Practice Partner Thread
Season 7
Season 7
To add an entry, reply to this thread. To modify an entry, edit your post. Do not post again. Only one entry per post. It is fine to make more than one post for you are "Team" interest in addition to Casual or Competitive. If you have more then one account, post more then once in the thread.
IMPORTANT!!!! Your post must match EXACTLY with format listed below. Please copy and past the below exactly in your post, and fill in your entries as needed. Consult the example post for valid entries. Anybodies post who is not valid will not be sorted by the script. If you mess up, please don't post again; edit your post until it is correct. The thread will be updated about once every three days. Thank you.
This thread will be purged at the beginning of each ladder season. If you want to participate for that season, you will have to post in the practice partners thread again.
Link to the previous ladder season, for reference:
Important, these entries must be filled in exactly as listed here. Each "field" must have a valid entry. If something is wrong in your post, like the spacing is wrong or something is capitalized strangely, the script will not sort you. So copy and past the template below and fill in your information. Last season, more than half of all people where never properly added to the thread, because their post wasn't formatted exactly right. So please, copy and paste the template exactly. Spelling matters! If you don't capitalize something that should be, or capitalize something that shouldn't be, that matters to!
Examples of things not to do. EVERYONE READ THIS:
casual/competitive is invalid. Pick ONE interest and spell it correctly.
Its AM server, not NA server.
mid gold is not a league. You are Gold. High Masters is not a league. You are Masters.Or whatever applies to you. If you haven't played the placement match, you are Bronze. So many people mess this up.
You have to include every line. Don't leave anything out. Don't mix up the order either. USE THE TEMPLATE!
YOUR POST MAY BE DELETED type up your post in an office program, or using a different font or something else, and then copy and paste it. Its technical stuff that has to do with the way the script reads characters. Please type your post in the post box and don't put any images or fonts in it. If your post trips up the script, I will have to ask a mod to edit or delete it for the good of the thread.
Look at the error log at the bottom of the thread. If your post isn't sorted, the error log will give you an idea of why. “Too few lines for all headers to be present” means you left something out. If your post has characters the script can't process (like you typed in word and copy and pasted it in, for example) it will generate an “other” error. Retype it in the TL post box.
If something is wrong with your post, edit your post. If you edit your post to the correct format, it will be sorted next time. If you need to change something in your post, edit your post. DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONCE IN THIS THREAD!!!!.
Despite my best efforts, about half of all of you will not post correctly and will not be sorted. That sucks. Read the thread, follow the format, and try and copy other users that got it right. Check back every once in a while after you post to make sure your post gets added. Remember to check the error log as well.
Server: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Your bnet ID and number
Race: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg
Interest: This is new to the practice partners thread. Competitive, Casual, or Team. Competitive players play a lot and have a lot of time to devote to serious practice. Causal is for people who can only practice occasionally, or just want to make friends. This includes noncompetitive teams. Team is for people looking for practice or partners for competitive team games. These are serious 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 players only.
Valid entries are Competitive, Casual, Team. Casual/Competitive is not valid and will not be sorted.
League: Master, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze.
Other: Extra info you want to add. Please limit this to two or three sentences. One paragraph only.
Server: AM
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: mothergoose.851
Race: Terran
Interest: Casual
League: Platinum
Other: Stuff about me.
Rules and other information:
+ Show Spoiler + identifier
Your identifier is a 3 digit character code. It uniquely identifies your name.
To find your identifier:
- Login to your SC2 account;
- Roll your mouse over your SC2 portrait, and the code will appear.
Your profile URL contains your up-to-date ladder standings. To find your profileURL:
- Goto:;
- Click on StarCraft II link;
- Login;
- At the top-right you will see your name and portrait - click it;
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your profileURL.
Your Sc2Ranks URL also contains your up-to-date ladder standings, but has a better API for automated interfacing. To find your Sc2RanksURL:
- Goto:
- Click on " URL" Tab
- Paste your ProfileURL (from above) into the " profile URL" box and click on "View"
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your Sc2RanksURL.
Important Rules
- If your post is missing too much information it won't be sorted. Try not to deviate too far from the example post.
- Only one entry per post. If you want to make multiple entries, you will need to make multiple posts.
Lying, Misrepresentation, & Abuses
Anyone using this thread for evil and nefarious purposes will not be allowed to participate. If you notice someone outright lying or using the information in this thread to cause trouble let me know via PM. Bannable information may be passed on to TL moderators or reported to blizzard staff if necessary.
AM Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (11) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Zushen
B.Net ID: AllAboutYou.123
Other: Would prefer if you had skype and could add me @zushen69 so we can talk while we play (im 13 btw)
TL ID: Fencer710
B.Net ID: Fencar.710
Other: I'll play with anyone Master League+. I'm currently working on mechanics at the moment while doing very standard build orders.Last edit: 2012-05-28 11:16:20
TL ID: Foogazi
B.Net ID: Fugazi.521
Other: Looking for HIGH MASTER/GM players for practice sessions (3+ games at a time)
TL ID: Heyren
B.Net ID: Heyren.394
Other: Pretty Low masters, looking for practice partners of my level (low masters) in all races, but i require the most help for TvP.
TL ID: MrFrozen
B.Net ID: MrFrozen.164
Other: 700pt Master Terran looking for Protoss partners to help me practice against cheese.
TL ID: Penecks
B.Net ID: Penecks.721
Other: Essentially a practice group of me and 2 other peeps looking for some P or Z to practice with (we are all T unfortunately) Skills range from Plat to Master, so looking for anyone in diamond - low master range. If you have Steam, please add me there instead as I'm sometimes playing on smurfs and it makes it easier to organize(search penecks). Thanks!
TL ID: radiantshadow92
B.Net ID: Wrath.749
Other: Hit me up and play a million games with me. Protoss players are especially welcome.
TL ID: SCXenocide
B.Net ID: Xenocide.432
Other: Lookin for anybody to grind T v X, willing to skype/vent/xf or w/e. Serious practice sessions are prefered please.Last edit: 2012-06-08 18:47:36
TL ID: Yoshi Kirishima
B.Net ID: Yoshi.855
Other: I'm mid masters with ~ 95% TvZ and ~ 80% TvT but with 10% TvP. I play Mech. In TvP sometimes I play Bio, and rarer Air. My Bio TvP games are usually really close, but I almost always lose on ladder. My Mech TvP usually end as a result of making a small mistake, and my wins come from the opponent not knowing how to respond well. Either way my TvP is horrible!
TL ID: Avril_Lavigne
B.Net ID: iPMeFTW 673
Other: High level terran, macro oriented. I play for Impressive Play. Looking for some strong consistent practice partners with an all around style. Any race is welcome
TL ID: kyun.
B.Net ID: kyun.935
Other: i could use prac against all races. looking to talk about things after games to get better. i don't mind helping people in lower leagues if you want to play. i have skype, axon. PM me whenever i usually play M-F sometime between 4-10pm. weekends are random times
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: wisedimple
B.Net ID: wisedimple.611
Other: Looking to improve all match ups, but specifically my TvP and TvT in standard games.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (19) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: AdroiT
B.Net ID: AdroiT.902
Other: Looking for all races to practice with. I'm mostly working on PvT right now, so Terrans are preferred. Don't message me if you just want to play 1 game. I'm looking for actual practice partners where we actually work on the match up.
TL ID: ClairvoyanceSC2
B.Net ID: Clairvoyance.893
Other: Looking for fun practice games, specifically looking for terran.Last edit: 2012-04-25 07:39:01
TL ID: -Cyrus-
B.Net ID: Cyrus.635
Other: Mid-High Master Protoss. Finished Top 8 in Season 6. I am only looking for TERRAN practice partners as I never lose in PvZ or PvP. My PvT is god awful and I am willing to sit down for several hours at a time and grind out games so I can learn the matchup. I am extremely bad at it, like, I lose every game. I would prefer to play against standard players but am willing to practice against non-standard builds too (though not for as long).Last edit: 2012-05-08 01:02:44
TL ID: DeusXmachina
B.Net ID: DeusXmachina.395
Other: Weakest against zerg and terran. All match-ups wanted. On from about 7-10 mtn time.
TL ID: dtmwerks
B.Net ID: Dtmwerks.575
Other: Mid masters often not getting enough practice in ladder due to wanting wins instead of long drawn out macro games. Willing to practice with any race.
TL ID: EscapingJail
B.Net ID: EscapingJail.860
Other: Truthfully I'm just looking for a nice group of players who use skype, or anyone just looking for someone to talk to on skype =D. I'm a pretty mannered and funny guy. I like to play practice games, My skype ID is EscapingJail. Feel free to message me there or pm me on TL.
TL ID: CrateCat
B.Net ID: Koloss.408
Other: Looking for help in any game, trying to refine my PvZ and PvP atm. Any help would be amazing. Skype would also be cool but is not needed
TL ID: Makuly
B.Net ID: Makuly.787
Other: Looking for practice partners midmasters+ for serious practice. I have skype /mic. Msg me on bnet or here! Last edit: 2012-04-11 21:50:21
TL ID: Shooz29
B.Net ID: Shooz.639
Other: Looking for someone willing to drill builds/maps/matchups, etc. and who would be down to discuss the games we play and look at replays and whatnot. All races are good! My PvZ is probably about is good as my PvT, but my PvP is lacking big-time.
TL ID: SoulWager
B.Net ID: Soulwager.969
Other: I'd like to practice against high masters of any race.
TL ID: SpiZe
B.Net ID: SpiZe.892
Other: Been a while since I have been playing seriously and I believe I am now ready to go back in. I'm still in shape but I don't play as much as I would like. I have a good PvT, decent PvP and horrible PvZ so I'm mainly looking for zergs but I would still enjoy having pratice partners for other races I have a skype but engrish isn't my native language.
TL ID: GeorgeTheGorge
B.Net ID: Vector.904
Other: Just looking for general practice/learning build orders.
TL ID: Vlare
B.Net ID: Vlare.870
Other: Looking for a high masters Terran (top 200 masters or GM). Don't need Z or P so please don't bother. Preferably someone who doesn't do all in every game.
TL ID: ocGMentalOne
B.Net ID: WNxMentalOne.567
Other: I'm pretty low in masters and not on that much but I'm always interested in learning and having fun. I'll play 1v1 but no teams please, I'm down to play anyone but only if I'm not laddering. If I'm in game I might wait until after game to respond.Last edit: 2012-04-19 06:55:50
TL ID: zoned8
B.Net ID: ZoneD8.956
Other: Just lookin for some practice
TL ID: Cartel
B.Net ID: cartel.677
Other: Protoss and Zerg player same level. Looking for practice in any matchup. Txt chat only.
TL ID: mewo
B.Net ID: mewo.335
Other: Looking for manner practice partners interested in longer series on the same map.
TL ID: philln12
B.Net ID: pHillniTOD.346
Other: Looking for active players to practice, hang out, and discuss the game with.
TL ID: piroko139
B.Net ID: piro.151
Other: Days I get to practice for a long while. Looking more for zerg practce partners over the other races, but I'm not particularly picky.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: durr
B.Net ID: Durrlol 963
Other: I am currently Casual because i do not have people to play with and my old practice group fell apart. I am currently lost in the meta game because i am coming back after 6 weeks but i am eager to start working on my play again now that summer is almost here.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (19) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: RustyThompson
B.Net ID:
Other: Low Masters Zerg looking for people who want to do a few games and discuss builds, the metagame, and suggestions for improvement. Feel free to PM me in game and say, Hi.
TL ID: Sigil
B.Net ID:
Other: Low masters looking for practice partners of any race to play many games.I have and like to use a mic to discuss games. Diamond+ Last edit: 2012-05-29 10:55:37
TL ID: KimJongChill
B.Net ID: Artoklasia.775
Other: Looking for masters practice partners to improve overall play. ZvT is best matchup, ZvP is okay, ZvZ is not so good...Should be online most days of the week late afternoon and night time.
TL ID: Chrono000
B.Net ID: Chrono.957
Other: Would like to practice against Terran mostly
TL ID: ErrorNA
B.Net ID: ErrorBMC.363
Other: looking to get better at the game. always.
TL ID: excellionx
B.Net ID: ExcellioN.745
Other: Looking to practice any matchup, primarily ZvZ and ZvPLast edit: 2012-04-29 10:23:51
TL ID: Exort
B.Net ID: Exort.844
Other: Lookin for people looking for serious practice sessions. Any league is fine if you're motivated and nice
TL ID: Hulkoff
B.Net ID: Hulkoff.923
Other: I'm lonely. I can also be found on EU Hulkoff.280
TL ID: HyperionDreamer
B.Net ID: IMNsCi.884
Other: Looking for serious practice partners who are willing to play repetitive games to improve. I'm on most weeknights and weekends, Eastern Time. Have Skype/Vent/Axon/etc. Message me anytime for games, any league if you're a nice person.
TL ID: InfectedGoat
B.Net ID: InfectedGoat.295
Other: Looking for any races (mid-high master) for practice. Reasonably flexible schedule, eastern time zone. Friend me in game or PM for details.
TL ID: kaizen281
B.Net ID: Kaizen.281
Other: Master Zerg looking for practice partners for S7 vs. any match up - willing to play as many games as possible/discuss strategies, analyze replays for further improvement.
TL ID: Lolpuma
B.Net ID: Lolpuma.710
Other: Looking for 1v1 mass games and practice
TL ID: sfynx929
B.Net ID: Osiris.935
Other: I need some practice with all matchups, I'm pretty friendly so just send me a message and lets do some games. I have vent/skype and I'm willing to use whatever else to stay in contact. Hope to hear from you all.
TL ID: imareaver3
B.Net ID: Retep.163
Other: Playing at a low-mid masters level; want practice partners of any race
TL ID: SpriteLove
B.Net ID: SpriteLove.478
Other: Just looking for some GGs so hit me up!Last edit: 2012-05-13 22:51:20
TL ID: StillAlive1025
B.Net ID: StillAlive.848
Other: Low master Zerg that recently switched from terran. Message me in game for some practice.Last edit: 2012-06-13 06:03:15
TL ID: Tendou
B.Net ID: Tendou.531
Other: My best mu is zvt. I am decent on my zvz. My zvp is my primary focus. I want to practice with anyone who has skype+mic and is willing to play games and analyze what went wrong so high diamonds, don't be afraid to talk to me ^^. I do want to learn zvp and Terrans or Zergs can come if they want more practice or want me to tell them what I know. Pacific Time here.
TL ID: xDuckyx
B.Net ID: abSxDucky.220
Other: Mid Masters Zerg that is looking for all races that are masters to practice with. I prefer to work on specific areas of a match up and will to grind out games if time allows. I'm on consistently 7-11 EST on weekdays and randomly on weekends. I have a mic and skype. Feel free to message me :D
TL ID: TheRabidDeer
B.Net ID: oSaVicious.442
Other: I have been pretty casual in my play, but I want to actually improve this season and maybe start to do well in playhem cups, so I am gonna play a bit more serious. Hoping mostly for terran and protoss practice partners. I do work 2 jobs, so generally only available after 5PM CST.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Danglars
B.Net ID: XiaoXiao.709
Other: Pretty much every matchup, particularly the Zerg and Terran ones. Use Skype, TL Teamspeak, Vent, Mumble. PM ME ON TEAMLIQUID /usually on ignore chat bnet/
TL ID: frontstab
B.Net ID: frontstab.215
Other: Looking for preferably random practice partners- high diamond to low masters. I want to practice all our 9 matchups together, and try some new strategies. I need to work on my ZvT, my PvZ and i'll help you with matchups too. Hopefully you can be on almost every day like I am. cheers ;D
TL ID: Grufzar
B.Net ID: grufzar.689
Other: looking for some people to help me improve my general game preferably have skype so we can chat discuss builds etc PLEASE ADD ME i play almost everyday :D
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (8) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Choboy
B.Net ID: Choboy.314
Other: Prefer versus against Zerg
TL ID: Esjihn
B.Net ID: Esjihn.205
Other: Just got my PC again im in Diamond with a high win streak and i play vs Masters that play for the CSL FSU team. Looking for some serious to comp to help me iron things out for MLG orlando and get me into high masters.
