[Champion] Riven - Page 27
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United States1631 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On March 25 2012 11:25 R04R wrote: He's gotten GA in the scrims I've seen him in vs. TPA(lilballz team), MIG fire/flame/w/e, and lilac's team The scrim i just seens score it looked like he had 2 dorans boots mallet and atmas(so not atmogs my bad in the original post) | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On March 25 2012 11:25 R04R wrote: He's gotten GA in the scrims I've seen him in vs. TPA(lilballz team), MIG fire/flame/w/e, and lilac's team Yeah, I seen him mostly going Boots->Dblades->BT->GA Then he get like Phage after that. | ||
3534 Posts
On March 25 2012 03:59 panzer wrote: that guide is pure gold, esp the details in lane matchups help so much, one of the best you can find on solomid. dyrus has also been playing a lot of riven on stream, saint is junglin with her on the korean server right now. I can't stress enough HOW good that guide is. I have yet to read a better one for ANY champ, and I'd like to think I have read a lot, lot of guides. It just answers pretty much every question one can have about Riven. One thing I have realized that made me think a little was the lack of Wriggle's. I really like it against most AD lanes. I'm guessing the 1600 is just more than he'd like to spend before getting a BT, but that's the best thing I can think off right now. Maybe the armor of Tabi and the lifesteal of Vamp and 2-3 Dorans offers enough survivability to justify not getting it, plus her power curve makes a ridiculous jump once she gets her BF. Mhm, now that I think more about it, that actually makes a lot of sense. Anyway, opinions? Also, all props to Dyrus, I like the dude and all, but his Riven is horrible, at least every time I've seen it. Heal/Ignite, always QQQ never AA, IDK. Don't like it. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Jungle Riven wrecks everything. o.o Such strong ganks, farms fast, and is absolutely monstrous late game. It like a Jungle Lee Sin that clears faster. | ||
93 Posts
Shiv. wrote: One thing I have realized that made me think a little was the lack of Wriggle's. I really like it against most AD lanes. I'm guessing the 1600 is just more than he'd like to spend before getting a BT, but that's the best thing I can think off right now. Maybe the armor of Tabi and the lifesteal of Vamp and 2-3 Dorans offers enough survivability to justify not getting it, plus her power curve makes a ridiculous jump once she gets her BF. Mhm, now that I think more about it, that actually makes a lot of sense. Anyway, opinions? dorans are the most cost effective items u can get early on. wriggles is for pussies and old men that want to afk farm, if u have balls of steel and want to make big plays and go for the gold u take dorans. the tabi 2-3 dorans combo is simply superior compared to wriggles for ad casters like riven. Shiv. wrote: Also, all props to Dyrus, I like the dude and all, but his Riven is horrible, at least every time I've seen it. Heal/Ignite, always QQQ never AA, IDK. Don't like it. this heal/ignite fad is something NA specific where dyrus mostly goofs off now, seems like hes tryharding more on EU. at least thats the vibe i get from watching him. and hey he can make it work on 2.2k elo, he might not be the authority on riven play but he makes is work well. | ||
United States35093 Posts
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3534 Posts
On March 27 2012 02:53 panzer wrote: this heal/ignite fad is something NA specific where dyrus mostly goofs off now, seems like hes tryharding more on EU. at least thats the vibe i get from watching him. and hey he can make it work on 2.2k elo, he might not be the authority on riven play but he makes is work well. Yeah, probably. Again, who am I to judge a guy who is infinitely better at this game than I am. I just saw 3 or 4 games where he played Riven and according to the goldfather8 guide and my own experience he misplayed his lane pretty much every time. I guess I should not have commented on him being horrible on Riven based on a very limited amount of games. | ||
United States2205 Posts
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United States17234 Posts
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United States35093 Posts
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3534 Posts
