[Champion] Skarner - Page 4
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United States1817 Posts
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Denmark610 Posts
On October 28 2011 08:34 STS17 wrote: Thoughts on running AP or CDR blues for jungle skarner? gtr suggested AS blues for speed but I feel like you'd get more out of either of these. I'd test this myself but I don't have AS blues so I have no way to compare them I'm running cdr, cause that's my general jungle page, but if I didn't take cdr, I'd go MR. AP is okay on Skarner, but mr is just so great with your shield and all. I'm confident gtr is right about AS blues, since AS also gives you indirect cdr as in hitting stuff reduces your cd's. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I don't know what it is I'm doing wrong, but every single game out of 6 I have played on him (jungling) I think I've gotten like 0 or 1 kill. 5+ deaths. Can't gank worth a dick (especially when your teammates don't help; you can't even fucking reach your target without help). If you build Triforce first after wriggle's he is squishy as fuck and dies instantly. I haven't regretted buying a champion this much in a long time. I dunno SV/TOO make it work somehow but even after watching them I don't know what I'm doing wrong. | ||
Belgium2043 Posts
On October 31 2011 13:18 WaveofShadow wrote: Fuck this guy. I don't know what it is I'm doing wrong, but every single game out of 6 I have played on him (jungling) I think I've gotten like 0 or 1 kill. 5+ deaths. Can't gank worth a dick (especially when your teammates don't help; you can't even fucking reach your target without help). If you build Triforce first after wriggle's he is squishy as fuck and dies instantly. I haven't regretted buying a champion this much in a long time. I dunno SV/TOO make it work somehow but even after watching them I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I only casually play skarner, and have ok success with him, so take my advise with grain of salt. W followed by R then QQQ should be ok for most ganks, also i dont get how u die so much, i usaully build him fairly tanky and it should be easy since skarner is one of the fast at clearing jungle. | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 31 2011 13:18 WaveofShadow wrote: Fuck this guy. I don't know what it is I'm doing wrong, but every single game out of 6 I have played on him (jungling) I think I've gotten like 0 or 1 kill. 5+ deaths. Can't gank worth a dick (especially when your teammates don't help; you can't even fucking reach your target without help). If you build Triforce first after wriggle's he is squishy as fuck and dies instantly. I haven't regretted buying a champion this much in a long time. I dunno SV/TOO make it work somehow but even after watching them I don't know what I'm doing wrong. stop ganking at level 4 skarner won't lose a 1v1 if he has either buff, and especially not if he has both buffs so when you clear your jungle at 3:30, run immediately to opponent's wolves. take them. if he comes, kill him. if he doesn't, go take your wolves then his wraiths. if he comes, kill him. rinse and repeat. save your flash (or if you use it, use it pre-level 2) for level 6. W from brush, flash ult pull = free kill, 100% of the time. snowball from there build is razer -> boots -> wriggle's -> rageblade -> mercs -> negatron -> chainmail -> appropriate tank items -> triforce is not a part of this build from the jungle skarner is a master creepcamp clearer so it's extremely important after every gank or gank attempt to clear your whole jungle again so you can max your income. this is especially true for skarner because of 2 reasons: (1) your gank without your ult isn't ballin' as a baller, and (2) you can lower your ult CD by attacking creeps in teamfights if you catch someone out of position you have to W flash ult pull them into your team. if they initiate on you it's just best to lock down their AP or AD carry. teamfights come with practice they're definitely not intuitive like they are with amumu/udyr. once your ult is down, however, you just turn into sona. QEWQQQQQEQQQQEWQQQQQEQQQQEW use every spell on cooldown | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On October 31 2011 17:34 gtrsrs wrote: stop ganking at level 4 skarner won't lose a 1v1 if he has either buff, and especially not if he has both buffs so when you clear your jungle at 3:30, run immediately to opponent's wolves. take them. if he comes, kill him. if he doesn't, go take your wolves then his wraiths. if