TL ID: Inty
B.Net ID: Iro.273
Other: Looking for general practice to improve and break into masters
TL ID: J-Nut
B.Net ID: Jnut.234
Other: I want to get to masters. Am looking to practice all 3 matchups, with some hardcore practice sessions.
TL ID: L1m3
B.Net ID: Kuro.599
Other: I'll usually be on after 4:30 PM PST weekdays, or anytime weekends. Any race is fine, I'm happy to work on something specific, or just play some games.Last edit: 2012-04-29 05:09:24
TL ID: DJMonday
B.Net ID: Shadowboxer.692
Other: Looking for competitive practice partners of any race. I'm use to and looking for serious practice sessions ranging from Bo5's to hours of pure practicing. No skype at the moment but will get it in the near future.
TL ID: Shikai
B.Net ID: Shikai.207
Other: Hello. I am aiming to get into masters division and primarily looking for Zerg and Protoss partners to play mass practice games, replay analysis/discussion, UMS(to work on army positioning/control), specific problem areas, and to help each other improve all around. I am on most days of the week usually for 4+ hours a day around 7am - 12pm and 6pm - 12am (pacific standard time).
TL ID: iTzSnypah
B.Net ID: iTzSnypah.932
Other: I don't play as much as I would like to.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (15) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Aries1066
B.Net ID: Aries.488
Other: Looking to practice all matchups. Skype screen name is Ariessc. Last edit: 2012-04-12 21:05:57
TL ID: etherealfall
B.Net ID: Brotoss.761
Other: Have been at the game for a few seasons, and looking to move up to high diamond/low masters or even beyond I generally play when I get time, but that might change in the next few weeks. Add me and hit me up for some games. Looking for anyone around the diamond skill level to verse and discuss the game(s). Thanks.Last edit: 2012-05-14 08:07:53
TL ID: Cham
B.Net ID: Cham.494
Other: Diamond Protoss looking for practice with all matchups. I am on often, but online at obscure times because currently not in America.
B.Net ID: GHjustnoob.920
Other: Feel free to ask for games anytime.Last edit: 2012-04-11 05:18:21
TL ID: TheHansBecker
B.Net ID: Hans.957
Other: Looking for Diamond Zerg and Terran Practice Partners to help practice and work our way to Masters.
TL ID: Fierco
B.Net ID: HeroicCookie.224
Other: I would just like to be able to hammer out non-ladder games against people who are good enough to help me improve. Preferably high diamond-masters.Last edit: 2012-04-12 10:48:35
TL ID: Hope`
B.Net ID: Hope.910
Other: Looking to play against any matchups to improve.
TL ID: MrHighlight
B.Net ID: MrHighlight.736
Other: I'm looking to improve and make masters of course, just like anybody else is. I'm usually on after 1AM est during weekdays and all day during weekends. I'm certainly willing to help others as well as listen to advice from others. Also willing to help out lower league players who feel they need assistance :D
TL ID: Nate19
B.Net ID: Nate.1717
Other: Looking for a Zerg player (mid-high diamond) for practices sessions 1-2 times a week. Would also be interested in a Terran practice partner. Reasonably flexible schedule, eastern time zone. Please have skype. Friend me in game or PM for details.
TL ID: jader
B.Net ID: PaulB.793
Other: I started this game in Bronze, with no RTS experience, and am now high Diamond. Looking to play against all races against high Platinum/Diamond/Masters players. Interested in post-game analysis and discussion. I play a lot (mostly after 10pm on weekdays, and morning to afternoon on weekends). Come find me!Last edit: 2012-04-18 11:36:48
TL ID: NullRift
B.Net ID: Solaire.561
Other: Would prefer Diamond and Masters players
TL ID: Supergloo
B.Net ID: Supergloo.792
Other: Looking for Diamond level players to practice with (Any Matchup). Would very much appreciate PvP mirror match practice currently. Message in game or leave a PM on here. Last edit: 2012-05-09 05:59:23
TL ID: Playcorp
B.Net ID: Theory.226
Other: I'm looking for high diamond+ to focus on grinding individual matchups for practice as much as possible. I'm online almost 24/7 and dedicated. Also have Skype/TS3/Vent if needed.
TL ID: ineversmile
B.Net ID: ineversmile.950
Other: I'm interested in any practice I can possibly get; trying to break through to Masters and keep going. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get better.
TL ID: volume709
B.Net ID: volumez.208
Other: I am all for practicing with anyone but i mostly need help with pvp and pvp, I also have skype but unless you have it we dont need to use it.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Mikelius
B.Net ID: Mikelius.120
Other: I would like to get together with some dudes to practice my PvP primarily, PvZ would be nice too. I do have Skype.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (20) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Andromedan
B.Net ID: Andromeda.692
Other: Looking to do 1v1s, on most days, have skype. Looking to improve on all matchups, would appreciate supportive partners who can provide insightful feedback.
TL ID: Greenhit
B.Net ID: Angryzerg.860
Other: Friendly outgoing Zerg player playing at Mid-High Diamond mmr (havent seen a low master yet :/) very interested in community and being part of an active team. Have participated in 2 Daywalkers and made it to Semi-Finals twice. Now that im back in diamond focusing on the push to masters, also very interested in coaching and assisting lower level players! Feel free to contact on here or in game! Good huntin!
TL ID: taylorcameron
B.Net ID: Cameron.436
Other: Looking for practice partners. Don’t care what race. Looking to get better. Message me anytime. Thanks.
TL ID: Coldfire14
B.Net ID: ColdfireCpZ. 846
Other: Looking to get better and get players to play with out clan who will challenge us daily. We do 1v1 obs most nights to point out each others flaws and get better. Looking for help doing Stephano's build for any good zergs.
TL ID: .ImpacT.
B.Net ID: Dagyr.473
Other: Not sure if I'm diamond or mid-low masters, only have about 10 games played on this account and in mid diamond. Looking for alll matchups, trying to get better after a long break. Used to be high masters protoss, switched to zerg on a new account to have a fresh startLast edit: 2012-06-06 01:39:25
TL ID: ProVoneX
B.Net ID: Esoteric.878
Other: Looking for people to play regular practice games, any league is good. Skype = provonex
TL ID: vdinc
B.Net ID: GosuSeptu.327
Other: I can skype
TL ID: bropedo
B.Net ID: IMakeVikings.897
Other: Will play against any race, preferably plat+, send me a message and lets get started! **(Can also be found on CaseyAnthony.801)
TL ID: Triyence
B.Net ID: Iridescent.595
Other: Currently a top 8 diamond Zerg and looking to strengthen my ZvP matchup, will play all match-ups though. Goal is to get to Masters.
TL ID: ryanr1230
Other: I've recently been getting stuck in all match-ups except ZvT, and 2 base Protoss pushes just destroy me.
TL ID: TheLindyHop
B.Net ID: LindyHop.859
Other: I want to practice opening builds, and see how they turn out. Also want to practice macro and micro at the same time (all-in-ish things). Hit me up on skype: LPrestonSegoIIILast edit: 2012-05-23 12:50:54
TL ID: EnhancedZ
B.Net ID: Sacrilege.523
Other: Looking for active players of any race to practice against! I am on from 6pm-11pm CST weekdays and various times through out the weekend. I use skype, mumble and vent (In-cse you favor any one of those.) Currently my strongest match up is ZvT, and weakest is ZvZ. Looking to practice vs. all races however. Looking to improve and help others in the community as well. Hit me up for games anytime.
TL ID: LiteCore
B.Net ID: Success.581
Other: Don't be shy and hit me up for some practice games, I'll try to make my self available
TL ID: eXeZara
B.Net ID: Zarakel.876
Other: Looking for people to help me improve overall with my play vs all 3 match-ups. I am on most nights just send me a PM and I'm generally ready to play.
TL ID: blackmang
B.Net ID: grack.633
Other: I play on weekends, just send me a message on Skype if I'm not on SC2 and we can get a game going. Looking to share strategies and point out each other's flaws - would love open-minded individuals who are constantly looking to improve. All races welcome. I don't have a mic so hopefully you are comfortable just text-chatting. Last edit: 2012-04-23 04:28:44
TL ID: hc8803
B.Net ID: iHam.724
Other: Looking to play some practice games with Diamond/Master. I am pretty even in all match ups but looking to improve.
TL ID: Noritzu
B.Net ID: iNxNoritzu.745
Other: Looking for masters players to practice with, any race is great though id prefer terrans
TL ID: 0versight
B.Net ID: set.626
Other: Looking for long practice mass games, any race. msg me anytime I would rather practice then ladder.
TL ID: Trinz
B.Net ID: trinz.772
Other: Want to get out of diamond this season. Looking for people from any race to play against who are committed. I have a mumble server and skype.
TL ID: xNBrisingr
B.Net ID: xNBrisingr.108
Other: Will play with you whenever I'm online, prefer to do nice long hardcore practice sessions! I'd like if you had skype too so we can chat about strategy, etc. skype id: mani_diazLast edit: 2012-04-26 01:25:28
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Fimbul
B.Net ID: Fimbul.849
Other: Looking to get into high diamond by the end of the year. Playing roughly 5-12 hours a weekLast edit: 2012-05-27 11:22:10
TL ID: z33kCadence
B.Net ID: Sage.580
Other: Originally a Zerg player, switched to Random to get a feel for the other races (I don't cheese ). Zerg is definitely my strongest race still, trying to get a better grasp on playing Terran but willing to practice any match-up.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (12) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Beezleking
B.Net ID: Anori.146
Other: Weak in TvZ and TvT. Alright vs P.
TL ID: TheRealDudeMan
B.Net ID: DudeMan.346
Other: I'm on alot and am open to any league as long as you are willing to improve. I am a Macro Terran mostly and I have skype. Hit me up in-game or message me on here. Hope to see you soon. gl hf :D
B.Net ID: Enjoinismo. 952
Other: Looking for an active player to play with, any rank/race is fine. As long as your willing to learn together, have fun, crack a few jokes while playing and progressing together. Skype/Vent is a plus.
TL ID: Maticus
B.Net ID: Maticus.375
Other: Looking for all races for serious practice. Will only accept invites from people plat and above. Have skype, social networking, etc etc.
TL ID: dLNeophyte
B.Net ID: Neophyte.973
Other: Looking for people to train with to become an overall better player. Any league is fine . I have Skype and Vent. Im looking for any race as they I'm equally bad against them all! Hope you add me i will be willing to play anytime.
B.Net ID: Ouch.909
Other: Looking for practice with all matchups.. looking for people to practice with regularly and talk strat/feedback. have skype..
TL ID: thecondog3000
B.Net ID: Roflcopter.359
Other: Yo guys. I just got into Platinum and would like to practice all matchups, but particularly TvZ, which is my worst by far. I'm currently in Europe, so I'll be on Battle Net in the late afternoons or evenings U.S. time, but anyone Gold-Diamond is welcome to message me and play some matches on Bnet.
TL ID: Odds
B.Net ID: Skollar.172
Other: Need practice, I'm bad
TL ID: Smackzilla
B.Net ID: Smackzilla.760
Other: I'm really looking for a zerg practice partner, and I am happy to help a zerg practice whatever they like. I personally want to start praticing 2-base timings and marine-tank mid-game vs. ling bling muta and also infestor play. I'm happy to use voice or text for communication. Prefer a partner willing to discuss strategy and ways to improve. Work 8-5 mountain time, so nights and weekends are best for me. That all said, I am open to terran and protoss partners as well. Happy to schedule practice sessions ahead of time; I'm kind of busy too. Open to partners who are high gold or higher.
B.Net ID: Ugly.731
Other: I get to play very little; grinding 10 games or so in a row for one match-up really helps me. TvP is BY FAR my best match-up because it is the only one I have practiced. PM me if you want to grind some ZvT or TvT.
TL ID: XenoJesus
B.Net ID: XenoJeezus.795
Other: Looking to practice via skype to discuss strategies and games played. Eastern time zone. All matchups and styles.
TL ID: GunHogz
B.Net ID: iGGunHogz.502
Other: Looking to get better as terran, I just switched couple days ago and I want to get masters^^
Casual (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: CastSly
B.Net ID: CastSly 415
Other: Just a casual player trying to improve my game. I usually only play 1v1, and I'm having trouble in TvZ =P
TL ID: Josep
B.Net ID: Josep.978
Other: Mostly practicing macro; happy to help others practice. Off-race as Protoss, but my macro isn't nearly as good with them.
TL ID: meditor
B.Net ID: Meditor.996
Other: marinesLast edit: 2012-04-28 12:08:08
TL ID: PauseBreak
B.Net ID: PauseBreak.366
Other: I switched to Terran for Season 7. Looking for 1's practice partners from any race and/or skill level. Whisper me and I'd be glad to play some games. Have a coach? That's fine! I have one too.
TL ID: Shrean
B.Net ID: Roadrunner.305
Other: Just message me if you'd like to practice some.
TL ID: Scoobasteve
B.Net ID: Scoobasteve.991
Other: Playing in my free time, looking to have fun and get better at the same time. I'm willing to do crazy builds or styles if you want to practice, but I usually play Mech TvZ/TvT, Bio TvP.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (16) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: heto
B.Net ID: Brotoss.249
Other: Diamond Zerg switching to Protoss, need to practice all match-ups to get used to mechanics. Prefer Gold - DIamond. I am able practice Zerg vs Anything as well for people who want that. It is easier to contact me on Skype, so if you're a dedicated player PM me for it.Last edit: 2012-04-13 02:50:16
TL ID: Detheus
B.Net ID: Detheus. 223
Other: Looking for all match ups right now and a good solid practice partner
TL ID: Ecocide
B.Net ID: Ecocide.130
Other: Any league welcome! Looking for someone to practice against and also willing to help out anyone i can if needed! ^^ Any race welcome!Last edit: 2012-04-14 16:58:43
TL ID: Tem
B.Net ID: Gator.103
Other: Am looking to really solidify my mechanics and macro in all 3 match ups. Any league works for me. Anytime I'm on give me a whisper and I'll be happy to play.Last edit: 2012-05-01 03:54:25
TL ID: Midnightnos
B.Net ID: Hatman.161
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races. Just started doing Multiplayer, so all leagues are welcome.Last edit: 2012-04-20 09:30:47
TL ID: JamesArk
B.Net ID: James.732
Other: Down for any sort of practice, any race. Looking to get as far as possible on the ladder over the summer so I'll be playing a lot. On every day, also always on Skype.
TL ID: HacksAreForTheWeak
B.Net ID: Kittycrusher.493
Other: I mainly struggle and want to practice against Zerg, however i'm never against practicing against the other races because I never know what race becomes strong against me as i rank up . Pretty friendly guy, and i enjoy watching replays with practice partners for assisted developement on both ends.
TL ID: Nuclease
B.Net ID: LGsPareOh.653
Other: Playing at high Plat level (little slump from trying Terran). Looking to improve and practice seriously with people willing to give and take criticism.Last edit: 2012-05-29 02:48:46
TL ID: ShoesMcFace
B.Net ID: Lyarii.253
Other: I am looking for a competitive practice partner, willing to help each other as much as possible. Zerg is my weakest matchup but would love any sort of practice!
TL ID: MikeDitka
B.Net ID: MikeDitka.666
Other: Looking for any willing practice partners, especially zerg!