On March 28 2012 16:48 Gahlo wrote: 6300 points, no strong results(from what I've seen) competitively. That's true, but then again, the only players who have seriously picked up Riven during important matches are either Europeans who play a bruiser style max Q build and Westrice back in MLG Providence, who maxes Shield last but still builds pure glass cannon. I'm not really sure wether that's the way she's supposed to be played. I've seen Wickd try both approaches, so I can't comment on which one he likes better or thinks is stronger. But I really think I haven't seen a pro use the build I consider the best (Navi/Goldfather approach, BT into GA, max E 2nd.). | ||
United States6533 Posts
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United States35093 Posts
Seeing the Euros play her bruiserish was painful. I never want to look at how a pro builds and think "you're doing it wrong" like I did then. I played Westrice style for a while. It's pretty hit or miss depending on how your opponent responds and is harder to get out of ganks with. | ||
Germany454 Posts
On March 28 2012 15:54 Kouda wrote: I wonder why Riven isn't played more to be honest. No Mana Champion + Unique Kit makes for a wonderful combo, and I think she's pretty strong. Maybe a bit too strong. I think one of the reasons is that she doesn't work as well in random team-compositions compared to, e.g. an Irelia (pre-nerf dunno how good she's now). I have it often that I ask in SoloQ that I want to go a rather glassy Riven, and ask the jungler to pick/go tanky. People don't understand that (at my elo I often get flamed for not going atmog/tanky etc.) so they think Riven is a bad pick. Irelia (to stay with the example) can work pretty much with every team, Riven is best when the jungler does go tanky and the rest of the team ain't too squishy, IMHO that's one of the points holding her back in SoloQ, and that's what decides popularity. (Can't help but feel good about it though, I love playing her would be a shame if she became a top-ban/pick or get nerfed..) | ||
United States97 Posts
On March 25 2012 03:05 arb wrote: How exactly is saint doing jungle riven now? I've seen him starting boots, dorans, or vamp scepter. He seems to run lifesteal quints, or so I've heard him talking about. He goes 2-3 dorans into BT, pretty standard, but then he goes either phage -> GA or atmallet. I personally like getting a LW as fast as possible for the TONS OF DAMAGE or a GA earlier if I'm getting focused badly but SV tends to like being a lot more beefy unless he's ridiculously far ahead. Sometimes he gets phage before BF sword if he doesn't feel like saving for it. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
I didn't run lifesteal quints, rivens passive scales too well. On March 28 2012 20:40 Gahlo wrote: I agree, I've had strong results with it against double AP and Karthus. Seeing the Euros play her bruiserish was painful. I never want to look at how a pro builds and think "you're doing it wrong" like I did then. I played Westrice style for a while. It's pretty hit or miss depending on how your opponent responds and is harder to get out of ganks with. People built renekton bruiserish and it was equally bad for the same reasons but nobody cried about that. Don't know why everyone is so elitist about navis build. Sure BT GA is great but you can't say that only 1 defensive item on riven is always the way to go in competitive play. Wickds going like 1-2 dorans BT+LW into items like Atmas, mallet, warmogs, malmortius which is pretty damn squishy. (But not 2x BT GA IE LW squishy) | ||
United States35093 Posts
On March 29 2012 01:25 Slayer91 wrote: When I jungle riven I always got dblade start with wriggles-->hexdrinker-->phage-->brutalizer-->atmas or GA type builds and done really well. Might skip wriggles now since its not as good and skip phage and get malmortius instead. Problem with phage is riven really doesn't need the slow because her E and Q with cdr from brutalizer are great for chasing. I didn't run lifesteal quints, rivens passive scales too well. People built renekton bruiserish and it was equally bad for the same reasons but nobody cried about that. Don't know why everyone is so elitist about navis build. Sure BT GA is great but you can't say that only 1 defensive item on riven is always the way to go in competitive play. Wickds going like 1-2 dorans BT+LW into items like Atmas, mallet, warmogs, malmortius which is pretty damn squishy. (But not 2x BT GA IE LW squishy) For me, anything after BT/GA is situational anyway. Nothing stops me from picking up MoM, or any of the Fratmogs pieces. I haven't strictly followed Navi's build in a while. Multiple times in this thread where I've thrown around different ideas, purely to find out what can work. Competitive sample size is too small. I have to go by personal experience, testimonials, and what I see in scrims. From what I have seen, heard, and done, BT/GA has worked out the best. I'm sorry if I came across wrong, but my original reply was in agreement with you mentioning how strongly Riven's passive scales and skipping things like wriggle and phage. =| Granted I also only lane with Riven anymore, so that changes things too. >.> | ||
