How does Riven lane vs Udyr?
That game just felt so unfair. I beat him level 1, then I just get out damaged so hard by like level 3. I couldn't have been outplayed that incredibly hard I don't think... he just killed me so easily and I couldn't put any damage out on him. By the time we both had wriggles it was even but after that it was just all Udyr all the time.
That was painful, I don't like losing lane qq.
Whack him around early, then turn it into a farm lane. You scale better.
On March 16 2012 20:29 Gahlo wrote: Whack him around early, then turn it into a farm lane. You scale better.
Thats what i tried to do. I dunno, it just felt like I couldn't damage him, and he could kill me very very easily if he forced a trade.
He had me pretty zoned in general, and granted their mid/jungle spent a lot of time in my lane. Bleh, I hate getting shut out like that, just feels so terrible. Time to grind ten games laning against Udyr with various tops.
How should the Riven vs Volibear matchup go? When I played it we were pretty even, but Volibear's kit (passive + execute) makes it super hard to tell whether you can win a trade or not. I was also pretty indecisive about my skill order (ended up having 2 levels in Q, W, and E at one point, because I accidentally leveled Q while not being sure if I needed to max E or not)... should I just try to passively farm and outscale him? With Q and E the fling was generally pretty avoidable, but using them as escapes means that if I ever try to cs while they're on cooldown I can't trade at all.
On March 17 2012 09:58 danana wrote: How should the Riven vs Volibear matchup go? When I played it we were pretty even, but Volibear's kit (passive + execute) makes it super hard to tell whether you can win a trade or not. I was also pretty indecisive about my skill order (ended up having 2 levels in Q, W, and E at one point, because I accidentally leveled Q while not being sure if I needed to max E or not)... should I just try to passively farm and outscale him? With Q and E the fling was generally pretty avoidable, but using them as escapes means that if I ever try to cs while they're on cooldown I can't trade at all.
idunno about riven specifically, but in like 99% of voli's good matchups, he just barely kinda hangs on until wriggles, then trashes shit, in an irelia kind of way. That might change with the upcoming wriggles nerfs tho...
i dunno how easy it is to just passively farm vs voli if you tho, his speed + fling + slow combo makes it so that if he want's to engage on you, he probably can.
Wooo bloodthirster buffs stack BT all day every day.
Edit: Buff for Riven anyways since she cared more about the AD than the lifesteal
Last time I was in the Voli vs Riven matchup, I might as well have had his pelt as a carpet. Left lane 6/0/0 up 70ish cs. Obviously diving somebody with a flip at their turret is dumb. Ignite before his passive goes off.
Really excited for the BT change. Curious about how this effects GA timing. Interested in how effective MoM will be when used against magic heavy comps. E + MoM = mega low hp shield huehuehue
On March 16 2012 16:48 iCanada wrote: How does Riven lane vs Udyr?
That game just felt so unfair. I beat him level 1, then I just get out damaged so hard by like level 3. I couldn't have been outplayed that incredibly hard I don't think... he just killed me so easily and I couldn't put any damage out on him. By the time we both had wriggles it was even but after that it was just all Udyr all the time.
That was painful, I don't like losing lane qq.
i take w first and just annoy him, when u get to 3 i think u have to chip him down everytime w come off cd with a w auto q auto combo then back off proc 2nd q and hit him with the 3rd q proc, if he tries to engage just e away and spam laught. dont go wriggles, two dorans is much better. if hes bad he will try to engage you and just waste mana and miss creeps. u cant fight him head to head in auto attacks even when ahead, u need to abuse the skills and rivens mobility. thats my take on the matchup but i dont have much experience vs udyr.
On March 18 2012 06:44 panzer wrote:Show nested quote +On March 16 2012 16:48 iCanada wrote: How does Riven lane vs Udyr?
That game just felt so unfair. I beat him level 1, then I just get out damaged so hard by like level 3. I couldn't have been outplayed that incredibly hard I don't think... he just killed me so easily and I couldn't put any damage out on him. By the time we both had wriggles it was even but after that it was just all Udyr all the time.
That was painful, I don't like losing lane qq. i take w first and just annoy him, when u get to 3 i think u have to chip him down everytime w come off cd with a w auto q auto combo then back off proc 2nd q and hit him with the 3rd q proc, if he tries to engage just e away and spam laught. dont go wriggles, two dorans is much better. if hes bad he will try to engage you and just waste mana and miss creeps. u cant fight him head to head in auto attacks even when ahead, u need to abuse the skills and rivens mobility. thats my take on the matchup but i dont have much experience vs udyr.
Really? I dunno... I think the extra sutain on wriggles in kind of really important. Udyr has much higher innate sustain, and if he gets wriggles then he just an unmovable brick. I dunno, unless you get to a point where you have double dorans and he doesn't have Wriggles yet you could force him to stay for XP/Free farm.