B.Net ID: PcH.298
Other: I am a Platinum Protoss looking for serious practice partners. Any race, preferably low Platinum and up. I really need help with PvZ. I have Skype. I'm usually on BNet between 9 PM and 12 AM EST.Last edit: 2012-06-08 01:49:52
TL ID: ToiToi
B.Net ID: UTorShaman.169
Other: Looking for practice partner with a microphone for Skype. I like to do analysis the games we play. I am looking for any race to practice against. Please PM me here so we can set up times and what not. You can also message me in game but please PM me first so I have a record of you as a practice partner . Looking to get into Diamond this season.Last edit: 2012-04-21 10:25:14
TL ID: Vellyad
B.Net ID: Vellyad.507
Other: Need practice in all matchups
TL ID: toxwaste
B.Net ID: alyosha.476
Other: Just looking for some people to talk strategy as I'm still fairly new to sc2.
TL ID: drazak
B.Net ID: drazak.407
Other: Looking to break into Masters this season, looking for mid-high plats to masters players to work with, have skype and can install any other communications programs, east coast but high availability at west coast hours. Considering getting accounts on other servers in the future. Contact me on BNet or TL message
TL ID: starfox0_0
B.Net ID: starfox.150
Other: Currently available after 7pm ET
Casual (8) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: Branes.682
Other: Hey yall just trying to get to diamond recently from silver making vast improvements. will play any matchup multliple games will do specific builds just trying to get some practice in yo. also into team ladder games. thanksLast edit: 2012-04-16 14:39:45
TL ID: Bacon-
B.Net ID: Chan.709
Other: Platinum protoss, have been since I started playing the game. Took a break for a bit and now getting back in to it. I also like to do 2's/3's just randoming for fun when not in the mood for 1v1 games. I would like to practice all match-ups I don't think I'm overly strong in either one just decent in all 3.
TL ID: GrayStache
B.Net ID: Gray.635
Other: Looking for a Zerg, Terran, Protoss partner (ordered by importance). Interested in friendly matches to help us both improve gamesense, macro, exposure to different timings, etc...
TL ID: spoonmaster
B.Net ID: Spoonmaster.805
Other: I'm a casual SC2 player looking to seriously improve my game over the next few months, and make some friends along the way! Interested in playing against all races! I keep up to date with MLG, GSL, and most major tournaments. Feel free to message me anytime!
TL ID: VinLi11
B.Net ID: Vincent.342
Other: Main race is Protoss, just reached platinum this season. I also play Terran/Zerg (probably at a gold level), and willing to practice any matchup, any race. Looking for casual practice partners who are looking to improve game mechanics, practice build orders, try new builds etc. I mostly play 20:00-22:00 PST. on weekdays, and varies on weekends. Feel free to add me!
TL ID: cBot
B.Net ID: cBot.284
Other: Keen to practice v any matchup
TL ID: GalDiator
B.Net ID: gladiator.617
Other: Looking for gold/plat partner any race prefereblay a nice person Last edit: 2012-05-05 11:50:31
TL ID: xDnDx
B.Net ID: xDnDx.719
Other: Ultimate goal is to make masters and play competitively, however my current schedule only allows so much time to play so I will list myself as casual. Mostly looking for Z partners, but I'll practice with anyone. Hit me up on if you want to play
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (20) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: BionicWaffle
B.Net ID: BionicWaffle.683
Other: Looking for serious people who are looking to overall improve their game. I do have skype/teamspeak for anyone that wants to talk about gameplay/replays
TL ID: BossPlaya
B.Net ID: BossPlaya.345
Other: I stream on a regular basis. Looking for high plat/diamond players to help me with my game.
TL ID: Chiief
B.Net ID: Chiief.606
Other: Looking for a high plat/diamond player of any race to run through many games and learn new strategies. Can use skype.
TL ID: Czechpls
B.Net ID: Czechpls.251
Other: Looking for practice partners at or above my level. I also teach guitar lessons and work in the music industry.
TL ID: Czechpls
B.Net ID: Czechpls.251
Other: Looking for practice partners at or above my level. I also teach guitar lessons and work in the music industry.
TL ID: Demx
B.Net ID: Dem.365
Other: Looking for any race, any league is fine
TL ID: Qordis
B.Net ID: Drone.630
Other: I'm EST, and open to sometimes peculiar hours of practice. Looking for any race and anything Plat and above to practice with. PM me in game and we can skype or something when we practice.
TL ID: kasuia
B.Net ID: Kasuia.266
Other: I'm lookig for practice partners wanting deliberate practice over and over. ZvT is my worst match. ZvP I think is the best.
TL ID: knyghtmar3
B.Net ID: Knyghtmare.258
Other: Looking for a lot of practice with all races and from players on the same level as me and also above me.
TL ID: Lightshedder
B.Net ID: Lightshedder.635
Other: Hello all, i am looking for practice partners to help me with my goal of getting to masters this season i would like to accomplish getting into Diamond so it would be very generous if any diamond and or high plat players of all races practice with me and work out certain kinks and flaws in builds and what not all the good stuff that makes you a better player okay thanks bye
TL ID: Servius_Fulvius
B.Net ID: PoweRThirsT.314
Other: Playing 5 ladder games a day improving macro and build order efficiency. Seeking either (a) Plat/Diamond (any race) to practice against a variety of strategies to improve reactions and macro in-game or (b) lower plat/gold (any race) that want to practice for improvement against someone slightly better than them. I'm very friendly, try to find the best teaching/learning, and will probably pull you into a skype call which may or may have masters league players, my little brothers, or my girlfriend! Last edit: 2012-04-24 01:19:05
TL ID: RequiemAe
B.Net ID: Requiem.668
Other: Looking for any Plat/Diamond players to practice with. I have skype and all those other programs that people use.
TL ID: Sats
B.Net ID: Sats.927
Other: Looking to improve across the board, prefer to play those higher than me, but don't mind helping anyone out.
TL ID: Apollo_Shards
B.Net ID: Shard. 379
Other: Looking for plat players. I would like any Zerg or Protoss players. Also Terrans that drop a lot would be appreciated! I would love to have people who have good multitasking. I have skype if needed. As long as you are nice and willing to work together we should have a good time!Last edit: 2012-05-20 01:29:27
TL ID: T3ap0tt
B.Net ID: Teapott.616
Other: I have Skype and Vent. Interested in playing fellow Plats to work on race specific strategies. I don't prefer any over the other but I'd like to play several games in a row at a time.
TL ID: Vostok
B.Net ID: ZrrgGrrl.805
Other: Hi! I haven't played too much since the beta, a few games every season or so, but I'd really like to get back into it! Looking for anyone plat, gold, or diamond that could just play a few games every day or so, for fun and practice, so I can be confident enough to ladder a lot again. I have all major VOIP programs, and am available most days from noon to 4am or so. Hit me up. :3Last edit: 2012-05-27 13:28:24
TL ID: CounterPLop
B.Net ID: counterPLop.300
Other: Looking for higher level practice partner to improve.
TL ID: plants
B.Net ID: plants.122
Other: Working towards getting back in Diamond, and ultimately Masters. Looking for practice against all races. Super friendly, hit me up in game and lets play some matches. Platinum – Masters.Last edit: 2012-04-17 14:28:56
TL ID: tjtombo
B.Net ID: sTsCaboose.381
Other: I want to get better. I will play with anyone of any race, plat or higher preferably. PM my on sc2 if ur interested. (i have skype)
TL ID: steelcurtain09
B.Net ID: xOsteel.114
Other: I am currently Plat, but I hope to get to Diamond relatively early. I prefer to do at least 3 games together instead of just 1. I do not have any set times that I will be on, but if you see me on just message me. If I'm up for it I will play.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: oMgPonies
B.Net ID: Condor.321
Other: Zerg main, Protoss off race. Looking for another gold/plat zerg protoss and terran player to add to my list of consistent practice partners. Currently have about 5 or 6 people who all work together and we're looking to expand. We play most weeknights and often throughout the weekend. We also group up in LOL from time to time. We're pretty darn cool. Hit me up!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Saccian
B.Net ID: Saccian.422
Other: I'm tired of being Gold I think. Looking for more practice partners to help fine tune my play. Thinking I will likely spend most of my time with Zerg this season but am willing to practice any match-up. If interested please message me in game or on here works too.Last edit: 2012-05-07 07:07:29
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: SpaceCowboy7
B.Net ID: SpaceCowboy.143
Other: Looking for games to improve and to help others improve and just to have fun. Pacific time zone.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (14) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Adrenaline1001
B.Net ID: Adrenaline.468
Other: I'm looking for as many players who are willing to play, anyone ranked higher than me is preferred. I'd really like players who can give good feedback to me and I'll do my best to reciprocate. I have some communication programs such as skype and raidcall and can download any others if it is more convenient.
TL ID: Blargle
B.Net ID: BlargleSMD.270
Other: High gold terran player looking for good mannered players to play against and get better at the game. I do have skype for anyone who likes to talk about their game play and what not ^^ Last edit: 2012-04-12 09:56:16
TL ID: Chooski
B.Net ID: Chooski.904
Other: Relatively new to RTS games. Looking for practice partners to further my win rate on ladder, understand game mechanics, and develop strategic thinking in tough situations. I have vent and skype if youd like to chat while we play our games together. Im available during the weekend and on weekdays after 9pm pst, and will often play into the wee hours of the morning haha. ADD ME! :D
TL ID: curryjl
B.Net ID: Curryjl.148
Other: Looking to improve my game play!
TL ID: DangerAl
B.Net ID: DangerAl.839
Other: Gold terran looking to improve in all matchups.
TL ID: HeroMystic
B.Net ID: HeroMystic.745
Other: I'm CST and in college. Available in the morning until 11:00, then available around 5:00 in the evening. Currently fighting Plats.
TL ID: Twilight_Archon
B.Net ID: Nerdrage.848
Other: Just recently promoted from Silver, I'd like help in all my match ups. I have Skype/Vent if needed.
TL ID: Ozonne
B.Net ID: Ozone.169
Other: Friendly guy with a lot of free time, looking for competitive players (race doesnt matter) to practice hard and get better, Preferably people with mics and people willing to use ventrilo/mumble/TS/etc Im active all week specially at nights. (League doesnt really matter either)
TL ID: Riev
B.Net ID: Riev.803
Other: I need some people to help me work on proper BOs and standard defenses, as well as to bounce ideas and strategies off of. I have Skype and other various methods of communication, I just want to get better and be part of the community!Last edit: 2012-04-16 13:36:55
B.Net ID: TWR.384
Other: Looking to practice TvT and TvZ. Online mostly during the day, less in the evenings.
TL ID: VBxGatsby
B.Net ID: VBxGatsby.487
Other: Gold terran looking for low plats and other golds. Any race is fine.
TL ID: inerd
B.Net ID: iNerd.268
Other: Gold Terran looking to improve gameplay. A partner of any race is appreciated, who is gold or higher. Skype would be a plus.
TL ID: RoboBob
B.Net ID: robobob.151
Other: Looking for people who want to play specific matchups for 2+ hours on weekends (TvT, TvZ, TvP). I play bio TvT, mech TvZ, sky TvP. I have a mike, skype, and ventrilo.Last edit: 2012-05-29 00:35:03
TL ID: sixtynine
B.Net ID: sixtynine.422
Other: Looking for people for some practice. I've got skype and ventrilo. I'd like to practice against all 3 races. Random player would be awesome =]
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Tyrian
B.Net ID: Tyrian.636
Other: Trying to beat ladder fear by becoming more comfortable with the game. I watch about 5 times more Starcraft content than I play, and I'd like to switch this ratio around by becoming more comfortable in all matchups. Making friends (have skype) in the process is never an issue.
TL ID: sadwings
B.Net ID: sadwings.875
Other: Looking for 1 v 1 practice, need to work on picking a game plan for different matchups/scenarios and carrying it out. Have Skype and such.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (11) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: applepielon
B.Net ID: ApplePielon.342
Other: Looking for people to practice with seriously. Ideally I would like partners around mid-high platinum or higher, as those are the opponents I face on ladder.
TL ID: charlie187
B.Net ID: Chosias.172
Other: Looking to improve and get out from Gold league as fast as i can. i have just 2 months on the game but i want to jump higher in this year!. looking for other gold players and higher than i any match up on the nights every day and weekend nights.
TL ID: charlie187
B.Net ID: Chosias.172
Other: Looking to improve and get out from Gold league as fast as i can. i have just few months on the game but i want to jump higher in this year!. looking for other gold players and higher than i any match up on the nights every day and weekend nights.
TL ID: [DekAr]
B.Net ID: DekAr.262
Other: want to start playing less UMS and more melee games, including laddering more this season (3 games in season 6, TT). i've got skype too, just message me on sc2 or PM me on TL for itLast edit: 2012-04-13 07:05:21
TL ID: drakhl
B.Net ID: Drakhl.335
Other: Looking for gold/plat+ practice partners of any race. I am trying to push myself to improve, and I plan to make diamond by the end of the year. I have a mic, skype as well as my own teamspeak server . I'm capable of playing any strategy or build, my main problem as of late has been lack of motivation and I'm hoping to solve that with some solid practice sessions.
B.Net ID: ENS.580
Other: top 8 gold looking to go plat soon. will play any matchup multiple games. also down for 2v2 3v3 or 4v4
TL ID: jln1221
B.Net ID: Jln.333
Other: Would like a practice partner to work on different strategies and improve together. Would prefer Platinum league if possible but Gold would also work. I have skype etc..
TL ID: Signals
B.Net ID: Rivers.889
Other: Played Terran up into mid/high Diamond league. Got bored and started a new account to play Toss which got placed in gold because I'm awful at the race. Friendly/Mannered 99.9% of the time! Perfectly willing to play T or P for practice purposes if need be.
TL ID: djSetz3R
B.Net ID: SetzeR.456
Other: Hi! I am an audio engineer by profession, so my work schedule takes top priority. I also produce electronic dance music, therefore, my time is limited. Casual Competitive, more than just competitive means I would like to play with a competitive spirit in mind, looking to improve as always, but can't devote mountains of hours into the game. Let's improve together when I'm online! Most of my days I spend at the studio I'm mixing or working on my own projects, that way when I get home I focus on Starcraft! Please add me, hit me up ANYTIME I'm online I'd love to play, thank you . vs ALL RACES!Last edit: 2012-04-17 13:05:54
TL ID: Valumar
B.Net ID: Valumar.331
Other: I'm dedicated to getting better at the game. I'm online a lot and personable. I have Skype and would like to play against every race. I'm interested in finding consistent 1v1 practice partners and also a good 2v2 teammate to discuss strategies. Please only Gold League and higher!Last edit: 2012-05-17 16:17:23
TL ID: justin2net
B.Net ID: wotan.992
Other: Playing a LOT. Usually play between 2 PM to 3-4 AM PST. Been playing since season 1 (diamond 1v1), off for seasons 3, 4 and 5. Looking to practice all matchups 1v1. PM me any time. Skype Mumble.Last edit: 2012-05-08 05:31:40
Casual (4) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: ENS.580
Other: top 8 gold looking to go plat soon. will play any matchup multiple games. also down for 2v2 3v3 or 4v4
TL ID: RichardNixon
B.Net ID: RichardNixon.821
Other: I play 4-10 games/week with the occasional glut. Starting to face mostly platinums on ladder. I'd also be up for arranged team LoL as long as we use voice chat.
TL ID: Umberto96
B.Net ID: Umberto.650
Other: I'm just looking for some laid back 1v1 practice to learn more, have some fun, and maybe make a few friends. Getting old sucks, so I'm not able to play nearly as much as I want to. But I'm usually online mornings/afternoons (Eastern time) and a night or two a week.
