm not yet pressured for room (only level 30) the 3rd modifier is being used for menu stuff; hopefully I won't have to use it for skills. It's so damn nice being able to just hit Alt + O to bring up the map. On November 19 2013 07:43 JaKaTaK wrote: It has the highest potential dexterity out of all of your fingers (aside from the thumb). is there any real info on that? it's hard to believe for me | ||
United States2787 Posts
The pinky has largely been ignored in most other disciplines: written off as a weak or slow finger when this is not necessarily the case in hands that have been trained properly. Also, some quick google searching will lead you to many experiments about finger strength that have the pinky as strongest. | ||
United States1 Post
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United States2787 Posts
![]() In other news, we have a revamped video to introduce your friends to the basics of TheCore: | ||
3 Posts
I'm using the Zerg-Rigth-Medium setting with a few minor modifications for over 2 weeks now and I have lots of problems with attack-move. The J just doesn't feel natural on the pinky or the ring finger so I end up using both depending on what hotkeys I pressed before that. It also feels weird to have the fingers resting so close to each other (J, I, O & P)I'm not a super agile guy so I want to keep hand/finger movement to a minimum but the attack-move is becoming a serious issue. Is there a way to fix this (by training better hand positioning) or should I maybe go with the small or large layout? Thank you for your help! | ||
United States15 Posts
So, choose your layout and go to the visualizer page here: http://jakatak.github.io/thecorevisualizer/visualizer/ Resize the web browser window to take up the right half of your screen so that you can see the commands you type in realtime. Set your text window for the drill you want to practice on the left half of the screen. Such as this: ![]() Now, on the visualizer side, perform the commands as they read on the lines to the left. So example line 1: 1. Ling Ling Roach Ling Ling Roach Ling Ling Roach Roach Ling So it would go something like this with ZRM (Zerg Right Hand Medium) P-O-J to make a ling, P-O-K to make a roach. This simulates selecting the hatchery group on CG1, selecting larva and creating one of each unit in that line. You may want to go ahead and select the hatchery icon in the zerg section and add it to control group 1, otherwise your drills will not go according to plan. Just select the hatchery and hit alt+J. Now each time you hit "P" it will select CG1 (hatcheries). Now, make up your own drill, but make sure you START OFF SLOW AND EASY. This is the point, it's so easy it's hard to eff it up right? wrong... once you start getting mentally fatigued, the ones that started off easy will start twisting fingers and pushing wrong buttons. So, while you're doing this, what also helps is if you mentally say each word that you're reading as you key the commands. So if I'm reading "Ling Ling Roach Ling Ling Roach" on line 1, I will say each one in my head, this helps when fatigue sets in. Creating this repetition now will really help with getting familiar with exactly what key combination makes a ling, a roach, etc. Exactly like touch typing where you read the words and type them without looking, you're just typing the commands that you read and glancing at the visualizer to make sure you're hitting the right ones. Eventually, you won't need the visualizer do even look at if you create good habits. You can also do audio builds on youtube. Here is an example: While these help greatly, the amount of commands you accomplish are not as frequent or as much as just doing line drills. Make line drills that challenge YOUR weak spots! Make line drills approximately 10 commands. Mix up line drills, Example: Do line 1, 3, 2, 4. Don't do the same line drills and neglect harder ones. (don't keep practicing making drones, lings, roaches, ovies. If you're having trouble setting camera positions, make a drill for setting camera positions to different camera hotkeys. Practice adding and setting control groups. Practice Larva injects if you need to. (this is pretty easy, not sure a line drill is needed for this). If you don't have time to dedicate to a whole match for practice, knock out a few lines at work or in your spare time that you have access to a keyboard. Hope this helps! | ||
United States15 Posts
1. Ling Ling Roach Ling Ling Roach Ling Ling Roach Roach Ling 2. Roach Roach Ling Roach Roach Ling Roach Roach Ling Ling Roach 3. Ling Roach Roach Ling Ling Roach Ling Roach Ling Ling Roach 4. Roach Ling Ling Roach Roach Ling Roach Ling Roach Roach Ling 5. Ling Ling Roach Roach Hydra Hydra Roach Roach Ling Ling Roach | ||
United States15 Posts
http://www.oddcast.com/home/demos/tts/tts_example.php copy and paste your line drill into the box. such as this: 1. Ling,Ling,Roach,Ling,Ling,Roach,Ling,Ling,Roach,Roach,Ling Then, you can even select "speed" under the "effect" dropdown menu, and slow it down or speed it up. This way, you can watch the visualizer and make sure you're hitting the right buttons. | ||
United States15 Posts
Therefor, P+O before each unit to "select hatchery group" "select larvae". GOAL: Keep a steady pace throughout each line, do not sporadically make 1 unit fast, the next slow and hunt for keys. Once you get it down, try not to look at your keyboard. Use the visualizer page here: http://jakatak.github.io/thecorevisualizer/visualizer/ Zerg Unit familiarization drill 1. Zergling, Roach, Hydralisk (x4) 2. Mutalisk, Swarm Host, Ultralisk (x4) 3. Infestor, Viper, Corruptor (x4) 4. Roach, Hydralisk, Zergling (x4) 5. Swarm Host, Ultralisk, Mutalisk (x4) 6. Viper, Corruptor, Infestor (x4) 7. Zergling, Swarm Host, Infestor (x4) 8. Roach, Ultralisk, Viper (x4) 9. Hydralisk, Mutalisk, Corruptor (x4) 10. Ultralisk, Infestor, Hydralisk, corruptor, Mutalisk, Viper, Roach, Swarm Host, Zergling (x4) | ||
United States2787 Posts
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Germany89 Posts
On November 26 2013 14:44 T2tehimeless wrote: I know that the core is starting to come to me to be more natural, sometimes i forget where which hotkeys are such as group 1/2/3/4. But the big issue is hitting shift. I currently use the PRM layout but shift on my Vengeance K70 seems to in an awkward position to where i have to curl up my fingers in order to reach my thumb there. Don't forget to tilt your keyboard. From OP: Getting Started Download and Positioning TheCore requires the use of a keyboard that you can move without moving your monitor. This is because of the tilt. The tilt uses the offset nature of a standard keyboard to align the keys into a more grid like manner. Generally the tilt is between 40 and 50 degrees for right handed mouse users and 10-20 degrees for left handed mouse users. Keep in mind that you may want to remove the keys between alt and control to make pressing buttons with your thumb easier, this is completely optional and will differ from person to person.[...] Have you tried PRS or PRL? | ||