he comes, kill him. rinse and repeat. save your flash (or if you use it, use it pre-level 2) for level 6. W from brush, flash ult pull = free kill, 100% of the time. snowball from there build is razer -> boots -> wriggle's -> rageblade -> mercs -> negatron -> chainmail -> appropriate tank items -> triforce is not a part of this build from the jungle skarner is a master creepcamp clearer so it's extremely important after every gank or gank attempt to clear your whole jungle again so you can max your income. this is especially true for skarner because of 2 reasons: (1) your gank without your ult isn't ballin' as a baller, and (2) you can lower your ult CD by attacking creeps in teamfights if you catch someone out of position you have to W flash ult pull them into your team. if they initiate on you it's just best to lock down their AP or AD carry. teamfights come with practice they're definitely not intuitive like they are with amumu/udyr. once your ult is down, however, you just turn into sona. QEWQQQQQEQQQQEWQQQQQEQQQQEW use every spell on cooldown Haha appreciate the advice....let's see. Stop ganking at level 4....lol. Makes sense since his early gank is shit, but so counterintuitive to all the jungling I've been practicing/learning thus far. Especially since I don't trust my lanes to ever win on their own. Ever. Rageblade was the first thing I ever tried on him. Was even squishier than with Triforce, and lose MS/phage slow making ganking even harder. (Damage was decent, though loss of Sheen proc was pretty noticeable.) Also found that even with Q mana cost being so low, without blue buff he just eats through mana like nobody's business, leaving me with nothing a lot of the time. I did notice he clears camps insanely fast which is really great, ut every time I would go invade I could never make anything happen because: a) no help from team often making it 2v1 after I brought enemy jungler down to low health when their team came to help. b) getting one Q off doesn't proc slow so they get away. c) Skarner's damage is balls compared to like everyone early. AoE is great, but single target damage...ugh. As for teamfights, I seem to do ok there, but nothing is more frustrating than trying to ult someone and them running into fog or out of sight or out of range and it just fucking fizzling. Happens all the time. Short range bullshit. Ugh. I guess I'll keep trying because I don't want to give him up and people seem to think he's pretty good so it must be me. Inc 4 more 0-3-xx games. | ||
Belgium207 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On October 31 2011 17:34 gtrsrs wrote: stop ganking at level 4 skarner won't lose a 1v1 if he has either buff, and especially not if he has both buffs so when you clear your jungle at 3:30, run immediately to opponent's wolves. take them. if he comes, kill him. if he doesn't, go take your wolves then his wraiths. if he comes, kill him. rinse and repeat. save your flash (or if you use it, use it pre-level 2) for level 6. W from brush, flash ult pull = free kill, 100% of the time. snowball from there What are your thoughts on a rush-6 path then? Seeing as post-buff Skarner isn't blue dependent, it doesn't make sense to do a blue->minis clear when you're not looking to gank at 4. | ||
Germany88 Posts
Just do a full clear then gank when there is a chance to gank. If not just b and start clearing/counterjungling, you are a control not a ganking jungler. I go for Wriggels and Boots, everything after boots is purely situational, i really like shurelias on him because it helps a lot with initiations. Sheen is core, you dont need triforce too early. Viable items are fh, we, shurelias, triforce, fon, atmogs, gunblade, ga, aegis. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On November 01 2011 00:41 freezaa wrote: Personally i run MS quints on him, AS reds, armor yellow, mr blue. Go for movespeed and flash in utility, rest in def, one point in smite. Movespeed really helps with ganks, counterjungling, escaping, initiating. Just do a full clear then gank when there is a chance to gank. If not just b and start clearing/counterjungling, you are a control not a ganking jungler. I go for Wriggels and Boots, everything after boots is purely situational, i really like shurelias on him because it helps a lot with initiations. Sheen is core, you dont need triforce too early. Viable items are fh, we, shurelias, triforce, fon, atmogs, gunblade, ga, aegis. Tried this exact runeset once and I ended up very low in the jungle after a clear (had to hold