TL ID: WinterKen
B.Net ID: Winter.918
Other: Trying to improved and possibly become competitive.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (16) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Breeceey
B.Net ID: Breece.878
Other: Trying to improve up to the Platinum level by the end of May. Already reached my goal of Gold league for season 7 :D
TL ID: BrokenTV
B.Net ID: Broken.372
Other: I used to be high gold, took a long break and got placed into platnum, I am playing versus rank 1 silvers thought. Looking to play vs Bronze, silver, gold to practice my macro. ( Season 8 I got demoted back to gold, still looking for people to play with)Last edit: 2012-06-13 06:40:29
TL ID: DrNinja
B.Net ID: DrNinja.918
Other: Looking for some active players of any race to practice against. Any league is fine. Have skype and headset.
TL ID: Flipsyde
B.Net ID: Flipsyde.733
Other: Looking for serious practice partners. On all the time willing practice with Gold - Diamond. Also Skype would be nice to discuss strategy.Last edit: 2012-04-24 05:24:07
TL ID: HappyMiku
B.Net ID: HappyMiku.582
Other: I bought starcraft like a week after it came out. But, I haven't been able to play competitive till a month or so ago. Now that I'M late and just getting serious and on top of that starting a New race I need someone else to train against. I'M fine with any league from bronze to Grand MaSter as long as you are motivated to play and Nice. I have Skype a headset and a working mic if needed.Last edit: 2012-05-06 07:22:15
TL ID: Mattson
B.Net ID: Mattson.956
Other: I'm pretty new to Starcraft; two months now. I want to get better at this game. Even though I'm Gold I feel like low Bronze. I've got a microphone if necessary. I just want people to play with.
TL ID: SilentCrono
B.Net ID: Methos.795
Other: Shoot me an email ( or message me on bnet if you wanna play some games. I'm on a lot.
TL ID: motlycys
B.Net ID: Mot.279
Other: I play two nights as week: Tues and Wed, 7-10p PST. I also play mornings 8-8:30a PST. Looking to learn timings, counters. Really struggling with mid-game to end-game strategy.
TL ID: QuantumChaos
B.Net ID: QuantumChaos.200
Other: Zerg player looking to promote to plat, fairly decent Protoss if you would like to practice against Toss as well. Online Sunday-Tuesday between 10p EST and 1amEST, Wednesdays pretty much from 6pm-1am EST. Thurs/Fri/Sat I don't play much, if at all.
TL ID: Ranger13
B.Net ID: Ranger. 654
Other: I will play with any race, but i need some major help in ZvZ, i am not looking for someone who i can beat, i am looking for someone who would not mind playing a few matches back to back so i can learn
TL ID: RequiemAe
B.Net ID: Requiem.668
Other: Looking for any Gold/Plat player to practice with. I have skype and all those other programs that people use.
TL ID: SlintLing
B.Net ID: Slint.128
Other: I'm usually on PST evenings 7pm-10pm. Friday/Saturday/Sunday times are random. I'm probably not a top 8 gold. I'm just in a new gold league, so the points aren't high. Would like to practice with any protoss, terran, or zergs. Especially protoss. Would like to play 1v1 custom games to practice off ladder.Last edit: 2012-04-23 12:17:26
TL ID: byFar
B.Net ID: byFar.474
Other: Looking for some practice sessions.
TL ID: daernac
B.Net ID: daernac.993
Other: First season i start taking this more serious, really want to get into diamond by next season. I play mostly at night time, but i might start playing in the morning, depending on work/school schedule.
TL ID: finding
B.Net ID: finding.594
Other: I'm interested in improving, but am more than happy to help anyone as best I can. I've got the skype if anyone's interested. Message me in game or here.Last edit: 2012-04-17 15:16:49
TL ID: juicybubble
B.Net ID: juicybubble.195
Other: I need some practice partners (silver to plat) to grind out games and BOs. I have Skype and TS; just message me on SC2 or PM me on TL for infos.Last edit: 2012-06-12 03:27:18
Casual (8) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Valeranth
B.Net ID: Brandon.1823
Other: I used to be high diamond in the first season on a second account. But due to work and school was unable to keep this. Have not done my placement matches yet but would say I'm gold maybe a bit better, if I should change this to unraked please tell me. Looking for any race. Skype is available.Last edit: 2012-04-25 02:51:03
B.Net ID: CGO.731
Other: Casual amont of playtime with a competitive attitude towards the game. Looking to make friends and practice with anyone from any league. Also into shooting, M:TG, Computer Science, and Game of Thrones XD. EST but drop me a line any time I'm online. Can Skype and Vent as well.Last edit: 2012-04-13 02:28:59
B.Net ID: ENS.580
Other: recently switched to zerg. need help with any matchup. also into team games
TL ID: _Eagle
B.Net ID: Eagle.191
Other: Looking to socialize a bit, make some friends. I obviously want to improve, but having fun is more important to me.
TL ID: hgclowns
B.Net ID: HGClowns.663
Other: Switched from Terrain to Zerg this season, I also enjoy to play Random quite a bit. Looking to do some 1v1 practice and get used to playing Zerg. I'm an old fart with kids so older players are esp welcome. Also enjoy playing 2v2,3v3,4v4 if anyone wants to create a team. I'm usually on nights 10pm-12pm Est -4:00 GMT. I usually don't do voice since the family is sleeping.
TL ID: omisa
B.Net ID: IpA.459
Other: Looking for people to practice with. Any league is fine.
TL ID: Kolbenito
B.Net ID: Kolbenito.516
Other: I am looking for practice on Saturday afternoons. I am looking for fierce and friendly practice partners interested in polishing their game (and mine) for advancement into platinum and beyond.
TL ID: PiraticaL
B.Net ID: PiraticaL.355
Other: Usually play after 8PM EST. Need practice against Protoss (4 gates, 2 and 3 base death balls etc), Terran (Heavy mech, banshee rush etc), and anything ZvZ. I can use skype if needs be. I don't mind playing higher leagues.Last edit: 2012-05-08 11:17:16
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: allwyn
B.Net ID: Allwyn.674
Other: Looking for people for serious practice. I am stuck in silver and I do not understand why. I have skype I'm willing to learn.Last edit: 2012-05-26 03:49:40
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (8) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Lumphomoid
B.Net ID: Aarna.738
Other: I've been training hard over the past week i've gotten the game and moved from bronze to silver. At the end of the season I was playing mostly golds, so I should be ranked up again a little more into the season. I have skype and teamspeak, but I want to work hard all the way to the top. I'm not one to get angry over losses and blame others or blame lag, I look at myself first and foremost and fix my problems. I want any partner (league and skill doesn't matter) that's willing to climb to the top with me, through hard work and determination.
TL ID: AliasEight
B.Net ID: AliasEight.535
Other: Looking for a high silver/gold player to play against, I'm looking to get my mechanics perfect and someone to practice micro against. Goal is to get to Masters, looking for someone with a similiar goal with interest in a lot of practice.
TL ID: CelloX
B.Net ID: Cello.510
Other: I am looking for practice members, coaches and people that love to play. I also have Skype as well. I am willing to friend anyone in any league.
TL ID: andrewf87
B.Net ID: Ice.370
Other: Terran player looking to improve. Looking for someone in gold league to practice with. I am from Melbourne which is in the GMT +10 hours time zone.Last edit: 2012-04-12 23:58:22
TL ID: darkmagic2
B.Net ID: SpitFire.725
Other: 4th on silver want more practice.
TL ID: syn0r
B.Net ID: Syn.567
Other: Want to practice macro with similar level players.
TL ID: ZardiChar
B.Net ID: ZardiChar.598
Other: I've only been playing for about a month, and I'm looking to get much better. My goal is to be Gold at the end of the season. Skype is preferred. I also play some Protoss and Zerg and other games on Steam.
TL ID: uenvymenow
B.Net ID: uenvymenow.698
Other: Getting back into the game after about a year hiatus. I'm top 3 silver right now and am trying to just work my way up through the ranks. So looking for any practice available. I will play as any race but Terran is my primary, and will face any races.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Secret Agent Man
B.Net ID: Scootaloo.836
Other: I'm working on basic playstyle and really am just trying to play more games in general. I'd like to meet others to practice with and to banter with when laddering 1v1 games (Skype/TeamSpeak/Ventrilo all welcome)! EDT/EST timezone.
TL ID: furin121
B.Net ID: furin.996
Other: Looking for some people to have some fun with and practice with. Don't really care what race or level you are at as long as we can have fun and hopefully learn something in the process! Even though I don't have a lot of play time (I'm middle aged and married and all that) my goal is to get good enough to make masters league and I'd like to find someone who is aspiring to the same. Last edit: 2012-05-25 02:36:13
TL ID: saywhatman
B.Net ID: saywhatman.657
Other: Recently switched from Protoss to Terran, got from bronze to silver with the new race, I need more experience and practice to really get my Terran micro down, as well as advice on strategies I can use to respond to different situations. I go on at really weird hours, but I can usually go on anytime, now that school is out, so PM me and I'll give you my Skype.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (7) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: AnonymousEmu
B.Net ID: AnonymousEmu.450
Other: Love the game and play it often but cant seem to break gold. Im beating silvers and loosing to golds. I have skype too
TL ID: Callaa
B.Net ID: CaLLa.859
Other: Just picked up the game last week, have been logging a few game a day after about 5 months of strictly watching. Would love to have some practice partners to get better and to mostly learn new things from better players.
TL ID: OneHolyKnight
B.Net ID: HolyKnight.383
Other: Looking for people looking for practice sessions. Like to do obs with parties and have fun making and practicing builds.
TL ID: Patymac
B.Net ID: HyPerNoVa.1149
Other: Looking for people of all races to practice with and jsut have a good time. I have a skype a mic and vent(account not server). I can only play about 2-3 hours on weekdays and 3-5 hours on weekend days but other then that I love the game. The only thing is I am 15 years old and would like to have some friends my age.
TL ID: MultiPassFE
B.Net ID: LDmultipass.767
Other: Looking for people to practice with, would love to have a few daily bo5's to warm up during and before ladder sessions. I'm currently playing Golds and Platinums on the ladder, and need incentive to play more.
TL ID: Maxwells
B.Net ID: Maxwells.603
Other: Can play all races, looking for someone to help practice and improve rank. have skype and mic. would prefer to train with a high silver to gold player. Anything higher if you are just looking to teach me.
TL ID: McDuck
B.Net ID: ODMcduck. 660
Other: Play around 2-6 hours on weekdays (school/work) 4-12 hours on weekends :D Im looking for terran and some good old zerg buddies to practice on, HIT ME UP!
Casual (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Axelss
B.Net ID: Axelss.1399
Other: In school but semester almost over and would love to play, chat and what not with whoever likes.Last edit: 2012-05-04 08:55:06
TL ID: Snoozer
B.Net ID: Snoozer.188
Other: I feel as though I have potential to hit gold, but I don't have enough knowledge of the game to predict what my opponent is doing. Learning builds better and the proper units to muster up, is why I need help.
TL ID: SonOfTheSky
B.Net ID: SonOfTheSky.588
Other: Looking to add fun, mature, and good mannered practice partners for some fun off ladder. Any race is fine by me. I play casually on off days from work. I do have mic/skype.
TL ID: whitesand
B.Net ID: whitesand.291
Other: Looking for people to practice with.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (7) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: BionicWaffle
B.Net ID: BionicWaffle.683
Other: Looking for serious people who are looking to overall improve their game. I do have skype/teamspeak for anyone that wants to talk about gameplay/replays
TL ID: Fratricide
B.Net ID: Fratricide.610
Other: I have skype and a teamspeak server. Any practice partners would be appreciated!Last edit: 2012-04-28 01:23:11
TL ID: dangjustintime
B.Net ID: Justin.1843
Other: No prefered race partner. Just some one to practice with. Available on Skype.
TL ID: Nevermore214
B.Net ID: Nevermore.823
Other: Looking to play up against anyone in order to improve.
TL ID: LordSubtle
B.Net ID: Subtle.428
Other: I have skype, im usually on during the day and evenings. Anyone willing to improve is great, any matchup is fine aswell.
TL ID: YunSohma
B.Net ID: YunSohma.919
Other: Any Leagues can add me. I have Skype and Teamspeak.
TL ID: mitchdouble
B.Net ID: kamik.838
Other: I have Skype/Vent, I could get teamspeak but i dont really care for it. I started playing last year as terran, I quit around december 2011 and I'm back now playing Zerg. I'm looking to improve my gameplay and hopefully get up to platinum. I was playing gold/plat/diamond players as terran.
Casual (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: SnowBound
B.Net ID: Chazz.137
Other: I am looking for some one who enjoys playing the game, isn't too serious about things, and who will be on a good amount. My best matchup is ZvP and my weakest is ZvZ. Last edit: 2012-04-22 09:18:32
TL ID: Demongene
B.Net ID: Demongene.192
Other: I got to Gold League in Season 6 by playing Random. I really want to learn Zerg, but if there was a league below Bronze (Rust perhaps), that’s where I would be with them.
TL ID: Kroz
B.Net ID: Kroz.651
Other: Just looking for cool people to hang out with/play relaxed 1v1 when I'm not laddering.
TL ID: Name Lips
B.Net ID: NameLips.435
Other: Just looking for some fun, friendly, casual practice sessions. Looking for bronze, silver, or gold partners of any race for mutual constructive criticism and friendly support!
TL ID: Night_Wulfe
B.Net ID: NightWulfe.454
Other: Looking for casual practice partners to have fun with and work on laddering. Race doesn't matter, nor does league if you don't mind helping me out. I also enjoy team league games.Last edit: 2012-06-11 05:11:27
TL ID: Algorasm
B.Net ID: SchofieldKid.312
Other: Just finished up my spring semester, and looking forward to some guilt free SC2 time. If anyone at a higher level feels generous, I'd love to learn how to improve my game. That being said, I'll also gladly play fellow silver players, and bronze players. I just need more games under my belt in general, and all match ups are welcome. Feel free to add me on bnet, and message me there.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: gamer0sam
B.Net ID: Sam. 796
Other: Another player been playing Starcraft since original but still in Bronze league, but I don't get to put as much time into it as I would like. Looking for anyone who would like to practice, my schedule is crazy so i'm at all times of day and night but if you want to play at a certain time let me know and we can work something out.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: CelloX
B.Net ID: Cello.510
Other: Trying to get better at Starcraft. I am also looking for people to play games with as well. My availability will be a pretty consistent. I am also looking for practice partners for any match up. Message me if interested. I am also willing to play against any league.
TL ID: wayoutwest
B.Net ID: Chess.394
Other: Bronze, but currently MMR is matching me against High Silver/Gold. Looking for a practice partner, any race.
B.Net ID: GeTEnRaGeD.459
Other: Just getting into starcraft again. I've started playing 1v1 obs and I'm stopped playing 1 game then quitting. Looking for higher level people to play against for tips and so I can practice against more difficult people. Anyone who can mass games is good for me
TL ID: Vanzan
B.Net ID: Vanzan.154
Other: Never been able to get out of bronze league. Would like to compete and be in top 5 - 10 for tournys
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: TTerran
B.Net ID: TairinTerran
Other: Just looking to find some buddies to enjoy myself with, ranks really do not matter or the race.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: sfdrew
B.Net ID: Gauss.383
Other: I used to play BW and then SC2 alot when it came out but I've taken a long hiatus. I'm back to playing a couple dozen matches a week for fun (if I'm lucky). I watch a lot of GSL and take the game seriously. I'm a nice guy who wants to work on strategy and mechanics. I've been winning a lot lately so I think I would move up the ranks if it weren't so late in the season. I'm hopping to squeeze into silver before the season ends and get to gold/plat by next season. I'm willing to play with anybody who is nice, mature.
