On February 22 2014 07:13 oZe wrote: I have no clue how LastSkarnerNA is able to be diamond one maining this pile of shit. Picked him up a few months ago because I wanted to play something you don't see everyday. Played a few games cried uncle and went back to ez mode junglers. Got my hopes up for the rework. Played a few games and cried again.
Built him like the best players do but if I play like almost any other jungler. I clear faster, have less sustain issues, don't have to cry for help whenever I'm counter jungled & farm a lot more champs.
Have watched Nightblu3 trying and crying. Seems you need to be a special kind of breed to make skarner work. Maybe it helps if you enjoy losing and getting flamed by team mates ;-)
Skarner is a good champ with good tools...it's just that top junglers's tools are better and they are [much]easier to win with as a result. Put some work into him and you will win just as much with slight outplay.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Which means that his tools are bad in comparison and he is a bad champ in comparison. So Id say that the word bad describes him a lot better than the word good. I personally still dont level E until lvl8, even if you do take 1 point at lvl4 its still just like 30% slow for 2.5, pretty pathetic, better get more mspeed and survivability from W levels for when you hit lvl6 imo.
I dunno, he just seems really bad.
Its like all he does is be irrelevant and farm fast.
His slow is the key to making him be anything that isn't hot garbage, especially since they nerfed his W, and his slow is hot garbage. So what you have is just a bad champion.
Doesn't matter if you have more gold than enemy jungler, they teamfight better, have better objective control, and actually have the threat of ganking someone who isn't dumb.
Its like playing a stunless Udyr without a spammable move speed increase and shield. There is literally 0 reason to pick Skarner over Udyr.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
I'm pretty sure this champ is ass. The speedup on W blows and the slow blocks cock.
On February 25 2014 00:52 iCanada wrote: I dunno, he just seems really bad.
Its like all he does is be irrelevant and farm fast.
His slow is the key to making him be anything that isn't hot garbage, especially since they nerfed his W, and his slow is hot garbage. So what you have is just a bad champion.
Doesn't matter if you have more gold than enemy jungler, they teamfight better, have better objective control, and actually have the threat of ganking someone who isn't dumb.
Its like playing a stunless Udyr without a spammable move speed increase and shield. There is literally 0 reason to pick Skarner over Udyr.
This. While udyr might not have the ult(which is often very disappointing) he can atleast do something beside just farming his own jungle. If i want a gamebreaking anti carry ult, why shouldnt i pick vi?
Skarner is outclassed in every area by other junglers. Unless you ban every other top tier jungler, there is no reason at all to pick skarner. Old skarner could atleast provide a constant aoe slow once he actually got in(especially dangerous in pre-6 counterganks). Now everybody sees him coming and....doesnt give a fuck lol What were they even thinking giving him a speed boost that ramps up?
got around to testing this guy while all already stated complaints are valid the attack speed buff on his Q is poorly designed as well. The only way to keep the buff up between camps is by tanking red around the corner next to wraiths or wolves as close as possible to blue buff. The attack speed buff also cannot proc off of structures meaning the only other thing an attack speed boost on a melee character would be good for, also does not work efficiently.
I can't see any reason to pick this champion compared to the old version which was possibly top tier with the new jungle fist giving mana if only we had gotten more than like 2 weeks to work with it.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Im not sure what you mean by tanking red around the corner? You can keep stacks between Wight-Blue-Wolves and Wraits-Red-Golems (and the other way around). You mean you can keep stacks from red to wolves?
On February 26 2014 10:45 Scip wrote: Im not sure what you mean by tanking red around the corner? You can keep stacks between Wight-Blue-Wolves and Wraits-Red-Golems (and the other way around). You mean you can keep stacks from red to wolves?
I mean exactly that, you can only keep it from major buffs to the next small camp by tanking it as close as possible to the next.
def not from top side to bot side lol, even tanking wolves in the intersection you have to hit q as you arrive at blue to not drop.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Yeah, I dont think trying to keep stacks from red to wolves is worth. Too troublesome.
if nothing else the mechanic makes your old comparison of SKarner and the Pony feel like a premonition of sorts
New Skarner is just so weird.
Fills no niche, doesn't even make sense in any situation. Only reason to pick him is for his ult... only thing with his ult is that it literally has no synergy in any facet of play; In soloqueue you team doesn't have the coordination to burst a target you ult unless it an idiot proof fight already (ie, 3v1 or something), and in arranged play there is no way a skarner can do anything aside from feel with ult for an AD.
Honestly, new Skarner is Warwick that scales poorly and has a melee range ult.
So useless. They buff the 3 second slow from 30% to 45%... not nearly enough. Needs a significantly longer duration as well, otherwise its pointless as you'll never stick.
the worst champion right now. By a large margin.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Replayed Scorpion earlier this week. Feels okay, but nothing special. Clears pretty well with Spectral Wraith and slow feels slightly better than before. But the movement speed on W blows cock now.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Why go Spectal Wraith when you can go Lizard Elder? His AD ratios are a lot better than AP ones, and Lizard Elder got better build path.
On March 03 2014 22:59 Scip wrote: Why go Spectal Wraith when you can go Lizard Elder? His AD ratios are a lot better than AP ones, and Lizard Elder got better build path. how do you figure a 0.8 ratio on 30 AD is better than a 2.9 ratio on 80 AP?
i guess the 30 ad does outdamage the ap if you only use Q, breakeven point is a 4th Q (to overcome first ad-only Q) with a fully stacked spectral wraith. so i guess for mana efficient clearing elder lizard does come out clearly ahead with the passive dot.
if you are doing anything else though the ap ratios on his 3 other skills seem fairly significant.
a) aspd buff/building ad increases aa damage. b) you dont cast your ult every engagement/camp nor do you cast all of your abilities c) you cast your q in every engagement/camp. It has a low cooldown, you cast it multiple times. Other CD's are large.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
W scaling isnt that important now that it doesn't grant attack speed. The E and R ratios get easily outdone by the burn passive that is applied by your Q also. Autoattack damage is not negligable and as you mentioned, less mana intensive clear.
Ill just further point out how very fallacious indeed it is to count all his ratios and add them together and say "those are his ratios". His Q cd is 3.5s and so that ratio is way more important than any other he has.