off a bit and heal as well)---> much slower jungle. Better for ganking and CDR, but overall inferior to adding a little armor pen I think. Can't seem to find the right mix of AS/ArP/MS to be useful. Yango by quick to 6 you mean clear small camps-->(possible wolf/wraith/golem jack)-->b--> full clear? I must admit I haven't tried that due to Skarner's early blue dependence and my worry that not ganking early= failed lanes....I'll give that a shot as well. I dunno overall I can't seem to get past Skarner's glaring weaknesses for his strengths. I agree that he is control jungler >> ganking jungler but even with that camp clear speed and farming he is still MUCH more item dependent than other control junglers like Udyr for example, and is very weak until he gets 3 or so items, and even then not tanky until he picks up 4. (Turtle stance >>> Crystal shield) | ||
Canada349 Posts
usually rushing for gunblade, tri, sunfire | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 31 2011 22:14 WaveofShadow wrote: Haha appreciate the advice....let's see. Stop ganking at level 4....lol. Makes sense since his early gank is shit, but so counterintuitive to all the jungling I've been practicing/learning thus far. Especially since I don't trust my lanes to ever win on their own. Ever. Rageblade was the first thing I ever tried on him. Was even squishier than with Triforce, and lose MS/phage slow making ganking even harder. (Damage was decent, though loss of Sheen proc was pretty noticeable.) Also found that even with Q mana cost being so low, without blue buff he just eats through mana like nobody's business, leaving me with nothing a lot of the time. I did notice he clears camps insanely fast which is really great, ut every time I would go invade I could never make anything happen because: a) no help from team often making it 2v1 after I brought enemy jungler down to low health when their team came to help. b) getting one Q off doesn't proc slow so they get away. c) Skarner's damage is balls compared to like everyone early. AoE is great, but single target damage...ugh. As for teamfights, I seem to do ok there, but nothing is more frustrating than trying to ult someone and them running into fog or out of sight or out of range and it just fucking fizzling. Happens all the time. Short range bullshit. Ugh. I guess I'll keep trying because I don't want to give him up and people seem to think he's pretty good so it must be me. Inc 4 more 0-3-xx games. invading is all about understanding which opposing jungler you're playing against it sounds to me like the problems you're finding are just coming from lack of jungle experience, not from skarner. if your opponent is say, riven or pirate, who don't start blue as often as other junglers and clear a bit slower, you can go for their blue after your clear. if you're on the bottom half of the map, you just finished wraiths, you saw from initial CVs that enemy started wolves, and you feel an impending gank coming top lane, just bumrush their blue and take it. if they fail the gank AND you steal their blue, congratulations you just won the jungle. that's a crippling blow. if while you're finishing their blue, they fail the gank and start heading towards the blue, you pop a pot and wait in the brush with the last half of your red and a fresh blue courtesy of them, and they facecheck that brush? congrats you just won the game. if they blow flash to get away, don't chase - you're in enemy territory. you did your job now get out i do agree with you that ganking with skarner pre-6 is hard, but i also agree with manbearpig that you're doing it wrong. you rush in with W for the speed, pop Q on them the second you're in range, slow immediately with red, and then they will not escape without flash. if they pop flash, you aren't catching them, so don't tower dive or chase just disengage and go steal some more jungle. keep trying rageblade. yes it's a very offensive oriented item that will make you feel squishy, but no it's not comparable to triforce. first of all it's like half the cost so you can get rageblade + negatron + chainmail by the time you'd have triforce and that's your core so that's good. second of all once you have rageblade you are a dueling GOD because that AS and AP make your shield and heal come up constantly making you deceptively invincible. i agree with the ult bullshit. one of the most frustrating things is ulting when someone is below you on the screen. the range for a pointing-down-ult is so bullshit tiny that it's retarded. twice in my game against jatt+co, i went for ganks on voyboy, flashed literally on top of him and ulted, and it fizzled because due to the weird camera angle i only thought i was on top of him when really i was apparently 1091023948 range away. i was raging as for running out of mana, i don't find it to be true. Q is flat 15 mana always. rageblade gives you what, a 5s window to keep the charges up without resetting? 