On July 22 2012 07:15 GARO wrote: ... Bloodthirster gains stacks from any type of kill. That includes minions, which you'll have plenty of if you and your lane opponent are still hanging around top for farm. LOL i'm dumb. thanks
You have good ad ratio on your abilities -> BT You dont need hextech gunblade -> BT Brut builds into youmoo's, but you don't get much from AS since you scale with ad -> BT
It's essentially the same as pantheon. You're more of an ability user, rather than a straight up auto-attacker, so building raw AD is better.
On July 22 2012 06:54 D u o wrote: A lot of guides are saying to go for a blood thirstier and so far it's worked out well but why go for a stacking item, isn't it risky? They only scale well if you're engaging in teamfights but you should only be dealing with top lane unless you're jungling and then it's a bit of a different story, but if you're 1v1 top solo you're in a situation where you're only going to be fighting that one person the whole game. Which seems like it reduces the chances to get stacks on it, and that you're missing out on half of the items potential. Wouldn't going for like a Bilgewater Cutlass and Brutalizer be better to go for? Since you get a heavy slow, and life steal earlier at the sacrifice of 10 damage, if you're just going to build a bilgewater.
Bloodthirster is 3000g for 60 damage 12 lifesteal
And its passive which grants lifesteal and damage for your kills after you get it. But this feels like its quite insignificant.
Brutalizer + Bilgewater is 3162g for 60 damage 15 lifesteal 15 armor pen 10% CRD
and 150 damage, 50% slow for 3 seconds
The only downfall is that if you build a bilgewater first you're going to lose out on 10 damage at the cost of gaining lifesteal and the 150 damage and 50% slow for 3 seconds which is on a CD of 60 seconds, allowing you to bully or escape your lane even better.
Anyone have any suggestions on why you should get a Bloodthrister or why not to get it? To me it just seems useless midgame because its passive isn't as good as a bilgewater + brutalizer and you'll have slots for them. If a riven got bilgewater against me i'd probably laugh in their face.
Bloodthirster best item on her.
On July 22 2012 07:36 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 06:54 D u o wrote: A lot of guides are saying to go for a blood thirstier and so far it's worked out well but why go for a stacking item, isn't it risky? They only scale well if you're engaging in teamfights but you should only be dealing with top lane unless you're jungling and then it's a bit of a different story, but if you're 1v1 top solo you're in a situation where you're only going to be fighting that one person the whole game. Which seems like it reduces the chances to get stacks on it, and that you're missing out on half of the items potential. Wouldn't going for like a Bilgewater Cutlass and Brutalizer be better to go for? Since you get a heavy slow, and life steal earlier at the sacrifice of 10 damage, if you're just going to build a bilgewater.
Bloodthirster is 3000g for 60 damage 12 lifesteal
And its passive which grants lifesteal and damage for your kills after you get it. But this feels like its quite insignificant.
Brutalizer + Bilgewater is 3162g for 60 damage 15 lifesteal 15 armor pen 10% CRD
and 150 damage, 50% slow for 3 seconds
The only downfall is that if you build a bilgewater first you're going to lose out on 10 damage at the cost of gaining lifesteal and the 150 damage and 50% slow for 3 seconds which is on a CD of 60 seconds, allowing you to bully or escape your lane even better.
Anyone have any suggestions on why you should get a Bloodthrister or why not to get it? To me it just seems useless midgame because its passive isn't as good as a bilgewater + brutalizer and you'll have slots for them. If a riven got bilgewater against me i'd probably laugh in their face. Bloodthirster best item on her.