TL ID: Jugujeegee
B.Net ID: Juzzle.852
Other: I want PvZLast edit: 2012-05-03 15:17:44
TL ID: Micen
B.Net ID: Micen.250
Other: Looking for persons/group that is willing to dedicate time into improving. I have Skype, TS3, Ventrilo, and am willing to get any other. PM me in gameLast edit: 2012-04-27 01:25:04
TL ID: Gohan4ever
B.Net ID: Minion 240
Other: I have been playing since release and still in bronze, Watch Day9, Watch tournys, Read strats and build orders, Think I do okay but only end up winning around half my games. Need help of some kind. I must be doing something wrong.
TL ID: Ortz
B.Net ID: Ortz.770
Other: Just looking for people to play againt so I can try to improve my game. PM me here or messagge in game anytime.
TL ID: YasBoss
B.Net ID: YasBoss.249
Other: I want to get better at Starcraft 2 and hopefully get out of bronzeLast edit: 2012-06-07 05:32:55
Casual (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: BlindWitness
B.Net ID: BlindWitness.806
Other: I am a very low level Bronze player. I would like a partner so I can work on some basic game mechanics as well as learning new builds in order to counter my opponent. I haven't played in a while and recently I have picked the game back up. I am usually on late at night or during the weekends (mostly weekend though). I have Skype if need be. It would also be help if you are a Terran or Zerg player.
TL ID: BunnyRabbit
B.Net ID: BunnyRabbit.218
Other: Australian player from Sydney ( GMT +10.00 ). Looking to have practice games against friendly players to work on my build openings, as well as make some in-game friends . Not sure why SC2 ranks still says 'KameCaboose' as that was my old name. I try to play on a regular basis, but sometimes I won't get around to it.Last edit: 2012-04-27 17:32:12
TL ID: Mellence
B.Net ID: Mellence.506
Other: I'm currently looking for a casual practice partner, because of work constraints, but hopefully I can soon move to a more competitive practice partner. I've been playing for about a year, but had to take a 6 month leave, so my playing suffered, and then work didn't help much the past few months either.
TL ID: Ikris
B.Net ID: MortHobbs.523
Other: Still in the process of learning build orders, building placement and decision making. Looking for anyone that would be willing to help practice and improving my skills.
TL ID: ChupaThingy887
B.Net ID: chupalupa.311
Other: Looking for people to practice with, would like to be better with protoss and possibly terran.
TL ID: dymlos
B.Net ID: dymlos.844
Other: I am a low bronze player that is having a hard time getting over ladder anxiety. just want to find some people to chat with and get better at the game.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (7) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Stantard
B.Net ID: Agastya.976
Other: I am a silver level protoss, just switched to zerg I have skype im online all day cause I have no life, so add up traspra is my skype is my email
B.Net ID: HexTK.802
Other: Looking to gradually improve and learn some new things about the game while still having fun and enjoying the game by meeting new friends to play with. Play ladder + z33k tournaments. First competitive RTS ever! Last edit: 2012-04-27 13:45:56
TL ID: Presure
B.Net ID: Pressure.859
Other: Have Skype, Ventrilo, Mumble, etc, any form of VOIP on the PC I have it, looking for players who are generally friendly but motivated to practice and get better. No preference for your race as I need to work on all 3 matchups, avaliable most of the day pretty much every day of the week.
TL ID: TommyP
B.Net ID: PurdueFan.212
Other: Anybody willing to play with me, just add me. I play quite a bit. Stream-
TL ID: ipod5412
B.Net ID: SwaGat. 564
Other: I may not have hours on end to play, but when i can i play the best I can. I am not phenomenal but hope to be someday! I play seriously but have a lot of fun with the people i play with.
TL ID: Voliminal
B.Net ID: Voliminal.383
Other: I'll play against anyone, I just want to improve.
TL ID: xCWolf
B.Net ID: Wolf#1296
Other: Looking to get to diamond. looking to practice a few nights a week just add me in game. Chrome Wolf CC#200
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Happygreek
B.Net ID: Happygreek.532
Other: Just started playing RTS for the first time! Enjoy playing for fun and practicing with anybody who will have me. Mostly play in the evenings and like to bond with players. I literally don't know anyone else who plays the game, and I like to have a strong support group. Last edit: 2012-06-03 07:15:33
TL ID: Tiwahz
B.Net ID: Tiwahz.445
Other: In addition to practice, also looking for people to build game knowledge with through discussion. Adults, young or old, only please.
TL ID: dirkscrazy
B.Net ID: dirkscrazy.955
Other: Looking to improve and work on mid/late game.Last edit: 2012-04-13 05:22:17
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
EU Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Immersion_
B.Net ID: Complyordie 671
Other: Looking for practice partners all Matchups. I wont play random will pick of course. Currently best race is P but looking to stay competitive with all. Love to analyze games after see what both players could do better and ability to hold a decent conversation is a must!Last edit: 2012-05-07 05:35:43
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (9) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bumbler
B.Net ID: Bumbler.997
Other: Looking for master player to try and practice some builds.
TL ID: Bwall
B.Net ID: Bwall.908
Other: Looking for other masters to practice with, race doesn't matter. I'm 20 and swedish if that matters. I hope to regain my will to play a lot by finding nice people to play with.
TL ID: DarthPotato
B.Net ID: DarthPotato.634
Other: Looking for someone to practice with, especially zerg players.
TL ID: lindzo
B.Net ID: Lindzo.506
Other: Looking for practice partner where we both give feedback
TL ID: solid.PhanT
B.Net ID: Phant.227
Other: I am looking for Zergs.
TL ID: IamPinO
B.Net ID: PinO.961
Other: I'd really Like to improve in order to be competitive , I can speak French , English and some Spanish , If you are motivated to improve with me then just add my ID on Battlenet
TL ID: Andreas
B.Net ID: Raziel.1730
Other: Looking for high master players willing to play several games in a row with feedback.
TL ID: Sane
B.Net ID: Terran.146
Other: I am mainly looking for Zerg and Protoss practice partners.
TL ID: Zowon
B.Net ID: Zowon.140
Other: Looking for general practice against every race.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (10) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bourne
B.Net ID: Bourne.178
Other: Looking for some nice practice sessions to try out some builds, ask for some advice etc. Looking for mostly masters players but just PM me
TL ID: TheBamf
B.Net ID: CDBamf.174
Other: Hi there, I am a top masters protoss who wants to practice ZvP and PvP mainly. But do not hesitate to add me if you are T. I want to grind games and hopefully explore each match-up ^^.
TL ID: Bugi
B.Net ID: ForAiur.221
Other: Practice and more practice try get GM but need more macro game's PM me !!
TL ID: Gladiator333
B.Net ID: Gladiator.509
Other: Interested in practice in all MU, when practicing I like to analyze after games mostly as well. Also really enjoys playing BoX series, trying out maps etc.
TL ID: JakeP
B.Net ID: JakeP.614
Other: looking for other masters players of any race to play some practice games
TL ID: Krypt0
B.Net ID: Krypto.454
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races.
TL ID: Macen
B.Net ID: Macen.523
Other: Hi! I'm a 17-year old Brotoss player from Sweden. Want to practice all stages (early, mid, late) and I got Skype.
TL ID: brain_storm
B.Net ID: Oriwar.897
Other: Just looking for general practice/learning build orders so I don't have to lose ladder points. Contact me anytime.
TL ID: Seohce
B.Net ID: Seohce.882
Other: Looking for people wanting to do serious practice sessions, I have access to Skype etc
TL ID: Surili
B.Net ID: Surili.603
Other: Looking to find someone to practice PvZ with me today! Masters only please. I mostly use tyler's gateway expands.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Isarn
B.Net ID: Isarn.213
Other: I would like to find regular practice partners of all other races. I would prefer grinding builds and talking about them in an open and not-biased fashion, should you be up to that. In any other case I am also open for some casual games.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (8) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bambedibu
B.Net ID: Bambedibu.139
Other: I'm looking for any Master players that want to help each other to improve. My goal for now is too reach Top 8 Master and have some various BOs for each matchups.
TL ID: Hulkoff
B.Net ID: Hulkoff.280
Other: I'm lonely. I can also be found on NA Hulkoff.923Last edit: 2012-05-24 05:58:44
TL ID: TheCheapSkate
B.Net ID: ImaTaka.675
Other: 16-years old player trying to to get to GM. Every race appreciated.
TL ID: Jumper
B.Net ID: Jumper.617
Other: I'm looking for practice games in every matchup =)
TL ID: Sapp
B.Net ID: Sapphire.738
Other: asd
TL ID: TheMooseHeed
B.Net ID: TheMooseHeed.960
Other: Looking for all races to practice against and refine builds. High masters only pleaseLast edit: 2012-04-15 08:33:18
B.Net ID: YSOCerious.658
Other: Any and all races welcome, any playstyle, as long as you're a nice person and you have an open mind towards the game (so if you're fundamentally convinced that, say, Protoss is overpowered, we're going to have a problem)! Mass games or just a couple to test something is cool, and if you work well within a larger practice pool (maybe get one going), that's awesome as well.
TL ID: chebhe
B.Net ID: crazedrat.301
Other: Message me for long term practice.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Segway
B.Net ID: Segway.921
Other: Just got into masters with the new season using some inconsistant strats, it would be great to have a Terran or Protoss partner where I can practice some standard macro games.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Alex-Berker
B.Net ID: DeluXePXL.902
Other: Formerly a masters player on KOR server, Broke left hand so couldn`t play (left handed). Back now from casual gaming i want to retun back to the competitive seen. Currently Diamondish level although friends troll me and lose games on purpose on my account. Also have a microphone/skype/teamspeak.Last edit: 2012-05-09 02:41:37
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (7) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Lightbringer
B.Net ID: Lightbringer.463
Other: Friendly neighbourhood terran looking for people to practise with. Got Skype or TS3 trying to get up to masters.
TL ID: Mongoose
B.Net ID: Mongoose.421
Other: 1v1 practise games, etc. I'm online a lot of the time so add me
TL ID: Leagis
B.Net ID: NoNǂLeagis.165
Other: Hello, I am a german mid-Diamond Terran, looking for some practice against Zerg. I prefer to play against players, who can review the game with me and have a TS3-Client.
TL ID: Norris_is_GODLY
B.Net ID: Norris.963
Other: Need practice in all match ups. Ladder is making me very angry T_T. Add me on skype, Norris_is_godly
TL ID: Rapide
B.Net ID: Rapide.189
Other: Norwegian. Fluent English. Played SC1:BW for many many years.
TL ID: SusaVile
B.Net ID: SusaVile.286
Other: Would like some serious pratice partners (any race) to work on overall improvement, macro, mechanics, micro, the works. I like to analyse replays and check for errors and improvement, I don't mind going over and over the same build or timing to get the good response. Add me and contact me ingame chat anytime. I play mostly during the week.
TL ID: zoidwolf
B.Net ID: Zoid.738
Other: Looking to try and get into top Diamond. Any league is cool as I'm basically smashing out builds (learning to macro ) and trying to increase multitasking :D
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Kweyzi
B.Net ID: Crazy.364
Other: French player switching from toss to terran. Basically having a team, but not having enough teammates at same level for training. Looking for any matchups!
TL ID: Dynasty1
B.Net ID: Dynasty.313
Other: Looking for some friendly people to practise with, any matchup! =)
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (11) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Antron
B.Net ID: Antron.741
Other: I'm looking for terran and zerg practice partners. Especially terrans. I love big macro games.
TL ID: 4rChon
B.Net ID: ArChon.760
Other: Want practice in all Protoss match ups. Need to polish builds vs all match-ups.
TL ID: Claymore1
B.Net ID: Claymore.583
Other: Looking for Platinum or Diamond to train against. Also looking for a 3v3 Diamond team but this is secondary.
TL ID: Cola_Colin
B.Net ID: ColaColin.942
Other: looking for ppl to train specific builds with again and again, playing mostly in the evening. just message me ingame or here
TL ID: Elvedeta
B.Net ID: ELVedeta.271
Other: Looking for practice in all matchups and would apreciate any practice so just send me a pm on TL or on for some games.
TL ID: d_n_is
B.Net ID: Merkoidzz.489
Other: I'm looking for PvT matches paticulary, but any matchup is fine.Last edit: 2012-06-04 20:59:42
TL ID: SeriouR
B.Net ID: Seriour.571
Other: I'm interested in going over a matchup many times playing the same build orther agains many things to see how it fairs and improve faster. Any matchup is welcome
TL ID: Spoonmanax
B.Net ID: Spoonman.550
Other: Looking for some people to practice with who are willing to try out builds, figure out the strengths and weaknesses and will help the same in return.
B.Net ID: aQua.521
Other: Looking for people for serious training. I need to work on optimizing specific builds, timings and stuff - time to put an end to playing as the game goes. People of all races are welcome and appreciated, skype is ok with me mostly. Last edit: 2012-05-02 08:27:50
TL ID: tHeWayy
B.Net ID: tHeWayyy.920
TL ID: totalpigeon
B.Net ID: total.672
Other: Looking for some dedicated practice partners at plat or above, good to play most days for a few hours between 4pm - 9pm GMT or so.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: AmericanUmlaut
B.Net ID: Capybara.179
Other: Hi! I'm an American computer programmer living permanently in Germany. I play nearly every night for an hour or two, but my practice times are a bit chaotic because I've got a little girl to take care of. I'm always interested in playing practice games, and I'd be happy to play against or observe a lower-level player for a game or two and give you pointers if you're having trouble understanding your weaknesses.
TL ID: Sated
B.Net ID: Sated.792
Other: Looking for Z and P practice partners specifically.
TL ID: eusoc
B.Net ID: eusoc.855
Other: any race is fine
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (9) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: BackWash
B.Net ID: BackWash.274
Other: Looking for highly motivated, serious people who are high dia/low master to start improving and making my way towards master by the end of this season :D I got skype and a teamspeak if needed that we could use.
TL ID: alonth
B.Net ID: DelgaDoFTW.866
Other: Looking for peopel to practice with, high diamond/low masterLast edit: 2012-04-15 23:33:01
TL ID: GosuSwarm
B.Net ID: GosuZerg.296
Other: Playing long hours against any race to improve my overall performance and understanding of the game. Do not come to me for screwing around games, and don't come to me with whines of imbalance or nooby strategies. I will do whatever it takes to win and any eager practice partner should have the same mindset.Last edit: 2012-04-17 01:34:55
TL ID: untitled-
B.Net ID: LetsDance.584
Other: I'll play against any race. If im in - I can play.
TL ID: Lirving91
B.Net ID: Lirving.255
Other: I am looking forward to master league, actually top diamond(5-7 rank), i would rather train with T and P atm and i can give advices aswell.
TL ID: MastaKilla
B.Net ID: MastaKilla.390
Other: Looking for lots of training with equal or higher level players, all match ups. I prefer practice partners to have some kind of VoIP program that we can both assess the game together and increase overall communication. Hoping to become masters not far from now and wish to pursue a position within a team of equal and higher level players.
TL ID: 098799
B.Net ID: RPAacfdt.777
Other: Getting slaughtered lately after promotion. Everyone is welcome, especially serious practice partners for a couple of games in a row.
TL ID: Destroyr
B.Net ID: Tyrant.782
Other: My Goal is to go top 8 and stay there. I have a very strong ZVZ - very save in early game (only lategame is a problem if opponent holds on). ZVP is standart not spectecular but also not bad. ZVT is my weakest matchup and I am looking for at least a diamond Terran (probably from Germany) to practice with. Zergs and Toss are also welcome as I want to extend my knowledge of the MU.