15 mp5 to keep it charged. skarner's regen is 6.45 + 0.45/level, you get rageblade by like level 9 or 10 or 11 usually, so you have anywhere from 10.5 to 11.4 mp5. so you're losing like 3-4mp5? that's 0.7 mana per second when you have a base pool of 600+. that's about 15 minutes of Q-spam before you go oom. don't spam your W and E out of combat, problem solved. On October 31 2011 23:38 TheYango wrote: What are your thoughts on a rush-6 path then? Seeing as post-buff Skarner isn't blue dependent, it doesn't make sense to do a blue->minis clear when you're not looking to gank at 4. i rush 6 by taking enemy camps. in order to feel safe in the enemy jungle i want both buffs. i did try a mini-camp -> full clear once and i just felt like it was more vulnerable to counterjungling and i had virtually no impact on the game. plus delaying your first blue means delaying your second blue which hurts your AP carry IMO also in case anyone is interested, you CAN start wolves before blue spawns, clear them and get to blue by 1:55 for an even faster jungle, but it does get you way lower and you clear SO fast that enemy camps won't even be respawned by the time you clear the jungle so you end up sitting in their jungle waiting for their camps at much lower HP and it's just not worth it IMO | ||
Canada31494 Posts
invading is all about understanding which opposing jungler you're playing against it sounds to me like the problems you're finding are just coming from lack of jungle experience, not from skarner. if your opponent is say, riven or pirate, who don't start blue as often as other junglers and clear a bit slower, you can go for their blue after your clear. if you're on the bottom half of the map, you just finished wraiths, you saw from initial CVs that enemy started wolves, and you feel an impending gank coming top lane, just bumrush their blue and take it. if they fail the gank AND you steal their blue, congratulations you just won the jungle. that's a crippling blow. if while you're finishing their blue, they fail the gank and start heading towards the blue, you pop a pot and wait in the brush with the last half of your red and a fresh blue courtesy of them, and they facecheck that brush? congrats you just won the game. if they blow flash to get away, don't chase - you're in enemy territory. you did your job now get out I will agree here that invading is not my strongest suit, but I also know that invading requires a certain amount of team map awareness that is usually a luxury in the games I tend to play and the people I tend to play with. Whatever, more practice here required for sure. i do agree with you that ganking with skarner pre-6 is hard, but i also agree with manbearpig that you're doing it wrong. you rush in with W for the speed, pop Q on them the second you're in range, slow immediately with red, and then they will not escape without flash. if they pop flash, you aren't catching them, so don't tower dive or chase just disengage and go steal some more jungle. I'm almost insulted here by the insinuation that I don't know how to gank. This isn't exactly my first rodeo, and also why I didn't respond to manbearpig. I am well aware of what should work, and what skills to use in what order, however wards are a huge preventative to getting within that 100 range that Skarner needs to successfully gank (or get the enemy to blow flash). Other champs often have something at range that helps them close distance/do damage; Skarner has absolutely nothing, so if the enemy isn't batshit retarded, you will never get near them pre-6. Even IF you somehow get to them pre-6 and they have flash down, the only way you're going to kill them is if they're having sex with your fucking turret. It takes forever for Skarner to kill anyone at low levels, and the chase distance to their turret is going to have to be huge in order for him to rack up enough to take down anybody. Post 6 is another story, but the only way you're getting in range for R-->QQQ is if you blow flash, and even then you gotta be on TOP of them. If they blow flash too (which often happens) it's a huge fucking waste and then you can't get close enough