Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: iWasLiekWut.198 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1902380/1/iWasLiekWut/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/eu/1902380/iWasLiekWut Interest: Casual League: Gold Other: Add if you want to practice your builds, play some fun games, competative games, analyze replays or share opinions about builds or tricks. I'm capable of playing all races on silver / gold level although mainly laddering with protoss. Also dont mind coaching lower league players, got skype if nessecary, 22y/o swedish. mature people only, thanks have a nice day!
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SoyA. 262 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2534738/1/SoyA/ Interest: semi-competitive? League: Plat Other: best MU zvt worst zvp. I have work but schools almost over so I will try to be on inbetween 8pm-2am pacific, I'm down to grind 10 games straight, hell i never tried but how about 20 games straight :D. Looking to get somewhat serious over the summer. definately want to get into DIA.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Jaxx.605 Race: Protoss + Terran ProfileURL: N/A Sc2RanksURL: N/A Interest: Casual League: Platinum Other: Hey, I am a low ranked Platinum Protoss looking to improve. I switched from being terran to spice up the game for me as I was mid gold terran. I wish to improve and gain some practice partners of any race. I really want to settle into platinum which I am somewhat struggling at.
I am happy to share my ideas and tactics with fellow players, I dont care if you are bronze, anyone is welcome. I am nice guy and I wish to help anyone in any league because I know it can be hard to break out of bronze. Hit me up any time.
Server: am B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: plaugebearer.323 Race: Zerg ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1804298/1/Plaugebearer/ Sc2RanksURL:http://sc2ranks.com/us/1804298/Plaugebearer Interest:competitive League:gold Other: I am looking for people to help home skills I am shooting for top play or diamond by end of season 7.
Server:NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:Hypervention.830 Race: Protoss ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3605935/1/Hypervention/ Sc2RanksURL:http://sc2ranks.com/us/3605935/Hypervention Interest:Competitive League:Bronze Other: I don't belong in the Bronze league! Looking for people to practice with so I can get more familiar with builds, and get better at macroing units! I am very active and dedicated! I have a competitive gaming background with several different games.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Valumar.331 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3260445/1/Valumar/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/3260445/Valumar Interest: Competitive League: Gold Other: I'm dedicated to getting better at the game. I'm online a lot and personable. I have Skype and would like to play against every race. I'm interested in finding consistent 1v1 practice partners and also a good 2v2 teammate to discuss strategies. Please only Gold League and higher!
Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: xswishaxward.218 Race: Random ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2870996/1/xswishaxward/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2870996/xswishaxward Interest: Competitive/Practice League: Plat Other: I'm looking for any players that want to help each other to improve. My goal for now is too reach Top 8 Master and have some various BOs for each matchups. My main race is Zerg but I am keeping an open mind about the races and playing random so I get a feel for the styles of gameplay each race gives. If you are interested you can msg me on Battlenet or on Skype: xswishaxwardx.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Qwaky. 327 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2072735/1/Qwaky/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/2072735/Qwaky Interest: Competitive League: Gold Other: I'm a friendly guys who is searching for practice partners that are willing to practice and talk about the game. I play at least 2 hours every day, alo I have been playing SC2 since season 2. All players higher then silver are welcome to add me See you ingame
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: GraY.126 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2914023/1/GraY/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/2914023/GraY Interest: Casual League: Bronze Other: Looking for practice partners to help me get to grips with the game (things like higher APM and unit counters). Friendly people who'll give honest criticism. Have skype and msn for contact.
[2nd edit] Got bumped down to bronze (rightly so).