TL ID: zewaz
B.Net ID: zewaz.211
Other: Looking for a long term diamond level (or greater) practise partners for ZvP lategame and ZvT mech mid/late game (can go bio too from time to times). Looking for a partner who is willing to invest his time to practise these machups for several hours in a row. I'm an university student, so I don't have a straight schedule, but I almost always can play on the weekends (If i'm not out or there isnt a major tournament) and most of the evening of working days.Last edit: 2012-05-03 04:34:14
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Quintem
B.Net ID: Quintem.631
Other: Would prefer to find another random player to practice all match ups. Will practice against those only play one or two races as well.
TL ID: Ahelvin
B.Net ID: dTnAhelvin.361
Other: Main as Zerg (Dia), can play T and P at platinum level. Looking for practice partners of all races to improve specific BOs and matchups. Have Skype and Ventrilo, english and french speaker.Last edit: 2012-04-12 04:16:46
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Rainbow_Dash
B.Net ID: CATS.740
Other: I am a former Diamond Protoss looking for practice partners of any race, mainly to improve my Zerg and Terran. Teamspeak or Skype would be nice to talk strategy.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: erchamIOn
B.Net ID: Beren.957
Other: Looking for a players of any race to practice with..
TL ID: Mackus
B.Net ID: Mackus.412
Other: Mid-High level player looking for other serious players of around same skill playing multiple matches. Strongest matchup is TvP and weakest is TvZ.Last edit: 2012-04-23 20:31:55
TL ID: Nairod
B.Net ID: Nairod.957
Other: Looking for general practice against every race.
TL ID: antyjc
B.Net ID: antyjc.551
Other: Looking for diamond/masters to practice (need to improve reading the game and learning timings) with and chill with, played other games at the top level so know what it takes to improve and learn quickly, keen to do so in sc2 as well, while having fun. xoxo
B.Net ID: rZEROy.598
Other: Missed a couple of seasons so looking for practice in every matchup, kept up to date with the game while not playing. Looking for practice vs every race with partners who are willing to give and receive feedback about strengths/weaknesses. Will mainly be online in eveinings add me, /w me if I'm on, cheers.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: PreXoN.110
Other: Im Looking for practice partners for every race
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Aries1066
B.Net ID: Aries. 989
Other: Looking for High Plat to Diamond practice partners. Skype screen name: Ariessc
TL ID: Mystes
B.Net ID: Mystes.846
Other: Started again after a long break. Seeking players of every race to improve and to just get to know people.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Charal
B.Net ID: Charal.671
Other: I'd like to improve my game and that's why I m looking for some practice partner. My aim is to be better day by day and reach diamond then master
TL ID: Konakona
B.Net ID: Konakona.312
Other: Mostly looking for a gold/plat terran to practice with, its my weakest match up by far. Online for a few hours a day usually, (Zerg and toss welcome aswell!)
TL ID: majoraLoL
B.Net ID: majoraLoL.101
Other: Want to find a dedicated Terran/Zerg/Protoss, willing to spend many hours practicing hard with me, working out kinks in our game. Top Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Master prefered.
TL ID: Primate
B.Net ID: primate.149
Other: Looking for some general practice, in in particular vs protoss.
Casual (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: eugen
B.Net ID: DarthEugen.946
Other: Looking forward to grind any matchup. Don't care much about skill-level as long as it's not orders of magnitude different from me. Skype available if necessary.
TL ID: Nemth
B.Net ID: Nemth.511
Other: 26 years old. Looking for partners to massgame long sessions with, preferably on a regularly basis. Uses Skype or whatever you like. Any race is welcome.
TL ID: SeinGalton
B.Net ID: SeinGalton.609
Other: I just want to play some StarCraft and have fun. I like long macro games, theory-crafting, learning more about the game and enjoy my time playing. Additionally, I know I placed Diamond but I'm not that good - not yet!Last edit: 2012-04-17 04:18:31
TL ID: Sigmasc
B.Net ID: Sigma.694
Other: Playing almost every day around 8+ pm CET. Looking for partners of any matchup to improve myselfLast edit: 2012-04-12 00:20:24
TL ID: Cyn1que
B.Net ID: leCynique.888
Other: Looking for Zerg and Protoss to train matchup with. Voice communication welcomed, playing on most evenings. I'm NOT french (just nick)!
TL ID: renkin
B.Net ID: renkin.210
Other: PM me for any match up you like. I just want to improve and there's a shitload of work to do !
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Smartyz
B.Net ID: AceSmarties.827
Other: Yo, I've been playing since Season 2 on and off, I used to play zerg, then switched to random, and now I think I want to focus on Terran, however I can play all 3 races for practice purposes. I have not played in a while (actually only played a few games this season) but I would like to get back into it. I'm probably somewhere between silver and gold in skill level. If you are interested in some custom games with a focus on improving general gameplay, drop me a line on Bnet or a pm on TL, all races welcome.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Zhephor
B.Net ID: Zhephor.314
Other: Looking for gold-plat people to practice with. Can speak English and Danish fluently, although I can type some German if neccesary! Got Skype.
Casual (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Kinley
B.Net ID: Kinley.436
Other: Casual Terran looking for all matchups to do some practise games with some fun involved. Languages: English, German.
B.Net ID: PaRTyMOdE.724
Other: 22 year old from sweden Looking for gold/plat partner any race prefereblay a nice person.
TL ID: Stir
B.Net ID: Stir.940
Other: Online most nights and keen to get practice partners to get consistently better. Looking for partners for all match upsLast edit: 2012-04-19 21:20:03
B.Net ID: ViGotH. 283
Other: Looking for some buddies to help me improve my Starcraft II game play as well as getting to know some new gamers, and of course learning from them.
TL ID: wellAdjusted
B.Net ID: WellAdjusted.809
Other: Looking for TvT and TvZ practice mostly.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: ripr
B.Net ID: Casbah.473
Other: Hi.I'm looking for friendly open minded players who want to improve themselves, discuss strategies or w/e (though we don't have to if you don't wanna ). I almost always prefer custom games over laddering so don't be a stranger if you see me online.
TL ID: DoctorPhil
B.Net ID: DoctorPhil.871
Other: Looking for people of top gold level and higher. My MMR currently puts me against plat. I'm learning the game again after a 1 year break so I'm quickly rising through the ranks. I'm fluent in english (and Dutch). I'm usually available on weekdays after around 15:30 GMT+1 and the whole weekends. I have a lot of free time on my hands, so I am very often abailable and can play a lot in one sitting.
TL ID: PrismC_Corby
B.Net ID: PrismCCorby.388
Other: I'd like to practice with anyone but most with some gold-mid platinum level players (any race)!
TL ID: Qrawlz
B.Net ID: Qrawlz.415
Other: I'm a gold-plat level player who wants to improve his skill in any matchup. Feel free to add me! I can speak English and Dutch.
TL ID: Zephonim
B.Net ID: Zephonim.162
Other: I am a Platinum Zerg learning to play Protoss. Id like a Zerg practice partner who is either high silver or mid gold.
TL ID: brocek
B.Net ID: bRo.134
Other: playtimes - mostly weekdays, 19:00-23:00 GTM+1
Casual (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Brucie67
B.Net ID: Brucie.853
Other: Looking for Semi - Agro players to play. I seem to play too passively and so I need to work on pushing and counter attacking. Builds are something I need to work on as well. I can 4Gate pretty solidly but I would like to know how to open 2 base and play a macro game instead of one base all-in every game (and still lose).
TL ID: Metak
B.Net ID: Metak.322
Other: Casual is due to time able to spend, mindset is very competitive. Have Skype.Last edit: 2012-05-24 18:32:37
TL ID: iwasliekwut
B.Net ID: iWasLiekWut.198
Other: Add if you want to practice your builds, play some fun games, competative games, analyze replays or share opinions about builds or tricks. I'm capable of playing all races on silver / gold level although mainly laddering with protoss. Also dont mind coaching lower league players, got skype if nessecary, 22y/o swedish. mature people only, thanks have a nice day!Last edit: 2012-05-23 06:03:57
TL ID: mmqller
B.Net ID: mmqller.948
Other: Looking for practice partners. Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Skype is welcome
TL ID: zn0
B.Net ID: znO.717
Other: German Gold Toss looking for a Zerg Player to improve my PvZ. It's by far my worst Matchup. I want to train and talk about mistakes. My online times are not predictable because of my work. Just add me and we play if we both are online. TS3 and Skype are no problem. But typing english is much easier for me I'm just a casual player. I hope someone want to improve his ZvP too.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Sephmeister
B.Net ID: EDSeph 827
Other: Looking for practice partners of any league as long as they are motivated. Main interest is in improving. Please have skype or some other method of voice comm.
TL ID: Riffmaster
B.Net ID: Riffmaster.314
Other: Looking for motivated people to practise with. Any league is fine. I have skype.
TL ID: Seluance
B.Net ID: Seluance.906
Other: I am a Gold Zerg wanting to playing practice games with anyone who is Gold or higher. I get really anxious playing on the ladder so I just want people to play SC2 against.
TL ID: Taliqt
B.Net ID: Taliqt.759
Other: I stopped playing for one year and now i want to come back, looking for practice partners to get to diamond / masterleague. Would be nice to have skype to talk about games and strategys and you should be able to take criticism.
TL ID: Iamtidal
B.Net ID: Tidal.319
Other: I recently switched to zerg, after dropping down a bit in Gold, I am looking for practice partners of all races to hopefully progress to Plat and beyond!
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Tevian
B.Net ID: Tevian.870
Other: Looking for Gold players or better of all races to improve general gameplay, but especially against roachless Zerg. Just talk to me whenever I'm online and we shall play!Last edit: 2012-05-02 14:10:28
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Scheme
B.Net ID: Scheme.193
Other: Looking for practice games with Gold league players(any race), maybe followed by a bit of discussion of the games played. If you are higher than gold and few like an warm up game, I will happily play =D
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Rambolav
B.Net ID: Chimpanaut.770
Other: Looking for any race to have the occasional practice game and discussion. Online a lot. Will be changing name from Chimpanaut to Rambolav on each ID etc
TL ID: nickstu
B.Net ID: NickStu.842
Other: Looking for casual practicing in every matchup, mostly at TvZ
TL ID: Beavers
B.Net ID: kolonel.356
Other: Over 750 T wins now and not progressing as I should. My TVT and TVZ are 'ok' but I suck against protoss after 12 mins and could use some help to at least get me into a gold 1v1 league!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Miserie
B.Net ID: Miserie.265
Other: Looking for some serious practice and casual games (bronze/silver/gold), using any communication programme. Pref language: English/Dutch. 21 yrs old, Belgium. Playing every evening (since its gmt+2 now), 19:00 - 24:00 and sometimes during day. Weekend all day long.Last edit: 2012-04-20 00:06:28
Casual (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: iref
B.Net ID: Iref.172
Other: Lookin for people to practice and chat about the game and other things, any race is good. As I need to improve in every matchup. I am casual mainly because semester finals are coming
TL ID: PvtPickers
B.Net ID: RelaxedHaunt.889
Other: Hi I am pretty new to Starcraft 2 and i am looking for some friends over who want to play a few games to try out some strats, help me get an idea of the game and just have some fun. I should be available most nights for 2-3 hours (and would prefer someone a similar age to me (18) but not essential) Last edit: 2012-05-04 04:12:27
TL ID: bramraads
B.Net ID: TZdevil.958
Other: Looking for protoss players to refine builds and get into the gold league. Im currently in silver, but with some practice and concentration im sure i will jump into gold. Last edit: 2012-05-21 04:19:23
TL ID: trinity37185
B.Net ID: trinity.561
Other: have Skype and TS 3. Please contact me on skype if you wish to play(skype:trinity37185) You can also contact me on Bnet. 2v2´s are cool too. German/EnglishLast edit: 2012-05-29 23:58:22
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: FlaminG
B.Net ID: FlaminG.266
Other: I have been out of the game, now i'm trying to get back into it.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Arschkrapfen
B.Net ID: Arschkrapfen.547
Other: I am searching gold level players to improve my overall gameplay.Last edit: 2012-05-22 04:55:28
TL ID: meemsbror
B.Net ID: Meemsbror.101
Other: I'm 16 years old and from sweden (of course speeks english) looking for terran or protoss practise partner for playing and discussing strategies.
TL ID: RavenEU
B.Net ID: RavenEU.130
Other: Primarily looking for a low intensity mentor (review one or two replays every two/four weeks) who can give pointers on what to improve rather than a steady sparring partner. Although, would not mind a sparring buddy. From Sweden. English or Swedish. Can use Skype/vent.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Shoggoth
B.Net ID: Theromas.614
Other: Looking for training partners who know alot about Terran and doesn't mind helping me improve my skills. I dont mind what race you are, I'm always up for games.Last edit: 2012-05-30 03:13:55
Casual (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Juggen
B.Net ID: Alfray.261
Other: Hello! I´m currently in bronze and I would like to find a partner to play with and get improve my game. (your league does not matter at this point). I am 21 years old from Sweden and I'd like to play via Skype. If you'd be interested in playing with me, hit me up!
TL ID: Chinx
B.Net ID: Chinx.742
Other: I'm a new Starcraft 2 bronze player and I'm looking for practice partners (league doesn't matter). I've been playing for two months now. I'm willing to chat over skype. Msg me on BNet.Last edit: 2012-05-05 07:07:57
TL ID: MylilPwny
B.Net ID: MylilPwny.142
Other: Just started to play the game and need someone to play and have a laugh with. I am 26 years old from Norway. Have a teamspeak 3 server to communicate trough, Skype also. PM for details. I am playing 4-5 days pr week
TL ID: Vaftrudner
B.Net ID: Vaftrudner.632
Other: Swedish 24 yo complete newbie just learning Starcraft II, looking for someone to have fun with and learn from as I work on the basics. I'm a single player gamer usually so I have no Vent or similar, but I can set it up if you want to. I can do Swedish, Norwegian or English.
TL ID: klisteret
B.Net ID: klisteret.563
Other: Looking for other bronze/silver players that are eager to play a few games aday or in the weekends. im trying to get better in everything starcraft, so what race you play does not matter. (neither does your league, actually.) skype is avalible, but i prefer ventrilo much more!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: L0wn
B.Net ID: Lown.967
Other: I'm from belgium, I can speak Dutch English. I'm looking for some people to hang out with and improve my gameplay. I have skype, send me a pm on the forums or in-game. Bye !
TL ID: Tygris
B.Net ID: Tyrus.484
Other: Looking for practice, from deent player, any league who can give me tips and help me!! Please, just want some tips particularly like micro tips, army preservation, early rush defence, strategy vs terran marine-marauder bioball etc.
TL ID: Tygris
B.Net ID: Tyrus.484
Other: Looking for practice, from deent player, any league who can give me tips and help me!! Please, just want some tips particularly like micro tips, army preservation, early rush defence, strategy vs terran marine-marauder bioball etc.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bollemaelk
B.Net ID: Bollemælk.219
Other: Just looking for nice friendly people to play against so i can get abit better.
TL ID: Auron5500
B.Net ID: GraY.126
Other: Looking for practice partners to help me get to grips with the game (things like higher APM and unit counters). Friendly people who'll give honest criticism. Have skype and msn for contact.
