Newbie Student Mafia X - Page 82
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Germany8352 Posts
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United States4466 Posts
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United States166 Posts
Which leads into my next point as you can read here and here not only do I believe Barakos is town, I think of him as my top town as in I won't even consider him being GF until potential lylo. | ||
800 Posts
On May 29 2015 00:50 disformation wrote: plotspot: could you explain why boxerfred was the second mason in your opinion? imo you never bothered to explain that. Ok no problem; but this is only a gut read ok, before I was too tunneled and told you this was surefire stuff. Boxerfred I have always read as town, you can check it, for his stream of concsiousness style where he posts, then thinks a bit and then post and again. For me it didn't look like scum. So following my elimination of how everyone was town, except for boxerfred, Tictock and Sulfurus, I tunneled hard on Tictock being scum. Because I was town, and I was probably clumsy too and I always gets the most pressure from Tictock, so for me at some point I was thnking? What the hell, why was I always only pushed hard by Tictock? You can check it out disinformation he made like 3-4 semi long cases on me, always careful not pushing too hard but not too low. Parallel to this I thought boxerfred might be Mason because he misslips about the coaching thread here On May 22 2015 19:32 boxerfred wrote: Barakos going the coach way :D I was just starting to ask my coach about that. However, thus far I think I'll go for the guy who voted 27ninjabunnies (which would be BM) since he did not really have a clue and just started with an accusation. That kinda points to the SK role or even a scum role. Can't really tell. However, since Breshke and batsnacks, as well as BM and tictock cast their votes for the same person, they might be somehow linked to each other in their roles, implying they are either scum or masons. Since a mason wouldn't have to cast his vote in a seemingly random/trolly kind of way, I'm going for Bill Murray. Especially since he is no newbie, so I can safely assume he didn't troll but instead made a random vote on purpose. So here we go: ##Vote Bill Murray For me this was a tell, and I simply imagined he likes to go there, but obviosly wouldn't say "to talk to my Mason partner". I could imagined he liked to go there so he could discuss stuff with the very intelligent Breshke. My logic. So one thing kinda implicates the other, so I just think the setup was then boxerfred Mason, Tictock scum (would make sense to me, he may kind of falls off your radar because he doesn't push you guys as much as me? I don't know) and Sulfurus scum too. I even found evidence on why Sulfurus was scum itself. And I started scumreading Tictock even more when I defended Sulfurus heavily. | ||
800 Posts
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Germany8360 Posts
BRB, gotta read and quote and post now. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
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Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 07:57 Barakos wrote: Just saw it now... I was roleblocked. Didn't see the pm at first. ..before plotspots claimed to be RB. Easy choice to take if there's a cop claim drawing most of the attention to himself and/or the guys he checked. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 23:09 Tictock wrote: I think I got a good enough answer out of Plots to poke holes in his claim to be Town RB. I'm a little biased here though, so I encourage Town to see if they think plots claim holds. I believe he is Mafia RB trying to fakeclaim Town RB. RB,RB, Goon vs Cop & Masons sounds fairly balanced, no? If that was to be true (which I don't think though), it would be highly unlikely that I was maf since I needed a long time to understand a role can be in twice. That brings me down to another question: are necessary two masons in by setup? Reading the setup post, I don't think so. So we potentially read batsnacks 100% green while he might just have the sickest excuses of all, being the uncontested mason #2 claim. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 08:00 Sulfurus wrote: Where's your accusation? You didn't even check me. Wait, batsnacks is the cop claim, I mistook that last post. I meant ticktoc. However, that initial post implies that he checked sulfurus so everything's pretty clear? | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 08:25 sicklucker wrote: Na definately claim. Makes it more believable now and its not like its a useful role. Were ahead we dont have to risk being behind. The longer you dont claim the easier it is for mafia to cc you. Good call. It's 7-2, so this is a great round for role claims. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 29 2015 01:34 boxerfred wrote: Wait, batsnacks is the cop claim, I mistook that last post. I meant ticktoc. However, that initial post implies that he checked sulfurus so everything's pretty clear? On May 28 2015 09:24 batsnacks wrote: Yeah I wish you had been townie enough that I could have checked someone else e.g. sulfur. >.> Obviously, not everything is clear. That puts a lot of pressure off of Sulfurus. I don't like that move, if you're claiming cop you should put pressure on by clear checks. However, a mislynch today plus a kill at night would make it 5-2, making cop claims way harder to do. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 10:13 disformation wrote: Okay folks. Let me solve this stuff... ... boxerfred: I remember you getting pretty angry when I called out your bad D1 voting behaviour. Hit a nerve? ] You pointed that out being a "Critical question", so let me answer: hell yes! You went at me pretty hard on D1 already and I defended myself without trying to get rid of any attention. I tried to simply stand there, let you fire at me and reply with "Well bro, I'm not a scum member. Since I (at this point) am not too sure about others, I'll just try to defend without damaging anyone else". In contrary to you: you freely admitted that you'd rather have a coinflip vote than the unlikely chance of getting bussed. When I decided to pressure you, I basically wanted to poke you to see if you'd change something once you're under pressure yourself. Well you did: your D2 pattern was lurky as fuck, and look what you do this day, now that town's chances are better than ever: short posts. Besides one (solid and well written) post, all you do is oneliners and following other guy's theories, without putting yourself too much in the line of fire. You accomplished to never be in danger of being voted since D1. Still hold you for town however. Tried really hard to find something besides your posting pattern that would justify a push on you, however I cannot. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 13:33 27ninjabunnies wrote: The one time I can interact with people, no one is around. lame. Shame. It's fun how the D2 attention on 27nb changed to, at first, ticktoc and then me. I don't like that. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 29 2015 01:48 boxerfred wrote: Shame. It's fun how the D2 attention on 27nb changed to, at first, ticktoc and then me. I don't like that. Especially with this following: On May 28 2015 13:55 27ninjabunnies wrote: Tops lynches PRP Dis Sulf/SL if the other two arent mafia. Since I don't like Dis for pushing me over and over again, I'd really like to hear her thoughts on him. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 14:23 plotspot wrote: I am just wondering why you killed Breshke? Was he killed because he asked me questions about the RB? He might've been very well killed due to me speculating about his role. I think that speaks for me not being scum by the way: I clearly pointed out that my theory on him was totally wrong (someone else pointed that out even before me). Why would the scum team, assumed I'm a part of it, still go for Breshke? | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 14:38 plotspot wrote: Your scum partner made a big mistake here Can you see what's missing in this question? I like your explanation on that a lot. Makes me lean Sulf towards scum. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
On May 28 2015 15:13 Tictock wrote: Suls filter is short, and there's only been 2 votes. Time to do some analysis/defending! Sul opens with his response to SL's QT stuff and 27nb's, immediately pushes Breshke for his pressure on SL. + Show Spoiler + On May 22 2015 10:24 Sulfurus wrote: @sicklucker is it not normal for the mafia QT to be open during pregame b/c if it is you shouldn't have made that dumbtell also ##Vote: Breshke On May 22 2015 11:34 Sulfurus wrote: @NinjaBunnies the most important point in this game so far is when Breshke 1st stared pushing on Sicklucker since the conflict between the two has defined the entire game. Speaking of that, Breshke is my top scum since he continuously pushes against Sicklucker with very bad reasoning (#159 he complains that he has disappeared and hasn't thought critically only 3 hours into the game) I also scum read Murray due to his weak and untrue accusation against Dis in post #191 which made me think Sick is town since he tried Bandwagoning on him but he has since rescinded his vote. Calls out SL for contradicting himself a little + Show Spoiler + On May 22 2015 11:39 Sulfurus wrote: @sicklucker I think you are executing this rxn test very poorly since you just congratulated me on having "the best post in the thread" which you probably wouldn't do to some1 you have a red on. Swaps vote from Bre to BM. Gives good reasons why he is swapping. + Show Spoiler + On May 22 2015 13:07 Sulfurus wrote: Unvote Breshke ##Vote: Bill Murray I am actually astonished at how Murray can make so many posts with out providing anything of value on top of the fact that he has pushed every one of his agenda's in a scummy manner. In posts 231 - 235 Breshke defends himself and Plotspot in a towny way and reading back Sicklucker is less towny than I thought so Breshke is no longer my top mafia. Gives more of a townread on Bre, then unvotes BM. His reasons here seem fairly poor + Show Spoiler + On May 23 2015 07:19 Sulfurus wrote: Breshke is definitely more town than I thought, he defended plotspot (I don't care how he did it just that he did at all) and I've realized that his tunnel on SL is pro-town since he got he put pressure on someone who is a hard read. I completely misunderstood what this post meant I thought it was BM saying the Dis hadn't done anything this game. That combined with what SL said about him being mislynch bait means that I'll rescind my vote off of him. ##Unvote Says he is unsure why 27nb is defending him, gives a super weak tonwread on me then claims Bara as top town. In fact he likes Bara's points about Bats opening so much he votes Bats. + Show Spoiler + On May 24 2015 06:04 Sulfurus wrote: I admit even I am confused as to why NinjaBunnies is defending me so hard; right now the only vote on her is Tictock (someone who I have had a townread on longer then anyone else) but she is definitely someone who needs to be looked at later. For me the the person with the most useful reads and my top town is Barakos; he was the one who helped me townread Breshke and scumread Disformation with this post, he has shown a healthy suspicion of NinjaBunnies, and he influenced me