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United States2787 Posts
Plating upgrade ought to be "I" for a qwerty layout. Not too familiar with the nordic one. Is E in the same place? | ||
Latvia4 Posts
I want an honest opinion - what are the issues that this layout has solved that many speak of? I know it's different for everybody else, but almost everyone claims the layout fixed their bad habits in one way or the other - I'm curious what those habits were. I will note that I have a very large hand, with long and slender fingers, it's a hand designed for the piano (which is a shame because I don't play it) - setting my right hand thumb on left control, I can reach F8 with my pinky with no strain whatsoever. My average APM is close to my EPM because I don't spam much, and that's around 120-130. The thing that I disliked most during my initial test of thecore was that it required mouse buttons, and I am using a razer abyssus - and I have no idea where to put these tab buttons on my keyboard, I have been used to keeping my rax factory and starport on 5 6 7 separately. I also know from other games, that I have a problem of adjusting from a style that I have gotten used to - particularly mouse sense in FPS games is a pain. Should I keep trying to learn it? What will I gain if at my play level I don't use more than 4 camera locations and 9 control groups? The only problem I see with my current layout (slightly modified standard), is that CG's 8-0 are a bit hard to reach even with my hand. I am asking this because I am at crossroads, when I try to make it work for me, I feel absolutely disgusted by how hard it is to do anything because of muscle memory, and I can't understand should I continue to try make it worth, but when I read this thread the comments are almost only positive. I'd like some feedback on what would you guys suggest to do. | ||
9 Posts
On November 27 2013 21:13 subz wrote: I have never seen my APM or keys as the problem in my play - but I decided to give this a shot because it seemed really off the wall innovative and cool in general. Granted, I tried thecore for only one evening, whilst using TRL, but I really have to admit that I have never felt this lost in a game for a long time. I could see the benefits of thecore, but I really can't see it working out for me. I want an honest opinion - what are the issues that this layout has solved that many speak of? I know it's different for everybody else, but almost everyone claims the layout fixed their bad habits in one way or the other - I'm curious what those habits were. I will note that I have a very large hand, with long and slender fingers, it's a hand designed for the piano (which is a shame because I don't play it) - setting my right hand thumb on left control, I can reach F8 with my pinky with no strain whatsoever. My average APM is close to my EPM because I don't spam much, and that's around 120-130. The thing that I disliked most during my initial test of thecore was that it required mouse buttons, and I am using a razer abyssus - and I have no idea where to put these tab buttons on my keyboard, I have been used to keeping my rax factory and starport on 5 6 7 separately. I also know from other games, that I have a problem of adjusting from a style that I have gotten used to - particularly mouse sense in FPS games is a pain. Should I keep trying to learn it? What will I gain if at my play level I don't use more than 4 camera locations and 9 control groups? The only problem I see with my current layout (slightly modified standard), is that CG's 8-0 are a bit hard to reach even with my hand. I am asking this because I am at crossroads, when I try to make it work for me, I feel absolutely disgusted by how hard it is to do anything because of muscle memory, and I can't understand should I continue to try make it worth, but when I read this thread the comments are almost only positive. I'd like some feedback on what would you guys suggest to do. Hi, I started using the TRM yesterday. I used a modified version of the Grid layout, so while I could see the functions of this, it was very counterintuitive for me as I was used to figure out the hotkey placement with ease. But on the other hand the placement was easily translatable for me. I'm a relatively new player, but I have grown consistent mechanics fast in this game. I didn't hear about this recently, and I decided to give it a try as I liked how the Core employs your thumb so much - which was basically what I was trying to do with my own Grid layout. The thing is not whether you use more than four camera locations or eight groups; it's all about the ergonomy. First I was flabbergasted at how the design worked out, but the idea really is that once you've broken the barrier and relearned the new muscle memory for this layout, you practically wont have to move you hand whilst employing each of your fingers to the fullest. On one hand (pun not intended) there are not "real" pros that use this layout at the moment. Which advocates that it's not necessary to become a good player - at all. On the other hand, people praise it, and I see why. It definitely has its uses for those who are determined and patient. But if you don't have any real problems with your current layout, you might want to debate with yourself whether you'd want to change. If your wrists, arms or fingers hurt after prolonged sessions, you'd might want to consider. If you feel there are certain options you are cut from because of the classic layout, you'd might want to consider. From my own perspective, it was mostly because I allocated my fingers awkwardly. I wanted to use my thumb for ctrl groups, and was forced to use my pinky for queueing, when I actually didn't want to use the bottom left part of the keyboard. The thing that sold the Core for me, was that it employed the bottom right part, something that I hadn't considered. Now I have spent more than two hours dedicatedly to hotkey trainer maps, interrupted by games with medium bots. Yes, it feels dumb and stupefying in the beginning. But once the muscle memory starts to kick in, you'll see the benefits, if you were looking for them in the first place. | ||
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