TL ID: MahtijormaX
B.Net ID: MahtijormaX.899
Other: Looking for coach to help me. Im stuck in bronze.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Marnee
B.Net ID: Marnee.110
Other: I've been playing for a while, and have been achieving limited success on the ladder. From videos I've watched, I thought I would try and improve my mechanics before learning build orders; bad idea. I'd like practice partners from any league up to Gold or Platinum (anyone higher will just be wasting their time) to play with, giving me a better place to learn these build orders, and hopefully get some feedback on my play as well. I have Skype, and am living in the UK, and have quite a lot of free time, and want to put some serious work into getting better at StarCraft.Last edit: 2012-06-03 13:37:03
TL ID: Peyo
B.Net ID: Peyo. 176
Other: I'm a high bronze 1v1 zerg, looking for some players of all different match up to train with. Dont mind of the level as long as u are fine to play with a bronze player and want everyone to improve
TL ID: Zoldiark
B.Net ID: Zoldiark.877
Other: Started playing sc2 again seriously at the end of season 6, Looking for a zerg a terran practice partner high bronze or silver level (higher than those welcome but i doubt i will be much of a challange to gold+ players atm) to improve our collective gameplay. preferably someone that can use skype so we can talk through replays of our games etc. Open to toss practice partners aswell but feel more comfortable in that match up than the other 2. Mostly about 5pm-5am GMT drop me a message on Bnet
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Retarded_Fish
B.Net ID: Horizon.367
Other: Looking for someone cool to play a few games with maybe some team games, I am 15 and you can contact me on skype. My username for skype is Retarded_Fish
TL ID: Wos
B.Net ID: Wass.609
Other: Looking for people in the range of bronze - gold to practice and improve with!
TL ID: aph
B.Net ID: aph.280
Other: Newbie just learning Starcraft II (and RTS), looking for fun practice and helping each other fight cheese so we get out of bronze haha. Work most of the time so only casual really. I speak English and can use Skype etc.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
KR/TW Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
SEA Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: fantasyrulz
B.Net ID: fantasyrulz, 427
Other: Low diamond, looking to improve my play so to be more comfortable in diamond or even to master.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: J-Nut
B.Net ID: Jnut.491
Other: I want to get to master. Looking to practice all 3 matchups.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: DangerAl
B.Net ID: DangerAl.839
Other: Gold terran looking to improve in all matchups.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Krinoth
B.Net ID: Krinoth.728
Other: I practice 4-5 days a week and particularly need practice in TvP.Last edit: 2012-05-06 19:49:26
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Skriker
B.Net ID: Skriker.689
Other: Australian (GMT+10 - No DST ever) Zerg looking for practice partners of all races. I'm generally available for a couple of hours or less on weeknights and/or watching the GSL. I'm typically online for the majority of the weekend. I use Skype.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: GrandpaGnome
B.Net ID: GrandpaGnome.473
Other: I just would like some more people to play with and new friends to enjoy the great game with
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
CN Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Post 1 (user=xRevelation21): Choice Protoss / Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 3 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 5 (user=TheFlexN): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net.ID.IDENTIFIER: FlexN.602)
Post 6 (user=MeteoVex): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 8 (user=OxyHawk): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 11 (user=Maxamix): Choice Platinium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 16 (user=mastrblastr): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 17 (user=wond3rer): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 20 (user=raf3776): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 21 (user=SynergySC2): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 23 (user=Kitsune14): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 26 (user=GoodRiot): Choice Bronze. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 29 (user=Silent12ill): Choice Compeitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 30 (user=VIPIrony): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: VIPIrony)
Post 34 (user=darksamurai): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 37 (user=Amaterasu1234): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 39 (user=Sasukesws): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TEMPLATE
Post 45 (user=YGCxLaZyWun): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 46 (user=Kiithid): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 47 (user=Kiithid): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: Kiithid)
Post 50 (user=ryabro26): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileURL :
Post 51 (user=Bearhammer): Header League: is missing or out of order (line=Leauge:Diamond)
Post 54 (user=Syrupjuice): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 57 (user=vandroid): Choice Competitive/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 60 (user=IMBAjr): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 64 (user=Flanq): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 72 (user=Whiteglint): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 74 (user=Bojas): Header Race: is missing or out of order (line=Race :Terran)
Post 79 (user=Pete.965): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=Profile URL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 81 (user=Bamph): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 86 (user=J_Slim): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 90 (user=ShadoWYP): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.NET ID.IDENTIFIER: SHADOWYP.764)
Post 93 (user=wgcs): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 94 (user=flipstar77): Choice Causal for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 95 (user=bwin): Choice ZERG for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 97 (user=KcHappy): Choice Competitive/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 100 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 102 (user=purplecarrot): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 105 (user=Dpac): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 106 (user=Razgrizaces): Choice Gold. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 107 (user=StarcraftQuebec): Choice High Diamond for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 108 (user=Snyper945): Choice US for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 111 (user=DayDayTV): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.IDENTIFER: DayDay.827)
Post 112 (user=killmoves): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 115 (user=xHadoken): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 122 (user=icholakov1): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=BattleNet ID: Iwan.282)
Post 124 (user=benz8): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfilURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 134 (user=SC_Blade): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 140 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 141 (user=CastSly): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 143 (user=Interp): Choice Zerg, Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 146 (user=toomoral): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 152 (user=Yosatimo): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 153 (user=ArkanTos): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=Bnet ID.IDENTIFIER: AFǂSeadra.785)
Post 154 (user=oLuck): Header Interest: is missing or out of order (line=League: Bronze)
Post 157 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 158 (user=oMgPonies): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 160 (user=ansenlong): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: ansenlong)
Post 161 (user=sgtjimmy): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 166 (user=pengu1ns): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 168 (user=Starcool): Choice US for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 174 (user=seve): Choice Random, I played Protoss last season but i want to switch to Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 175 (user=Dvriel): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 181 (user=kraggy): Choice Competitive training. ie. grinding a lot of games training certain builds and stuff. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 182 (user=eXeprOxy): Choice Terrna for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 191 (user=savoy36): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 193 (user=Blackknight232): Choice terran for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 194 (user=klue): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 195 (user=razzaowl): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 201 (user=lokiM): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 202 (user=ScumRunner): URL n/a is not valid as a profile URL
Post 204 (user=phazeOne): Choice Competive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 205 (user=Octoviator): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 206 (user=Toons): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 207 (user=denkan112): Choice Competive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 208 (user=Fnrblackbird): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 210 (user=ktgster): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 212 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 216 (user=brinker): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 221 (user=GregGoose): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 223 (user=giann): Choice Platinum (but Gold level really) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 224 (user=Eligh): Choice Terra for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 232 (user=Steak_): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileULR: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 233 (user=l_saint_l): Choice TERRAN for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 235 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 236 (user=MadLoki): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 239 (user=JDaSoR): Choice Protoss/Random for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 241 (user=akarin): Choice Competitive/Learing for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 243 (user=SimsarO): Choice Broze for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 244 (user=jusTjoshin): Choice Bronze (playing custom games before ladder) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 247 (user=ASong): Choice Grand Master for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 250 (user=CarlMikael): Choice Random/Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 253 (user=wullull): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileURL <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 254 (user=Hyp3): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 255 (user=Monolith): Choice Casual / Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 256 (user=blitzclown): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 257 (user=Yaki): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=Server : EU)
Post 259 (user=Feeble08): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 265 (user=nukerman): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 266 (user=BEASTMODE7): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 269 (user=ZergalaKing): Choice Competative for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 270 (user=Syrupjuice): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 272 (user=Xenocryst): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.I IDENTIFIER: Dream.647)
Post 276 (user=aslan): URL site is down is not valid as a profile URL
Post 277 (user=Gooner): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 278 (user=LuosSoul): URL site is down for now is not valid as a profile URL
Post 283 (user=IntoTheBush): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 284 (user=S. aureus): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 286 (user=PuraVida): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 287 (user=reDDevil7): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 289 (user=StrangeDream): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 291 (user=wond3rer): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 292 (user=andrewbaik): Choice terran for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 293 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 297 (user=_Book): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 298 (user=Fede): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 299 (user=vBr): URL SC2Ranks seems to be unavailable atm is not valid as a profile URL
Post 301 (user=080909): URL SC2Ranks seems to be unavailable atm is not valid as a profile URL
Post 304 (user=SC_Blade): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 307 (user=KAgravyboat): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 313 (user=saltywaffles): Choice Platnium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 318 (user=arenlol): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 321 (user=CaptainPlz): Choice High Diamond , playing low master on ladder for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 322 (user=Soldier92): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 323 (user=dazzled): Choice Gold, was Platinum as Protoss before I switched races but I'm back to playing platinum players as zerg now. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 326 (user=Spirey): Header Race: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 327 (user=leo23): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 330 (user=sirweener): Choice Improvement and paractice for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 332 (user=DecisionTheory): Choice Competitive/fun for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 333 (user=Eklar): Choice Diamand for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 338 (user=Glamdring754): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> EU)
Post 343 (user=Nego): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 344 (user=divided1): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 345 (user=TheTrogdorman): Choice Compeditive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 347 (user=XDsCrazy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 349 (user=Equim): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 350 (user=TerranHimself): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 353 (user=igotmanatoblow): Choice silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 354 (user=Patriots): Choice Platinum, dont ladder; diamond level for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 355 (user=Rex2288): Choice Casual / Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 356 (user=Meffyx): Choice diamond for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 358 (user=Noumena): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 362 (user=divided1): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 363 (user=Lolwhowtf): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 367 (user=Adtor): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 368 (user=telaviv): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 371 (user=ZeTmAnKLass): URL none at the moment is not valid as a profile URL
Post 372 (user=Bugi): Choice Casual/BO3 for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 373 (user=Vega62a): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 376 (user=CookieMonsta02): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 378 (user=~Slicks~): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 380 (user=erchamIOn): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 383 (user=Lokk): URL N/A is not valid as a profile URL
Post 388 (user=raf3776): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 390 (user=xNArcane): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID. IDENTIFIER: xNArcane.275)
Post 391 (user=Polaris861): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> AM)
Post 392 (user=Zappadappa): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 393 (user=aBstractx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 394 (user=Pr35t0): Choice for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 395 (user=Taint): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 396 (user=starcraft911): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 397 (user=HeadstrongEnder): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 401 (user=Johannl): Choice Protoss, now mostly Terran as well for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 406 (user=thewizeguy): Choice platinum season 6 for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 408 (user=Zerserk): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> EU)
Post 409 (user=eLemeNt_): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 411 (user=Chinesewonder): Choice masters for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 413 (user=Meltzington): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 414 (user=13JackaL): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 415 (user=DecisionTheory): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 417 (user=Nazgul IX): Choice Terran (might play some zerg aswell) for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 418 (user=Terrick): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=Race: Zerg)
Post 419 (user=ChefStarCraft): Choice AM Server for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 420 (user=Lifuanian): Choice Bronze/Silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 425 (user=n00bbot): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net : Homer CCode: 662)
Post 427 (user=Bangarang): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 428 (user=myrrhdyrrh): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 429 (user=Meffyx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 430 (user=Dragonrlh): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 432 (user=atrox_): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 433 (user=Meffyx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 434 (user=Thamel): Choice Competitive 1v1 for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 437 (user=the foot): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID / IDENTIFIER: TheFoot / 248)
Post 438 (user=reKon): Choice Protoss, Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 441 (user=wond3rer): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 445 (user=Maquin): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 446 (user=Queven): Choice Toss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 450 (user=AEON123): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 453 (user=MysteryTerran): Choice Playing people who are much better than myself so I can improve faster. My goal is to be able to compete with the best players at future MLG events. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 455 (user=zerK): Choice High Diamond / Masters for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 457 (user=Oinkster): URL Can't find it is not valid as a profile URL
Post 459 (user=Furie): Choice All for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 460 (user=Kimmen-): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 466 (user=PsychoWabber): Choice Im a competitive player, but im not playing every single day. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 468 (user=Gustafsson20): Choice EU + AM for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 472 (user=Castiel[IX]): Choice Gold/Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 473 (user=Skigglwitz): Choice Competitvie for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 474 (user=Wowa91): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=Bnet ID : Zulang 471)
Post 475 (user=ChefStarCraft): Choice AM Server for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 479 (user=foobs): Choice Rank1 Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 485 (user=Dutko): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 488 (user=crbox): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 489 (user=chebhe): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 491 (user=Cham): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 492 (user=Shilliwippen): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 495 (user=porcos): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 497 (user=CenturyEgg): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 499 (user=llello1987): Choice North america for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 500 (user=cydial): Choice casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 504 (user=SSF): Choice North America for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 505 (user=Groogns): Choice Casual (1v1), Competitive (2v2) for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 506 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 510 (user=MediumSpicy): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 511 (user=RyoNara): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 513 (user=Namborita): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 514 (user=SHiiY): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 515 (user=Rancid Wolf): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 516 (user=solidgamerTV): Choice Competitive 1v1 practice all match ups for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 517 (user=frosecold): Choice Competitive/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 519 (user=TheMaXiM): Choice Gold (Actually plat when playing Protoss) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 520 (user=SpacelyOG): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 522 (user=J.E.G.): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 523 (user=IcookTacos): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 526 (user=JaxxUK): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 527 (user=t0n!ght): Choice Europe for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 532 (user=MysteryTerran): Choice <b>AM, EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 535 (user=bulimic26): Choice bronze for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 539 (user=cydial): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 541 (user=jaesik): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 542 (user=300ml): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 543 (user=JaxxUK): Choice <b>EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 545 (user=Mosenrose): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 546 (user=Plaugebearer): Choice am for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 547 (user=Hypervention): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 551 (user=xswishaxward): Choice <b>NA</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 552 (user=LiSAuCE): Choice America for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 553 (user=PRESIZirox): Choice Top Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 554 (user=Qwaky): Choice <b>EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 556 (user=Prospect): Choice AM, for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 560 (user=MrFrigger): URL [url=[/url] is not valid as a profile URL
Post 563 (user=Spoon-Man): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 564 (user=Spoon-Man): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 568 (user=zoglug): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TEMPLATE: )
Post 569 (user=Cattlecruiser): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 577 (user=Norbinho): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net. ID. Identifier: Norbinho.282)
Post 578 (user=!Frost!): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 588 (user=Yozshura): Choice EY for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 590 (user=thecrasher): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 591 (user=SerenitySC2): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 592 (user=CAPSLOCKLOL): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 594 (user=raf3776): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 595 (user=Nuclease): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 596 (user=recneps): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 597 (user=Crowned): Choice Competitive. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 598 (user=dim2thesum): Choice Terran / Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 600 (user=YettaSkill): Choice Silver/Gold for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 601 (user=RiAt): Choice Team/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 602 (user=OneBaseKing): Header Sc2RanksURL: is missing or out of order (line=Sc2Ranks URL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 605 (user=kWak): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 607 (user=granitka): URL N/A is not valid as a profile URL
Post 613 (user=Grobbles): Choice Silver (Platinum skill level) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 615 (user=BWalma): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 617 (user=Zappadappa): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 619 (user=ABG293): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 622 (user=Existed): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 623 (user=Tydrous): Choice Platinium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 629 (user=EnhancedZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 630 (user=eWhiPlasH): Choice Casually Competitive, working towards way more competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 633 (user=grungust): Choice Competitive. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 635 (user=twildgoose): URL (Battle net login down will update when I can) is not valid as a profile URL
Post 636 (user=AKFishing): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 637 (user=naxbcr): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 638 (user=sam05396): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 639 (user=MetaCry): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 643 (user=Synetics): Choice Terran / Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 644 (user=LgNkarmy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 647 (user=tHeWayy): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<a style='text-decoration:none;font-family:monospace;color:#808080' href='#' title='' onClick='return toggleShowSpoiler2(this, 1)'><span>+ Show</span> Spoiler<span> +</span></a><div id='spoiler_1' style='border:1px solid #808080;padding:5px;background-color:#EBEFF2;display:none'><div class='forummsg'>Server: EU)
Post 651 (user=Makyuro): Choice Platinum(low) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 659 (user=LessThanIII): Choice Competitive or Causal for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 660 (user=RawrbHero): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 667 (user=Confuzion): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 673 (user=jehoofd3): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 674 (user=lordmark): Choice Eu for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 676 (user=BWalma): Choice SIlver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 682 (user=lethyl): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 685 (user=Rival): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 686 (user=synd): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 692 (user=AhOhitzXray): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID. AhohItzXray: 826)