to anybody to ult until flash is up again or until a teamfight. keep trying rageblade. yes it's a very offensive oriented item that will make you feel squishy, but no it's not comparable to triforce. first of all it's like half the cost so you can get rageblade + negatron + chainmail by the time you'd have triforce and that's your core so that's good. second of all once you have rageblade you are a dueling GOD because that AS and AP make your shield and heal come up constantly making you deceptively invincible. Will try this again. i agree with the ult bullshit. one of the most frustrating things is ulting when someone is below you on the screen. the range for a pointing-down-ult is so bullshit tiny that it's retarded. twice in my game against jatt+co, i went for ganks on voyboy, flashed literally on top of him and ulted, and it fizzled because due to the weird camera angle i only thought i was on top of him when really i was apparently 1091023948 range away. i was raging as for running out of mana, i don't find it to be true. Q is flat 15 mana always. rageblade gives you what, a 5s window to keep the charges up without resetting? 15 mp5 to keep it charged. skarner's regen is 6.45 + 0.45/level, you get rageblade by like level 9 or 10 or 11 usually, so you have anywhere from 10.5 to 11.4 mp5. so you're losing like 3-4mp5? that's 0.7 mana per second when you have a base pool of 600+. that's about 15 minutes of Q-spam before you go oom. don't spam your W and E out of combat, problem solved. Definitely calling you out on this. If you're still clearing jungle after you pick up rageblade, hell whenever you're clearing jungle, you're spamming Q at a much faster rate than once every 5 seconds. Your autoattacks alone cause Q to come off cooldown faster, and then with rageblade, even faster. Q every 2-3 seconds is more the reality. Assuming you can spam Q twice every 5 seconds (which you can, especially with rageblade) then you're losing 30mp/5 while gaining only 10-11. 600 - 20per5 = 2 and a half minutes of Q spam to be out of mana. And that's if you NEVER use E for sustain or W for speed boost/attack speed. How can you jungle successfully pre-rageblade if not using W or E at all? And f you're telling me to slow down to conserve mana, then Skarner's farm slows down, and he becomes shittier. On October 31 2011 23:38 TheYango wrote: Show nested quote + What are your thoughts on a rush-6 path then? Seeing as post-buff Skarner isn't blue dependent, it doesn't make sense to do a blue->minis clear when you're not looking to gank at 4. i rush 6 by taking enemy camps. in order to feel safe in the enemy jungle i want both buffs. i did try a mini-camp -> full clear once and i just felt like it was more vulnerable to counterjungling and i had virtually no impact on the game. plus delaying your first blue means delaying your second blue which hurts your AP carry IMO also in case anyone is interested, you CAN start wolves before blue spawns, clear them and get to blue by 1:55 for an even faster jungle, but it does get you way lower and you clear SO fast that enemy camps won't even be respawned by the time you clear the jungle so you end up sitting in their jungle waiting for their camps at much lower HP and it's just not worth it IMO So essentially learn to invade better. That I know is a glaring weakness in my jungling (that and CV spots) so I will work on that. The other stuff though....I dunno. | ||
United States9109 Posts
On November 01 2011 01:54 WaveofShadow wrote: I'm almost insulted here by the insinuation that I don't know how to gank. This isn't exactly my first rodeo, and also why I didn't respond to manbearpig. I am well aware of what should work, and what skills to use in what order, however wards are a huge preventative to getting within that 100 range that Skarner needs to successfully gank (or get the enemy to blow flash). Other champs often have something at range that helps them close distance/do damage; Skarner has absolutely nothing, so if the enemy isn't batshit retarded, you will never get near them pre-6. Even IF you somehow get to them pre-6 and they have flash down, the only way you're going to kill them is if they're having sex with your fucking turret. It takes forever for Skarner to kill anyone at low levels, and the chase distance to their turret is going to have to be huge in order for him to rack up enough to take down anybody. Post 6 is another story, but the only way you're getting in range for R-->QQQ is if you blow flash, and even then you gotta be on TOP of them. If