On April 17 2012 22:33 Two_DoWn wrote: Ive been a fan of doing q-w-e for jungle. I literally 4 hit an ahri yesterday with q and ult up.
What runes and masteries do you run? I gave Riven a shot recently with a doran's blade start and 21/9/0 and found that I got absolutely wrecked by blue even with a good leash. I've seen lots of people stream riven jungle and kill wolves and blue taking almost 0 damage with dblade though, so I feel like I'm missing something.
I could do boots 3pot of course but if it's possible to full clear the jungle with just a dorans that seems ideal.
Full ad reds quints, armor yellers, mr/lvl blues. 21-9.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Guess I just need a better leash to avoid starting with pots.
On April 16 2012 18:16 Pulselol wrote: Just bought Riven, feels like I have no counters in Top Lane if I play really safe except for Tryhardamere. Even then, if I can zone him pre-6 I could crush him until LATE LATE game where he crits for 500+ and I just die from that.
AD nid with armor runes trashes her. Teemo counters her too, and she has problems against Yorick and armor page rumble as well. Kennen will easily kill you at 6 if you're not super careful. I think there's more bad matchups but I can't think of them atm
On April 18 2012 02:48 Perplex wrote:Show nested quote +On April 16 2012 18:16 Pulselol wrote: Just bought Riven, feels like I have no counters in Top Lane if I play really safe except for Tryhardamere. Even then, if I can zone him pre-6 I could crush him until LATE LATE game where he crits for 500+ and I just die from that. AD nid with armor runes trashes her. Teemo counters her too, and she has problems against Yorick and armor page rumble as well. Kennen will easily kill you at 6 if you're not super careful. I think there's more bad matchups but I can't think of them atm Disagree on Nid, Teemo is a tough matchup, disagree on Yorick heavily, Not seen enough Rumble personally.
Trundle, now there is a jerk I don't like seeing top.
Ad nid is not a counter neither is teemo. Teemo can be a bitch but he should never kill you and if he doesn't okay super safe he will die. Ad mid can dokay early but can never fight youvin lane. Kennen isn't a hard lane either. He has to push lane to harras and you ate way stronger at six. Yorick gets tooed on from level one My counter pick for riven is Olaf.
On April 18 2012 12:15 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On April 18 2012 02:48 Perplex wrote:On April 16 2012 18:16 Pulselol wrote: Just bought Riven, feels like I have no counters in Top Lane if I play really safe except for Tryhardamere. Even then, if I can zone him pre-6 I could crush him until LATE LATE game where he crits for 500+ and I just die from that. AD nid with armor runes trashes her. Teemo counters her too, and she has problems against Yorick and armor page rumble as well. Kennen will easily kill you at 6 if you're not super careful. I think there's more bad matchups but I can't think of them atm Disagree on Nid, Teemo is a tough matchup, disagree on Yorick heavily, Not seen enough Rumble personally. Trundle, now there is a jerk I don't like seeing top.
Yup, I 6-0 on Trundle, all of those times I just counterpicked Riven and laughed.
I definitely understand why no one plays him, he really boring... That said his pillar the coolest skill in the game.
How do you manage laning against Urgot? I was put in a game against Urgot yesterday, I thought I was going against Teemo but went cloth + 5pots anyway just to be safe, and when Urgot showed up I could do absolutely NOTHING. Not even staying behind my creeps was safe, the moment I got grenaded I took massive damage, and from level 1 I had the disadvantage of being melee vs ranged, so I wasn't sure how to get an early advantage before he had his E + Q. Am I looking at this the wrong way? He started off with Meki Pendant and something else, I believe. It was just a nightmare...
Against riven's high mobility, urgit should never hit a grenade When he does, you have to trade with him instead of running away. Move toward him and stun and knock him around so he can't lock onto you. With meki opening, you'll do more damage than he will. Call for ganks, he has no escape or hard cc.
Alright, someone teach me to lane vs Panth. I can shield spears all day, but he just abuses his jump-stabby combo as soon as the shield is gone, then his passive blocks mine. It's completely fucking infuriating.
use E when he spear shots
On April 24 2012 11:56 Requizen wrote: Alright, someone teach me to lane vs Panth. I can shield spears all day, but he just abuses his jump-stabby combo as soon as the shield is gone, then his passive blocks mine. It's completely fucking infuriating.
he has mana, you don't early game you should max shield, and go for lasthits only when shield cooldown is ready. shield the spear, now you have to play passive for ~6-9 seconds. it takes discipline. eventually he'll run out of mana while you'll never be out of mana! when he has only enough mana for 1 full combo, you can start being aggressive. it's an abusive/attrition way to play but it's very effective.