On July 22 2012 07:15 GARO wrote: ... Bloodthirster gains stacks from any type of kill. That includes minions, which you'll have plenty of if you and your lane opponent are still hanging around top for farm. LOL i'm dumb. thanks
Since this thread got bumped, figured I'd ask. How are people finding Jayce top? I only played 2 so far with mixed results. One went for a passive farmfest so I just killed him at 6 (he was bad), the other went super-aggressive with range mode at 1 and forced me to farm under tower. We got a gank on him eventually but he had about 10 or 15 cs lead on me at 10min mark. I caught up eventually since he started roaming, but I felt that if you don't start cloth5 and max shield, you gonna have a bad time laning vs a competent jayce. It's kinda hard to kill him 1v1 since he can just disengage with hammer knockback and then just run away with the speedgate, while simply farming is also hard because he can harass you under tower with (sped up) orb and range mode.
Clearly you guys have never ran spell vamp quints on riven
Valhalla18444 Posts
whats the build concensus for riven these days? i've been going wriggles, bt, hexdrinker, GA, maw. seems really strong so far, but i dunno what to build in addition
On July 24 2012 10:16 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: whats the build concensus for riven these days? i've been going wriggles, bt, hexdrinker, GA, maw. seems really strong so far, but i dunno what to build in addition
Last Whisper, Randuin's Omen. Some like Frozen Mallet, i don't, since i prefer the hyper carry, lane stomping type of play
4 BT's, boots, GA
whisper/maw as needed
On July 24 2012 10:16 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: whats the build concensus for riven these days? i've been going wriggles, bt, hexdrinker, GA, maw. seems really strong so far, but i dunno what to build in addition
Start: cloth5, boots3, or Dblade Matchup dependent, I personally used Goldfather's guide to learn when to use what. Even then I usually ignore it when he says blade. >.>
Core: 2/3xDblade>BT>Boots>GA BF is her big power curve jump so try and delay Vamp Scepter if you can. If laning against an AP you can go Vamp Scepter>hexdrinker>BT. If you're snowballing and your opponent is being stupid and not building armor, Vamp Scepter>Brutalizer>BT isn't a terrible option.
Lategame options: LW, MoM, Randuins Switch em out for BTs if you don't think it's needed.
I've considered doing my ez build on her minus sheen (yommus+brut+BoL) for 40% CDR while not wasting money on defensive stats riven really doesn't need. theoretically 40% CDR on riven makes her truly outrageous, even more than taric , and with the addition of decent crit chance and some serious armor pen you can rompastomp through people. It also means you can devote runes/masteries to straight up damage or tankyness as you see fit.
(also, in advance of people saying why take double brut, waste of a slot, very few games I play go to the point where I'm fully built on riven since you're stacking items like maw, IE, BT and mallet which are all in excess of 3k gold. If you could buy a single weapon that gave you 25% CDR, 55 AD, 15% crit, 35 armor penetration, 20% movespeed, 50% asp for roughly the same price as a trinity force, would you do it? If you're good with actives, that's basically what this does, and all those stats are incredibly good on riven)
Still, I think unless you've really mastered using riven's abilities and combos, going boots-BT is the smartest option IMO.
if you've mastered using riven's abilities you know that 40% cdr is a luxury for extra E and W cds and that the sheer effectiveness of additional damage and shielding on her e makes AD stronger as most fights will be decided by your initial burst and then ultimate
this is true to an extent, but I've always found riven has great fight sustain if you play her conservatively rather than going balls deep. you can pressure several champs at once with good positioning and use of your dashes, while juking a lot of the attempts to lock you down. If you want to play a champ who just latches onto someone and blows them up, I'd play Xin, Riven has a toolset to allow her to engage much more fluidly and in doing so win fights as much through confusion and misdirection as brute force, as much of that as she has.