they blow flash too (which often happens) it's a huge fucking waste and then you can't get close enough to anybody to ult until flash is up again or until a teamfight. lanebrush ganks are especially effective on skarner. you can circumvent wards by taking different routes. if you want to gank top and you're blue team and know that their river is warded but tribrush isn't, do this: head through their wraith entrance, skirt the outside of their red, and go through tribrush to get behind them additionally, you can just tell your teammate to initiate and make the opponent commit, ESPECIALLY if the opponent will win the exchange. the second the opponent has used his CC on your teammate, jump in and garen-teed kill the first time you gank post-6, you'll flash ult and definitely get the pull because they won't expect it. every time after, as soon as you zoom into the lane with W they will flash away so you can't kill them. gank successful. don't even try anything else. Definitely calling you out on this. If you're still clearing jungle after you pick up rageblade, hell whenever you're clearing jungle, you're spamming Q at a much faster rate than once every 5 seconds. Your autoattacks alone cause Q to come off cooldown faster, and then with rageblade, even faster. Q every 2-3 seconds is more the reality. Assuming you can spam Q twice every 5 seconds (which you can, especially with rageblade) then you're losing 30mp/5 while gaining only 10-11. 600 - 20per5 = 2 and a half minutes of Q spam to be out of mana. And that's if you NEVER use E for sustain or W for speed boost/attack speed. How can you jungle successfully pre-rageblade if not using W or E at all? And f you're telling me to slow down to conserve mana, then Skarner's farm slows down, and he becomes shittier. rageblade's AS combined with wriggles procs and lifesteal means that you don't need to touch W or E in the jungle once you have both. Q is optional but since it's free you might as well use it. i thought you were talking about keeping up stacks in between ganks, which is why i was showing it was easily done | ||
United States10536 Posts
I'm of a similar opinion to ManBearPig regarding Skarner's pre-6 ganks. They may not be Rammus level, but they're strong enough to force a Flash at the very least. Skarner's post-6 ganks are absurdly strong. At the very least any situation where a ward halts Skarner gank most other junglers would also be thwarted. Skarner's strength is that he is simultaneously a strong control jungler on par with Phoenix Udyr, and a strong ganking jungler on par with Tiger Udyr (better post-6). I don't find items to be an issue unless I royally screw up and go 0-3 or worse. Even then Skarner remains a perfectly good carry protector with his spammable AoE slow, ult, and 1v1 strength. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
Tribrush ganks are nice and all, but what I said about enemy hugging your turret still stands. On your own you don't do nearly enough damage to kill anyone or even damage them much if they're in the middle of their lane. As far as ally help, I had one game with an Irelia where we successfully ganked Renekton twice. That's it. No other game out of the 6-7 I have played had an ally who assisted me with ganks, so nothing was accomplished. That's why I'm so frustrated with his ganking. Without a proper cc initiation (ie Irelia's stun/slow in this case) A pre-6 Skarner gank is absolutely useless. In any case, I think my points have been belaboured enough here; SOMEBODY here is going to play a game with me later to outline what's going wrong then. I'm so sick of hearing how strong he is then failing. (Lookin' at you, gtr) | ||
United States9109 Posts
i'm in the process of moving right now and i probably won't have internet again until wednesday but just hit me up in-client next time we're both on and i'll show you | ||
United States176 Posts
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Germany88 Posts
On November 01 2011 01:06 WaveofShadow wrote: Tried this exact runeset once and I ended up very low in the jungle after a clear (had to hold off a bit and heal as well)---> much slower jungle. Better for ganking and CDR, but overall inferior to adding a little armor pen I think. Can't seem to find the right mix of AS/ArP/MS to be useful. [...] With a good leash you go out with a good amount of HP. But the Speed with ArPen will surely be faster, cant try that though. I dont have ArPen Quints yet ![]() | ||
United States1817 Posts
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