Hmm, everyone here seems to advocate fore pure damage riven w. GA. But I've been finding my build (I'll call it the super metabruiser build), quite effective. For jungle it's d-blade->boots->dblade->dblade->tier2 boots->phage->hexdrinker (if necessary)->BT->froz mallet->atma's->lw->w.e
For top, it's usually, boots->wrigs (or hex drinker, or dblade, depending on matchup->phage->wrigs (if you didn't get it earlier)-> frozmallet->atma's->lw.->maw's->luxury item.
I guess I just like building my riven pretty freaking tanky....
with the advent of hexdrinker its definitely much more viable than before i still think phage as an item on her is mediocre when you could buy a BF sword with similar money (or dorans blades or defensive item components if you need to buy these to stay relevant in lane) but i can understand wanting to build tanky. i always preferred being a legitimate threat lategame though, with this you will be strong midgame but your lategame will be weak without at least 1 other bruiser threat to harm their AD / AP as needed
Phage still strikes me as "eh". A couple DBlades can take it's place early game, and FMallet+Atma's isn't nearly as nice later on as another BT and a LW. I'd totally get it if you could buy that Dominion item that's a Phage + BFS, makes her OP as fuck on Dom.
I would say that in a game where you want to be overall more tanky, especially against high mobility APs or sustained AP damage (I would say 2 of Kennen/Ahri/Vlad/Ryze/Rumble/etc, or one of those and an AP jungle), building Hexdrinker and Phage AFTER your BT can be a solid choice, but even then the Phage part is questionable. I really don't think anything other than Dorans->BT can compete in lane though barring emergency resists to be able to survive, I find your midgame falls off horribly if you don't get the BT up fairly quickly.
Eh vs double AP I tend to go boots + 3 -> 2 dorans -> hexdrinker -> BT -> GA
Hexdrinker is strong enough vs Double AP that it works pretty well. And I fine that extra shield + your shield is often the difference in midgame fights. However if you are just farming then 3 dorans - > BT -> GA then Hex is prolly better
I like phage because it builds into Frozmallet. The slow is meh, because rivens ability to gap close is really powerful so chasing usually is a non issue. I just like the huge amount of HP it gives riven. Frozmallet + atma's gives around 60-70ad, 700 hp, and 45armor. It just feels so strong. Maybe it's because I like initiating fights w/ riven, that's probably why i feel tankyass riven feels so strong....
BT+ga is a much better combo than frozen atmas and atmas is pretty trash now. IF you need hp often you want maw of malmortius as well since mr shield+mr is prefect against bursty AP combos because of your spammable E which scales off your AD to counter lower amounts of sustained damage.
On May 09 2012 05:24 Slayer91 wrote: BT+ga is a much better combo than frozen atmas and atmas is pretty trash now. IF you need hp often you want maw of malmortius as well since mr shield+mr is prefect against bursty AP combos because of your spammable E which scales off your AD to counter lower amounts of sustained damage. How is atma's trash now? It still offers A LOT of stats per gold than any other item if you have over 2000 health. The Maw point is moot, because it's a item for both pure AD riven build, and my bruiser build.
GA+BT Riven @ lvl 18 has 70.8 base armor, and 1962hp. GA offers 68 Armor, totaling 138.8 armor. Which is a 58.12% dmg reduction (from physical) BT offers 100AD (if stack'd), will offer an additional 100 hp to shield. (+180 base) Total health w/ shield @lvl 18 will be 2242, w/ effective hp of ~3875
FrozMallet+Atma's Frozmallet offer 700 health, totally health to 2662 Atma's offer 45 armor, totaling 115.8 armor. Which is 53.66% dmg reduction (from physical) 40AD (from Atma's) and 20AD, totaling to 60AD, additional 60hp to shield (+180 base) Total health w/ shield @lvl 18 will be 2902, w/ effective hp of ~5450
You can see the defensive difference against AD.
Now w/ GA you do run more MR, but w/ the gold difference it's only a 200-300 gold more for a negatron cloak.