to un-vote BM, along with SL, with his coinflip argument (for the record I still think SL is town). My favorite Barakos post so far is this one right here especially the Batsnacks part which shows how scummy he truly is (Bat's overly defensive reactions in posts 538 & 539 don't help his case either) so while he won't get lynched today I'll definitely be pushing for his death tomorrow. ##Vote: Batsnacks Further explains about his vote on Bats + Show Spoiler + On May 24 2015 06:26 Sulfurus wrote: @Tictock I think the Bats post you quoted is just straight up wrong. He literally cherry picked quotes to paint himself as a productive member of town when in reality it was people like Breshke and yourself who got the conversation started. And the reason I like Berakos's post so much is that it showed that Bat really didn't care about making reads off of his I-ching post like he said he would. On May 24 2015 06:41 Sulfurus wrote: This is pretty much a textbook example of a humblebrag he is pretending to self-deprecate his contributions when in reality he is saying his actions are towny. Gives thoughts about Vig shooting SL being better than cop checking + Show Spoiler + On May 24 2015 14:46 Sulfurus wrote: I predict that if cop receives a town check on SL people will accuse him of being GF/SK and lynch him anyway, so cop should not check him. A vigi shot on him is fine since the only way town doesn't kill him is if he claims a role. Clarifies his stance on BM to Dis, he's saying BM is mislynch bait here... Also defends SL. + Show Spoiler + On May 25 2015 14:14 Sulfurus wrote: Whoops I believe that should be a link to post 264 IIRC your 'case' against me is that I called Bill Murray 'mislynch bait' which came off as TMI to you. TBH I don't actually know if Bill is town or not but I thought that term sounded better then 'lynch bait' since bait is usually a kind of trap you don't want to get caught in (think fishing) but we want to lynch mafia not avoid it (hopefully that makes sense). As for Sicklucker I feel he has been so busy defending himself that he hasn't been able to give any useful reads and Rels gave a very good accusation of him here so I don't think I will bother defending and I may even vote on him if it comes down to it. @Bill Murray I don't quite understand why you rescinded your vote off of SL. Can you please explain? Gives us a PoE list and votes SL + Show Spoiler + On May 26 2015 13:29 Sulfurus wrote: As of this moment my lynches are Sicklucker Batsnacks 27NinjaBunnies Bill Murray BoxerFred in that order I admit it's kinda weird that 3 of those names voted for confirmed mafia but considering how Scott was playing the idea of a bus isn't too far-fetched. ##Vote: Sicklucker Responds to a couple of questions from me, reminds me of his stance on Bats and disagrees with my stance on plots + Show Spoiler + On May 26 2015 13:52 Sulfurus wrote: @TicTock I actually already talked about Bats yesterday. It's mostly based off of what Barakos said and I think his points still stand. On May 26 2015 18:15 Sulfurus wrote: I town read Plots for the simple reason that he scumread Rels after he died. Like what incentive does he have to do that as mafia? There is no mislynch he can push there and I don't think he realized I would town read him for that. Even if that was the purpose he would have tried to 'get credit' for it at some point instead of letting people forget about that read. In general Plot's demeanor this game has been to try get information into the hands of town instead of trying to push any kind of malicious agenda. Pressures Bats to explain his switch to BM (i'd like to know this as well) + Show Spoiler + On May 27 2015 14:04 Sulfurus wrote: @Batsnacks please go in depth on why you changed your vote to Bill Murray. Agrees BF is speculating too much about roles, but says he is likely town. + Show Spoiler + On May 28 2015 06:38 Sulfurus wrote: I agree that BoxerFred should stop talking about roles since it only helps mafia but all his specualtion seems really genuine and I think if he was mafia he would save that stuff for their QT. Also I think he is extremely towny for going against the grain and voting Bunnies yesterday. Thinks it's likely bunnies is trying to pocket him + Show Spoiler + On May 28 2015 06:49 Sulfurus wrote: Also I agree with the logic that Bunnies was trying to pocket me because I am new only to change her read when she realized that wouldn't work. There's also his posts asking Bats why he is suddenly the #1 target and his pointing out that Bunnies could be potential GF, these were so recent I'm not bothering quoting. The Votes: Day 1 Sul left his vote on Bats. It's a throwaway vote but it is in line with his reads all game. Day 2 Again left his vote on SL. Sul's votes dont look great, but he's not around often to change his vote and he gives decent reasoning why he is voting as he does. His vote on SL is weak, but he never gave much indication he'd be willing to vote either bunnies or BM so it makes sense. To me the biggest point here is Sul calling out BM as mislynch bait, scum would not point out someone as a potential mislynch bait. I'm also not seeing anything here that indicates scum behavior. Given all this, you guys had better give some damed good reasons why Sul is scum. To me 27nb is still the clear target as nothing has actually cleared her of any of the reasons she was being lynched D2. Green check when there is a possibility of GF is not enough. This huge post in the meantime is very strong in defense for Sulf. That makes me go from 99% town to 100% town towards the mason here. Also, it makes me lean Sulf more in a town way and not want me to vote him. | ||
Germany8360 Posts
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