On July 24 2012 12:51 Thereisnosaurus wrote:I've considered doing my ez build on her minus sheen (yommus+brut+BoL) for 40% CDR while not wasting money on defensive stats riven really doesn't need. theoretically 40% CDR on riven makes her truly outrageous, even more than taric  , and with the addition of decent crit chance and some serious armor pen you can rompastomp through people. It also means you can devote runes/masteries to straight up damage or tankyness as you see fit. (also, in advance of people saying why take double brut, waste of a slot, very few games I play go to the point where I'm fully built on riven since you're stacking items like maw, IE, BT and mallet which are all in excess of 3k gold. If you could buy a single weapon that gave you 25% CDR, 55 AD, 15% crit, 35 armor penetration, 20% movespeed, 50% asp for roughly the same price as a trinity force, would you do it? If you're good with actives, that's basically what this does, and all those stats are incredibly good on riven) Still, I think unless you've really mastered using riven's abilities and combos, going boots-BT is the smartest option IMO. Highlighted where I really disagree with your post. Riven's a melee character, and one that thrives in prolonged engagements where you get to get the most out of your short CD stuns & shields and your very long duration ulti steroid. Riven wants resists, and lots of them, to make her spammable shield (and lifesteal from BT) worth more EHP - thus the standard for her being GA, though I've been doing Warden's mail after my BT into randuins a lot lately (screw early HoGs, rather have 2 dorans than a HOG for riven any day.)
I got beaten by a Rumble the other day...tips? T_T
I messed up the first fight we had and gave him a free kill. After that, it just snowballed against me.
On July 24 2012 13:37 PH wrote: I got beaten by a Rumble the other day...tips? T_T
I messed up the first fight we had and gave him a free kill. After that, it just snowballed against me. dont mess up the first fight 
riven should be rumble pretty easily since you can engage and disengage at will. Rumble can't really catch you 'cause of all your dashes and your ministun. Rumble does snowball a lane really hard tho, so if you get behind early you're in for a tough time.
On July 24 2012 13:04 Thereisnosaurus wrote: this is true to an extent, but I've always found riven has great fight sustain if you play her conservatively rather than going balls deep. you can pressure several champs at once with good positioning and use of your dashes, while juking a lot of the attempts to lock you down. If you want to play a champ who just latches onto someone and blows them up, I'd play Xin, Riven has a toolset to allow her to engage much more fluidly and in doing so win fights as much through confusion and misdirection as brute force, as much of that as she has. but what does this have to do with cdr vs ad? You can do the same with ad. Im a huge fan of cdr in general but i dont think this is one champ i would over-prioritize it
I've been putting off GA and grabbing Aegis for the health bonus, helps out quite a bit in fights, then usually building either Warden's Mail or Hex, finishing those off after Last Whisper. I've found that building GA is too reliant on the one off of reviving and I play much better when I don't have that kind of a crutch.
but what does this have to do with cdr vs ad? You can do the same with ad. Im a huge fan of cdr in general but i dont think this is one champ i would over-prioritize it
Riven's abilities give her her positioning strength, from straight mobility with Q and E to W's ability to give you a stutter advantage. with 40% CDR you can almost constantly be using abilities so long as you don't basically palm your QWE in half a second, you can pretty much go E whack W whack Q whack Q whack Q whack E whack W whack. The benefit isn't just mechanical, it's psychological, you'll be less predictable, more able to do spikes of damage or run interference. You'll have your ult up when someone doesn't expect it and so on, exactly the sort of advantages you can gain from say an early zhonyas or a trick runepage. From playing ez with 40% CDR in the early-midgame I can't overstate how much of a difference this can make.
Now I should also like to stress that I don't play riven like this, and I've always seen riven as an AD stacking champ for the same reasons as you, but often I find myself wishing I had a cooldown 2 seconds or so before I had it. I think that WITH that advantage, you really can focus on stacking offensive stats because you will just be absurdly hard to pin down and kill. Mobile enough to get in where you're needed after the first flurry of damage and squirrely enough not to get blown up instantly. Thus you can get in, deal your exceptional damage and get out before retribution strikes, meanwhile confusing and distracting the enemy. Then you can more or less immediately turn in again if the fight is going well and re-initiate with full efficiency. With a standard build, there's usually going to be a 2-3 second delay where you're waiting for those cooldowns. In a team fight, that is a *long* time