But I suppose I just like to be hella tanky. Maybes thats why I feel kinda useless with Skarner. Lol.
[Champion] Skarner - Page 20
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Canada10660 Posts
But I suppose I just like to be hella tanky. Maybes thats why I feel kinda useless with Skarner. Lol. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
now you've got your slow on a long ass cooldown skillshot instead of a point blank AOE, that will never be used twice in a gank. so not only is it harder to hit, but it also doesn't give anywhere near the sticking power. and you can't even skill it up first without gimping your clear and damage. then you have your W movespeed which they want you to think is better by making the tooltip percentages bigger numbers, but is probably even worse mobility because half of the shields duration (you know the half you actually get to use before it's popped) is spent "ramping up" to full speed. and with your slow and your damage split between Q and E now, can you even level up W second to keep it from being destroyed faster than before? you are either going to have a garbage slow or a garbage shield/ms buff for a long ass portion of the game. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
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Australia1541 Posts
Which is strange, the majority of people responding to his rework during tests were negative about the direction of the rework, Rito pls. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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Netherlands4122 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
the attack speed buff on Q is frustrating too, by the time it gets fully stacked a jungle camp is one or two autos from dying anyway, and that's on a stationary target. at least when it was on your shield you got noticeably more uptime as you leveled and your shield lasted longer. it's also borderline useless for taking down towers now since you need to hit creeps with your Q to stack/refresh it. even lategame after you get past the horrors of his new skill leveling they removed a decent amount of power in the form of his E heal without strengthening anything else to make up for it. it just seems like they took so much strength out of his kit and all you get in return is his ult being almost as strong as it used to be. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
No one ever got his E when was popular, you got more eHP from leveling the shield. The idea is to give him three useful skills. | ||
United States1945 Posts
On February 13 2014 05:55 iCanada wrote: His E heal never was good. No one ever got his E when was popular, you got more eHP from leveling the shield. The idea is to give him three useful skills. lategame his E heal was better than nothing, and nothing is exactly what he got in exchange for having it removed from his kit. the idea may have been to give him 3 useful skills, but the implementation worked out to give him 3 mediocre skills instead of 2 good ones. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On February 13 2014 05:55 iCanada wrote: His E heal never was good. No one ever got his E when was popular, you got more eHP from leveling the shield. The idea is to give him three useful skills. i thought people didnt even level his E because it was literally that worthless lol, like pre remake tiger stance on udyr? | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On February 13 2014 08:10 arb wrote: i thought people didnt even level his E because it was literally that worthless lol, like pre remake tiger stance on udyr? It was that useless, no reason for it. Late game or in a duel it did less damage and you got a flat rate heal designed to clear the jungle, not fight high level champions. Shield gave you more eHP fighting jungle, and the run speed was far better at ganks than the mediocre nuke and heal. Mourning the loss of heal is just naive. Then giving skarner three useful skills is a good thing, allows much more ability to be tweaked. That being said, I think a skill shot slow is a touch weak. Should be at least a snare. EDIT: The more I play Skarner, the more I feel like his clear time is absolutely phenomenal. Blue>Wolves>Wraiths>Red>Golems is done by 3:22 in game time without any obnoxious play on Skarners part. Phoenix Udyr, for comparisons sake takes 3:29 to finish the same route, and uses more HP and mana to do so. Skarner is a rock in his jungle, getting attack speed on his Q instead of his W means it has significantly more uptime on jungle camps. It also means once he has items he can clear out camps with only a couple Qs because his base AD is actually the highest in the game. Speaking of highest base AD in the game, I'd actually bet he could farm like Golem + Boots2 + Triforce in a reasonable amount of time and just tool kids (although, I havn't actually tried). Certainly Golem + Boots2 + Sheen + Giants belt is attainable. And thats if no one is gankable, becasue ranged slow + root on ult now means he should have a free kill on Ult CD, which if you're farming well is actually rather minimal. I think new Skarner is better than old Skarner, after having played a few games on him. He feels good, actually. I do think the slow should be longer though. | ||
United States6736 Posts
On February 13 2014 08:37 iCanada wrote: It was that useless, no reason for it. Late game or in a duel it did less damage and you got a flat rate heal designed to clear the jungle, not fight high level champions. Shield gave you more eHP fighting jungle, and the run speed was far better at ganks than the mediocre nuke and heal. Mourning the loss of heal is just naive. Then giving skarner three useful skills is a good thing, allows much more ability to be tweaked. That being said, I think a skill shot slow is a touch weak. Should be at least a snare. EDIT: The more I play Skarner, the more I feel like his clear time is absolutely phenomenal. Blue>Wolves>Wraiths>Red>Golems is done by 3:22 in game time without any obnoxious play on Skarners part. Phoenix Udyr, for comparisons sake takes 3:29 to finish the same route, and uses more HP and mana to do so. Skarner is a rock in his jungle, getting attack speed on his Q instead of his W means it has significantly more uptime on jungle camps. It also means once he has items he can clear out camps with only a couple Qs because his base AD is actually the highest in the game. Speaking of highest base AD in the game, I'd actually bet he could farm like Golem + Boots2 + Triforce in a reasonable amount of time and just tool kids (although, I havn't actually tried). Certainly Golem + Boots2 + Sheen + Giants belt is attainable. And thats if no one is gankable, becasue ranged slow + root on ult now means he should have a free kill on Ult CD, which if you're farming well is actually rather minimal. I think new Skarner is better than old Skarner, after having played a few games on him. He feels good, actually. I do think the slow should be longer though. How do you skill the new skarner? lvl 4 value point in the E or the W? | ||
Sarah Bryant
United Kingdom160 Posts
i feel that he's pretty good and fun...but he lacks anything that will make him stand out. | ||
France1905 Posts
He is so underwhelming with no slow on his Q .... Now u have to take E so u have to rank one point into it and so u have one less point into shield. you are not as tanky anymore nor as fast. Also the shield now is not an immediate boost but slowly increase.... It's bad, skarner should not be like rammus. when you have a movement spell this short you should get the effect right away some people feel than the new skarner is better than the old skarner because they don't take into account the spirit stone change. Now skarner in the jungle is like amumu, you will never be out of mana and you will sustain eventually. Skarner wasn't as good as other jungler with 3 spell so i thought if they added a new one (some passive/active spell) he could become good but now he has 4 spell and STILL bad. I guess now they can tweak the numbers ... sight | ||
Germany431 Posts
His E is still so bad you can't max it first and you have zero sticking power without Iceborne Gauntlet. He also goes OOM even faster outside of the jungle as you now have to use E for ganks and It cost like half your manabar. The most satisfying thing about skarner was the perma slow after all, being either an unstoppable machine if fed or the best peeler in the game. It was really rewarding to make that 10/1 renekton suffer and unable to reach your carry. Now they just removed it, because "antifun" (meanwhile yasuo ults you from offscreen). They pretty much took skarners core play and smashed it against the wall, giving us another generic bruiser. He's just a worse olaf minus the ultimate. Not to mention his ult is still bugged and lets people escape easily. There goes one of my favourites, rest in peace. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
He just doesn't stick to people. I think he was better before. | ||
United States1864 Posts
a skillshot slow with no gap closer feels so underwhelming.... | ||
1656 Posts
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Sweden492 Posts
Built him like the best players do but if I play like almost any other jungler. I clear faster, have less sustain issues, don't have to cry for help whenever I'm counter jungled & farm a lot more champs. Have watched Nightblu3 trying and crying. Seems you need to be a special kind of breed to make skarner work. Maybe it helps if you enjoy losing and getting flamed by team mates ;-) | ||
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