Rivens w range is higher than udyrs attack, when your w is up, be as aggressive as you want, saving your w for his engage. When w is on cd, play passively. It's pretty straightforward, you don't have to kill him to win the lane, but you definitely are able to with ganks
On March 18 2012 07:11 iCanada wrote: Really? I dunno... I think the extra sutain on wriggles in kind of really important. Udyr has much higher innate sustain, and if he gets wriggles then he just an unmovable brick. I dunno, unless you get to a point where you have double dorans and he doesn't have Wriggles yet you could force him to stay for XP/Free farm.
the bulk of lanedyrs damage is magic and u really should not eat tiger procs in lane. dorans make u much more tankier than wriggles vs udyr and potential ganks. sustain should not be a problem.
Riven vs Udyr is like Riven vs Garen. You just want to stay in lane and use the w to stop him from getting in on you. You're not going to win 1v1s so just try to harass a bit, and try to get him to spend his mana. Disengage him when he activates Tiger. Once he has used all his pots and is at 2/3rds you can go all-in on him with ultimate and ignite, but once he gets wriggles its a farm fest until junglers get involved.
So how do you guys like the new item on Riven? I've been playing against a lot of AP tops lately, especially Kennen, WW, Rumble, and I've grown extremely fond of it. Generally, I'll open boots 4 -> 2 Dorans -> NMM -> NMM -> Hexdrinker, getting Bloodthirster and Mercs and then, depending on the enemy teamcomp and who gets fed, Chain Vest and MoM or a straight GA into MoM.
The early MR is really good against those champions, the shield helps in clutch situations and has saved me numerous times against those Kennen/WW ults and later on, the combination of MoM and GA puts you up in the higher 160s. Combined with the amount of lifesteal you're going to sport, that's a crapload of EHP right there.
Also, since you'll probably end up getting focussed a lot, it has a really nice synergy with your ultimate, considering you'll probably not be at 100% HP when you end up using the execute move.
TL;DR: MoM pretty gud if the enemy runs double AP; amirite?
On March 16 2012 16:48 iCanada wrote: How does Riven lane vs Udyr?
That game just felt so unfair. I beat him level 1, then I just get out damaged so hard by like level 3. I couldn't have been outplayed that incredibly hard I don't think... he just killed me so easily and I couldn't put any damage out on him. By the time we both had wriggles it was even but after that it was just all Udyr all the time.
That was painful, I don't like losing lane qq.
If you have clairvoyance on your team and see that Udyr didn't start tiger than start dorans and beat him from level 1. If he starts tiger or you don't know what he is, then cloth 5 is your best bet. Farm passively versus tiger udyr until level 3 because at level 3 you can actually start harassing him and he won't be able to retaliate fast enough. At level 6 you gain the advantage heavily because you have your ultimate on him now. In an average Udyr lane I will finish off all his pots by level 7 and dive him around level 8 to 9.
goldfather8 is probably the best Riven player around, though Wikd may be better just because he's a more experienced and better general top laner.
So I have played excessive amounts of Riven during the last couple of days (goldfather8's guide on solomid stronk) and I think she's becoming one of my go-to champs. It's just sooooo nice being able to practice her in blind pick and get a numerous amount of different lanes and win them all.
How exactly is saint doing jungle riven now?
On March 24 2012 17:49 Shiv. wrote: So I have played excessive amounts of Riven during the last couple of days (goldfather8's guide on solomid stronk) and I think she's becoming one of my go-to champs. It's just sooooo nice being able to practice her in blind pick and get a numerous amount of different lanes and win them all.
that guide is pure gold, esp the details in lane matchups help so much, one of the best you can find on solomid. dyrus has also been playing a lot of riven on stream, saint is junglin with her on the korean server right now.
On March 25 2012 03:05 arb wrote: How exactly is saint doing jungle riven now?
not sure how saint does it 100%, but 21/9/0 starting q then w wraiths red gonk pretty standard. i personally love starting with dorans blade if i can get a good pull on red (otherwise boots 3), a lvl 2 gank on mid or top with rb you have crazy power. riven is a strong ganker and u should try to focus on it, be sure to tax the lane hard every time you pull off a successful one (many people bitch about it but riven scales so well its a sin when u dont do it). if im doing decent i get 2/3 dorans into bloodthirster ga, riven starts out kinda slow with clearing the camps but later on wraiths simply explode.
invading the enemy red and stealing it is also a good option as your lvl 1 is quite strong.
Dorans blade inital item? Since when did people do that? I need to catch up, badly.
Looks like saint vicious goes double dorans atmogs on his jungle riven.
The last few times I've seen it he's been mostly opening with dblade, but sometimes with boots pots He gets like 2-3 dblades then gets phage/bloodthirster. The recent games I've seen didn't go further than that, so idk how he would continue on building.