Post 693 (user=Conai): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 695 (user=PhantomAlpTraum): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 696 (user=Pasithee): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 698 (user=-Exalt-): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 703 (user=Thanatas): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.Identifier: Thanatas 851)
Post 710 (user=Enemyy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 711 (user=Cannabeastwod): Choice Eu for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 718 (user=heraclos): Choice <b>AM or KR/TW</b> (preferencial TW/KR) for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 721 (user=ysnake): Choice Gold/Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 725 (user=MisterGray): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b>AM)
Post 726 (user=Kybuar): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 727 (user=Grease): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 728 (user=ALPHABLUE): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 730 (user=sM.Zik): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b>AM)
Post 3 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 5 (user=TheFlexN): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net.ID.IDENTIFIER: FlexN.602)
Post 6 (user=MeteoVex): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 8 (user=OxyHawk): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 11 (user=Maxamix): Choice Platinium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 16 (user=mastrblastr): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 17 (user=wond3rer): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 20 (user=raf3776): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 21 (user=SynergySC2): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 23 (user=Kitsune14): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 26 (user=GoodRiot): Choice Bronze. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 29 (user=Silent12ill): Choice Compeitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 30 (user=VIPIrony): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: VIPIrony)
Post 34 (user=darksamurai): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 37 (user=Amaterasu1234): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 39 (user=Sasukesws): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TEMPLATE

Post 45 (user=YGCxLaZyWun): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 46 (user=Kiithid): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 47 (user=Kiithid): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: Kiithid)
Post 50 (user=ryabro26): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileURL :
Post 51 (user=Bearhammer): Header League: is missing or out of order (line=Leauge:Diamond)
Post 54 (user=Syrupjuice): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 57 (user=vandroid): Choice Competitive/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 60 (user=IMBAjr): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 64 (user=Flanq): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 72 (user=Whiteglint): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 74 (user=Bojas): Header Race: is missing or out of order (line=Race :Terran)
Post 79 (user=Pete.965): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=Profile URL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 81 (user=Bamph): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 86 (user=J_Slim): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 90 (user=ShadoWYP): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.NET ID.IDENTIFIER: SHADOWYP.764)
Post 93 (user=wgcs): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 94 (user=flipstar77): Choice Causal for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 95 (user=bwin): Choice ZERG for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 97 (user=KcHappy): Choice Competitive/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 100 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 102 (user=purplecarrot): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 105 (user=Dpac): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 106 (user=Razgrizaces): Choice Gold. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 107 (user=StarcraftQuebec): Choice High Diamond for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 108 (user=Snyper945): Choice US for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 111 (user=DayDayTV): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.IDENTIFER: DayDay.827)
Post 112 (user=killmoves): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 115 (user=xHadoken): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 122 (user=icholakov1): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=BattleNet ID: Iwan.282)
Post 124 (user=benz8): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfilURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 134 (user=SC_Blade): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 140 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 141 (user=CastSly): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 143 (user=Interp): Choice Zerg, Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 146 (user=toomoral): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 152 (user=Yosatimo): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 153 (user=ArkanTos): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=Bnet ID.IDENTIFIER: AFǂSeadra.785)
Post 154 (user=oLuck): Header Interest: is missing or out of order (line=League: Bronze)
Post 157 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 158 (user=oMgPonies): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 160 (user=ansenlong): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: ansenlong)
Post 161 (user=sgtjimmy): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 166 (user=pengu1ns): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 168 (user=Starcool): Choice US for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 174 (user=seve): Choice Random, I played Protoss last season but i want to switch to Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 175 (user=Dvriel): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 181 (user=kraggy): Choice Competitive training. ie. grinding a lot of games training certain builds and stuff. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 182 (user=eXeprOxy): Choice Terrna for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 191 (user=savoy36): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 193 (user=Blackknight232): Choice terran for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 194 (user=klue): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 195 (user=razzaowl): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 201 (user=lokiM): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 202 (user=ScumRunner): URL n/a is not valid as a profile URL
Post 204 (user=phazeOne): Choice Competive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 205 (user=Octoviator): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 206 (user=Toons): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 207 (user=denkan112): Choice Competive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 208 (user=Fnrblackbird): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 210 (user=ktgster): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 212 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 216 (user=brinker): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 221 (user=GregGoose): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 223 (user=giann): Choice Platinum (but Gold level really) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 224 (user=Eligh): Choice Terra for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 232 (user=Steak_): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileULR: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 233 (user=l_saint_l): Choice TERRAN for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 235 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 236 (user=MadLoki): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 239 (user=JDaSoR): Choice Protoss/Random for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 241 (user=akarin): Choice Competitive/Learing for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 243 (user=SimsarO): Choice Broze for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 244 (user=jusTjoshin): Choice Bronze (playing custom games before ladder) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 247 (user=ASong): Choice Grand Master for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 250 (user=CarlMikael): Choice Random/Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 253 (user=wullull): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileURL <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 254 (user=Hyp3): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 255 (user=Monolith): Choice Casual / Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 256 (user=blitzclown): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 257 (user=Yaki): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=Server : EU)
Post 259 (user=Feeble08): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 265 (user=nukerman): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 266 (user=BEASTMODE7): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 269 (user=ZergalaKing): Choice Competative for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 270 (user=Syrupjuice): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 272 (user=Xenocryst): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.I IDENTIFIER: Dream.647)
Post 276 (user=aslan): URL site is down is not valid as a profile URL
Post 277 (user=Gooner): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 278 (user=LuosSoul): URL site is down for now is not valid as a profile URL
Post 283 (user=IntoTheBush): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 284 (user=S. aureus): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 286 (user=PuraVida): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 287 (user=reDDevil7): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 289 (user=StrangeDream): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 291 (user=wond3rer): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 292 (user=andrewbaik): Choice terran for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 293 (user=RuchDaddy): Choice Zerg... intrested in learning other races also for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 297 (user=_Book): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 298 (user=Fede): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 299 (user=vBr): URL SC2Ranks seems to be unavailable atm is not valid as a profile URL
Post 301 (user=080909): URL SC2Ranks seems to be unavailable atm is not valid as a profile URL
Post 304 (user=SC_Blade): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 307 (user=KAgravyboat): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 313 (user=saltywaffles): Choice Platnium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 318 (user=arenlol): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 321 (user=CaptainPlz): Choice High Diamond , playing low master on ladder for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 322 (user=Soldier92): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 323 (user=dazzled): Choice Gold, was Platinum as Protoss before I switched races but I'm back to playing platinum players as zerg now. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 326 (user=Spirey): Header Race: is missing or out of order (line=ProfileURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 327 (user=leo23): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 330 (user=sirweener): Choice Improvement and paractice for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 332 (user=DecisionTheory): Choice Competitive/fun for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 333 (user=Eklar): Choice Diamand for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 338 (user=Glamdring754): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> EU)
Post 343 (user=Nego): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 344 (user=divided1): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 345 (user=TheTrogdorman): Choice Compeditive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 347 (user=XDsCrazy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 349 (user=Equim): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 350 (user=TerranHimself): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 353 (user=igotmanatoblow): Choice silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 354 (user=Patriots): Choice Platinum, dont ladder; diamond level for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 355 (user=Rex2288): Choice Casual / Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 356 (user=Meffyx): Choice diamond for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 358 (user=Noumena): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 362 (user=divided1): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 363 (user=Lolwhowtf): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 367 (user=Adtor): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 368 (user=telaviv): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 371 (user=ZeTmAnKLass): URL none at the moment is not valid as a profile URL
Post 372 (user=Bugi): Choice Casual/BO3 for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 373 (user=Vega62a): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 376 (user=CookieMonsta02): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 378 (user=~Slicks~): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 380 (user=erchamIOn): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 383 (user=Lokk): URL N/A is not valid as a profile URL
Post 388 (user=raf3776): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 390 (user=xNArcane): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID. IDENTIFIER: xNArcane.275)
Post 391 (user=Polaris861): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> AM)
Post 392 (user=Zappadappa): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 393 (user=aBstractx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 394 (user=Pr35t0): Choice for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 395 (user=Taint): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 396 (user=starcraft911): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 397 (user=HeadstrongEnder): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 401 (user=Johannl): Choice Protoss, now mostly Terran as well for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 406 (user=thewizeguy): Choice platinum season 6 for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 408 (user=Zerserk): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> EU)
Post 409 (user=eLemeNt_): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 411 (user=Chinesewonder): Choice masters for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 413 (user=Meltzington): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 414 (user=13JackaL): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 415 (user=DecisionTheory): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 417 (user=Nazgul IX): Choice Terran (might play some zerg aswell) for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 418 (user=Terrick): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=Race: Zerg)
Post 419 (user=ChefStarCraft): Choice AM Server for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 420 (user=Lifuanian): Choice Bronze/Silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 425 (user=n00bbot): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net : Homer CCode: 662)
Post 427 (user=Bangarang): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 428 (user=myrrhdyrrh): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 429 (user=Meffyx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 430 (user=Dragonrlh): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 432 (user=atrox_): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 433 (user=Meffyx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 434 (user=Thamel): Choice Competitive 1v1 for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 437 (user=the foot): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID / IDENTIFIER: TheFoot / 248)
Post 438 (user=reKon): Choice Protoss, Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 441 (user=wond3rer): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 445 (user=Maquin): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 446 (user=Queven): Choice Toss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 450 (user=AEON123): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 453 (user=MysteryTerran): Choice Playing people who are much better than myself so I can improve faster. My goal is to be able to compete with the best players at future MLG events. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 455 (user=zerK): Choice High Diamond / Masters for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 457 (user=Oinkster): URL Can't find it is not valid as a profile URL
Post 459 (user=Furie): Choice All for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 460 (user=Kimmen-): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 466 (user=PsychoWabber): Choice Im a competitive player, but im not playing every single day. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 468 (user=Gustafsson20): Choice EU + AM for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 472 (user=Castiel[IX]): Choice Gold/Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 473 (user=Skigglwitz): Choice Competitvie for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 474 (user=Wowa91): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=Bnet ID : Zulang 471)
Post 475 (user=ChefStarCraft): Choice AM Server for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 479 (user=foobs): Choice Rank1 Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 485 (user=Dutko): Choice Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 488 (user=crbox): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 489 (user=chebhe): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 491 (user=Cham): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 492 (user=Shilliwippen): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 495 (user=porcos): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 497 (user=CenturyEgg): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 499 (user=llello1987): Choice North america for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 500 (user=cydial): Choice casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 504 (user=SSF): Choice North America for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 505 (user=Groogns): Choice Casual (1v1), Competitive (2v2) for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 506 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 510 (user=MediumSpicy): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 511 (user=RyoNara): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 513 (user=Namborita): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 514 (user=SHiiY): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 515 (user=Rancid Wolf): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 516 (user=solidgamerTV): Choice Competitive 1v1 practice all match ups for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 517 (user=frosecold): Choice Competitive/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 519 (user=TheMaXiM): Choice Gold (Actually plat when playing Protoss) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 520 (user=SpacelyOG): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 522 (user=J.E.G.): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 523 (user=IcookTacos): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 526 (user=JaxxUK): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 527 (user=t0n!ght): Choice Europe for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 532 (user=MysteryTerran): Choice <b>AM, EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 535 (user=bulimic26): Choice bronze for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 539 (user=cydial): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 541 (user=jaesik): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 542 (user=300ml): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 543 (user=JaxxUK): Choice <b>EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 545 (user=Mosenrose): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 546 (user=Plaugebearer): Choice am for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 547 (user=Hypervention): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 551 (user=xswishaxward): Choice <b>NA</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 552 (user=LiSAuCE): Choice America for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 553 (user=PRESIZirox): Choice Top Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 554 (user=Qwaky): Choice <b>EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 556 (user=Prospect): Choice AM, for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 560 (user=MrFrigger): URL [url=[/url] is not valid as a profile URL
Post 563 (user=Spoon-Man): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 564 (user=Spoon-Man): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 568 (user=zoglug): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TEMPLATE: )
Post 569 (user=Cattlecruiser): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 577 (user=Norbinho): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net. ID. Identifier: Norbinho.282)
Post 578 (user=!Frost!): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 588 (user=Yozshura): Choice EY for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 590 (user=thecrasher): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 591 (user=SerenitySC2): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 592 (user=CAPSLOCKLOL): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 594 (user=raf3776): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 595 (user=Nuclease): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 596 (user=recneps): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 597 (user=Crowned): Choice Competitive. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 598 (user=dim2thesum): Choice Terran / Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 600 (user=YettaSkill): Choice Silver/Gold for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 601 (user=RiAt): Choice Team/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 602 (user=OneBaseKing): Header Sc2RanksURL: is missing or out of order (line=Sc2Ranks URL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 605 (user=kWak): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 607 (user=granitka): URL N/A is not valid as a profile URL
Post 613 (user=Grobbles): Choice Silver (Platinum skill level) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 615 (user=BWalma): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 617 (user=Zappadappa): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 619 (user=ABG293): Choice Casual/Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 622 (user=Existed): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 623 (user=Tydrous): Choice Platinium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 629 (user=EnhancedZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 630 (user=eWhiPlasH): Choice Casually Competitive, working towards way more competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 633 (user=grungust): Choice Competitive. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 635 (user=twildgoose): URL (Battle net login down will update when I can) is not valid as a profile URL
Post 636 (user=AKFishing): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 637 (user=naxbcr): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 638 (user=sam05396): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 639 (user=MetaCry): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 643 (user=Synetics): Choice Terran / Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 644 (user=LgNkarmy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 647 (user=tHeWayy): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<a style='text-decoration:none;font-family:monospace;color:#808080' href='#' title='' onClick='return toggleShowSpoiler2(this, 1)'><span>+ Show</span> Spoiler<span> +</span></a><div id='spoiler_1' style='border:1px solid #808080;padding:5px;background-color:#EBEFF2;display:none'><div class='forummsg'>Server: EU)
Post 651 (user=Makyuro): Choice Platinum(low) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 659 (user=LessThanIII): Choice Competitive or Causal for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 660 (user=RawrbHero): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 667 (user=Confuzion): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 673 (user=jehoofd3): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 674 (user=lordmark): Choice Eu for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 676 (user=BWalma): Choice SIlver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 682 (user=lethyl): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 685 (user=Rival): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 686 (user=synd): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 692 (user=AhOhitzXray): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID. AhohItzXray: 826)
Post 693 (user=Conai): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 695 (user=PhantomAlpTraum): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 696 (user=Pasithee): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 698 (user=-Exalt-): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 703 (user=Thanatas): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.Identifier: Thanatas 851)
Post 710 (user=Enemyy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 711 (user=Cannabeastwod): Choice Eu for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 718 (user=heraclos): Choice <b>AM or KR/TW</b> (preferencial TW/KR) for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 721 (user=ysnake): Choice Gold/Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 725 (user=MisterGray): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b>AM)
Post 726 (user=Kybuar): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 727 (user=Grease): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 728 (user=ALPHABLUE): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 730 (user=sM.Zik): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b>AM)
Special Thanks:
+ Show Spoiler +
Blazinghand wrote:
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
[people who helped TossFloss] Much thanks goes to apm66, GMarshal, NiGhT_mArE, Raydog and starcraft911 for their awesome improvement suggestions.
Much thanks to Blazinghand for his practice partners thread as well. The format of this post was 90% ripped off from him. A huge thanks to josep. He wrote the amazing script that is used to run this thread.
The TL practice partner thread now has an official battle net channel. If you want to find someone to practice with, you may join the TLPractice channel on battlenet. To do this, log on to battle net, go to the practice channel tab, and type in TLPractice. If TLPractice is full, join TLPractice1, TLPractice2...ect.