886 Posts
But Malphite just laughed at me in lane. The guide says it's an easy lane, very killable as long as Malphite has <130 armor, but I never had a chance -_- How do you win a lane against Malphite? He opened regrowth pot. He didn't even try to harrass me unless I went for CS, and then he'd always outdamage my shield. I'd get him lower than he got me, but then I had to back (AS debuff), and he'd regenerate faster than I did. What did I do wrong? (Since he didn't apply the AS debuff until I was actually attacking him, I couldn't really dodge it except for doing E (dash in) -> W -> QQQ (dash away) without autoattacks; and that combo was not really enough to get significant damage past his shield. And then my cooldowns were all used up, and he'd keep last hitting while I'd have to wait away from creeps.) | ||
United States1892 Posts
On March 26 2012 09:16 Shiv. wrote: I can't stress enough HOW good that guide is. I have yet to read a better one for ANY champ, and I'd like to think I have read a lot, lot of guides. It just answers pretty much every question one can have about Riven. One thing I have realized that made me think a little was the lack of Wriggle's. I really like it against most AD lanes. I'm guessing the 1600 is just more than he'd like to spend before getting a BT, but that's the best thing I can think off right now. Maybe the armor of Tabi and the lifesteal of Vamp and 2-3 Dorans offers enough survivability to justify not getting it, plus her power curve makes a ridiculous jump once she gets her BF. Mhm, now that I think more about it, that actually makes a lot of sense. Anyway, opinions? Also, all props to Dyrus, I like the dude and all, but his Riven is horrible, at least every time I've seen it. Heal/Ignite, always QQQ never AA, IDK. Don't like it. You should read that guide again. He says ALWAYS build bf before vamp scepter. The amount you pay for a Wriggle's is like an entire BF sword. Riven should be coming out of the gate strong, and only get stronger as you stack AD. This is why the early BF sword is important. You can start cloth 5 pot, and use the cloth in either Tabi or GA. You don't have to turn it into a wriggle's. I feel the new hexdrinker item is viable on Riven, but I'm not entirely positive how to fit it in with the doran's stack, bt. ga build. I think maybe getting a Pick Ax instead of a dblade will give you more damage, but less sustain/health. Good if already winning the lane hard, and if you're behind you just get the Hexdrinker, right? I'm just theory crafting, the only AP champs I played against yesterday was an Akali who just fed, and became a worthless squishy late game, and a LeBlanc I just out cs'd and out scaled into the mid game. I think I sold a dblade for a pick ax after GA that game vs Leblanc to go for a maul, but the game was already pretty much decided at that point. When should you be picking up the new item so it can have a major impact on the outcome of the game? On March 30 2012 02:19 bmn wrote: Soo, I read Goldfather8's guide, and I've been doing fine against GP, Trynd, Talon. But Malphite just laughed at me in lane. The guide says it's an easy lane, very killable as long as Malphite has <130 armor, but I never had a chance -_- How do you win a lane against Malphite? He opened regrowth pot. He didn't even try to harrass me unless I went for CS, and then he'd always outdamage my shield. I'd get him lower than he got me, but then I had to back (AS debuff), and he'd regenerate faster than I did. What did I do wrong? (Since he didn't apply the AS debuff until I was actually attacking him, I couldn't really dodge it except for doing E (dash in) -> W -> QQQ (dash away) without autoattacks; and that combo was not really enough to get significant damage past his shield. And then my cooldowns were all used up, and he'd keep last hitting while I'd have to wait away from creeps.) Did you open dblade? If you have potions you should be able to run him OOM by shielding his harass, and harassing back. If you have dblade you need to play the lane very aggressively, auto attacking the creeps to hit two faster and then unload on him with w's, q's, and autos. After auto attacking you should cancel that animation and shit so you can stick on him and keep hitting with q's and autos. | ||
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